Unleash Your Feminine Power in 7 Weeks &
Step Into Your Destiny in 2017!
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Do you ever get the feeling that there is an unsung song inside of you…a calling and a soul potential that is uniquely yours?
If so, then you are an awakening woman who probably not only senses that the world is at a turning point, but that there is a profound and meaningful role for you to play in shaping our collective future—and you are right!
However, like many awakening women, you may also feel overwhelmed by this calling and uncertain about the steps you need to take to realize your full potential so you can play that vital role.
I also suspect you’re experiencing a confusing and frustrating gap between the rich possibilities you sense for your life and what you have thus far been able to manifest in your outer reality.
For example, perhaps you…
- Feel somewhat anxious or depressed in spite of being a conscious, committed, and caring person who has worked on herself for many years
- Find yourself over-giving and over-doing, feeling frequently depleted by the myriad demands upon you, in spite of your best efforts to create a balanced life
- Long for deeper, more authentic connections with others in spite of many years of working to better your relationships
- Yearn for an intimate partner who matches your passion for life and is your equal in every way—someone who shares your values and vision to create a better world
- Feel alone and under-supported to bring forth the fullness of the contribution you know you have to make, in spite of having good friends in your life
- Feel pulled to express your gifts and talents in ways that will make a difference, but have no idea how to realize your deeper potentials
- Feel called to begin a new project or career that’s about service and contribution, but don’t know exactly what it might look like or how to support yourself in the meantime
- Feel excited when you break through old patterns in the moment, yet disheartened and confused when you get knocked back into old patterns
- Are deeply disturbed by the state of our world, yet feel overwhelmed, confused and powerless to tackle such large problems and pain when you still haven’t entirely solved your own…
If you’re having any of these experiences or yearnings, the good news is that you’re not alone. Most awakening women are feeling this way.
It was certainly my own personal experience before I discovered how to access Feminine Power, and I’ve seen it firsthand in the thousands of women I’ve worked with since.
Most of us have been working on ourselves for years to have better relationships, to create a deeper sense of purpose and meaning, and to accomplish worthwhile goals in life. And while we’ve made slow and steady progress over the years, we still feel restless for something more…
Why is it that—in spite of all our accomplishments and years of personal and spiritual growth work—we haven’t been able to access the power we need to truly flourish and thrive in life?
Most of us think that the reason we’ve been unable to bring forth the fullness of our potentials for love, creative self-expression, and great contribution is because we don’t have enough money, time, support, education, or knowledge. Yet the truth is this:
We have not yet awakened to the kind of power we need to create those things we most deeply yearn for.
The fact that we’re still struggling to have vibrant relationships and create meaningful, inspired lives is not a personal failure. It’s actually a collective problem we’re facing together, symptomatic of the larger evolutionary story we are living as women born at an extraordinary and pivotal time in human history.
The restlessness we’re feeling is a critical calling—a compelling impulse that is urging us to evolve the ways in which we have been trying to access the power we need to begin living the lives we intuitively sense we were born to live.
The Power Paradox Every Awakening Woman Experiences…
The power we’ve been mastering for the last 50 years has been a masculine version of power.
Until now, power has been defined exclusively in masculine terms. If you look up the word “power” in the dictionary, the definition given is the ability “to do, to act, to accomplish, to wield command or control over others.”
This masculine power system has given us the miracles of science and the marvels of industry. It has enabled us to create an unprecedented standard of living and have opportunities beyond our grandmothers’ wildest dreams.
It was a brilliant strategy for us to collectively take on mastering the masculine power system some 50 years ago, to level the playing field between men and women and emancipate ourselves from the tyranny of oppression.
Though there is still a long way to go, especially on a global scale, we have become the most autonomous, free, independent, educated, and powerful generation of women in recorded history.
In fact, the yearnings we have for self-expression, spiritual partnership, creativity and contribution are high quality problems we’re now navigating as a result of our unprecedented success at mastering power in the masculine.
It’s an odd paradox that the kind of power that has brought us to this point is not the power that we now need to move forward.
Indeed, if we look at what’s missing from our lives and from our world, we can see that the things we most deeply desire—such as love, intimacy, connection, belonging, creativity, self-expression, aliveness, meaning, purpose, contribution, and a brighter future for generations to come—can’t be created with a system of power based on control, analysis, and logical, linear thinking. Nor can they be executed with a strategic plan.
To create these things we most deeply long for—to produce a rich outer life that does not necessitate the loss of inner connection—we need to cultivate a new system of power, a Feminine Power.
A New Kind Of Feminine Power
While many people are speaking about a return of the feminine, it is both a return and an evolution of the feminine that holds the key to our personal power and planetary transformation.
The feminine of our recent and ancient past, however healing and nourishing, is insufficient to empower us to create those things that are critical for our personal and collective future.
For the feminine to become a source of power from which we can create the future of our lives and the future of our world, it needs to be consciously evolved through us.
We need to awaken and cultivate a new, co-creative, Feminine Power that integrates and includes all the gains of masculine power, giving us access to a kind of co-creativity we’ve never seen in our recorded history.
Most of us have had few or no models for this kind of Feminine Power and have no idea where to start to begin to cultivate it.
How Do We Source Feminine Power?
In our pioneering work with thousands of women, we’ve discovered and developed the specific principles, practices and tools that awaken Feminine Power.
The source of authentic power to bring forth your best life, express the fullness of your creativity, and have the biggest impact in the world is within you—just waiting to be awakened and unleashed.
Join us for our 7-Week Online Course, Feminine Power: The Essential Course for the Awakening Woman, where we’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of unleashing the power to change your life, realize your destiny, and transform the world!
What Participants Are Saying…
Click the play button below to hear from some course graduates.
Hear More From Our Graduates
“My experience of life has been magically shifted through my participation in this course. I’m reframing my understanding of relationships as a powerful tool for growth and joyfully reconnecting with a deeper knowledge that life itself supports me. More than that, I recently self-reflected on the woman that I now know myself to be becoming, and for the first time in my life, I was able to say to myself, ‘I love this woman.'”— Stacey, Hobe Sound, Florida
“I am so grateful for the authentic, profound, deep work we have done in the Feminine Power Course. The weekly sessions have been profound and life changing for me… We are the conscious creators of the futures of our lives as women, and this is where we move forward in our journey… I am no longer a ‘passive observer’ of my own life, but I am pulled by my possibilities! … This has been a delicious experience that I wish would not end!”— Cheryl, Youngstown, Ohio
“When I was listening to the first call, I found myself in tears in the middle of the call: I felt like I had come home. I felt as if I had come full circle but not back to the same space, but at a level where what I originally wanted and started out to do would now come to fruition.”— Darlene, USA
“Feminine Power… an unprecedented generative opportunity to learn, shift, expand and validate the transforming effects of your inner and outer work.”— Isandra, Peru
“Feminine Power validates so many of the thoughts and senses I have had for years around where our authentic power comes from. I have had many profound insights from the weekly exercises that have led to nothing short of a transformed relationship with my own life. Claire is really onto something. With the shift that is going on in the world we desperately need the qualities and principles of the feminine to guide us through these challenging times. This program is not about making the masculine wrong or getting rid of it. Masculine power is valuable too. We need to integrate and bring about balance so that the feminine has a voice that is valued, cultivated and honored in the world…I highly recommend this to any woman who is interested in finding and listening to her own inner voice. Your life will be transformed and you will feel the self-esteem that is your birthright! Rock on, women of the world!”— Robin, Palm Desert, California
“Thank you SO MUCH for your wisdom, personal sharing and role modeling of how to co-create with life. I will truly be sorry to see this course end. It has been a highlight of my life. I look forward to listening to the calls over and over as each time I do I get some new insight.”— Jennifer, Lodi, California
“It has been an immense joy to connect with women from all over the world giving and receiving support in realizing our dreams. I feel an added strength and a desire to work with patterns that are not self-serving. And, the course is so affordable!”— LK, Los Angeles, California
“I am now able to communicate more constructively and to generate success in every area of my life. I know now how to source the truth from my power centers and be well supported – by myself, by all the beautiful women in my small group and by everyone close to me. In this course I enjoyed being on this ‘cushion of care’ that Claire and her amazing team provided for us…everything was easy to put into practice and easy to access.”— Julia, Konstanz, Germany
“I have deeply appreciated the breadth and depth of Claire’s course. I welcome the call to women everywhere to awaken to a new evolutionary role at this crucial time of choice. My deep gratitude to Claire for having developed her own being and her teaching skills to the point where she can transmit her nsights to thousands of women worldwide, giving us a vision of a new and conscious evolutionary role.”— Anne, United Kingdom
“I am willing to take the next steps, as the fear is no longer powerful enough to frighten, stop, or hold back the desire of this energy within me to move forward.”— Cassandra, Southern California
In Our 7-Week Feminine Power Online Course You Will:
- Understand your own personal journey inside of our larger, collective story of human becoming, to make new sense of your own lived experience.
- Discover the source of Feminine Power within yourself, and begin accessing the power you need to realize your highest flourishing and thriving in every area of your life.
- Master and embody the 3 Power Centers of Feminine Power so that you can live your most deeply fulfilled and wildly inspired life.
- Learn to transform your limiting beliefs at their core and finally be liberated from the tenacious tyranny of the past, becoming free to unleash your highest potentials in life, love and livelihood.
- Discover your true and impassioned purpose in life and begin magically manifesting all the support you need to fulfill it.
- Understand the keys to creating ecstatic intimacy and wellbeing in all of your relationships, and begin living in a continual state of connection and communion with those you love.
- Embody your authentic feminine radiance as a celebration and affirmation of life, and effortlessly begin attracting those things that make life worth living—such as authentic love, community, and a deep sense of belonging to something greater than yourself.
- Learn to co-create with a dynamically alive field of life filled with possibilities, magic and miracles, and restore a sense of creativity, eros and playfulness to your everyday experience.
- Awaken to yourself as a dynamic, inspired agent of change and learn how to powerfully co-create the future of our world in a way that is uniquely yours to offer.
Module 1
Awakening Your Feminine Power
Discover how to source limitless power to create those things you care most about in life, true love, authentic intimacy, a sense of belonging, and the ability to unleash your unique gifts and contributions into the world
- Awaken to the deeper meaning of your life, and begin co-creating a future that lights you up and passionately ignites and inspires your creativity
- Discover how to access and begin harnessing the 3 Power Centers of authentic Feminine Power to cause the full flourishing of life for yourself and others
- Integrate and assimilate the gifts of masculine power we’ve learned along the way, evolving what it is to hold power in a way that fosters goodness, care and well being in our lives and in our world
- Discover how to partner and co-create with the Greater Field of Life such that you continually experience synchronicity, magic and miracles in your life
- Connect with and begin harnessing the secret power of the collective field to become the woman you were born to become
Module 2
Power Center #1 – The Power to Transform Your Life
Learn to relate to your experience in a way that gives you unprecedented power to graduate beyond the patterns of your past, no matter how deeply ingrained they’ve been
- Learn to connect with the parts of yourself that are holding the emotional centers of your most difficult core beliefs in ways that are sure to catalyze your growth and evolution beyond them
- Awaken to how life is happening through you rather than to you, understanding the myths and truths about yourself as the source of your experience in order to become the master of your own destiny
- Have an embodied experience of the deeper truth of who you are and what is truly possible in your life and begin generating a life that reflects this truth back to you everywhere you go
- Learn how to have an empowered relationship with your feelings and emotions in order to avoid the pitfalls of where you’ve been stopped in life before now
- Discover how to transform the self-defeating ways you’ve been showing up in your life, and powerfully begin generating new and life-affirming ways of engaging with yourself, others, and the world around you
Module 3
Power Center #2 – The Power to Realize Your Destiny
Experience a deep and profound sense of belonging to all of Creation, and awaken to an inner awareness of being loved by all of Life
- Learn how to access the limitless support and resources of the Universe with an authentic confidence and faith to bring forth the fulfillment of your greatest potentials
- Discover why feeling into our deepest desires from our “Power Center” is vital to becoming magnetic to their fulfillment
- Learn how to magically co-create all that you most deeply desire in partnership with the creative energies of Life itself
- Come to trust your inner compass to guide all of your actions in order to realize the fulfillment of your own unique destiny
- Learn to use setbacks, delays, obstacles and disappointments to catapult you toward the highest possibilities of your life
- Become a powerful vehicle for the goodness and beauty of life to express itself through you and be an active agent of evolution in the world
Module 4
Power Center #3 – The Power to Change the World
- The essential differences between ordinary friendships and evolutionary partnerships, and why you absolutely must up-level your relationships in order to realize the greatest possibilities of your life
- Why playing the biggest game you can imagine is imperative for your success in life
- Why you can only become your authentic self and take your rightful place in the world inside of a field of empowered relationship with others
- The true purpose of all of your relationships, and how to begin generating mutually empowered partnerships that will lift and inspire you toward making your greatest contributions
- The secrets to creating ecstatic intimacy and deepened connection with others that will support you to come into the full expression of your power in the world
- How to master the art of generating extraordinary soulfulness, authentic care, and relatedness wherever you are
- How to collaborate and create with others to unleash limitless co-creativity to fulfill your mutual potentials
Module 5
Awakening Feminine Radiance
Discover the source of your true value and fall deeply and deliciously in love with yourself
- Experience a sense of safety and authentic confidence to shine your unique feminine radiance brightly into the world
- Learn how radiance is different from classical ideas about beauty, and discover the freedom to express and embody your own unique radiance fully, in spite of any physical imperfections you may believe you have
- Awaken your body to a radical experience of ecstatic aliveness, and begin experiencing a sweet sense of pleasure in the simple, ordinary moments of your life
- Learn the differences between being a woman and being a little girl and experience a new sense of authentic power in your romantic relationships
- Discover how to express the fullness of your power in ways that are magnetic to men and evoke their service, devotion, support and honor
- Learn why authentic self-expression is essential to fulfilling the higher purpose of our romantic unions, and begin experiencing deep, dynamic and ecstatic love and partnership
- Learn to celebrate the power and unique radiance of all women, encouraging your sisters everywhere to rise to the fullness of who they are, and experiencing that level of support in return
Module 6
Creating the Future of Your Life
Become thoroughly and radically alive inside of a commitment to stand for the realization of your potentials in a way you may never have done before
- Understand why life responds to who we are being, more than to what we are doing and how this is the secret to generating a magical field of synchronicity and support for all you are up to in life
- Learn to source your sense of self from the future instead of from the present or the past, and why living from this center is critical to manifesting the life you are committed to creating
- Begin living in preparation for the future you are standing for, rather than attempting to fix the past, and catapult your process of rapid, lasting transformation
- Start generating structures to receive the future you desire, weaving a magnetic field to support the fulfillment of your desires
- Learn the key to generating unparalleled support from others and from Life to fully blossom, flourish and thrive
- Learn how to live on the ever-emerging edge of creative possibility
Module 7
Activating Your Leadership to Create Our Brightest Future
Awaken to yourself as the very creative energy of the Life Force itself, and begin unleashing your magic upon the world
- Understand yourself as an integral part of the larger story of humanity’s courage, creativity and ever-emergent expression, and experience a whole new level of inspiration and belonging
- Become lit up and passionately inspired inside of an alive, dynamic vision of our collective human becoming that is beyond your wildest imaginings
- Begin sensing into the possibilities present in the field everywhere you go, and experience the magical power you have to midwife the unmanifest potentials of Life into the manifest world
- Learn why holding power together is the critical key to collectively causing the next evolutionary stage of human potential
- Wake up to yourself as a powerful Evolutionary Leader who has come to the planet at this point in time with a specific and significant role to play
- Recognize that the future of our world is up to us, and step into the fullness of your power and your calling to become an active agent of change
What You’ll Receive…
Seven 90-minute Transformational Training Modules with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.(c)

Fourteen 90-minute Downloadable Q&A Sessions with Claire Zammit, PhD(c)
In these rich sessions, Claire dialogues with women from all corners of the globe, discussing the Feminine Power principles as they apply to one’s own unique personal life situation and experience. In these audios, she answers the most common questions about each Training Modules to support you in integrating your learning at an even deeper level. Many participants report that these Q&A Sessions are an incredibly valuable tool.
Exclusive access to our private online community
Engage online with other course participants in this supportive Feminine Power learning community. As you go through the course, you will be able to gather and connect with other women online to share your breakthroughs and insights, and support each other in deepening into the principles and teachings. Through this collective engagement, you will experience the power that comes through doing deeply transformative work in community.
PDF transcripts of each Training Module
PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back to and quickly reference key concepts and answers to questions as you step fully into the Feminine Power teachings and principles.
Guided Practice & Reflection Questions
Each Training Module is accompanied by a set of Guided Practice and Reflection Questions designed to complement your learning and to support you in truly engaging and integrating this process.
Each set of questions can be downloaded for your use along with the audio recordings and the transcripts.
It’s More Than a Course—It’s a Global Learning Community!
When you join our 7-Week Course, you’ll become part of a rich, vibrant community of individuals and a global network of over 13,000 graduates just like you who are seeking to connect with like-minded souls on an evolutionary path. In addition to the weekly calls, you’ll participate in a private online social network created exclusively for the participants in this course.
As a part of each week’s curriculum, you’ll be given exercises for contemplation and reflection, and invited to post your responses on the forum. You’ll also be invited to respond in specific ways to the reflections of others, as a way of building the support and connectivity that is such a vital part of the transformative process.
Our Feminine Power Team will be actively involved in making sure the community experience remains true to the spirit and goals of the course.
Step Into Your Feminine Power
for a Fraction of the Cost
When Feminine Power first began, it was originally taught as a live three-day intensive in Los Angeles. Women would fly in from all over the world, spending thousands of dollars in airfare, hotel and conference fees to work with Claire and learn some of the specific skills she’ll be teaching you in this 7-week online course (along with many more).
These women shared with us again and again that the money they’d spent on those conferences was the best investment they’d ever made in their growth and development.
Now, thanks to the modern world of online learning and to Evolving Wisdom, the company producing the Feminine Power program, we’re grateful to be able to offer the entire course at a price that will hopefully make it affordable for everyone.
So, for the entire course—the training modules, the group coaching calls, the online forum and networks, the guest faculty workshops, the weekly practices, and support from our certified Feminine Power coaches who are going to be online answering your questions, as little as 3 monthly payments of $147.
Remember, when you register for the Feminine Power 7-Week, Digital Online Course today, you’ll receive…
- Seven 90-minute Training Modules
- Fourteen 90-minute Downloadable Group Coaching Calls
- Seven 30-Minute LIVE Small Group Interactive Sessions
- Access to our Private, Exclusive Online Community
- PDF transcripts of each Training Module
- Guided Practice and Reflection Questions for each week
And the best part is that you’ll be able to fully participate in every aspect of the course right from the comfort of your own home, for as little as 3 payments of $147.
Bonus #1 – Core “Unlock Your Power” Program Bonuses (Valued at $297)
Feminine Power Mentor #1
“Unlocking Your Creativity,” with New York Times bestselling author of Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert
Here’s an amazing quote from Elizabeth Gilbert: “Creativity is a crushing chore and a glorious mystery. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made by you.”
When you awaken your Feminine Power, your desire for self expression and creativity will become stronger than ever…
And yet even as you feel the push from inside you to offer your gifts and talents to the world, you may still experience restrictive moments of fear, like… “I don’t know what I’m doing.” “What will other people think?” or “This is really hard—why do I feel so compelled to do it?”
To help you move beyond the reach of those fears, we’ve brought in bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert, who will be sharing powerful insights she has gleaned from her own creative process and practice, and from her brand new book, Big Magic!
She captured the hearts of millions of readers with her bestselling book, Eat Pray Love, and in her new memoir, she has crafted her own experience into a compelling story that has inspired imaginations around the world.
If you’re a woman who wants to impact others with your creative gifts and talents, don’t miss your session with this extraordinary Feminine Power guest mentor!
In this exclusive workshop, you will discover…
- How to move into deeper connection with your own creative self so that your imagination becomes your ally in all your daily endeavors
- Ways to move away from fear and suffering and release blocks to self expression
- The strange “jewels” hidden inside you that are unique to you—and how to share them in ways that will inspire and impact the world
- How to develop the attitudes, approaches and habits that will enable you to live your most creative life, and to bring forth the gifts that are wanting to be born through you.
Elizabeth Gilbert is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat Pray Love and several other internationally bestselling books of fiction and nonfiction. Gilbert has been a finalist for the National Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the PEN/Hemingway Award, among other honors. A longtime journalist who began her career writing for Harper’s Bazaar, Spin, The New York Times Magazine and GQ, she is also a three-time finalist for the National Magazine Award, and her short fiction has appeared in Esquire, Story, One Story, and the Paris Review.
Feminine Power Mentor #2
“Rising Into Greatness: Connecting with Spirit as a Pathway to Power,” with Bestselling Author and Television Host Iyanla Vanzant

In her exclusive seminar with Claire Zammit, Iyanla guides you to discover:
- How to reclaim your power in the midst of the most challenging circumstances
- Why radical trust in yourself and in life is essential to accessing your intuitive guidance and how to access it
- How to fast-track your journey to overcoming self-doubt, fear and insecurities by tapping into the greatness of your true Self.
Feminine Power Mentor #3
“Unlocking Feminine Wealth: How To Make A Living Doing What You Love,” with entrepreneurial guru for women, and one of Forbes Magazine’s “Women to Watch,” Ali Brown
Transforming your life’s purpose into a career or a business is an essential step for an awakened woman.
When it finally happens for you, it will be the moment when your external reality begins to mirror your internal world.
There are important mindsets, critical steps, and proven methods for building a fail-proof foundation for your future, and Ali knows all of them, because that’s how she got to where she is in her life!
Ali will show you how to zero in on your options based on what you know you are meant to do with your life, and she’ll give you a road map for generating an income that supports the highest version of who you truly are.
She’ll also show you how to nurture yourself financially, spiritually and personally, so you can live every single day on your own terms instead of someone else’s!
In this inspiring audio seminar, you will discover…
- A 3-pronged approach to building a fail-proof foundation for your dream (and one that generates a generous flow of income)
- The biggest mistake most women make when starting a purpose-based business that sadly causes them to eventually give up on their dream
- How to unlock your Divine Success and partner with the Universe in a way that supports your dream and makes every phase of your journey easier
- The secret to tapping into the energy of money so you can attract and keep more wealth in your life
Ali Brown is the voice for women’s entrepreneurial success. As founder and CEO of Ali International LLC, she has nurtured the success of tens of thousands of women, guiding them as they build businesses and careers that support them financially, spiritually, and intellectually. Over the past two years alone, Ali has been awarded countless honors for her work, including being ranked on the Inc. 500 List of Fastest Growing Companies in the Nation. You may have also seen her on ABC’s “Secret Millionaire.”
Bonus #2 – The Path to Financial Abundance and Wealth Program Bonuses (Valued at $397)
The Law of Divine Compensation: The Feminine Path to Financial Abundance
with spiritual teacher and bestselling author Marianne Williamson
Even if your financial situation seems hopeless and you feel powerless to change it, there are proven divine principles that will help you overcome financial stress and liberate you from the cycle of scarcity and lack.
Once you align your thoughts with the spiritual abundance already within you, material abundance will come naturally.
In this virtual workshop, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marianne Williamson cracks the code on why you haven’t yet experienced the financial freedom you deserve.
She’ll show you how to heal your relationship with money and use feminine principles such as love, connection, relatedness and higher purpose to chart your path toward a sustainable financial future!
In this exclusive virtual workshop, you will discover…
- How the Law of Divine Compensation naturally wants to support you in creating a higher level of prosperity while also supporting the greater good
- How to become aware of the ways your thoughts attract or deflect opportunities so you can sidestep them and keep them from holding you back
- Ways to focus your attention on things that help to generate financial abundance every single day
- How to recover from even the most dire financial situations and mistakes by using a universal GPS that automatically reroutes you toward prosperity
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, and passionate agent of global change. Also a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, her books include Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, and A Return to Love.
Unlocking True Prosperity: Discover the 4 Feminine Power Practices to Create Wealth
with bestselling author Lynne Twist and financial expert Tammy White
Shame, insecurity and scarcity—or fear—haunt even the most successful and highly developed women in our relationship with money and wealth.
That’s because regardless of what your bank account says, you may not have the financial literacy that can truly enable you to develop a life of sustainable abundance. In fact, you probably have limiting beliefs and “money blind spots” that inhibit you from achieving the full flourishing of your feminine money power.
Whatever your financial situation might be, Lynne Twist—internationally known for her work on money and sufficiency—and renowned financial literacy expert Tammy White will help you unlock your hidden barriers to wealth. According to Lynne and Tammy, the secret to wealth gets unlocked when you can bring earning, saving, spending and giving into alignment in your life.
During this exclusive workshop, Claire will be working with Lynne and Tammy to develop 4 Feminine Power practices around each of these areas that will enable you to develop a healthy and satisfying relationship with money and abundance, so you can step into your highest destiny!
In this virtual workshop, you will discover…
- How to shift the limiting beliefs that are orchestrating your relationship with money, prosperity, and well-being
- A powerful method for unraveling the conditioning that is distorting your ability to create, keep, or enjoy money
- How to own your true value and break up the “under-earning while over-giving” dynamic, so you can receive the salary or rate you truly deserve
- A means of dismantling the belief that you have to choose between being financially successful, with a rich family life, and having time for your own self care and well-being
- A simple way to create a healthy relationship with money so that you can create as much wealth as you desire while also experiencing true prosperity and deep satisfaction
- How to experience the ripple effect of true prosperity in every area of your life, including your relationships, your sense of purpose and your greater well-being
Lynne Twist has been a recognized for more than 40 years as a global visionary committed to alleviating poverty and hunger and supporting social justice and environmental sustainability. As a fundraiser and a philanthropist, she has raised hundreds of millions of dollars and worked with some of our global billionaires on their own relationship with money, as well as with Mother Teresa and people living in abject poverty. She is the author of the bestselling, award-winning book The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life.
Tammy White is masterful at helping people uncover the reality of their current financial situation, and assists them to see ways their behaviors around money are part of a cultural habit. She provides distinctions that bring freedom and possibility to the domain of money. Tammy empowers people to have their money be an expression of their deepest values in a horizon of time that spans their whole life and beyond. She is a person who is clean and clear in her relationship to money and helps others locate that experience for themselves.
Breaking Through Your Hidden Barriers to Wealth: How To Manifest the Resources You Need to Live Your Greatest Vision
with Feminine Power founder Claire Zammit
Do you feel confident and empowered in your relationship with money and wealth?
Do you feel that that pursuing wealth is “unladylike,” and even “unspiritual” ? And although you might be aware of the tremendous value you would bring to your various pursuits, when you stand (or imagine yourself standing) to ask for compensation commensurate with my contribution, do you ever feel paralyzed by guilt and shame?
This is a problem if you’re up to something big in the world!
And especially if you have your own business or are wanting to move in that direction.
By desiring financial compensation and wealth in our lives, Claire has seen firsthand in coaching and mentoring thousands of women (and from experiencing this herself) that we can fear we have overstepped our bounds or acted in a way that may betray or conflict with our higher purpose, our spiritual values and our desire to be of service to others.
And yet, the truth is that life requires money in order to create and cause the impact we intend to have in our world.
You must be able to nurture and support yourself, as well as those dearest to you, and generate the resources you need to thrive.
To truly live your larger destiny and make your contribution to the future of our world, in fact, you will need to evolve your relationship with money and cultivate an authentic “wealth identity” that enables you to create a prosperous thriving life and career.
During this audio seminar you will engage the step-by-step process of transforming your “wealth identity,” enabling you to more easily generate the resources necessary to unlock your greatness—in the specific ways that work best for conscious women.
You’ll uncover and release the core hidden beliefs that hold you back from true prosperity, so that you can manifest the money, support, and true wealth you need to live your greatest vision—and elevate your family, friends and community to their potentials as well.
When Claire made these *exact* same shifts herself that she is going to guide you to make, her income expanded 10 times over and her impact 1000 times over!
Bonus #3 – The BEST of Feminine Power Collection (Regular Price $700)
Best of Collection, featuring 7 “Living Your Destiny” Seminars on how to apply Feminine Power to key areas of your life, such as Health, Love, Wealth, Spirituality & more, led by Feminine Power founder, Claire Zammit Ph.D.c (Regular Price $700)

This is an extraordinary must-have collection of seminars created by Claire Zammit on how you can apply Feminine Power to the key areas that women struggle with most, such as as health, wealth, authentic confidence, self-love and more.
This collection of seminars has only been available to exclusive members of a private graduate community paying $100 for each session.
Gleaned from more than two decades of coaching hundreds of thousands of women, each one of these sessions will provide you with an overview of the underlying core challenges that awakening women face in each area, along with specialized tools and practices to fast-track a lasting breakthrough in 30 days.
They will be a fantastic support personally as you participate in the 7 weeks of the course and are also an essential resource if you are a healer or coach who works with women.
These sessions are usually available to ONLY the most advanced students, with access costing over $700. But with this special offer for participants of the upcoming Feminine Power 7 Week Course, they are our very special gift to you!
- Session #1: Extreme Self-Care as a Pathway to Greater Success in Your Life You know you need to make this your #1 priority and yet you find yourself giving to everyone else first and neglecting your own well-being: Why is this so and what can you do about it? In this session you’ll discover how to break through the root causes and patterns of self-neglect so you can achieve your ideal weight, health, vitality and more.
- Session #2: WEALTH – Breaking Through Hidden Barriers to Wealth: The Evolutionary Woman’s Guide to Prosperity Is money a source of fear, guilt & anxiety in your life, or does it fuel your experience of freedom and fulfillment? In this session you’ll uncover and release the core hidden beliefs that hold women back from true prosperity so that you can manifest the resources you need to live your greatest vision.
- Session #3: COMPLETIONS – Good Karma Power Practices – Forgiveness, Completion & Blessing. Discover the most powerful Feminine Power practices for clearing the residue from the past, in support of your energy being freed up to create the future. You’ll be guided to heal from loss, resolve conflicts, and release disappointment, fear and shame in ways that deepen and expand your creative power.
- Session #4: LOVE – “Unlocking the Power & Magic of Self-Love.” We’ve all heard the adage, “You’ve got to learn how to love yourself first”, to which most of us reply, “Thank you for sharing – but how?!?!” In this seminar you’ll discover the core shifts you need to make to firmly establish the foundations of a loving relationship with yourself, which will transform every other relationship in your life so that you can experience deeper love and satisfaction. (Hint: this has nothing to do with manicures and spa days – that’s self-care, which is important but doesn’t address the areas you must develop to have the love you’re seeking.
- Session #5: CONFIDENCE – Authentic Confidence: Discover the Tools to Release Fears and Self-Doubt & Cultivate an Unshakable Trust in Yourself Authentic confidence is sourced from an unshakable connection to your own innate value and a deep trust in the larger unfolding flow of life. During this session you’ll be guided to overcome the barriers most women have to finding their own confidence in ways that leave you feeling unself-conscious, natural and free to be who you truly are—brilliant and powerful.
- Session #6: SPIRIT – The Evolutionary Woman’s Path to Spiritual Practice How do I develop myself spiritually? Should I meditate? Journal? Do yoga? Pray? Reflect? We live in an age of cafeteria-style spirituality, where we’re all just doing a bit of this and a bit of that. But even with our best intentions, we have a nagging feeling that somehow there’s much greater depth we’re still unable to access. During this session you’ll discover the 4 pillars of powerful women’s spiritual practice that will catapult your evolution on the path to forging an unshakable bond with a higher power. Bonus guided practices included!
- Session #7: PURPOSE- Unlock Your Brilliance and Discover Your Highest Calling. Discover the difference between your higher purpose, vocation or career and your desires for fun, creativity, play, and self-expression, and by doing so tap into your own unique gifts and divine spark so that you can align with the highest purpose and calling for your life.
Bonus #4 – Discover Your Purpose, Live Your Destiny Bonus (Valued at $297)
With co-founder of the human potential movement, Dr Jean Houston, Pioneer of Conscious Evolution, Barbara Marx Hubbard & Spiritual Leader, Marianne Williamson
Join three of today’s most powerful evolutionary leaders to discover how to connect with your soul’s calling and manifest your greatest vision in this series of seminars created exclusively for women in the Feminine Power 7 Week Essential Course for the Awakening Woman
Exclusive Audio Seminar #1
Awakening To Your Destiny: 3 Steps to Finding Your Purpose & Fulfilling Your Potential with Co-Founder of the Human Potential Movement, Dr. Jean Houston
In this audio seminar, you’ll discover how to:
- Transition your life from a small story to The Great Story with a simple change in perspective
- Engage in the process of aligning yourself with your highest purpose, living fully primed in its power, moving toward it with excitement, joy and panache
- Awaken to your sensory acuity—including your physical life—in order to use your body, mind, and heart in ways that directly support the discovery of your deeper purpose
Exclusive Audio Seminar #2
Awakening To Your Soul’s Passion with the Grandmother of Conscious Evolution, Futurist & Social Innovator, Barbara Marx Hubbard
In this audio seminar, you will:
- Awaken to your own organic and innate leadership abilities
- Learn how to discern which path is the right one for you that will allow you to fulfill the possibilities you hold for extraordinary creativity and contribution
- Be empowered to participate in the shift that is happening globally and discover the unique role you have to play
Exclusive Audio Seminar #3
Unleashing Our Co-Creative Power to Change the World with Leading Spiritual Teacher & New York Times Bestselling Author, Marianne Williamson
In this audio seminar, you will:
- Learn the top 3 things that will most empower you to have a huge impact on our world
- Find out why personal happiness can only be found by stepping up and taking on the collective well being of all
- Discover the immense power you hold to affect change both locally and globally, no matter what your current limitations or challenges may be
Bonus #5 – 22 Seminars from the 2015 Women on the
Edge of Evolution” Conference (Valued at $997)
Create a Life of Purpose, Love, Impact and Prosperity
Join Claire Zammit, founder and leader of the Feminine Power programs, and 21 of the most influential and inspiring women thought leaders, change agents and artists as they share their stories of how they created their own opportunities and developed authentic success on their own terms.
They’ll share with you practical tools that will support you to step further out of the shadows and into your brilliance so that you can experience the authentic success, love, power, creativity and impact you were born for.
We are gifting you with access to this incredible series so that you can discover the unprecedented opportunity available to you right now to experience a greater level of success, in each and every area of your life. Plus you’ll also understand what it means to be a woman on the edge of evolution, and how your full self-actualization is critical for the future of our world.
The series includes Marianne Williamson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Alison Armstrong, Lynne Twist, Arianna Huffington, Christy Whitman, Lisa Nichols, Ali Brown, Iyanla Vanzant, Zhena Muzyka, Marci Shimoff, Lisa Garr, Bobbi DePorter, Arielle Ford, Carol Tuttle, Tera Warner, Mallika Chopra, Terri Britt, Vivian Glyck, Sandra Yancey, Jean Houston, as well as host Claire Zammit.
- Seminar #1: Lisa Nichols – New York Times’ Bestselling Author & Success Mastermind Authentic Confidence: How to Build the Confidence You need to Make Real change
- Seminar #2: Ali Brown – Entrepreneurial Guru for Women The Courage to Play Big: Saying YES! To Your Greatest Calling
- Seminar #3: Arianna Huffington – New York Times Bestselling Author + Co-Founder of the Huffington Post THRIVE: How to Make the Shift to the Feminine Paradigm of Power & Success
- Seminar #4: Iyanla Vanzant – New York Times Bestselling Author and Television Host Rising Into Greatness: Connecting with Spirit as a Pathway to Power
- Seminar #5: Lynne Twist – Bestselling Author & Conscious Money Expert Women, Money & The Courage to Follow Your Highest Calling
- Seminar #6: Christy Whitman – New York Times Bestselling Author & Founder of The Quantum Coaching Academy Unleashing the Fierce Feminine: Keys to Creating Authentic Abundance
- Seminar #7: Zhena Muzyka – Publisher and Founder of Zhena’s Gypsy Tea The Feminine Way in Business: Harnessing the Power of Intuition, Synchronicity & Flow for Huge Success & Impact
- Seminar #8: Marci Shimoff – Bestselling Author + Motivation and Happiness Expert The Inner Keys to Manifesting Your Most Blessed Life
- Seminar #9: Lisa Garr – Radio Host of The Aware Show + Spiritual Seeker Aligning With Your Soul’s Purpose: How to Discover What You Were Born to do
- Seminar #10: Barbara Marx Hubbard – The Voice of Conscious Evolution Becoming an Evolutionary Woman: The Power to Self-Express, Self-Evolve and Co-Create
- Seminar #11: Bobbi DePorter – Education Visionary & Humanitarian Leading on the Edge of Evolution: You Don’t Need To Know Where You’re Going to Get There!
- Seminar #12: Arielle Ford – Relationship Expert and Author Living Boldly: Embracing Change as a Springboard to Manifesting What’s Next
- Seminar #13: Carol Tuttle – Energy Healer, Psychologist, and Expert in Women’s Self-Confidence Reclaiming Beauty: The Power and Radiance of Expressing Your True Self
- Seminar #14: Tera Warner – Expert in Raw Food Nutrition & Detoxing for Health Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage: Power Practices to Love Yourself to Radiant Health & Well-being
- Seminar #15: Alison Armstrong – Gender Difference + Relationship Expert The Keys to Love & Partnership for Creative, Mission-Driven Women
- Seminar #16: Mallika Chopra – Bestselling Author + Relationship Expert Living With Intent: Practices for Creating a Meaningful Life
- Seminar #17: Terri Britt – Conscious Parenting Expert How to Make the Shift From Being a “Good Girl” to an “Empowered Woman”
- Seminar #18: Marianne Williamson – New York Times Bestselling Author + Spiritual Teacher Women Leading the Future
- Seminar #19: Vivian Glyck – Founder of the Ugandan women’s nonprofit Just Like My Child Changing the World … for Real! How to Rock Your Leadership Mission
- Seminar #20: Sandra Yancey – Founder + CEO of eWomenNetwork Lift As We Climb: We Can Fly Farther & Faster Together
- Seminar #21: Jean Houston – Humanitarian, Visionary + early founder of the Human Potential Movement The Rise of the WOMEN: Empower Yourself, Change the World
- Seminar #22: Claire Zammit – Leader of the Feminine Power courses for women Break Through Your Inner Glass Ceiling –How to Use Feminine Power to Ignite Your Destiny
- Bonus Audio: Claire Zammit – Leader of the Feminine Power courses for women Ignite—Unleashing Your Creative Power!
The Regular Price of all 5 of these Bonus Packages is $2,688.
Just to summarize, you’ll get the entire Digital Course PLUS $2,688 worth of additional bonuses all for as little as 3 monthly payments of:
PLUS in addition to these bonuses you’ll also receive access to:
Special 2 Hour Audio Seminar
With Feminine Power Founder, Claire Zammit
“Breakthrough To Power” Workshop
(Valued at $150)
During this audio seminar, Claire will guide you to connect with your deepest desires and greatest vision for your life, as well as set an intention for what you most want to create by unleashing your Feminine Power.
She’ll share the best tips on getting the most she’s discovered in mentoring over 13,000 women through the process of awakening their Feminine Power and you’ll also have the opportunity to introduce yourself and begin connecting with the other inspiring women in your community.
As a group we’ll come together to make the core shift into creating your life with a Feminine system of power.
You’ll also begin to connect with the extraordinary tribe of women who will you’ll be connecting with in your private Facebook group who will stand with you for your highest possibilities.
Three Bonus LIVE GROUP Coaching Calls
Live with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c
(Valued at $150)
These LIVE Group Coaching Calls are designed to support you to unlock the Three Power Centers of Feminine Power.
Your Love, Calling or Career Breakthrough in 2017 Bonus – Valued at $500
A $500 Tuition Credit towards any Feminine Power Advanced Training in 2017, including:
- Certified Feminine Power Coaching Training
- Certified Feminine Power Facilitator Training
- Feminine Power Transformational Leadership Training
- The Soulmate Mastermind training with Claire & Arielle Ford
Are you feeling called to Coach, Lead, Mentor & Serve Women at the Highest Level? By joining the Feminine Power 7-Week Essential Course for the Awakening Woman, you will receive a $500 Tuition credit, as well as complete the prerequisite to join the leading Feminine Power trainings for coaches, change agents, leaders, trainers, workshop facilitators and awakening women who want to step into greater levels of impact, influence, prosperity & success—and be personally mentored by Feminine Power founder Claire Zammit.
Most great coaches and workshop leaders are hard-working, dedicated professionals who deeply care about their clients and are committed to doing their very best to inspire and facilitate change.
Yet, something historic and unprecedented is happening for millions of women that most training has not prepared these leaders to be able to respond to in ways that can support their women clients to respond to the opportunity that’s emerging for their lives.
Now, for the first time ever, coaches and all those serving women will be offered the latest cutting-edge techniques on transformational coaching, facilitation and learning especially for women. You’ll be mentored by Claire, who has spent the past two decades mentoring hundreds of thousands of women and researching their breakthroughs through her doctoral research in Transformative Learning and Change.
Just to summarize, the total value of all of the elements of the Digital Course plus the Bonuses is over $9,391.
- The 7 Module Core Awakening Your Feminine Power System (Valued at $3,000)
- Fourteen 90-minute Downloadable Group Coaching Sessions (Valued at $2,000)
- Access to our Private, Exclusive Online Community (Priceless!)
- Weekly Practice & Reflection Questions (Valued at $700)
- PDF Transcripts of training modules (Valued at $500)
- PLUS Core “Unlock Your Power” Program Bonuses (Valued at $297)
- PLUS “The Path to Financial Abundance and Wealth” Bonuses (Valued at $397)
- PLUS “The Best of Collection,” featuring 7 “Living Your Destiny” Seminars on how to apply Feminine Power to key areas of your life, such as Health, Love, Wealth, Spirituality & more, led by Feminine Power founder, Claire Zammit Ph.D.c (Regular Price $700)
- PLUS “Discover Your Purpose, Live Your Destiny” Bonus (Valued at $297)
- PLUS “Women on the Edge of Evolution” Bonus (Valued at $997)
- PLUS “Breakthrough to Power Online Virtual Event” with Claire (Valued at $150)
- PLUS Three LIVE Group Coaching Calls with Claire (Valued at $150)
- PLUS $500 credit toward our Brand New 2016 Feminine Power Coaching, Facilitation & Leadership Trainings (Valued at $500)
TOTAL Value $9,391.
Unleash Your Feminine Power & Step Into Your Destiny in 2017
Get over 90% off our most popular Feminine Power programs as part of this exclusive offer.
Today you can step into your Feminine Power
for just a fraction of the price. Register Now for just:
or 3 payments of $147
Registration is now closed; however we will continue to accept registrations for a brief time while our team processes all the registrations we’ve received via phone and email in the last few days. Please go ahead and register right away as this page may close at any time.
There are Two Ways to Register:
3 Payments of
1 Payment of
*As of Midnight Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 27th these exclusive bonus offers will no longer be available and the price of our program will be increasing soon.
Praise For Feminine Power
“Claire is a woman I myself turn to for wisdom and counsel. I have great trust in her unique step-by-step process to awaken your Feminine Power.” — Marianne Williamson, author of Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, and A Return to Love
“Claire Zammit is leading the way in the evolution of the feminine for our time. In the midst of so much work on behalf of women, Claire is of prime importance. She is offering the largest possible context to encourage us to give birth to the feminine co-creator, the woman who is expressing the process and power of creation itself. She has been blessed with a mysterious piece of the ‘holy grail’ of feminine leadership toward the evolution of a new humanity within a co-creative society.” — Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution and The Hunger of Eve
“Unique, original and inspired, Feminine Power catapults a leap in our collective consciousness, offering insights and brilliance from the leading edge!” — Marci Shimoff, author of Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
“Claire’s message-as-movement, at its core, is one of activation, responsibility, humanity, compassion, service, integrity, nurturance and excitement. She unceasingly holds the vision for women at the highest version of ourselves possible, for this I will be forever inspired by and grateful to her.” — Alanis Morissette, Grammy Award Winning Singer/Songwriter and Record Producer
“What my dear friend Claire skillfully transmits and teaches is what the feminine is, and how every woman can activate its energy within her, thereby releasing her authentic gifts into her own individual life and into our world, and contributing to a cultural shift of literally cosmic proportions.” — Michael Beckwith, author of Spiritual Liberation and star of The Secret
“Feminine Power is a powerhouse of brilliant and evocative teachings that is sure to lead the participant into the new ways of being and doing that change both person, community, and ultimately, planet. It is the Wake Up call from soul – driven leadership, the New Story made manifest in our lives.” — Jean Houston, author of Jump Time and A Passion for the Possible
“The movement to Feminine Power is the evolutionary gesture of these early years of the 21st century. With grace and beauty, Claire Zammit is providing the medium for this transformation, and a forum for the voices of the women who will make it so. There is nothing more important we can do, be, or listen to than the poetry of the Feminine Power in our midst, for, surely, this is what will transform the world. Thank you, Claire for your steadfast strength and beautiful commitment to the cause.” — Daphne Rose Kingma, author of The Men We Never Knew and The Future of Love
“Claire’s Feminine Power teaching is catalyzing the most important SHIFT for women in the 21st century!” — Rochelle Marmorstein, creator of The SHIFT movie
“Every once in a great while, a transformative teaching comes along that is so fresh and innovative as to reposition our entire worldview, invigorating us to new heights of possibilities in human potential. Claire offers such a teaching, providing a powerful pathway of liberation and evolution beyond the patterns of the past, unleashing an ecstatic creativity and aliveness in service to transforming our lives, and transforming our world.” — Rev. Kathy Hearn, United Centers for Spiritual Living
About Claire Zammit
Claire Zammit Ph.D.(c), is an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact.
She is the founder of the Feminine Power Global Community, which offers online trainings, advanced courses and coaching certifications that serve hundreds of thousands of women from more than 100 countries across Asia, Europe, South America and the US. The women in this community are coaches, mothers, artists, leaders, teachers, authors, engineers, therapists, doctors, lawyers, judges, performers, scientists, entrepreneurs, producers and more.
Claire is also the co-founder and president of Evolving Wisdom, which was recognized by Inc. Magazine as #83 on the list of Top 500 fastest-growing companies in America. Faculty and guest faculty include renowned transformational teachers Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Jean Houston, Deepak Chopra, Dr. John Gray, Eckhart Tolle, and Marianne Williamson.
Since 2009, Claire’s work with Feminine Power and Evolving Wisdom has reached more than 1 million people. In addition to her teaching work in the Feminine Power courses, Claire has shared the stage with such luminaries as Elizabeth Gilbert, Brené Brown, Eve Ensler, Alanis Morissette, Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Gabrielle Bernstein and Lisa Nichols.
In 2014, Claire received Just Like My Child Foundation’s Women’s Leadership Award in recognition of her contributions to funding The Girl Power Project that’s now set to impact over 1 million girls with leadership and self-esteem trainings in the developing world.
Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its achievement award, and she is also a participant in Deepak Chopra’s Evolutionary Leaders Forum.
Just to summarize, the total value of all of the elements of the Digital Course plus the Bonuses is over $9,391.
- The 7 Module Core Awakening Your Feminine Power System (Valued at $3,000)
- Fourteen 90-minute Downloadable Group Coaching Sessions (Valued at $2,000)
- Access to our Private, Exclusive Online Community (Priceless!)
- Weekly Practice & Reflection Questions (Valued at $700)
- PDF Transcripts of training modules (Valued at $500)
- PLUS Core “Unlock Your Power” Program Bonuses (Valued at $297)
- PLUS “The Path to Financial Abundance and Wealth” Bonuses (Valued at $397)
- PLUS “The Best of Collection,” featuring 7 “Living Your Destiny” Seminars on how to apply Feminine Power to key areas of your life, such as Health, Love, Wealth, Spirituality & more, led by Feminine Power founder, Claire Zammit Ph.D.c (Regular Price $700)
- PLUS “Discover Your Purpose, Live Your Destiny” Bonus (Valued at $297)
- PLUS “Women on the Edge of Evolution” Bonus (Valued at $997)
- PLUS “Breakthrough to Power Online Virtual Event” with Claire (Valued at $150)
- PLUS Three LIVE Group Coaching Calls with Claire (Valued at $150)
- PLUS $500 credit toward our Brand New 2016 Feminine Power Coaching, Facilitation & Leadership Trainings (Valued at $500)
TOTAL Value $9,391.
Unleash Your Feminine Power & Step Into Your Destiny in 2017
Get over 90% off our most popular Feminine Power programs as part of this exclusive offer.
Today you can step into your Feminine Power
for just a fraction of the price. Register Now for just:
or 3 payments of $147
Registration is now closed; however we will continue to accept registrations for a brief time while our team processes all the registrations we’ve received via phone and email in the last few days. Please go ahead and register right away as this page may close at any time.
There are Two Ways to Register:
3 Payments of
1 Payment of
*As of Midnight Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 27th these exclusive bonus offers will no longer be available and the price of our program will be increasing soon.
If you have any additional questions, please email us at support@femininepower.com and we’ll be glad to assist you.