25 of the World’s Leading Experts Reveal Their Most Powerful Keys For Smart, Successful Conscious Women to Attract Their Soulmate & Create An Extraordinary Life-Long Relationship
Enter your name & email address to take part in the series with Arielle Ford, Claire Zammit, and our team of love experts.
Authentic, Lasting Love with an Extraordinary Life-Partner IS Possible for You!
We know that if you’re here reading this page it’s because deep down you know you aren’t meant to be alone in life. You yearn for a loving, committed life-long partnership with your soulmate.
You’re seeking the power to attract the deeply loving, aware, passionate and conscious man who you can completely be yourself with, who will truly commit to you, and be devoted to you for the rest of your life.
Have you ever stopped to think about why it’s so hard as a conscious woman to attract and sustain the love that you were born to give and receive?
Something BIG is happening for women that we can no longer ignore. In spite of all of our success and accomplishment, studies are showing we’re less healthy, more lonely and more depressed than ever.
You may have noticed that an increasing number of bright, creative, successful women are single and living alone without a partner.
And if you’re one of them, you’re not alone: according to the New York Times, over 50 percent of women in the United States are in this category.
You may also have noticed that an increasing number of conscious women, who are in relationships, are also unhappy and dissatisfied.
Studies show that women now are having sex less frequently than our grandmothers! And the divorce rate, as you you may already know, is 50% for first marriages. For second marriages it’s 64%, and for third marriages a staggering 75%.
What’s going on here? Why has it been so frustrating and hard to meet the right person and create lasting love?!
What you probably don’t know is that we’re in the midst of one of the biggest shifts in human history. The dynamics between men and women have been forever changed in the past 50 years.
The mindsets, approaches and relationship role models that you grew up with are now insufficient to create the soulmate partnership you are yearning for.
Most smart, conscious, successful women have spent years feeling disappointed and alone, or being unhappy and dissatisfied in their relationships.
This is because they they haven’t yet discovered the keys to creating a different experience.
We don’t want that to be you!
Between us, we have helped tens of thousands of smart, successful, conscious women, women just like you, manifest their soulmates.
We’ve also been where exactly where you are now.
We’ve both known many lonely nights that we felt would never end,…
We both had plenty of moments when we thought that we were too smart, too successful, and too powerful and that God just didn’t have the right man for us…that we were DESTINED to be alone… forever!
AND we both went on to manifest the most amazing, conscious, awesome men on the planet that are smart enough for us, powerful enough for us and just revel in all the brilliance that we’ve got.
Arielle has now been with her soulmate husband Brian for over 18 years and Claire is celebrating 10 years with her beloved husband Craig this spring!
So believe us, if we can do it, YOU can do it.
We know what it takes to an extraordinary —- AND the joy, security and happiness that comes from a lasting life-long union.
We’re going to take you by the hand and show you how, because the truth is that being in the right relationship, and being able to forge a deep, lasting and intimate bond with your soulmate is the foundation for having a long, happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.
That’s why we’ve created this seminar series—to guide you, step-by-step, through our brand-new, never-before-offered program designed specifically for conscious women.
You’re going to discover the most powerful tools and insights gleaned over decades from our own work and from the world’s most acclaimed love and relationship experts that will fast-track you into the arms of your beloved.
Attract Your Soulmate: Keys For Conscious Women will give you the keys to attract the right partner and create a life-long, loving, committed relationship.
We’ve spent decades researching this area and have created a 5-step process that we, together with the world’s leading luminaries and love experts, are going to guide you though.
In just 10 days. you’ll discover the power to attract the deeply loving, aware, passionate and conscious man who will truly commit to you, and be DEVOTED to you for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!
And the best part is that you’ll be able to do all this… For FREE!
We’re going to show you:
- How to Create a Clear Vision of Your Life Partnership. Believe it or not, most conscious women today don’t know what to look for, without even realizing it. Once you do know what to look for, you’ll be amazed at how quickly it shows up!
- How to Release Your Limiting Beliefs About Love, Men & Marriage. If you’ve ever felt unworthy or you’ve found yourself saying, “There are no good men out there!”—or you find yourself assuming that you have to choose between career success and having a great relationship—that’s a sure sign you have limiting beliefs blocking you!
- How to Activate your Feminine Power. By tapping into this source within, you can raise your love vibration and let yourself receive the adoration and devotion your soulmate will naturally have for you.
- How To Become A Magnet for Your Conscious Man. The old dating advice or “rules” can actually REPEL a conscious man, but there are ways for you to show up WITHOUT dimming down your intelligence, your ambition or your power.
- FUN, Time-saving Ways to Embrace Dating & Making Connections. You need to feel confident that you don’t waste time with the wrong person, and you also need to learn how to become visible and available in order to be found!
Enter your name & email address to take part in the series with Arielle Ford, Claire Zammit, and our team of love experts.
Even though this event is unlike any we’ve ever led, here’s what participants of our past Art of Love Series have told us they’ve experienced:
Really great info…
Today I got a message from a guy on [my dating] website. He actually read my profile, because he spoke about the contents. That’s new. Thanks for such powerful seminars.
I have learned so very much!
I must have stepped into some kind of flow practicing what I’m learning. I wanted to go to the Symphony tomorrow night to hear… the Rhapsodies —’Rhapsody in Blue’ stirs my blood. And today a really great guy I dated a couple of years ago called out of the blue (no pun intended) and said ‘I’ve got 2 tickets for tomorrow night and I’d really like to take you. Please call me back.’ I did, and I’m excited!
Thank you so much for sharing this information with us all.
It has helped me take responsibility in the part I play in my relationships and now I feel more educated to make healthier choices, and experience more love in my life. I feel a new sense of freedom, not easily explained but felt.
The positive, spiritual and pragmatic wisdom on the recordings helped me to open up my eyes.
With my first tentative steps into a relationship, I listened to the recordings to help me understand where men are coming from better—what are their needs and desires, how they think compared to women—and all of that was invaluable and helped me to learn, grow and fully commit to this wonderful, loving relationship!
My life is so dramatically different!
I’ve met an amazing man who I’m head over heals in love with, who’s head over heals in love with me.
I’ve been listening to the seminars everyday.
I’ve been dating one man – our 7th date will be this weekend. And all of a sudden, 2 more men want to date me. AMAZING!! I obviously am doing some serious manifesting!
Claire, what you teach is miraculous.
I pinch myself every day because I’m now loved beyond my wildest dreams by a partner who’s a true equal in every way… Feminine Power has changed my life!
Learn From These Visionary Speakers:
John Gray is the leading relationship expert in the world and best-selling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. John’s books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages around the world. His many books, videos and seminars teach men and women how to understand, respect and appreciate their difference in both personal and professional relationships.John’s newest book is titled, Conscious Men: A Practical Guide to Develop 12 Qualities of the New Masculinity. Conscious Men is a guide to help a man look within and discover his purpose and mission to live a life that is in pursuit of that purpose, while honoring the commitments he has made in life. This book is a practical road map to support every man in finding balance between his purpose and his partner.
John has also dedicated the last 20 years to finding healthy solutions to the most common ailments affecting our happiness in life. He continues to look for the right balance of proper nutrition, useful exercise and natural supplements that will help you feel better in your mind, your body and your relationships.
Dr. John Gray
Bestselling Author of Men are From Mars, Women Are from Venus
on Attracting a Conscious Man: What to Look for in a Life-Partner
Marianne Williamson
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author
on Invoking Aphrodite: Aligning Power & Vulnerability to Create Love
Arielle Ford
Bestselling Author of The Soulmate Secret
on Mastering Love Manifesting Techniques
Claire Zammit
Feminine Power Founder
on Magnetize Your Soulmate By Becoming Your Most Authentic Self
Laura Berman, PhD, is a world renowned sex and relationship educator and therapist; popular TV, radio and Internet host; New York Times best-selling author; and assistant clinical professor of ob-gyn and psychiatry at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago. Considered a thought leader in her field, Dr. Berman has helped countless couples build stronger relationships, improve their sex lives, and achieve a heightened level of intimacy through her TV and radio shows, best selling books, columns and website, along with her private practice based in Chicago. Dr. Berman is a New York Times best-selling author of many books on sexual health and pleasure, a weekly columnist for the Chicago Sun Times, and host of the radio program “Uncovered with Dr. Laura Berman.” She has appeared on Fox News, CNN and the TODAY Show, as well as in The New York Times, USA Today, and every major woman’s magazine. Dr. Berman serves on the advisory board for The Dr. Oz Show and is a regular guest on The Steve Harvey Show.
Oprah favorite Dr. Laura Berman
on Must-Know Love Success Secrets for Powerful Women
Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author & Happiness Expert
on Unlocking the Magnetic Power of Self-Love and Happiness
Jack Canfield is the CEO of The Canfield Training Group in Santa Barbara, California, and has conducted intensive personal development seminars for more than one million people in 50 countries around the world. He has appeared on more than 1000 radio and television shows including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, Larry King Live, and The Today Show. He is the coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, which has over 500 million copies in print, including Chicken Soup for the Couple’s Soul. His other books include The Success Principles™, Tapping into Ultimate Success, Coaching for Breakthrough Success, Dare to Win, The Aladdin Factor, The Power of Focus, and his latest book: The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home. Jack is also the founder of the Transformational Leadership Council and is a featured teacher in the movie “The Secret.”
Jack Canfield
Success Coach and co-author of the #1 New York Times bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul®
Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed intuition expert, best selling inspirational author published in 27 languages, key note speaker, artist, entrepreneur and visionary. A popular medium, she is the star of the national hit Canadian TV show Messages From Spirit (VisionTV). Voted into the Watkins list as one of the top 100 most spiritually influential people in 2013 and 2104, Baron-Reid delivers her message of perspective and hope with her trademarked compassionate candor and hilarious personality. Known by her clients as ” The Oracle”, her reputation for her laser sharp intuitive insights is worldwide with a client base spanning 29 countries.She is the CEO and founder of The Invision Project and The Invision Lab offering advisory services for select influencers, and education for coaches in her trademarked energy psychology process. IN-Vizion®. Originally from Toronto, she lives in Connecticut with her husband, and 2 poms. When she’s not writing books and teaching global audiences she’s riding her Harley on the seacoast.
Bestselling author, Colette Baron Reid
Internationally acclaimed intuition expert, speaker, artist, entrepreneur, and visionary
Dr. Jean Houston
Co-Founder of the Human Potential Movement
on Activating The Soulmate Code
Neale Donald Walsch
Spiritual messenger and Bestselling Author, on Overcoming Guilt and Regret
Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness Expert JJ Virgin helps clients lose weight fast by breaking free from food intolerances and crush their sugar cravings. She is author of 4 New York Times Bestsellers: JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook: 150 Low-Sugar Recipes to Help You Lose up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks, The Sugar Impact Diet: Drop 7 Hidden Sugars, Lose up to 10 Pounds, Just 2 Weeks, The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days, and The Virgin Diet Cookbook: 150 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Lose Weight and Feel Better Fast. JJ is also a frequent blogger at Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and other outlets as well as a popular guest on TV, radio, and in magazines. Learn more at www.jjvirgin.com.
JJ Virgin
New York Times Bestselling Author & Health Guru
Transformational speaker, executive coach and corporate consultant, Mary has over 30 years experience empowering individuals in abundance, authenticity, and success.As a sought after expert on the “invisible side” of success, Mary has spoken three times at the United Nations, and worked with His Holiness The Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela.
Her best selling book, Building Your Field of Dreams was made into a PBS special.
Among all of her achievements and degrees in higher learning, Mary’s favorites are the two black belts she has earned; one in Success and the other in Failure. Learn More Here.
Bestselling Author, Mary Morrissey
Transformational speaker and executive coach
Alison Armstrong, author, educator, and creator of the widely acclaimed “Queen’s Code” workshop series, asks the question: “What if no one is misbehaving — including you?” She explores the good reasons behind the behavior of men and women such as fundamental differences in the ways we think, act and communicate. She offers simple, partnership-based, solutions to improve our communication and intimacy by honoring ourselves and others. She’s known for her insight, sense of humor and ability to articulate the human experience and predicament of gender.
Alison Armstrong
Understanding Men Expert
on Becoming Magnetic to the Right Partner
SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) is the co-author, with her fiance Dr. John Waddell, of Succulent Wild Love. She comes from a background of creative expression and uplifting others through the teachings in her bestselling books, products, and programs that support empowered living. SARK’s purpose is to be an uplifter, a transformer and a laser beam of love. She does that through her art, words and spirit, which have been celebrated by leading thought leaders like Wayne Dyer, Maya Angelou, Marianne Williamson, and more. Visit her online at PlanetSARK.com.
Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy – AKA SARK!
Bestselling author and artist
Melanie Benson Strick is Success Strategist for fast-paced, overwhelmed, driven entrepreneurs to thrive in their small business. With over 14 years mentoring thought leaders, visionaries and creative professionals, Melanie uncovers the costly blindspots while upleveling productivity and progress.Melanie is author of Rewired for Wealth, co-author of Entrepreneur.com’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business and has her success tips featured in magazines such as American Express OPEN Forum, Woman’s Day, Parenting Magazine, University of Phoenix Alumni Magazine and the LA Times. She serves on the Executive Team for the Women Speaker’s Association and is a member of the Association of Transformational Leaders.
Melanie is a proud lifestyle enthusiast and spends her free time in search of the best spas and beaches in the world.
Melanie Benson Strick
Success Strategist and entrepreneurial guru
Shanda Sumpter is the founder and Queen Visionary of HeartCore Business. She’s a passionate business coach who has created a series of online marketing courses specifically for her own clients. Shanda is a dynamic teacher and has transformed the financial lives of thousands of people through her products and group programs.She successfully created new business ventures for emerging and established companies, including playing a significant part in the creation of $40 million plus in new business for a Las Vegas real estate firm, and has made it her mission to share with her clients the same principles and strategies that took her from a struggling entrepreneur to the CEO of a multi-million dollar empire.
She is extraordinarily committed to her client’s interests and goals and is a highly sought-after speaker for corporate companies, events, and organizations around the globe. She specializes in assisting CEOs establish a foundation of recurring cash flow in their business models so they can move on to making a bigger impact in the world.
Considered to have the “Midas touch” Shanda has inspired visionaries worldwide to turn their dream businesses into a reality. With her contagious energy and proven strategies, she has empowered thousands to take control of their financial circumstances while sharing their gifts with the world.
Shanda lives on the beautiful coast of California with her son and partner, where she runs HeartCore Business from her oceanfront home office.
Success Guru, Shanda Sumpter
Founder and Queen Visionary of HeartCore Business
The Best-Selling Co-Author of Project Everlasting and Creator of Cracking The Man Code, Mat Boggs has impacted millions of people world-wide, helping them understand the hearts and minds of the opposite sex and attract they relationship they desire. As a sought-after dating and relationship expert, Mat has appeared on The Today Show, CNN, Headline News, Oprah and Friends, ABC, The Hallmark Channel, The Style Network, and many others. His blend of humor, science, spirituality, and practical dating advice create an experience that is rare, engaging and highly effective for finding lasting love.
Mat Boggs
Bestselling co-author of Project Everlasting and creator of Cracking The Man Code
Christy Whitman is the New York Times bestselling author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program.
Christy Whitman
New York Times Bestselling Author
Johnny Fernandez is the proud husband of Dr. Lara Fernandez, they are a soulmate couple whose mission is to empower single, conscious women through their relationships. When a woman owns her own power, speaks her truth about herself and her life, and has healthy beliefs and behaviors around relationships, then soulmate love becomes her destiny.Women from all over the world learn with Johnny and Lara through their deeply transformational and life-changing courses and programs that help women live the life of their dreams with their soulmate by their side. Their yearly Love Breakthrough Weekend attracts conscious women from all over the world to the San Francisco Bay Area of California. They have been happily married for over 15 years, and live in a cute little town in the Bay Area with their independent and creative daughter, Isabelle, and sweet dog Bean.
Johnny & Lara Fernandez
Soulmate couple and creators of the Love Breakthrough course
Carol Allen is a happily married Vedic astrologer and relationship coach whose mission is to empower women to enjoy truly “out of this world” love lives. Carol’s been featured on E!, Bridezillas, EXTRA, Dr. Drew’s Lifechangers and in Chicken Soup For The Soul, Woman’s World, and Daily Candy, and is the author of Love Is In The Stars – The Wise Woman’s Astrological Guide To Men.Her methods are a unique marriage of East and West, combining her training in the astrology of India with cutting-edge, real-world relationship research.
Whether you’re looking for a soulmate, want to deepen an existing relationship, or heal lifelong love patterns, the answers are literally written in the stars… and almost anything can be made much better with your own right actions once you know the truth and what to do about it.
Don’t wait on fate – discover the awesome power you have to attract, enhance, and sustain a great love, and make the most of your romantic destiny with Carol’s free newsletter and catalog of books (get a free book!), personalized astrology reports, and relationship programs, here: www.LoveIsInTheStars.com.
Carol Allen
Author and Expert Vedic astrologer
Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, and an acclaimed international speaker, author and singer/songwriter. Through Rikka’s Adventure in Oneness Events, people embody the brilliant beings they truly ARE beyond this reality’s illusion of limitations.
Rikka Zimmerman
Acclaimed International Speaker and Author
David Kessler is one of the world’s foremost experts on healing and loss. His experience with thousands of people has taught him the secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life. He is the author of five bestselling books, including his newest, co-authored with Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After Breakup, Divorce or Death. He co-authored two bestsellers with the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. His first book received praise by Mother Teresa. His services have been used by Elizabeth Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Marianne Williamson. He also worked with late actors Anthony Perkins and Michael Landon. David’s work has been featured on CNN, NBC, Fox, PBS, and Dr Oz. David is a contributing writer for eHarmony, Oprah.com, Dr. Oz’s Sharecare.com, Anderson Cooper 360 and The Huffington Post. For more info visit www.YouCanHealYourHeart.com and www.Grief.comwww.facebook.com/IamDavidKessler
David Kessler
Relationship and Healing Expert
Cynthia is a transformational specialist and one of today’s brightest and best loved inspirational leaders, guiding people to make changes at a deep level for lasting healing. Cynthia excels as a speaker, coach, singer, and multiple award-winning author of What Will Set You Free and Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence. Cynthia James embodies the quote “I am not what I have done. I am what I have overcome;” and, she leads others to do the same. Her own life was transformed as she transcended a violent and abusive childhood. Through education and personal healing, she created the foundation for all her programs.Ms. James has facilitated hundreds of workshops, seminars and keynotes, including: Omega Institute, Celebrate Your Life, Woman Arising, the Gift in Shift, the Colorado Behavior Healthcare Council, the Women’s Success Forum, the Children’s Hospital, Spirit One Seminars, LeadingAge, and many others. Cynthia’s most recent programs and tools include: Advanced Awareness Coaching, offering depth, focus and results for high level business leaders; and, Affirmative Living, which includes a meditation CD, Passages, and an APP for iPhones and Droids, 100 days of Affirmative Living, in English and Spanish.
Rev. Cynthia James
Transformational specialist and inspirational leader
Dr. Amir Levine is an adult, child, and adolescent psychiatrist and neuroscientist. He graduated from the residency program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University, where he is currently a Principal Investigator on a research project sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Levine has a private practice in New York City, where he lives with his family.
Dr. Amir Levine
Attachment Science World Expert
on Becoming Attached for Life
Bela Gandhi is the CEO of Smart Dating Academy, one of the nation’s top date & relationship coaching firms (that averages several committed relationships/engagements per month). Smart Dating Academy provides busy, successful professionals with date coaching, image consulting, personal shopping, professional photography and online dating consulting – we teach singles how to date smarter and to find love! Called “The Fairy Godmother of Dating!” by the Huffington Post and Steve Harvey, she is the dating expert on the Steve Harvey show, and a correspondent on most major networks including the Today Show, NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, and has been featured in the Chicago Tribune Glamour, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Seventeen, and more. Prior to founding the Smart Dating Academy, Bela worked for 12 years as a top global executive for Akzo Nobel, a large multinational corporation. Bela Gandhi has two degrees from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Finance and German), and is happily married with 2 children that light up her life.
Bela Gandhi
Relationship and Dating Expert
on Secrets for Online Success from the Fairy Godmother of Dating
Relationship coach, crisis-counselor and author Rori Raye teaches women simple and effective techniques for communication, confidence, and connecting with men that she used to turn her own miserable, empty love life into the glorious, three-decades-long marriage she has now. It was from her own painful experiences that Rori learned the secret to helping a man fall in love and commit. Once she learned this secret, she set out to teach it to other women. .By sharing her own experiences – both the humiliating and wonderful ones – it’s her mission to spare other woman from the pain and alienation she went through. Her readers see her as best friend and fairy godmother, with a “we’re-in-this-together” attitude. She coaches them to boost their self esteem, express their needs and emotions to draw him closer, and connect with a man where it matters most… his heart.
Rori Raye
Bestselling Author
on Unleashing Your Modern Siren
Charles J. Orlando is a relationship and interpersonal relations expert and bestselling author of The Problem with Women… is Men® book series and the recently published The Pact: Goodbye, Past. Hello, Love! Charles straight-up approach to research and advice is the driving force behind his success, and he frequently embeds himself in the worlds of dating and marriage—working with people in the real world as a “wingman” on dates, consulting with family and exes of clients to understand past issues, and working to understand the challenges of relationship dynamics and interpersonal relations. Most recently, Charles went undercover on a well-known cheater’s website as a “cheating husband” to get the real-world answers about why women cheat. His first-person experience has been read by millions, and has been optioned for a feature film and a television series. USA Network sought Charles’ expertise for their new show Satisfaction—a groundbreaking television event that highlights the cracks and challenges of long-term marriage, midlife, and infidelity. Charles is currently serving as expert host of a popular TV docu-drama series in its second season (his involvement is to be announced).
Charles Orlando
Relationship expert and bestselling author
Numerologist Glynis McCants has been studying Numerology for over 21 years. Her unique method is based on the Pythagoras Number system, which is more than 2,500 years old. She has evaluated over 21,000 Personal Numerology Charts, and is the author of the best-selling book Glynis Has Your Number which has been translated in over fifteen different languages throughout the world.After successfully picking her husband through Numerology, Glynis McCants was inspired to write her latest book Love by the Numbers, which has also become a Best-Seller.You may have seen Glynis McCants on The Dr. Phil Show, The Dr. Oz Show, The Today Show, Nightline, CBS’ The Talk, The View, and Entertainment Tonight. Glynis was hired by the producers of Jim Carrey’s movie The Number 23. They also had her teach Numerology under Special Features on the DVD. Glynis has been featured in L.A. Confidential Magazine, Time Magazine, USA Today, In Touch, Star, US Weekly, and People Magazine.Glynis has truly mastered the Science of Numerology, and her mission is to educate and simplify what this particular science is all about so that everyone can use it, and change their lives for the better! To see Glynis McCants in action, please visit www.numberslady.com/media.html
Glynis McCants
Expert numerologist and bestselling author
Jan Desai’s high profile and outwardly perfect life took a drastic turn in 2005 when, after more than 20 years of marriage, her husband filed for divorce. She devoted her full time and attention to focusing inward to discover and begin healing the unresolved patterns that kept her continually making choices that were destructive to her self-love and well-being.Her life is a living testament to the saying “all roads lead home;” home being the discovery of one’s most authentic self. At the age of 50 she began making choices that fostered the birth of true joy and power, including a career in personal and spiritual development and marrying a man who is 21 years younger.
For more than 5 decades, she has had diverse and highly successful careers in teaching, public relations, advertising, investment banking, home development, television, public speaking, and consulting, all dovetailing in the creation and launching of her husband, Panache Desai’s international career as a transformational catalyst, author and new thought leader. Together they have two sets of twins under the age of 3. As a busy mother with a successful business, she is now living her best life.
Jan has now begun to answer an inner calling to support women all over the world in their conscious empowerment so that they too may live the life of their dreams.
Jan Desai
Spiritual Entrepreneur, Visionary and Inspirational Speaker
Liana Chaouli, (pronounced sha-oo-li), is the President and Founder of Image Therapists International Inc. and a globally recognized thought leader,best selling author, style expert and educator. For over two decades, premier leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, celebrities and political figures that make their living “being seen”— often from stages around the world—turn to Liana Chaouli to look and feel magnificent. As the developer of Image Therapy™, she works closely with her clients to up-level their personal and professional presence from the inside out. Her clients include Bob Mackie, The Canfield Training Group, IBM, Nordstrom’s, Coldwell Banker University, Chico’s, Choice Hotels and many more.
Image Consultant, Liana Chaouli
President and Founder of Image Therapists International Inc.
Sunny Dawn Johnston is a psychic medium, author, inspirational speaker and spiritual activist. Over the last sixteen years, Sunny has performed thousands of private sessions, readings and workshops which have helped people connect with their angels and guides, and in turn with their heart in order to release the things that hold them back from being their greatest version of themselves. Combining the unconditional love of a mother and the tell-it-like-it-is honesty of a best friend. Sunny helps people move into a higher vibration of living … and a higher vibration of Being. Using her spiritual and intuitive gifts, she shines a light on the areas of lack, fear and insecurity. Sunny feels strongly that at the heart of these issues is a lack of Self-Love. By reflecting the true nature of her clients back to them – which IS Love – they can experience, and then allow in that unconditional love, and begin to heal themselves.Sunny is the author of 15 books, including the best-selling books Invoking the Archangels and The Love Never Ends. She teaches on the subjects of Intuition, Healing the Heart, Angels, and Self-Love. Sunny has been featured in the award-winning documentary Sacred Journey of the Heart. Her most recent television endeavor has been starring in “A Séance with …” on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN).
Sunny Dawn Johnston
Medium, author, inspirational speaker and spiritual activist
Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt inspires open hearted living, with delicious sass. Featured on CBS, TLC & FOX, this cum laude graduate of Columbia University is the Author of 3 books. She’s a coach to celebrities is and the Host of the sexy empowering show “Intimate Conversations LIVE”.Allana endured a brutal custody battle that threatened to compromise her joy, softness and feminine power. Yet she sat in the fire embracing the experience as a spiritual teacher and emerged more courageously vulnerable and radiantly loving than ever before.
Now she works with men and women who struggle to open their hearts again in the aftermath of a harsh breakup. She inspires women to embrace their sacred erotic nature to attract all the love and attention they can handle and heals men’s emasculated hearts and awakens their ‘noble badass.’ She challenges and inspires her clients to be unapologetically true to themselves, and to bow in reverence to their exquisite spiritual and sexual nature.
Alana Pratt
Author and Intimacy Expert
Ben and Jen Rode are the visionary co-founders of The Rode Institute, an educational center for the advancement of spiritual partnerships, sexuality, and spirituality. Ben and Jen are motivational speakers, leading relationship experts, and cutting edge spiritual teachers.Ben and Jen are internationally renowned transformational leaders and the creators of Explosive Sexual Healing. Ben and Jen have revolutionized sexual healing and redefined spiritual partnership for the modern age by bringing sexuality out of the shadows and into the light of the mainstream.
Ben and Jen will be featured alongside Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, the Dalai Lama, and Desmond Tutu in the upcoming Shift Movie, and in salon.com, Huffington Post, Sirius FM, The Young Turks, Private Matters TV, Elephant Journal, and have been blasted by Bill O’Reilly.
Ben and Jen’s passionate mission is to unite spiritual co-creative partnerships for the advancement of humanity.
Jen Rode
Co-founder of The Rode Institute for the advancement of spiritual partnerships, sexuality, and spirituality
Sierra J. Sullivan is a speaker, writer and empowerment mentor & muse for smart, savvy and soul-centered women who yearn for more excitement and fun in life, love and relationship.She helps them shed the inauthentic layers that have built up from living in a patriarchal world and teaches how to transform struggle, exhaustion and stress into flow, ease and the ability to effortlessly magnetize and manifest what they truly want in life.
Offering a plethora of personal and professional development programs such as the Tame Your Inner Critic, Power Circles For Women and the Fun, Fabulous & Feminine Live Experience, Sierra has helped thousands of women across the country to ignite their desires, reclaim their femininity, own their beauty, live their dreams and create conscious partnerships with men.
Learn more about Sierra and her many offerings at LifeStylized.com or join her latest movement of women becoming more Fun, Fabulous & Feminine at: FunFabFem.com
Sierra Sullivan
Speaker, writer, and womens’ empowerment mentor
As the founder of Dating with Dignity and with more than 25 years of personal relationship and dating experience, Marni Battista has dated, was married for 17 years, divorced, and then successfully dated again (and married!) in the 21st century. Marni is a certified professional Dating and Relationship Coach and Expert, best-selling author, and nationally recognized print and online magazine expert covering dating and relationships (Cosmopolitan, Yahoo! Shine, Huffington Post, YourTango.com, CupidsPulse.com, Men’s Fitness, Glamour and more).Marni also has a weekly dating/relationship web show (The Dating Den) with over 5.5 million views, and she was named one of the 10 Best Women’s Dating Experts by DatingAdvice.com. A guest co-host on Dr. Drew Pinsky’s Loveline show, Marni was called LA’s best dating coach after her appearance on On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Marni has also received professional training in dating and relationship coaching, as well as training in the Core Energy Coaching Process from the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC).
Marni Battista
Online Dating Expert
Tommy Rosen is a yoga teacher and addiction recovery expert who has spent the last two decades immersed in yoga, recovery and wellness. He holds certifications in both Kundalini and Hatha Yoga and has 24 years of continuous recovery from drug addiction. He is one of the pioneers in the field of Yoga and Recovery assisting others to holistically transcend addictions of all kinds.Tommy is the founder of Recovery 2.0, host of the Recovery 2.0: Beyond Addiction Online Conference series and the #MoveBeyond Group Coaching Program. He authored the critically-acclaimed book Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond Addiction and Upgrade Your Life (Hay House 2014).
Tommy also leads Recovery 2.0 retreats and workshops internationally and presents regularly at yoga conferences and festivals.
He lives with his wife of 13 years, noted Yoga teacher Kia Miller, in Venice, CA.
Tommy Rosen
Yoga teacher and addiction recovery expert
Sherry Gaba, LCSW, is a licensed psychotherapist and life coach who has helped hundreds of people cope with lifelong addictions, including substance abuse, shopping, gambling, food, sex and love, co-dependency, trauma, depression, anxiety, single parenting and divorce. Sherry appeared on Celebrity Rehab 3, 4, and 5. She also facilitated life coaching on their subsequent spin off Sober House and Celebrity Rehab’s Sex Addiction. During filming of the series, Sherry used her trademark sensitivity and compassion to help troubled cast members as they transitioned into their new sober lives with psychotherapy and life coaching tips. Sherry most recently appeared on CNN Headline News as a guest expert, as well as Inside Edition, where she spoke about Mackenzie Phillip’s who was on Celebrity Rehab 3. In addition, she appeared on KTLA Channel 5 as an expert on eating disorders and Fox San Diego News, Better TV, WPIX New York, CNN Prime News, Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell on HLN, Showbiz Tonight, Joy Behar on HLN, the Bio Channel: The Tragic Side of Fame and E!News discussing Celebrity Rehab and Teen Mom on MTV. Sherry’s book, “The Law of Sobriety” from HCI Publications is about recovery from addictions and alcoholism and was published in September 2010. Sherry has also been published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Women’s World, Los Angeles Times Blog, New York Post, The Huffington Post, Hollywood Life, Elle On-line, E! On-line, Radar On-line and the New York Daily News. She has also been a guest with Martha Stewart, Jay Thomas, and Judith Regan on Sirius XM Radio. Sherry also blogs on Beliefnet.com, Counselor Magazine, Deepak Chopra’s IntentBlog.com, Everyday Health and Renew Magazine. In addition, Sherry hosts The Brighter Side of Recovery Radio Show on KVTA 1590, a show on self discovery and positive transformation
Sherry Gaba
Life coach and licensed psychotherapist
Featured in the Huffington Post, FoxNews, CBSNews, Women’s Health Magazine and Women’s Day Magazine, Kavita J. Patel is quickly becoming the leading expert in Love today. For over 20 years and through her signature program Soul Level Love, Kavita has helped thousands of successful and ambitious women dive beneath the surface and change the patterns that have kept them from finding and keeping extraordinary love with the man of their dreams.
Kavita Patel
Sandra Biskind is an International #1 Bestselling author, global leader in consciousness, the co-creator of the Ultimate Mind Shift System and an acclaimed international speaker and life coach. Through Sandra’s transformational system, people embody enlightened leadership to be the brilliant beings they truly are beyond the limitations of their unconscious blocks to success.
Sandra Biskind
Liz Dawn
Celebrate Your Life creator
Amy Ahlers, the Wake-Up Call Coach and bestselling author, is on a mission to stop women from being so darn hard on themselves. Since 2000, she has been an International Certified Success Coach, the CEO of Wake-Up Call Coaching and co-founder of Inner Mean Girl Reform School with Christine Arylo, Visionary Ignition Switch with Lissa Rankin and Find Your Calling with Lissa Rankin and Martha Beck. Her newest passion is supporting moms to embrace the messiness and magic of motherhood with the Mama Truth Circle and Mama Truth Show.Her first book, Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves: Ditch your Inner Critic and Wake Up Your Inner Superstar (New World Library, 2011), shot up to #1 in several categories on Amazon, including Self-Help, Happiness and Self-Esteem. Her new book, Reform Your Inner Mean Girl: 7 Steps to Stop Bullying Yourself and Start Loving Yourself, (Simon & Shuster/Atria Books/Beyond Words, 2015) she co-wrote with Christine Arylo, is based on the world renowned Inner Mean Girl Reform School program that has helped over 30,000 women around the world transform their Inner Critics and empower their Inner Wisdom.
A 2010 recipient of the Women Who Dare Award from Girls Inc., she holds a BA from the University of California, earned the CPCC designation from The Coaches Training Institute and is a Master Coach Equivalent. Amy is known best for her unconditional love, relentless enthusiasm, and kick ass truth telling. You can often find Amy in the San Francisco Bay Area holding hands with her husband, Rob, as they run after their firecracker daughters, Annabella and Evie Rose.
Amy Ahlers
Just prior to winning Miss USA 1982, Terri Britt put her fist in her boyfriend’s window. She carried her emotional angst into her career in the television industry and then as a wife and mom. Terri made a decision to heal and discovered where her pain stemmed from: she had spent her life trying to “win” love and approval. Terri said “No more!” to performing and “Yes!” to loving herself first, and then miracle after miracle showed up. Her relationships healed, her friends and family began loving themselves, too, and Terri discovered her deepest passion. For nearly 20 years as a spiritual coach, energetic healer, author and speaker, she’s been helping women shift their vibrations and raise their Worthiness Quotients to inner and outer abundance. In her newest e-book, “Women Leaders of Love: How to End the #1 Massive Mistake Women Make & Unleash Your Greatest Act of Service,” Terri explains the importance of women loving themselves first and says, “We women have the power to create immense change in our lives, homes, workplaces and the world. We claim that power when we stop performing and become Women Leaders of Love.” For more information, go to www.terribritt.com.
Terri Britt
Kristen is an actress who’s appeared on Broadway and TV, as well as a coach who has coached online gurus, screenwriters, Broadway actors, entrepreneurs, stay at home moms and people from all walks of life to reach new heights in their lives, relationships and careers. Kristen’s programs are used by thousands of people worldwide and her Online Magazine, videos and interviews reach over 100,000 people and counting each and every week…Kristen’s unique approach to abundance, fulfillment and true success combines humor, straight-shooter, no-fluff honesty and a deep understanding of Universal Law, harmonic vibration and Inspired Action. Her mission is to help you Go Big Beyond Limits using her formula – Inspired Action + Universal Laws = Extraordinary!
Kristin Howe
Coach and Actress
Melanie Tonia Evans is a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Expert, healer, author and radio host. Melanie is the creator of the healing system called Quanta Freedom Healing and the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program.Melanie’s passion is teaching people how to transcend from abuse – with the understanding that the old model of abuse recovery through cognitive therapy, joining abuse forums and trying to learn as much as possible about abusers – only keeps people stuck in powerlessness and victimhood.
Melanie’s model, which she calls the “Thriver Model”, helps people access and up-level their trauma wounding. This allows people to claim their personal power and create a greater life than they were ever able to access even before being abused.
To date Melanie’s healing system Quanta Freedom Healing, the main component in the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, has created Thriver recoveries for thousands of people from over 50 different countries.
Melanie Tonia Evans
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Expert, healer, author
Mike Dooley is a former PriceWaterhouseCoopers international tax consultant, turned entrepreneur, who’s founded a philosophical Adventurers Club on the Internet that’s now home to over 750,000 members from over 185 countries. His inspirational books emphasizing spiritual accountability have been published in 25 languages and he was one of the featured teachers in the international phenomenon, The Secret. Today Mike is perhaps best known for his free Notes from the Universe emailings and his New York Times bestsellers Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams and Leveraging the Universe: 7 Steps to Engaging Life’s Magic. Mike lives what he teaches, traveling internationally speaking on life, dreams, and happiness. To learn more visit www.tut.com.
Mike Dooley
New York Times bestselling author, and featured teacher in The Secret
Lauren Frances
Author, Love Coach, and Founder of the Institute of Romantic Research
Ken Page
Renowned Psychotherapist and Bestselling Author
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