The 5 Keys Conscious Women Need to Know to Meet the Right Partner and Create Lifelong Love
We are Excited to Give You FREE Access to the Entire
Attract Your Soulmate Now! Series for Two Full Days
From Friday, November 4th at 9am Pacific Time
Through Sunday, November 6th at 9am Pacific Time!
As always, we at The Art of Love are standing for the realization of extraordinary love in your life.
As our gift to you, we are thrilled to offer you two full days of free access to the 34 groundbreaking seminars, panels and “Success Stories” from our latest Attract Your Soulmate Series: The 5 Keys Conscious Women Need to Know to Meet the Right Partner and Create Lifelong Love.
Access to the seminars will be available at no charge from Friday, November 4th at 9am Pacific Time, through 9am Pacific Time on Sunday, November 6th.
**IMPORTANT**: If you don’t have the time to take advantage of this ALL ACCESS event, or if you simply want to enjoy the option of listening to the entire Attract Your Soulmate Series again and again, we’re excited to announce a Special Offer:
Right now, you can own your own digital copy of the entire series library for 50% off when you take action before Midnight Pacific Time on Wednesday, November 9th.
Learn more and INSTANTLY download all 34 seminars PLUS bonuses for 50% off here.
Here’s What You’ll Receive with Your
Attract Your Soulmate Series Library
Complete Instant Digital Access Own your own copy of the entire Attract Your Soulmate Series in downloadable digital format.
What you’ll receive:
- $1997 valueUnlimited access to the event’s complete 5 Keys for Conscious Women “Soulmate Seminar” Library of Keynotes and Panels in downloadable MP3s format.
- $297 value9 Inspiring Women’s Soulmate Success Stories via downloadable MP3 – So that you can anchor your consciousness in the vibration of love and be inspired by these role models of possibility. (Download Access)
- $205 valuePDF Transcripts of each session, so that you can review the material in print and won’t have to take notes while listening.
- $1,200 valueExclusive “Love Manifestation Powers Toolkit” Bonus Package
Total Value:$3,699
Regular Price:$197
Your Limited Time 50% Off Price: $97
Keep Reading for a Full Program Overview and Details of What You’ll Learn in Every Session…
Kickoff Event
Amplify Your Love Manifesting Power
with Arielle Ford, Claire Zammit, and Special Guest Marianne Williamson

We begin the series with this inspiring and transformational Kick-Off Event, to supercharge your powers of love manifestation and orient you toward getting absolutely the most out of the entire series.
Claire & Arielle will share their stories of being smart, conscious, successful women who struggled with love, and *exactly* what they did to break through (Arielle was a first-time bride at 44!).
Plus! Spiritual Teacher and New York Times #1 Bestselling Author Marianne Williamson will be leading us in an opening prayer and Love Invocation!
You’ll also discover…
- What a soulmate is, what a great life-partner, and why you need both combined to be fulfilled in love
- The 5 Key shifts you can make that will ensure your success in manifesting love
- How to heal and open your heart to a deeper love than you’ve ever known
- How to cultivate the “love manifestation mindset” and set a magnetic intention to attract your Soulmate in 2017.
- Plus, you’ll receive an overview of the 10 days of the series, the speakers, panels and Soulmate success stories, and how to get the most out of the event.
Keynote #1: Invoking Aphrodite: Aligning Power & Vulnerability to Attract Your Soulmate
with Marianne Williamson
Many contemporary women embody the Greek Goddess Athena, while craving a visit from Aphrodite. Yet the gods only come to where they are fully embodied. And so if you seek a deeper romance, it serves to embody the goddess Aphrodite. In order to become her, however, you must approach her with reverence and love. Marianne’s seminar aims to help you do just that.
In her seminar, Marianne will also explore…
- Practical ways to set up your external AND internal environment that will summon the energy of Aphrodite into your life
- How to recognize the beliefs you must stop engaging that sabotage your chances for love
- Key ways to honor your embodiment of Athena, with her masculine power, as well as your embodiment of Aphrodite’s vulnerability and femininity.
- How to balance the two goddesses’ power and vulnerability, masculine and feminine, to attract dynamic, magnetic love into your life.
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer. Six of her eleven published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Her book A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers. Her latest work, The Aphrodite Training, seeks to inspire women to align power and vulnerability, masculine and feminine, and work and romance within the sacred temple of the heart.
Panel #1: Embracing and Exuding your Feminine Sensuality
with Allana Pratt, Sierra Sullivan and Jen Rode

Women are out in the world doing amazing things on a daily basis, but overdoing disconnects us from our powers of intuition, pleasure, and sensuality, and our ability to receive love. How can we embrace and activate our feminine energy? What can we do right now to magnetize and receive more love and pleasure?
This seminar explores:
- The paradoxical power of learning to surrender
- Accessing the deep intuition of your ”other set of lips”
- Why being a seductress can be counterproductive to your love life
- The ritual to sexually connect to your soulmate on the unseen plane—even before you’ve met
- Powerful daily affirmations, practices, and activities to enhance your radiance
Intimacy expert Allana Pratt inspires open-hearted living with delicious sass. Featured on CBS, TLC & FOX, the cum laude graduate of Columbia University has published 3 books and today coaches celebrities and hosts the sexy empowering online show “Intimate Conversations LIVE”.
With her partner Ben, Jen Rode co-founded The Rode Institute, an educational center for the advancement of spiritual partnerships, sexuality, and spirituality. Jen is a motivational speaker, leading relationship expert, and cutting-edge spiritual teacher.
Sierra J. Sullivan is a speaker, writer, empowerment mentor & muse for smart, savvy and soul-centered women who yearn for more excitement and fun in life, love and relationship. She offers a plethora of personal and professional development programs, such as Tame Your Inner Critic, Power Circles For Women and the Fun, Fabulous & Feminine Live Experience.
Soulmate Success Story #1: Liana Chaouli
Born to a Persian Jewish family in Germany, Liana married at 16—and then divorced at 21. After emigrating to the U.S. she remarried, only to be divorced yet again after a near-death experience. At 40, her shift from resistance to awareness led her to begin her groundbreaking work as an Image Therapist—and she met her loving soulmate, Victor, when she was 53.
- The feel-good ‘flirting device’ every woman needs
- Liana’s AAA plan for self-love—THE prerequisite for soulmate love
- The sexiest accessory a woman can have (it’s not what you think)
- Why being with your soulmate will actually boost your income and career!
Liana Chaouli is the President and Founder of Image Therapists International Inc. and a globally recognized thought leader, bestselling author, style expert and educator. For over two decades premier leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, celebrities and political figures that make their living “being seen”— often from stages around the world—have turned to Liana to look and feel magnificent. As the developer of Image Therapy™, she works closely with her clients to up-level their personal and professional presence from the inside out. Her clients include IBM, Nordstrom’s, Coldwell Banker University, Chico’s, Choice Hotels and many more.
Keynote #2: Attracting a Conscious Man: What to Look for in a Life-Partner
with Dr. John Gray
If you’re wondering where all the conscious men are, you need to listen to this seminar! Leading visionary thinker and author Dr. John Gray defines the qualities conscious men bring to the table—and how this consciousness itself is neither “perfection” nor “the finished product,” but the very foundation for transformation.
During his seminar, he explains…
- How staying grounded in authentic femininity (for women) and masculinity (for men) is the key to attracting the right partner
- What a conscious man really is and how it might be different from your assumptions
- How to assess whether a man has the qualities of being a fantastic life partner
- The key for women to succeed in love is to become “proceptive”– discover what this is and how this can make all the difference in whether your relationship has a strong foundation!
Dr. John Gray is the all-time best-selling relationship author and the most trusted voice in relationships today. He is the author of 18 books, including The New York Times #1 Best-Seller MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS. His newest book is entitled Conscious Men: Mastering the New Man Code for Success and Relationships. His books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages. John is a leading, internationally recognized expert in the fields of communication and relationships. In his highly acclaimed books, videos and transformational seminars, John entertains and inspires audiences with practical communication techniques. John’s purpose is to create a world where men and women understand, respect, appreciate and ultimately work with one another.
Keynote #3: Unlocking the Magnetic Power of Self-Love and Happiness
with Marci Shimoff
Humans naturally crave love. But if you’re feeling unloved, isolated, or just not very self-confident, where do you begin? Bestselling author Marci Shimoff has lived this transformation and shares her latest tips and tools for cultivating self-love and true happiness.
In her seminar, Marci shares…
- How to cultivate the “love response” and what it will physiologically do for you
- The daily question that increases pleasure, happiness, and attractiveness
- The negative syndrome that’s stopping love, and how to transform it
- The 3-minute practice to access your “Sacred Lovers Within”
- How to go from self-doubt to sexy in less than 5 minutes a day
Marci Shimoff is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love. Her books include the international bestsellers Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason. Marci is also the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, as co-author of six books in the Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul series.
Panel #2: Clearing Your Path to Lifelong Love: Three Experts Share the Science of Rewiring Your Brain to Create Positive Love Habits
with Christy Whitman, Rikka Zimmerman & John Assaraf

We all have cellular memory of every good or bad experience we’ve ever had in this life. And that means we’re hardwired or conditioned to hold certain beliefs based on those past experiences. But when our beliefs aren’t serving us, we need to release them and create new thought patterns that do. It may sound complicated, but these experts will walk you through an easy 4-step process you can use to retrain your brain in just 3 to 5 minutes a day.
They’ll also reveal:
- If there are negative beliefs we’re born with (The answer will surprise you!)
- How to escape negative feedback loops when you’re spiraling downward
- How it’s possible to be both “miserable and comfortable”
- The exercise to tap into the energy of infinite, unconditional love
- How to create and use affirmations properly . . . so they really work!
- Two things that immediately trigger the brain to feel love
- How to use abundance to find and keep love
Christy Whitman is the New York Times bestselling author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program.
Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, and an acclaimed international speaker, author and singer/songwriter. Through Rikka’s Adventure in Oneness Events, people embody the brilliant beings they truly ARE beyond this reality’s illusion of limitations.
John Assaraf is a serial entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of PraxisNow, a brain-research company that creates some of the most powerful evidence-based brain retraining tools and programs in the world. He’s the author of two New York Times best-selling books, Having It All and The Answer.
Soulmate Success Story #2: J.J. Virgin
At age 52, celebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin found herself truly in love for the very first time—in spite of two marriages and multiple previous engagements souring. She’s now happily preparing to marry her soulmate, Tim, who is her perfect counterpart and amazing supportive partner.
Listen to her inspiring story to hear…
- Why online dating is your very best resource for finding your conscious man
- How to write an online profile that will attract the right person and repel the wrong ones
- How to find the path to forgiveness and self-love
- Why and how your friends can help you determine if “he’s the one.”
Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness Expert JJ Virgin helps clients lose weight fast by breaking free from food intolerances and crushing their sugar cravings. She is author of 4 New York Times Bestsellers and is a frequent blogger at Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and other outlets, as well as a popular guest on TV and radio shows and in magazines.
Seminar Highlights with Arielle Ford & Claire Zammit

These sessions include key take-aways from the day’s program, and the opportunity to gather with our whole community.
The group sessions are also each carefully designed to supercharge your power to manifest your soulmate…
- By deepening your discoveries from the day’s sessions
- By helping you come closer to resolving whatever issues specific seminars have shone a light on
- By connecting with Arielle and Claire and with the energy of the Group field
Keynote #4: The Skills to Create Lasting Bonds
with Dr. Amir Levine
Did you know you have a unique style of attachment to others? It developed from your earliest bonds with your caregivers, when you were very young… and by discovering that style, you take the first step toward learning what will (and won’t) work for you in relationships and how your personal evolution in relationships will unfold.
Join attachment expert Dr. Amir Levine in this fascinating seminar, in which you’ll discover…
- How to learn and maximize your personal attachment style
- How to spot the “superhero of soulmates” — the ultimate “type” for a happy life.
- What the “dependency paradox” is, and how to embrace it to attract and keep healthy love
- The magical feeling that you might be confusing for passion, and why the difference is crucial
- Simple “probes” to ask to see if he has the capacity to love you (you can’t ask for too much!)
Dr. Amir Levine is an adult, child, and adolescent psychiatrist and neuroscientist. During his work in a therapeutic nursery with mothers with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and their toddlers, Amir witnessed the power of attachment to heal and realized the importance of attachment principles in the daily lives of adults as well as children. He went on to co-author the book Attached, which guides readers in determining what attachment style they and their mate—or potential mate—follow, and offers a road map, starting from the first date, for building stronger, more fulfilling connections with the people they love. Dr. Levine graduated from the residency program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University, where he is currently a Principal Investigator on a research project sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. He has a private practice in New York City, where he lives with his family.
Keynote #5: Inside the Mind and Heart of a Conscious Man: What Women Must Know to Attract and Sustain Lasting Love
with Matt Boggs
If you’re wondering where all the good men have gone, then scoot your chair in close and you’ll hear the answers in this intimate seminar with relationship expert Mat Boggs. It’s 100% possible to meet your match, and Mat will give you deep insights into understanding smart, high-quality conscious men and then take you step by step through the process of attracting and interacting with a conscious man!
You’ll discover…
- What a conscious man is, the qualities to look for in finding one (you might be surprised!), and the top red flags to watch out for along the way.
- The qualities conscious men are seeking in women whom they would consider for a life partner.
- The reasons you’ll absolutely want to give a conscious man more than one date in the process of deciding if you’re compatible.
- How men really feel about women who are powerful and successful.
- The keys to understanding conscious men—and how to apply them to make yourself irresistible to them.
Mat Boggs is the best-selling author of Project Everlasting and the creator of Cracking The Man Code. A highly sought-after dating coach and relationship expert, Mat has appeared in national media venues such as The Today Show, CNN, Headline News, Oprah and Friends, and ABC, as well as shared the stage with industry leaders such as John Gray, Allison Armstrong, Jack Canfield, and many others. His message of love and practical relationship advice has impacted more than 12 million people worldwide.
Keynote #6: Overcoming Guilt and Regret: How to Open Your Heart to Love Again and Experience Lasting Bliss In Your Next Relationship
With Neale Donald Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch is the bestselling author of the Conversations With God series of books, and the founder of numerous organizations for spiritual growth.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- The difference between guilt and regret, and how knowing that difference will help you overcome your barriers to finding true love
- How to heal from the pain of past relationships
- Why we must strive for intimacy with each other and how our connection to others brings us an experience of ourselves, and an awareness of who we are, in a way nothing else can
- How you can deepen your relationship and make it work better
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern-day spiritual messenger whose words touch the world in profound ways. His Conversations With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, impacting millions and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. He has published numerous other books, as well as video and audio programs. Available throughout the world, each of the Conversations With God books has made the New York Times Bestseller list, with Conversations with God – Book 1 occupying that list for over two and half years.
Panel #3: Is He Worthy of Your Love? What to Look For in a Life Partner
with Carol Allen, Melanie Tonia Evans, and David Kessler

Far too often, women are experiencing heartbreak or confusion because they over-invest in a man who just doesn’t have the capacity to love or to be a great life-partner. How do you assess whether a man has a capacity for lasting, loving and healthy relationship before you put in all that emotional time and energy? How do you determine what’s possible beyond the initial chemistry?
In this panel you’ll learn…
- What to do when your dream-come-true man turns into your worst nightmare
- Signs that he’s healthy and capable of deep, lasting love
- Warning signs that he’s a narcissist or sociopath so you don’t open your heart to someone who will trample on it
- Why to watch out for “love bombing,” and how over-the-top affection can be disarmed
- How to forgive past lovers (and yourself) to heal from relationship wounds so you can open your heart again to love more deeply than ever before
Carol Allen is a happily married Vedic astrologer who empowers women to enjoy truly “out of this world” love lives. Her methods combine her training in the astrology of India with cutting-edge relationship research. She has been featured on E!, Bridezillas, EXTRA, and Dr. Drew’s Lifechangers, and in Chicken Soup For The Soul. Carol is the author of Love Is In The Stars – The Wise Woman’s Astrological Guide To Men.
Melanie Tonia Evans is a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Expert, healer, author and radio host. Melanie is the creator of the healing system called Quanta Freedom Healing and the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, which allow people to access and transform their trauma wounding. Her methods have aided the recoveries of thousands of people from over 50 countries.
David Kessler is one of the world’s foremost experts on healing and loss and author of five bestselling books, including his newest, co-authored with Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After Breakup, Divorce or Death. David’s work has been featured on CNN, NBC, Fox, PBS, and Dr Oz. David is a contributing writer for eHarmony, Oprah.com, Dr. Oz’s Sharecare.com, Anderson Cooper 360 and The Huffington Post.
Coming Soon!
Soulmate Success Story #3: Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, AKA SARK!
Susan shares how she evolved from being singularly successful in the creative world—and unattached—to marrying herself and then manifesting her soulmate at age 58 on a cruise to Alaska.
Listen to her seminar with Arielle to learn…
- How overcoming the need for control or perfection can open you up to love, and what it takes to get there
- Why the man of your dreams may not seem to be your “type,” but may be something better
- the move from “compromising” to “creating joyful solutions” that brings you (and your partner) more happiness, and how to make that critical shift
- SARK’s 3 habits for healthy self-love to attract the right partner
SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) is the co-author with Dr. John Waddell of Succulent Wild Love. She comes from a background of creative expression and uplifting others through her bestselling books, including Eat Mangoes Naked and Succulent Wild Woman, as well as her products and programs that support empowered living. SARK’s purpose is to be a transformer and a laser beam of love. She does that through her art, words and spirit, which have been celebrated by leading thought leaders like Wayne Dyer, Maya Angelou, and Marianne Williamson.
Seminar Highlights with Arielle Ford & Claire Zammit

These sessions include key take-aways from the day’s program, and the opportunity to gather with our whole community.
The group sessions are also each carefully designed to supercharge your power to manifest your soulmate…
- By deepening your discoveries from the day’s sessions
- By helping you come closer to resolving whatever issues specific seminars have shone a light on
- By connecting with Arielle and Claire and with the energy of the Group field
Keynote #7: The Feminine Power Love Keys for Smart, Creative, Gifted, Conscious Women to Attract Their Life-Partner
with Claire Zammit
Can women be smart, successful, brilliant AND have love? The answer is…YES we absolutely can! Deeply rooted in Claire’s Feminine Power wisdom, this seminar addresses the challenges many successful women experience in attracting the right partner and creating a fulfilling relationship. If you’ve ever felt like you have to choose between following your career or you calling and having love, or that men out there aren’t able to “meet” you on every level, you won’t want to miss this session—as Claire has been there and will help you break free and create the love you were born to give and receive.
In this seminar you’ll discover…
- The painful double-bind conscious women have been in around love that’s been limiting your experiences of love, and how to break free from it.
- Why the idea that “men aren’t attracted to strong women” is a myth and the truth that will set you free around this belief, enabling you to attract a mate who is a true equal
- How to tap into the magnetic wealth of your true Feminine Power and learn how to use it to become more fully yourself and attract the love of your life
- How to stay calmly, confidently, and uniquely yourself with men, and draw in the right man for you because of it
- The secrets to manifesting and nourishing a deep and vital relationship with your partner
- Special, personal tips and “Feminine Power Statements” from Claire based on her own success in manifesting love.
Claire Zammit, Ph.D. is a transformational teacher, leader, and creator of the Feminine Power courses and advanced coaching, facilitation & leadership certification trainings, serving hundreds of thousands of women from more than 100 countries. Claire’s mission is to is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact.
She is also the co-founder and president of the transformational learning company Evolving Wisdom that was recognized by Inc Magazine as one of the top 100 fastest growing companies in America. Claire is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council & Evolutionary Leaders Forum.
Keynote #8: Unleash Your Inner Siren
with Rori Raye
According to relationship coach Rori Raye, the Modern Siren uses her unique brand of play and “being herself” to magnetize men to her. But since modern women are trained to think, analyze, and produce exactly like men, we paradoxically need to work on just “being ourselves.”
In this seminar, Rori illustrates how to use the power of the imagination and the 5 senses to bring yourself into greater Presence, a feminine state that increases our relaxation and also happens to attract men.
Listen in to discover…
- The surprising thing you need to give up to come more deeply into your femininity
- How slowing down your tempo can lead to greater creativity and efficiency
- How “leaning in” may be great for career, but “leaning back” is necessary for your love life
- Powerful imaginal and sensory techniques to increase self-love and acceptance
- What a conscious man needs that only a conscious woman can give him
Rori Raye turned around an empty love life to create a glorious 30-year-long marriage, and now the relationship coach, crisis counselor, and author teaches women effective techniques for communication, confidence, and connecting with men.
Panel #4: Reclaim Your Radiance: How to Overcome Feelings of Unworthiness & Powerlessness
with Amy Ahlers, Kristen Howe and Terri Britt

In spite of feeling very competent and confident in our careers, when it comes to love, modern women can feel unworthy or lack self-esteem. Many successful women believe that when it comes to love, we’re too old, too fat, or too damaged, or that all the good ones are taken. Or having been heartbroken in the past, some of us are simply too scared to open up to love again.
In this panel, expert coaches Amy Ahlers, Terri Britt, and Kristen Howe reveal the art, science and magic to activate your love manifesting mojo and attract your conscious man.
Listen in to discover…
- How to put your “Achievement Junkie” archetype into “Manifest Love” mode
- A fast and powerful, guided process to heal a broken heart and find the courage to love again
- The five-minute confidence builder that will magnetize your soulmate to you
- The journey from unworthiness to unconditional self-love (that will also multiply your attraction factor)
- Access your inner “Divine Mother” to attract your beloved.
Amy Ahlers, The “Wake-Up Call Coach” and bestselling author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves, is on a mission to wake you up to the TRUTH about how FABULOUS you are! She is a Certified Life Coach and co-founder of Inner Mean Girl Reform School™ with Christine Arylo, Visionary Ignition Switch with Lissa Rankin and Find Your Calling with Lissa Rankin and Martha Beck. Amy’s been featured on many TV and radio programs and leads retreats for women around the world to help them cultivate the courage to follow their Inner Wisdom.
Terri Britt won Miss USA 1982, but carried emotional angst into her career in the television industry and then as a wife and mom. When she discovered that her pain stemmed from spending her time trying to win love and approval, she said “No more!” to performing and “Yes!” to loving herself first—and miracle after miracle showed up. For nearly 20 years as a spiritual coach, energetic healer, author and speaker, Terri’s been helping women shift their vibrations and raise their Worthiness Quotients to inner and outer abundance. In her newest e-book, “Women Leaders of Love: How to End the #1 Massive Mistake Women Make & Unleash Your Greatest Act of Service,” Terri explains the importance of women loving themselves first.
Kristen Howe is an actress who has appeared on Broadway and TV, as well as a coach who has guided online gurus, screenwriters, Broadway actors, entrepreneurs, stay-at-home moms and people from all walks of life to reach new heights in their lives, relationships and careers. Kristen’s programs are used by thousands of people worldwide, and her Online Magazine, videos, and interviews have reached hundreds of thousands of people. Kristen’s unique approach to abundance, fulfillment and true success combines humor, straight-shooter no-fluff honesty and a deep understanding of Universal Law, harmonic vibration and Inspired Action.
Soulmate Success Story #4: Mary Morrissey
At 55, the bestselling author and transformational expert Mary Morrissey had been married twice, and she felt determined not to get in another relationship. But her soulmate, Joe, had another idea!
Listen to their story to discover…
- how making platonic male friends can lead you toward your soulmate
- how to make the “vibrational match” between your partner and yourself even before you meet, so that you create fulfillment on all levels
- How to cultivate a state of grateful “overflow” that can enhance your own attractiveness
- The mantra to say daily to improve your love life
Transformational speaker, executive coach and corporate consultant, Mary Morrissey has spent over 30 years experience empowering individuals in abundance, authenticity, and success. As a sought-after expert on the “invisible side” of success, Mary has spoken three times at the United Nations, and worked with His Holiness The Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. Her best-selling book, Building Your Field of Dreams was made into a PBS special. Among all of her achievements and degrees in higher learning, Mary’s favorites are the two black belts she has earned: one in Success and the other in Failure.
Seminar Highlights with Arielle Ford & Claire Zammit

These sessions include key take-aways from the day’s program, and the opportunity to gather with our whole community.
The group sessions are also each carefully designed to supercharge your power to manifest your soulmate…
- By deepening your discoveries from the day’s sessions
- By helping you come closer to resolving whatever issues specific seminars have shone a light on
- By connecting with Arielle and Claire and with the energy of the Group field
Keynote #9: Master Love Manifestation Keys
with Arielle Ford
What is the Law of Attraction, and how can it literally magnetize love toward you? Arielle Ford has spent over two decades studying love from master teachers across the globe, and she has synthesized their teachings in a uniquely approachable way.
Join her to discover…
- The Universal Law that can be used to find your soulmate.
- The most important item that everyone *must* have on their soulmate wish list for long-term happiness.
- The “secret sauce” for manifesting love
- Why “living as if” will get you to love faster, and exactly how to begin doing it.
- How to engage in the all-important “feathering the nest” process that speeds up the rate at which you’ll manifest love.
Arielle Ford has spent the past 30 years becoming a master manifester and living and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is the author of the international bestseller, THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction, as well as the award-winning Wabi Sabi Love and the recent Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate. Arielle has been called “The Cupid of Consciousness” and “The Fairy Godmother of Love.” Arielle is also the creator of The Soulmate Secret Online Course, which is offered by Evolving Wisdom. She lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband and Soulmate, Brian Hilliard, and their feline friends.
Panel #5: Enlisting the Help of Your Angels, Ancestors & Guides to Manifest Love
with Sunny Dawn Johnston and Glynis McCants

Many women believe they can’t have it all these days and have chosen (understandably) to focus on their careers or businesses. But what if the universe itself had support to offer on the path to love? In this seminar you’ll learn a host of simple and powerful ways to access that support.
Join us to…
- Figure out your “life path number” and what it means for your love style and your compatibility with others
- Discover a beautiful nine-step process to attract your soulmate—with the help of the angelic realm
- Learn to connect with your ancestors to receive their advice and support
- Discover the theme of this year for you according to numerology
- Connect with the love archangels who are ready and waiting to support your lovelife
Sunny Dawn Johnston is a seasoned psychic medium, author, inspirational speaker and spiritual activist. Author of 15 books, including the best-selling Invoking the Archangels and The Love Never Ends, she has been featured in the award-winning documentary Sacred Journey of the Heart. Her most recent television endeavor has been starring in “A Séance with …” on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN).
Numerologist Glynis McCants has studied Numerology for over 21 years, evaluated over 21,000 Personal Numerology Charts, appeared on numerous telelvision shows and in many magazines, and has authored the internationally best-selling book Glynis Has Your Number, which has been translated into more than 15 languages.
Soulmate Success Story #5: Shanda Sumpter
Shanda is a blockbuster business coach and CEO of a multi-million dollar company—yet in her late 30’s, she had been down the rabbit hole many times with men. Thanks to her sister, Tinder, and a ticking biological clock, Shanda gave herself a mere 90 days to manifest her soulmate and Baby Daddy. She had a detailed list of non-negotiables, including that he had to be a triathlete—and she manifested her Ironman, Ash!
Listen to her incredible story to find out…
- The one shift you must make to create the relationship you truly want
- The problem that can happen unconsciously with your partnership when you don’t feel “good enough”
- The simple practice that can open the door for men to ask you out
- Why sticking around for a second date can make all the difference
Shanda Sumpter is the founder and Queen Visionary of HeartCore Business. She’s a passionate business coach and creator of a series of online marketing courses for clientele. A dynamic teacher who has transformed thousands of lives through her products and group programs, Shanda has made it her mission to share the principles and strategies that took her from a struggling entrepreneur to the CEO of a multi-million dollar empire and have inspired visionaries worldwide to turn their dream businesses into reality.
Keynote #10: Activating Synchrodestiny to Attract Soul Love
with Deepak Chopra
World-renowned spirituality expert Deepak Chopra explains why the inward practice of meditation is so powerful and effective when it comes to attracting, and being, in love. He’ll even walk you through a meditation … and there is no greater teacher!
This deeply spiritual seminar also includes:
- The role fate, karma or destiny play in relationships
- How meditating with your beloved will deepen your love
- The four “A’s” that allow love to flow—what they are and how to use them!
- The real meaning and value of mantras
- Simple steps to follow to cultivate a soulmate mindset
Deepak Chopra has been dubbed the “poet-prophet of alternative medicine” by Time magazine. The medical doctor has published more than 70 books, with over twenty bestsellers, including The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and Ageless Body Timeless Mind. He also continues to spread the gospel of alternative medicine through his practice of integrative medicine at The Chopra Center in California, where conventional Western medical practices are combined with alternative therapies such as yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic therapies.
Panel #6: Raising Your Love Vibration To Attract Your Soulmate
with Kavita Patel, Cynthia James, Sandra Biskind

As vibrational beings, we emit frequencies across a spectrum of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Whether we suffer from bodily tension, negative thoughts or difficult feelings, all these can suppress our ability to magnetize real love into our lives.
When we learn to consciously raise our love vibration, we manifest and experience greater love. “Tune in” to this panel to find out!
When you listen you’ll learn…
- Why love is much more than an emotion—and why this is the key to attracting your partner
- The 4 steps to skyrocket your love vibration that will make waves in the spiritual realm
- The rirtual to do before every date to bring in the universe’s support in your quest
- The fast and easy “re-programming” process that will take you from self-doubt to Big Love!
- The most important thing to ask God/Spirit/The Universe for when manifesting your soulmate
Sandra Biskind is an International #1 Bestselling author, global leader in consciousness, the co-creator of the Ultimate Mind Shift System and an acclaimed speaker and life coach. Through Sandra’s transformational system, people embody enlightened leadership to be the brilliant beings they truly are, beyond the limitations of their unconscious blocks to success.
Rev. Cynthia James is a transformational specialist and inspirational leader, guiding people to make changes at a deep level for lasting healing. The multiple award-winning author of What Will Set You Free and Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence, Cynthia has facilitated hundreds of workshops, seminars and keynotes. Her most recent programs and tools include Advanced Awareness Coaching, offering depth, focus and results for high-level business leaders and an app called 100 days of Affirmative Living.
Love Coach and Intuitive Counselor Kavita Patel has been featured in the Huffington Post, FoxNews, CBSNews, Women’s Health Magazine and Women’s Day Magazine. For more than 20 years, through her signature program Soul Level Love, Kavita has helped thousands of successful and ambitious women dive beneath the surface of their lives and change the patterns that have kept them from finding and keeping extraordinary love with the man of their dreams.
Soulmate Success Story #6: Jan Desai
A spiritual entrepreneur and inspirational speaker, Jan Desai shares how she recovered from a horrible, two-decade-long marriage, to go on to create the life of her dreams with her soulmate—a man who’s 21 years younger than she is. At 59, Jan now has two sets of twins with her husband, spiritual teacher Panache, under the age of 3.
Tune in to hear the whole story to discover…
- How you can heal from the suffering of a bad relationship, even a long-term one
- A story of “meeting the parents” that will give you goosebumps
- How living “in the vibration of gratitude” expands you to be capable of handling more and more
- How being too specific about your ideal match can keep you from finding them
Jan Desai’s high profile and outwardly perfect life took a drastic turn in 2005 when, after more than 20 years of marriage, her husband filed for divorce. She devoted her full time and attention to focusing inward to discover and begin healing the unresolved patterns that kept her continually making choices that were destructive to her self-love and well-being. Her life is a testament to the saying “all roads lead home;” home being the discovery of one’s most authentic self. At the age of 50 she began making choices that fostered the birth of true joy and power, including a career in personal and spiritual development and marrying a man who is 21 years younger—spiritual teacher Panache. Now Jan and Panache have 2 sets of twins under the age of 3.
Seminar Highlights with Arielle Ford & Claire Zammit

These sessions include key take-aways from the day’s program, and the opportunity to gather with our whole community.
The group sessions are also each carefully designed to supercharge your power to manifest your soulmate…
- By deepening your discoveries from the day’s sessions
- By helping you come closer to resolving whatever issues specific seminars have shone a light on
- By connecting with Arielle and Claire and with the energy of the Group field
Keynote #11: Secrets for Online Success from the Fairy Godmother of Dating
with Bela Gandhi
Does the idea of going online to look for dates make you want to hide under the bed? Bela Gandhi of Smart Dating Academy will prove to you there’s nothing to fear online—it’s the biggest cocktail party anywhere, filled with amazing, available, conscious men. This is a party you don’t want to miss.
During her conversation with Arielle, Bela reveals…
- Why Online Dating is a MUST if you want to find your soulmate
- How to pick a man based on his GHQ (good husband qualities)
- The super easy rules for writing a winning profile (it’s easier—and more empowering—than you think!)
- Must-know online protocol from first wink to wedding bells
- The benefit of learning to be a “psychotic optimist!”
- The latest statistics about online dating—and they’re mindblowing…
Bela Gandhi is the CEO of Smart Dating Academy, one of the nation’s top date & relationship coaching firms. Dubbed “The Fairy Godmother of Dating” by the Huffington Post and Steve Harvey, she is also the dating expert on The Steve Harvey Show and a correspondent on most major networks, including the Today Show, NBC, ABC, and CBS.
Keynote #12: Must-Know Love Attraction Success Secrets for Powerful Women
With Dr. Laura Berman
Most women under the age of 50 have been raised with the message “never be dependant on a man. Always take care of yourself.” But according to Dr. Laura Berman, the pendulum has swung too far toward independence, leaving us disconnected from allowing in masculine energy from outside.
In this enlightening seminar, she explains…
- When you can make the first move and how to do it (finally!)
- The big difference between control and power that’s key for your love life
- The myth of the broken heart and how to move on – today!
- Why it’s crucial to give any appropriate prospect at least 3 dates (99% of women do not recognize their soulmate on the first date!)
- Herpes and STD’s: how to broach the topic and why it’s actually not such a big deal
Dr. Laura Berman is a world-renowned sex and relationship educator and therapist; a New York Times bestselling author; and assistant clinical professor of ob-gyn and psychiatry at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago. Dr. Berman has helped couples build stronger relationships, improve their sex lives, and achieve heightened intimacy through her TV and radio shows, bestselling books, columns and website, and private practice. She has appeared on Fox News, CNN and the TODAY Show, as well as in The New York Times, USA Today, and every major woman’s magazine.
Panel #7: Online Dating Success Secrets for Conscious Women
with Marni Battista and Lara Fernandez

- The 3 powerful words that open a man’s heart online
- A daily affirmation that brings in Universal support for manifesting your soulmate
- Creating sacred space for online dating (it truly can be a spiritual experience!)
- How to deeply transform your love story and write your own happy ending
Marni Batista is the founder of Dating with Dignity. With more than 25 years of personal relationship and dating experience, she dated, was married for 17 years, divorced, and then successfully dated again (and married!) in the 21st century. Marni is a certified professional Dating and Relationship Coach and Expert, best-selling author, and nationally recognized print and online magazine expert covering dating and relationships. She also has a weekly dating/relationship web show, The Dating Den, and was named one of the 10 Best Women’s Dating Experts by DatingAdvice.com. A guest co-host on Dr. Drew Pinsky’s Loveline show, Marni was called LA’s best dating coach after her appearance on On Air with Ryan Seacrest.
Dr. Lara Fernandez and her husband Johnny are a soulmate couple whose mission is to empower single, conscious women through their relationships. They teach women from every corner of the world through their deeply transformational and life-changing courses and programs Their annual Love Breakthrough Weekend attracts conscious women from all over the globe to the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Their aim is to help women achieve the life of their dreams—with their soulmate by their side. They believe that when a woman owns her own power, speaks her truth about herself and her life, and has healthy beliefs and behaviors around relationships, then soulmate love becomes her destiny.
Soulmate Success Story #7: Liz Dawn
Have you ever heard of Celebrate Your Life? It’s one of the best-known events in the personal growth field! And Liz Dawn is its creator.
Yet before finding her soulmate Jeff, as much as she truly celebrated life in other ways, Liz had been through the mill with relationships. But she managed to heal herself from old patterns and—armed with an ambitious dating plan—she met her soulmate at age 47 on Match.com after 75 first dates in just nine months (in spite of an extremely busy career).
Tune in to this remarkable seminar to hear…
- What really works in breaking free from your past patterns, so you feel energized, invigorated, and clear-headed for your search
- Strategies to make time for love even when you’re really busy so your search doesn’t lose momentum, such as how to rock a 20-minute coffee date and leave with 100% clarity about whether or not to pursue the connection!
- The discussion you MUST have before having sex (without this you can derail a blossoming relationship!)
- The signs that he’s “The One”—they’re actually more subtle than you think!
A first-time bride at 49, Liz Dawn had a great career running Mishka Productions and creating their fabulous Celebrate Your Life conferences, but her love life was in shambles. After struggling from relationship to relationship, she made up her mind to figure out what it would take to find the love of her life and create a healthy relationship. Liz put herself on what she calls the “Liz Game Plan,” and 9 months later met the man of her dreams. Now she is passionate about helping people understand all aspects of dating to find your soulmate.
Keynote #13: Becoming Magnetic to the Right Partner
With Alison Armstrong
How do we bridge the divide between testosterone-driven men and estrogen-driven women? Why do many women marry “at the right time” rather than marrying the right partner? What’s the truth about men and committment?
Alison Armstrong can get inside men’s heads like no one else, and what she discovers and shares in this seminar will surprise you.
Learn the answers to these questions and much more, including…
- The unconscious ways you can drive away a conscious man
- The surprising reason to avoid your “type”
- Why not to ask for his opinion (and how and what to ask for instead)
- What really fans the flames and makes you irresistible to a man (it’s probably not what you think!)
- The path to heightened intimacy requires mastering “listening to learn”
Alison Armstrong, author, educator, and creator of the widely acclaimed “Queen’s Code” workshop series, asks the question: “What if no one is misbehaving — including you?” She explores the good reasons behind the behavior of men and women such as fundamental differences in the ways we think, act and communicate, and she offers simple, partnership-based solutions to improve our communication and intimacy by honoring ourselves and others. She’s known for her insight, sense of humor and ability to articulate the human experience and predicament of gender.
Panel #8: Dating & Recovery: What You Must Know About Drugs, Drinking and Love Addiction on Your Journey to New Love
with Jack Canfield, Tommy Rosen and Sherry Gaba

More than 24 million Americans are addicted to alcohol and drugs—about 1 out of every 10 people over the age of 12. And shockingly, 1 in 3 Americans drink too much. We have all been impacted by the cruel world of addiction, and singles in particular, whether in recovery or not, need to know how to handle this very sensitive issue when seeking their soulmate and life partner.
In this panel, you’ll discover…
- The daunting – and exciting – opportunity that new love holds for you if you’re in recovery
- How to date in a way that protects your sobriety
- The special “needs” to be aware of if you or someone you’re dating someone are recovery, so that your love stays strong and healthy
- “Love Addiction”—what it is, how it develops, how to heal it in yourself or recognize it in others
- The reality check every Love Addict needs to do, to avoid living in a painful fantasy of projections.
Jack Canfield has conducted intensive personal development seminars for more than one million people in 50 countries around the world. He has appeared on more than 1000 radio and TV shows, including Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, Larry King Live, and The Today Show. He is the coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series. His other books include The Success Principles, Tapping into Ultimate Success, Coaching for Breakthrough Success, Dare to Win, The Power of Focus, and his latest book: The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home. Jack is also the founder of the Transformational Leadership Council and a featured teacher in the movie “The Secret.”
Licensed psychotherapist and life coach Sherry Gaba has helped hundreds of people cope with lifelong addictions, including substance abuse, shopping, gambling, food, sex and love, co-dependency, trauma, depression, anxiety, single parenting and divorce. A frequent guest on television and radio programs, Sherry has also appeared on Celebrity Rehab and its spin-offs, and has worked at top rehabilitation centers such as the famed Promises Treatment Center in Malibu. Presently she works at Soba Recovery Center while also dedicating time to her private practice in Westlake Village, CA. She is passionate about helping her clients with a supportive approach to help them resolve problems and change long-standing patterns.
Tommy Rosen is a yoga teacher and addiction recovery expert who has spent the last two decades immersed in the worlds of yoga, recovery and wellness. He holds certifications in Kundalini and Hatha Yoga and has 24 years of continuous recovery from drug addiction. Aone pioneer in the field of Yoga and Recovery, he assists others to holistically transcend addictions of all kinds. Tommy is the founder of Recovery 2.0, host of the Recovery 2.0: Beyond Addiction Online Conference series, and the #MoveBeyond Group Coaching Program. He authored the critically-acclaimed book Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond Addiction and Upgrade Your Life (Hay House 2014).
Soulmate Success Story #8: Colette Baron-Reid
Colette Baron-Reid experienced an early life full of abuse, trauma, and addiction. Through years of intensive personal growth an addiction recovery work she has healed and reaped the rewards, including manifesting the love of her life. She met her soulmate Marc when she was in her mid-40s and they haven’t been apart since!
Listen to her powerful story to…
- Break the pattern of picking the wrong one by healing your “picker.”
- Create your true “deal breaker” list so you can manifest your “must haves.”
- Discover why even the best sex with a man won’t get him to love you—and what will
- Let go of blame, shame & guilt to receive Big Love.
Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed intuition expert, key-note speaker, artist, entrepreneur, visionary, and best-selling inspirational author published in 27 languages. A popular medium, she is the star of the national hit Canadian TV show Messages From Spirit. Voted into the Watkins list as one of the top 100 most spiritually influential people in 2013 and 2014, Baron-Reid delivers her message of perspective and hope with compassionate candor. Known by her clients as “The Oracle”, her reputation for her laser-sharp intuitive insights is worldwide, with her client base spanning 29 countries.
Seminar Highlights with Arielle Ford & Claire Zammit

These sessions include key take-aways from the day’s program, and the opportunity to gather with our whole community.
The group sessions are also each carefully designed to supercharge your power to manifest your soulmate…
- By deepening your discoveries from the day’s sessions
- By helping you come closer to resolving whatever issues specific seminars have shone a light on
- By connecting with Arielle and Claire and with the energy of the Group field
Keynote #14: Unlocking Your Love Code: Unleashing the Power of Archetypes to Support You in the Process of Attracting Your Beloved
With Jean Houston
Dr. Jean Houston is one of the principle founders of the human potential movement and author of over 25 books including The Search for the Beloved and A Passion for the Possible.
In this important session, you’ll learn to:
- Access the secret power of myth to align with a deeper story that includes your soulmate.
- Join your life with those of mythic characters to inherit their wealth of experience and illumine your own experience of love.
- See the importance of your life’s story and how embracing it will help you let go of past relationships.
- “Frame” your life so that every moment is luminous with purpose and attracting love.
Dr. Jean Houston, scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. Jean has worked intensively in 40 cultures and 100 countries helping global state leaders, leading educational institutions, business organizations, and millions of people to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness. She is a prolific writer and author of more than two dozen books, including A Passion for the Possible, Search for the Beloved, Life Force, The Possible Human, A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story, Jump Time, and Manual of the Peacemaker.
Soulmate Success Story #9: Melanie Benson Strick
Melanie was talented at building businesses, but uncertain about love. A spoiled marriage led her to recognize the importance of her beliefs, mindset, vibration and values. Through meditation and visualization—and conscious rewiring of her programming—she called in her soulmate at the age of 50.
In her seminar with Arielle Ford, she discusses…
- How your values will lead you to your perfect life-partner
- Why it’s important for your “business brain” to have an on-off switch
- How your soulmate relationship will not only support your career, but will likely increase your productivity and income
- Why making less effort can paradoxically lead to greater reward – in relationships and in life
Melanie Benson Strick is a Success Strategist for fast-paced, overwhelmed, driven entrepreneurs to thrive in their small business. With over 14 years mentoring thought leaders, visionaries and creative professionals, Melanie uncovers costly blindspots while upleveling productivity and progress. She is author of Rewired for Wealth and co-author of Entrepreneur.com’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business. She serves on the Executive Team for the Women Speaker’s Association and is a member of the Association of Transformational Leaders.
Seminar Highlights with Arielle Ford & Claire Zammit

These sessions include key take-aways from the day’s program, and the opportunity to gather with our whole community.
The group sessions are also each carefully designed to supercharge your power to manifest your soulmate…
- By deepening your discoveries from the day’s sessions
- By helping you come closer to resolving whatever issues specific seminars have shone a light on
- By connecting with Arielle and Claire and with the energy of the Group field
Sunday, May 8th
Seminar Highlights with Arielle Ford & Claire Zammit

These sessions include key take-aways from the day’s program, and the opportunity to gather with our whole community.
The group sessions are also each carefully designed to supercharge your power to manifest your soulmate…
- By deepening your discoveries from the day’s sessions
- By helping you come closer to resolving whatever issues specific seminars have shone a light on
- By connecting with Arielle and Claire and with the energy of the Group field
DAY 10
Keynote #15: Reignite Your Romantic Pilot Light
with Lauren Frances
Lauren Frances is a top dating coach (especially for brilliant, powerful women!), and in this seminar she will guide you to ignite your own unique authentic romantic magnetism by helping you identify and tap into your “Romantic Persona”, step into the power of your feminine energy heal and your heart wounds so you can create what she calls a “legendary love”!
During this session with Lauren you’ll discover…
- Why wanting to be loved “exactly as you are” is a much misunderstood half-truth that could be keeping you from being recognized and discovered by your soulmate (and having the love you deserve)
- How the energy of romance is different from success and why you must tap into a different part of yourself so you can create space for love.
- How to discover your “Romantic Persona” so you can let your own authentic brand of magnetic femininity shine
- What the disconnect is that most women have in achieving their dreams of love and turning them into a reality
- How to identify your core “love wound” and transform it into what will become the key to having a “legendary” love in your life. (Note: by doing this you’ll get crystal clear about the #1 thing you need to look for in the first few days to discover if the person you’re with has the potential to be “the one” for life)
Lauren Frances is an internationally acclaimed love and relationships expert, author, and media personality, and the discreet love coach for Hollywood celebrities. She’s been called “The Manwhisperer” by Extra, “The Flirt Fairy” by Victoria’s Secret, and NBC, Bravo and Fox call her “the premiere dating expert for women.” Lauren’s international bestseller, Dating, Mating, and Manhandling: The Ornithological Guide To Men has been called “The ultimate dating guide for the modern woman” and her exclusive ‘Man Magnet Makeover Events’ for online dating and her Romantic Reboot Podcast Programs have launched countless love lives.
Keynote #16: Discover Your Core Gifts: The Great Key to Finding Soulmate Love
With Ken Page
We all yearn for a soulmate, and the key to fulfilling your yearning, according to renowned psychotherapist and bestselling author Ken Page, is to discover your own soul gifts, so that you can attract a mate who sees, loves and values your most authentic self. In fact, these gifts are also your own “intimacy-genius.” They are the greatest key to finding joyful, lifelong love.
Ken’s seminar will teach you how to discover your Core Gifts and allow them to transform your search for love—and your entire life. He will also teach you the most powerful take-home practice he knows for leading you to the love you dream of.
In this seminar, Ken reveals…
- How your search for love can be the catalyst for healing your whole life
- The #1 question to ask to connect with your “soul”
- How your deepest insecurities reveal your greatest gifts
- How to discern which relationships lead to love—and which lead to pain—so you pursue relationships that will nourish and support you
- A potent take-home practice for transforming your search for love
Ken Page, LCSW is a renowned psychotherapist, viral Psychology Today blogger, and bestselling author of Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy. Ken has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan and many more. He is also a popular leader of workshops on intimacy, and his work has been highly acclaimed by top thought leaders. He lives in Long Beach, NY, with his husband and their children.
Soulmate Success Story #10: Mike Dooley
For all you ladies who are wondering if long-time bachelors are worth pursuing, our final success story with Mike Dooley will be uplifting and rich in insights and hope. A former tax consultant and lifelong bachelor, Mike found his soulmate in his late 40’s and is now living his dreams, traveling internationally speaking on happiness.
Tune in to his soulmate success story to discover…
- How harnessing your fear and self-pity will transform your life into a happy one
- Why “fake it till you make it” really works
- How to install new, empowering beliefs that will lead you to love
- Why token acts and baby steps will produce the results you most desire
Mike Dooley is a former PriceWaterhouseCoopers international tax consultant turned entrepreneur, who has founded a philosophical Adventurers Club on the Internet that’s now home to over 750,000 members from over 185 countries. His inspirational books emphasizing spiritual accountability have been published in 25 languages, and he was one of the featured teachers in the international phenomenon, The Secret. Today Mike is perhaps best known for his free “Notes from the Universe” emailings and his New York Times bestsellers Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams and Leveraging the Universe: 7 Steps to Engaging Life’s Magic.
Series Finale
Series Finale
with Arielle Ford, Claire Zammit, and Special Guest Geneen Roth

With a Series that’s so packed with wisdom, practical advice, tools and techniques, what’s the best way to integrate what you discover into your life to make real, lasting change? Make sure you listen to our finale for the overarching guidance you’ll want to have to make your move out into the world of dating and mating! Plus, hear NY Times bestselling author Geneen Roth’s inspiring story of overcoming unhealthy relationship patterns to attract her soulmate Matt—now her husband of over 30 years!
Listen to the Finale to discover how to…
- Hold on to your vision of your loving soulmate life partnership after the series is over – you CAN make this your year for love
- Rewrite the ending of your love story – you have the power and the pen is in your hand
- Embrace your worthiness to receive love now
- Live & create from your Feminine Power on your journey to meeting your soulmate
- Keep your Love Vibration high… and apply master manifesting techniques daily
- Amplify your magnetism to meet your conscious man
- Avoid the 3 biggest mistakes that conscious smart women make at the end of a program like this that sabotage their chances of love – and discover how not to make them
- Act on the 3 things you absolutely MUST do that will ensure you make this the year you meet your soulmate
To listen to the audio on your computer, simply click on the play button below.
To download the audio to your computer for later listening or to transfer to your iPod or mp3 player, click the download button.
“Feminine Magic for Manifesting Love”
(Valued at $197)
With relationship expert Arielle Ford and Feminine Power founder Claire Zammit
In this 2-Hour Video Workshop, you’ll meet Feminine Power leader Claire Zammit and relationship expert Arielle Ford face-to-face! Claire and Arielle will be offering this masterclass that combines the very best of their Feminine Power and Love Manifesting approaches to support you to create a life-long loving soulmate relationship. Arielle and Claire have coached and mentored tens of thousands of women and been in soulmate relationships for 18 years and 10 years respectively. They’re going to share with you the essence of their discoveries to support you to make 2016 your year for love.
Guided Love Manifesting Meditations with Arielle + Claire AND “The Love Power” All-in-One Audio of the Meditations from the Attract Your Soulmate Series
(Valued at $97)
Featuring Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra & Dr. Jean Houston, Arielle Ford & Claire Zammit
You’ll be inspired and supported to enter Aphrodite’s temple and create love magic on a daily basis with this audio containing the best meditations from the entire series.
Sacred Romance: How to Turn Your Relationship Into a Spiritual Adventure Audio Seminar
(Valued at $97)
With Leading Spiritual Teacher & New York Times Best-Selling Author, Marianne Williamson
As you prepare to create a conscious, loving life-partnership, Marianne will empower you to prepare to step into the highest role that you can play for your future partner in preparation for a deeply fulfilling sacred union. And when a relationship seems devoid of sacredness, spirituality or romance… it may still be possible to cultivate these for a deeply soulful passion and love. Discover the lover’s journey during this call!
In this audio seminar you’ll discover:
- What true love really is and why it’s the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth.
- The real reason authentic love relationships will never be a walk in the park, and why the understanding of this will liberate you to navigate your next relationship in your power and walk your own sacred path
- The essential mindset you must cultivate that enables you to sustain love through all its phases.
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and bestselling author, as well as a passionate agent of global change. Her books include: Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, and A Return to Love.
Heal Your Heart & Open Up to New Love: The Best is Yet to Come
(Valued at $97)
With Conscious Completion expert David Kessler
Join David Kessler, one of the world’s foremost experts on healing and loss. and co-author of You Can Heal Your Heart with self-help luminary Louise Hay, to discover how to prepare to make your next relationship your deepest and most loving yet.
In this deeply intimate and healing workshop, you’ll be supported in a safe and sacred space to connect and transform the emotions that have come up for you if a relationship has left you broken-hearted, a marriage has ended in divorce, or a loved one has died. The workshop will also help boost your awareness and compassion, providing you with the courage to face many other types of losses and challenges and to use them as the raw materials of transformation.
Blending affirmations on personal growth and transformation with David’s many years of experience working with those in grief, this empowering workshop will inspire you with an extraordinary new way of thinking, bringing hope and fresh insights into your life—and even into your current and future relationships. You will not only learn how to work with your heartache, but you will also discover that, yes, you can heal your heart and that the best and deepest love is yet to come!
David Kessler is a renowned grief and loss expert and the protégé of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and world leader in the conversation on healing from grief and loss. He has supported thousands of people on the edge of life and death, which has taught him the secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life. He is the author of five bestselling books, including the newly released You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After Breakup, Divorce or Death with Louise Hay. He co-authored two bestsellers with the legendary Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: On Grief and Grieving and Life Lessons.
Cracking the Love Code: What Women & Men Must Know About Each Other & Relationships Audio Seminar
(Valued at $97)
With the most widely acclaimed relationship author of all time, Dr. John Gray, and internationally acclaimed “Understanding Men” expert, Alison Armstrong.

For the first time ever, two of the most revered experts on understanding the opposite sex are joining forces in this seminar to share their secrets on creating meaningful communication, stimulating passion, and turning conflict into deeper connection!
Together, John and Alison will share their essential knowledge that women must know about men, as well as what men must know about women—all of which is the result of over five decades of research between them.
They will be delivering the real-world strategies they’ve discovered in helping millions of people bring more pure understanding, compassion, and joy into their relationships.
You’ll also discover what both genders must know about relationships to have the love, joy, passion, and bliss we all seek in our lives.
This unique and exclusive Live Virtual Workshop will give you the tools you need for:
- Effective communication with your partner at every stage of your relationship
- Creating a passionate sexual relationship that meets both of your needs
- Staying close and connected to your partner
- Breaking destructive patterns to eliminate criticism and blame from your relationship
- Building a fun, playful and connected relationship with your partner
7 60-Minute Downloadable Group Coaching Calls with Claire & Arielle
(Valued at $297)
With relationship expert Arielle Ford and Feminine Power founder Claire Zammit

You’ll be part of an exclusive group that will have recordings of coaching by Feminine Power founder, Claire Zammit & bestselling author of The Soulmate Secret, Arielle Ford. These recordings provide a sacred and supportive space to integrate and apply your discoveries in the seminars so you can fast-track your journey to manifesting love.
Topics that they offer coaching on include:
- Visioning your ideal relationship
- Transforming your core limiting beliefs
- Activating your Feminine Power
- Becoming a master love manifestor
- Showing up authentically, without dimming down your intelligence or strength
- Becoming visible and magnetic to conscious men
“Should I Stay or Should I Go?: What You Need to Know if You’re Thinking of Leaving Your Long Term Relationship or You List Your Relationship Status “It’s Complicated”
(Valued at $197)
90-Minute Bonus Seminar with Randi Gunther & Arielle
During this 90-minute seminar we’ll be exploring one of the most commonly asked questions we get from those who are in an unhappy or dissatisfying relationship or marriage: “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”
Even if you’re not in a relationship, this session will be extremely enlightening on your path to love, helping you gain greater clarity about the qualities of an extraordinary relationship.
Dr. Randi Gunther is a renowned clinical psychologist and marriage counselor. She has inspired thousands of people in her workshops and lectures to go beyond their limitations and create successful relationships. She’s the author of several books including the acclaimed eBook, Heroic Love. Dr. Gunther and her husband met when they were in their teens and have continued their mutual devotion for over sixty years.
Topics that they offer coaching on include:
- Visioning your ideal relationship
- Transforming your core limiting beliefs
- Activating your Feminine Power
- Becoming a master love manifestor
- Showing up authentically, without dimming down your intelligence or strength
- Becoming visible and magnetic to conscious men
***PLUS*** Series-Exclusive Bonus
Valued at $1,200!
Love Manifestation Powers Toolkit
Love and consciousness are intimately related. In fact, you can use the focused power of consciousness, through prayer and other time-honored practices, to help you draw more love into your life. This Toolkit features 11 powerful resources to help you do just that.
Bonus #1: “Love Manifesting” Meditations featuring Arielle, Claire, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra and Dr. Jean Houston

This all-in-one guided meditation audio file from the Attract Your Soulmate Series features:
- Opening Prayer by Marianne Williamson
- All Guided Meditations from 7 Q&A sessions
- Claire’s Guided Visioning Process (during Feminine Power Keynote Event)
- Deepak Chopra’s Guided Meditation
- Dr. Jean Houston’s Guided Process
Bonus #2: Sacred Romance: How to Turn Your Relationship Into a Spiritual Adventure – Seminar with Leading Spiritual Teacher & New York Times Best-Selling Author, Marianne Williamson
As you prepare to create a conscious, loving life-partnership, Marianne will empower you to prepare to step into the highest role that you can play for your future partner in preparation for a deeply fulfilling sacred union. When a relationship seems completely devoid of sacredness, spirituality or romance… is it possible to cultivate these for a deeply soulful passion and love? Discover the lover’s journey during this call!
In this audio seminar you’ll discover:
- What true love really is and why it’s the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth.
- The real reason authentic love relationships will never be a walk in the park, and why the understanding of this will liberate you to navigate your next relationship in your power and walk your own sacred path
- The essential mindset you must cultivate that enables you to sustain love through all its phases.
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and bestselling author, as well as a passionate agent of global change. Her books include: Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, and A Return to Love.
Bonus #3: Becoming Magnetic to Your Soulmate: How to Harness the Secret Power of Prayer and Affirmations to Break Through Negative and Limiting Beliefs with Lisa Nichols
Ten years ago she had to give herself permission to be chosen for “forever love” because she didn’t think she was worthy of it.
Now the internationally-acclaimed “Breakthrough Specialist,” Lisa Nichols, will take you through her foolproof 4-step formula to identify and break through the negative, limiting beliefs that are standing in your way of love.
Find out what’s really blocking you, plus . . .
- Lisa’s most powerful core principle to bring in your beloved
- The daily prayer that creates natural attraction—and the responsibility that comes with it
- How being quick to judge can make you miss the one
- What today’s fiercely independent women have to ask for from a man
- 3 types of love relationships and the purpose of each
- Why women need to toss out their biological clocks
- The critical role divine timing plays in your love life
“Lisa Nichols is a rock star of personal growth! Gutsy and authentic, in NO MATTER WHAT! Lisa uses her Charismatic and influential style to teach resilience. Whether you are a seasoned student of character and enlightenment or just starting, this book is a must-read, advanced course for possibility.”
—Stephen Covey, author of the New York Times bestseller The Speed of Trust
Having served over 35 million adults and teens globally, Lisa Nichols is a bestselling author of six books translated in over 30 languages. She is also a featured teacher in The Secret, and has been a guest expert on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, HLN, Extra, Larry King Live, and starred in NBC’s Starting Over.
Bonus #4: EFT Tapping For Love: The Must-Have Technique To Create True Breakthroughs with Nick Ortner
Nick Ortner is Producer of the hit film The Tapping Solution. He also produced the worldwide online event, The Tapping World Summit which is being attended by over 200,000 people.
If you find you have emotional or physical issues that are holding you back from attracting true love, you’ll be thrilled to know that it is possible to eradicate those limits forever. Nick shows you the miraculous tapping system you can use for any blocks that might pop up in any area for the rest of your life!
You’ll find out:
- Why Tapping is a great tool on your path to true love
- How to quickly release physical, pain, anxiety, anger, and all forms of emotional blocks
- How focusing on the negative leads to the positive!
- About the 1-minute miracle that will change your life forever
Bonus #5: Preparing Your Heart to Love Again: How to Use EFT to Overcome Emotional Blocks and Release Past Hurts with Carol Look
World-recognized and respected pioneer in the energy psychology field, Carol Look, explains the miracle process that combines the theories of ancient Chinese acupuncture (without the needles!) with modern psychology to achieve nearly instant stress relief. You don’t have to understand how or why this works . . . just know that it does! And it’s quick and easy enough for you to use absolutely anywhere.
Listen to discover:
- How to turn a fear or worry into a “bullseye” (and then blast it!)
- How easy it is to find and use your body’s natural tapping points
- The simple and remarkably effective step-by-step process of EFT
- Why Arielle Ford herself is a huge fan
“Carol Look’s wisdom, compassion, and innovative approach to EFT has profoundly changed my life. As a mentor and coach, Carol has given me the guidance, insight and deep clarity I needed to eliminate my limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering choices.”
—Molly Dinan, HHC (Holistic Health Counselor)
Bonus #6: Heal Your Heart & Open Up to New Love: The Best is Yet to Come With Conscious Completion expert David Kessler
Join David Kessler, one of the world’s foremost experts on healing and loss. and co-author of You Can Heal Your Heart with self-help luminary Louise Hay, to discover how to prepare to make your next relationship your deepest and most loving yet.
In this deeply intimate and healing workshop, you’ll be supported in a safe and sacred space to connect and transform the emotions that have come up for you if a relationship has left you broken-hearted, a marriage has ended in divorce, or a loved one has died. The workshop will also help boost your awareness and compassion, providing you with the courage to face many other types of losses and challenges and to use them as the raw materials of transformation.
Blending affirmations on personal growth and transformation with David’s many years of experience working with those in grief, this empowering workshop will inspire you with an extraordinary new way of thinking, bringing hope and fresh insights into your life—and even into your current and future relationships. You will not only learn how to work with your heartache, but you will also discover that, yes, you can heal your heart and that the best and deepest love is yet to come!
David Kessler is a renowned grief and loss expert and the protégé of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and world leader in the conversation on healing from grief and loss. He has supported thousands of people on the edge of life and death, which has taught him the secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life. He is the author of five bestselling books, including the newly released You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After Breakup, Divorce or Death with Louise Hay. He co-authored two bestsellers with the legendary Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: On Grief and Grieving and Life Lessons.
Bonus #7: Prayer, Divine Timing, and Unseen Forces For Love Panel featuring Gabrielle Bernstein, Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway, and Kute Blackson

Prayer is incredibly useful to get your own soul in shape so you’re ready when your intended partner meets you! This Panel is chockfull of exquisite techniques you can use every day to work your inner love muscle. Make wedding vows to yourself. Appreciate the importance of self-pleasure & orgasmic energy! Get hooked up with the hotline to the Divine.
You’ll also discover:
- How to invite God in to be your spiritual matchmaker
- Spiritual practices that accelerate your Soulmate manifestation process
- How to utilize the divine to release negative beliefs or old patterns
- The healing benefits of being with your Soulmate
- How to call upon your guides, angels and ancestors to assist you in finding love
- How to live from a place of sacred love NOW
Gabrielle Bernstein is a #1 bestselling author of the book Add More ~ing to Your Life – A hip guide to happiness. Gabrielle recently released her second book, Spirit Junkie – A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles.
A leading interfaith minister and non-denominational wedding officiant, Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway is also the author of 14 books, including: Find Your Spiritual Soul Mate, Rituals for Love and Romance, The Goddess Pages, and Your Interfaith Wedding.
Kute Blackson is utterly unique in the world of human potential. Unlike those who promise to simply help people “get” what they want, Kute’s life work instead reveals to people what they have to give, by liberating who they are most truly and deeply.
Bonus #8: Harnessing Universal Power for Love: Use the Stars, Numbers, Handprints and Feng Shui To Manifest Your Soulmate with Carol Allen
Understood and used correctly, the laws of the universe are powerful forces that can help you attract and recognize “the one.” But they’re often misunderstood and misused—until now! These experts in astrology, numerology, hand analysis and feng shui have teamed up to offer you their best tips and step-by-step instructions for tapping into these ancient modalities.
You’ll discover:
- How to use your “intuitive feng shui” before you commit!
- Ways to adjust the romance sector of your home
- How the first thing you see each morning and the last thing you see at night impacts your love life
- Why being “on purpose” in your life helps attract lasting love
- A simple heart-centered technique to prepare for more love
- How to avoid creating co-dependence in your relationship
- Why knowing your “soul urge” is key to manifesting love
- How clutter in your home is blocking love
As a Vedic astrologer and relationship coach who’s been happily married for fifteen years, Carol Allen has made it her mission to show women how the stars, combined with their own right actions, can help them make the most of their love lives. Carol’s been featured on E!, Bridezillas, Woman’s World, and Daily Candy, and is the author of Love Is In The Stars – The Wise Woman’s Astrological Guide To Men.
Bonus #9: Cracking the Love Code: What Women & Men Must Know About Each Other & Relationships – Audio Seminar with the most widely acclaimed relationship author of all time, Dr. John Gray, and internationally acclaimed “Understanding Men” expert, Alison Armstrong.

For the first time ever, two of the most revered experts on understanding the opposite sex are joining forces in this seminar to share their secrets on creating meaningful communication, stimulating passion, and turning conflict into deeper connection!
Together, John and Alison will share their essential knowledge that women must know about men, as well as what men must know about women—all of which is the result of over five decades of research between them.
They will be delivering the real-world strategies they’ve discovered in helping millions of people bring more pure understanding, compassion, and joy into their relationships.
You’ll also discover what both genders must know about relationships to have the love, joy, passion, and bliss we all seek in our lives.
This unique and exclusive audio seminar will give you the tools you need for:
- Effective communication with your partner at every stage of your relationship
- Creating a passionate sexual relationship that meets both of your needs
- Staying close and connected to your partner
- Breaking destructive patterns to eliminate criticism and blame from your relationship
- Building a fun, playful and connected relationship with your partner
Bonus #10: Dating Divorced Men – What You Must Know! A 2-part audio seminar with Understanding Men expert, Jonathon Aslay
Chances are, if you’re single and over 40, you’ve dated or will at some point date a divorced man. You may even be involved with one now. For that reason, it’s important that you know exactly what you’re getting into, so you don’t give your heart to someone who may not deserve it…
A divorced man is a special kind of single man. He could have learned a lot from the mistakes he made in his past and have become a better man. Or, he could be acting out and rebelling, being very charismatic but secretly hiding that he’s deeply wounded and not at all ready for a real relationship.
In short, a divorced man can turn out to be your perfect partner and your hero, or a bad investment of time and affection, if he’s not ready or hasn’t learned from the past.
If you want to avoid getting hurt, you need to know what to look for as you judge your man with your heart AND your head.
Here’s an overview of what you’ll discover in this comprehensive seminar:
- How to spot the signs that he is “Relationship Ready”
- How to understand the place his children will have in his life, and where and how you can become his priority
- How to determine if he’s really financially stable, or underwater from his divorce
- The signs to determine if he’s damaged in ways that won’t make him a good partner
Bonus #11: Six 60-Minute Downloadable Group Coaching Calls Claire & Arielle

You’ll be part of an exclusive group that will have recordings of coaching by Feminine Power founder, Claire Zammit & bestselling author of The Soulmate Secret, Arielle Ford. They’re a sacred and supportive space to integrate and apply your discoveries in the seminars so you can fast-track your journey to manifesting love.
Topics that we’ll be offering coaching on include:
- Visioning your ideal relationship
- Transforming your core limiting beliefs
- Activating your Feminine Power
- Becoming a master love manifestor
- Showing up authentically, without dimming down your intelligence or strength
- Becoming visible and magnetic to conscious men
Valued at $894
When You Upgrade to the Gold Soulmate Package by Monday, July 10th at Midnight Pacific Time, You’ll Also Receive…
The Ultimate Understand Men NOW Kit: The Secrets to Connecting and Sustaining Intimacy with Conscious Men
With Understanding men expert Alison Armstrong, Dating for Smart Women expert Evan Marc Katz, Conscious Relationship experts Dr. Ali Binazir & Mat Boggs, Daily Love Founder Mastin Kipp, and Divorced Men expert, Jonathon Aslay
The fact is, men and women think and act differently—by design! But when we don’t understand how men approach love, dating and marriage, these well-designed differences can quickly become sources of irritation and frustration. So dates that should go well don’t, and even the most loving soulmate relationships get tested.
The Ultimate Understand Men NOW Kit bonus package features three mind-blowing, eye-opening seminars with some of the world’s greatest experts on helping smart, conscious, successful women understand the mysterious men they are meeting and forging lasting bonds with. Pair the effective, fast-working techniques we shared in the Attract Your Soulmate Series with an even deeper understanding of what makes men tick, and feel clear and confident on your journey to meeting the right person and creating lifelong love you deserve!
The Ultimate Understand Men NOW Kit: The Secrets to Connecting and Sustaining Intimacy with Conscious Men includes…
- Seminar #1: Cracking the Man Code with Dr. Ali Binazir, Mat Boggs, Jonathon Aslay, and Mastin Kipp
- Seminar #2: Getting In Sync With The Opposite Sex: The Secrets Men And Women Need To Know About Each Other To Create Deep, Lasting Love with “Understanding Men” expert Alison Armstrong
- Seminar #3: Why He Disappeared: The Game-Changing Real Dish for Understanding Men with women’s dating coach Evan Marc Katz
Fast-track to Fulfillment & Happiness with Your Soulmate: 6 Essential Seminars to Prepare You For Lifelong Love
With 8 of the world’s top relationship experts: Dr. John Gray, Pamela Haag, Dr. Helen Fisher, Dr. Harville Hendrix & Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, Drs. Gay & Katie Hendricks, and Alison Armstrong.

- Seminar #1
When a Woman Gives Too Much & How to Inspire a Man to Do More
With Dr. John Gray - Seminar #2
Marriage Confidential: Keys to Understanding Relationships in Our Post-Romantic Age of Workhorse Wives, Royal Children, Undersexed Spouses and How to Write Your Own Rules
With Pamela Haag - Seminar #3
The Science of Marital Bliss: Why Understanding Your Love Personality Type is the Key to Relational Harmony
With Dr. Helen Fisher - Seminar #4
How to Turn Seeming Incompatibility Into Getting the Love You Want
With Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. & Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D. - Seminar #5
Conflict Communication: The Secrets to Resolving Conflicts & Diffusing Arguments
With Drs. Gay & Katie Hendricks - Seminar #6
Mastering the Art of Expression: Powerful Communication Tools To Get Your Needs Met … Like Magic!
With Alison Armstrong
Dating Divorced Men – What You Must Know! A 2-part audio workshop with Understanding Men expert, Jonathon Aslay
Chances are, if you’re single and over 40, you’ve dated or will at some point date a divorced man. You may even be involved with one now. For that reason, it’s important that you know exactly what you’re getting into, so you don’t give your heart to someone who may not deserve it…
A divorced man is a special kind of single man. He could have learned a lot from the mistakes he made in his past and have become a better man. Or, he could be acting out and rebelling, being very charismatic but secretly hiding that he’s deeply wounded and not at all ready for a real relationship.
In short, a divorced man can turn out to be your perfect partner and your hero, or a bad investment of time and affection, if he’s not ready or hasn’t learned from the past.
If you want to avoid getting hurt, you need to know what to look for as you judge your man with your heart AND your head.
Here’s an overview of what you’ll discover in this comprehensive workshop:
- How to spot the signs that he is “Relationship Ready”
- How to understand the place his children will have in his life, and where and how you can become his priority
- How to determine if he’s really financially stable, or underwater from his divorce
- The signs to determine if he’s damaged in ways that won’t make him a good partner
PLUS! You’ll also receive access to our Art of Love Private Manifesting Facebook Community, where you’ll be supported by our team of Feminine Power certified coaches and a global community of women to support you to amplify your love manifestation power! (Value – Priceless!)
Get the Most Out of This Extraordinary Series with Instant and
Unlimited Access to the Audios, Transcripts, & More!
You can now own permanent access to all of the seminars and accompanying transcripts you see above from Attract Your Soulmate: The 5 Keys Conscious Women Need to Know to Meet the Right Partner and Create Lifelong Love, all at a 50% discount, when you order by the end of the series.
By enjoying permanent access to the MP3s and Transcripts of the series, you will have the opportunity to plug into this vital information anytime and anyplace. The benefit of listening at your own pace and repeatedly referring to those experts and topics that most resonate with you will reinforce important changes in your behavior and your mindset that will lead to lasting, positive changes in your love life.
There’s never been a better time to gift yourself with these important resources to support your search for true love.
Registration is now closed; however we will continue to accept registrations for a brief time while our team processes all the registrations we’ve received via phone and email in the last few days. Please go ahead and register right away as this page may close at any time.
Here’s What You’ll Receive with Your
Attract Your Soulmate Series Library
Complete Instant Digital Access Own your own copy of the entire Attract Your Soulmate Series in downloadable digital format.
What you’ll receive:
- $1997 value Unlimited access to the event’s complete 5 Keys for Conscious Women “Soulmate Seminar” Library of Keynotes and Panels in downloadable MP3s format.
- $297 value 9 Inspiring Women’s Soulmate Success Stories via downloadable MP3 – So that you can anchor your consciousness in the vibration of love and be inspired by these role models of possibility. (Download Access)
- $205 value PDF Transcripts of each session, so that you can review the material in print and won’t have to take notes while listening.
- $1,200 value Exclusive “Love Manifestation Powers Toolkit” Bonus Package
Total Value:$3,699
Regular Price:$197
Your Limited Time 50% Off Price: $97

30 Day “Better-Than-Money-Back” Guarantee
If you’re not 100% satisfied, we don’t expect, or even desire, to keep your money. Simply notify us within 30 days. We’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.