Relationship Mastery
Get the Secret Skills and Masterful Mindset
You Need to Have a Marriage You Love and
the Passion & Intimacy That You Deserve
Created Especially For Smart, Conscious, Creative Women
To Have it All: Love, Passion & Intimacy
Take yourself back to when your man first swept you off your feet…
Can you still feel the butterflies in your belly, the honey in your heart? Can you remember that joy, that FINALLY, you had found THE ONE?
Or is it hard, even painful to try to remember?
What happened? Where did those feelings go? What happened to the affection, the connection, the romance? What happened to THAT man? Is he still there? Hello?
Do you yearn to have that indescribably delicious feeling back, the one that fills you with, I feel loved! Cherished! Adored! Safe…

Do you keep arguing about money? Housework? Kids? Sex?
Or wish he would just stop and listen to you for a change?
Has virtually everything about him begun to annoy you?
Do you long for his tenderness to return? Drop in and feel into the truth of the situation. What’s in your heart?
Are you tired? Confused? Disheartened? Beyond irritated?Be honest. If you’ve come to the crossroads in your relationship, wondering, “Should I stay or should I go?”… You are not alone. Deep down, you may know that the love is still there, that the passion and connection you yearn for is hibernating, waiting to be awakened by a kiss of good fortune that will make the blood rush back into your life. If so, I have some very good news for you.
You are just like thousands of women I have helped find the deep soulmate love they longed for by helping them discover the secret keys to Relationship Mastery. I know just how you feel.
I’m Arielle Ford, and I wrote the books on finding and keeping your Soulmate. I scoured the planet for the finest Relationship Masters around, people like Dr. John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), Harville Hendrix (Oprah calls him “The Marriage Whisperer), Dr. Dr. John Gottmann, Allison Armstrong and so many others…
I conducted hundreds of hours of interviews to get to the essence of what makes healthy relationships last a lifetime.
And you know what I found? These Priests and Priestesses of the Art of Love all agree on a few MASTER KEYS to Relationship Mastery, and I have devoted the rest of my life to sharing them with as many couples as I can.
You know you need these keys if you:
- Wonder whether what you’re feeling is “Normal”
- Ache for more passion and romance
- Feel like he’s flat out ignoring your needs
- Crave his emotional support, but feel like he just can’t see you
- Lie awake at night worrying about your future
- Feel frustrated that you can’t get him to change what bugs you most
- Find yourself depleted by over-giving and over-doing
- Just want him to listen
- Seem trapped in an endless loop of the same arguments
- Think he doesn’t want to work on himself as much as you do
- Wishing he would contribute more to housework
- Wonder what happened to your sex drive
- Can’t seem to stop criticizing each other
- Don’t feel supported in your personal goals
- Feel drawn to find the skills that will rekindle the fire
- Wonder if he’s really your soulmate after all
- Wish it didn’t have to be so hard…
Do any of these feelings resonate? You’re in good company. Studies show that at least one-third of all women in long-term relationships are unsatisfied with what they currently are experiencing.
Why is it that relationship seems like the one area of our lives that seems to be so difficult to get right?
It’s easy to think that the reason we haven’t experienced sustained, satisfying love is because our partners are unsupportive, selfish, out-of-touch, or unwilling to change.
Yet the empowering truth my research revealed is this:
It is up to YOU. Only YOU Have The Power to Single-Handedly Change the Dynamic of Your Relationship.
You’re probably asking: “Why is it up to me?” Or maybe you’ve already tried working on your relationship together but he’s unwilling or unable to do the work or even admit the need for change.
What I learned from going deep with the top Marriage Researchers and Relationship Masters in the world is, you have the power to change the dynamic of your entire relationship without having to wait for him to change. You just need the keys that fit the relationship lock!
As Dr. John Gray, the #1 relationship expert of all time, has explained in his bestselling books, we are learning how women’s and men’s brains are wired differently. Women are wired with the innate power to change the feeling-tone of the entire relationship—whether their partners are willing to do the work or not.
And our powers of radiance, openness, and invitation make all the difference.
When we use them, he will show up.
When you learn how to make him feel like the hero you fell in love with, he can step back up to fully become your hero.
To create the love, passion and intimacy we deeply desire. we women need to adjust the dynamic—and I’ve figured out the recipe for exactly how to do just that!
So, What’s the Secret Sauce for Relationship Happiness?
In my work interviewing relationship experts for hundreds of hours over more than a decade, I’ve discovered and fine-tuned the specific principles, practices and tools that develop happy, loving, and deeply fulfilling relationships, and awaken relationship happiness.
Here’s the simple recipe:
Love is not supposed to be perfect and easy and breezy. That’s a fairytale mindset that only leads to disappointment. Switch your mindset to one of acceptance and appreciation. I call it “Wabi Sabi Love,” the Japanese secret that means learning to love the imperfections in yourself and in your partner. I’ll tell you about other key mindset shifts later. - LEARN TO COMMUNICATE.
Complaining never works. Your Man’s mind is wired completely different from yours. He doesn’t know what you want, but he wants to give it to you.. Once you learn how to ask for what you need so he will listen and really hear you, everything will change. I’ll let you in on more communication secrets later.. - DIFFERENCES ARE NORMAL.
Conflicts are not a sign that you are falling apart but the sign that it’s time to go deeper. Spender vs, saver, neatnik vs. slob, no matter what your differences, creative conflict resolution from a place of love and appreciation will help you turn any stumbling block into a stepping stone on the path to relationship happiness. I’ll reveal more creative conflict resolvers later. - RELATIONSHIP HAPPINESS IS EVERYTHING.
You can do all the yoga and meditation in the world, eat non-GMO foods and work on yourself until you are a complete blue-in-the face woman, But if you come home and fill your mind with toxic thoughts about what’s wrong with your partner, you’ll wipe away all those gains. A 75-year Harvard study reveals that having relationship happiness – not wealth or success or other goals – is the secret key to happiness in life.
A lifetime of soulmate love is a delicious soup of chemistry, communication, compatibility, connection, vulnerability, and the choices we make to wear our rose-colored glasses.
How did I learn the recipe? Very smart friends… I’ve made a lifetime of study and interviews with the top relationship experts in the world… and I’ve selected some of the best to help you learn the principles and develop the skills you need in the top areas couples need to work on.
Experts like John Gray on understanding the differences between men and women…
Alison Armstrong on how to reignite the passion and romance…
And Harville Hendrix and Helen Lakelly Hunt on transforming “incompatibility.”
And together we’ll move through 5 areas of life where conflict most often shows up: money, sex, communication, housework, and parenting.
Like a great recipe, these practices just work when you engage them.
Join us for our Online Course, “Relationship Mastery: 7 Weeks to Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate,” where we’ll take you by the hand and guide you through the process of creating the deepest, most intimate and juicy long-lasting partnership imaginable—and upleveling your entire life in the process!
Through this course, you’ll learn to turn the bumps and hurdles you’ve felt in your relationship into moments where you can come even closer together as if in a beautiful unfolding dance.
I’m incredibly excited to share these tools with you, so you can take the first steps toward a deeply connected, passionate relationship that fulfills you and your partner in every way.
Relationship Mastery
7 Weeks to Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate with Arielle Ford and The World’s Leading Relationship Experts
Discover the Secret Skills and Masterful Mindset You Need to Have a Marriage You Love and the Passion & Intimacy That You Deserve

Dear Friend,
I’m so happy that you’re considering joining me for “Relationship Mastery: 7 Weeks to Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate”!
Creating this course has been a true “labor of love,” and I’m so excited to be personally sharing with you the powerful and comprehensive program I’ve developed that will forever transform your relationship.
When I first began my journey to soulmate love 20 years ago, I was newly married. And even though I knew a lot of methods of self-improvement, from praying to manifesting, what I didn’t know was how to master the challenges and conflicts that emerged in my relationship with my new husband, Brian.
I took a vow to become a student of love, and since then, I’ve had the incredible privilege to learn from many of the world’s most insightful relationship experts, who are on the leading edge of studying modern-day love. In this course I’ve brought them together and synthesized their wisdom so that you, too, can receive the full benefit of their insights, and guidance.
Today, 20 years into my marriage, I feel more dedicated than ever to sharing what I’ve learned, and I’m continually inspired by meeting so many women and men who are themselves dedicated to fostering more love and passion in their lives, and allowing these experiences to uplift them and the world around them.
I believe the world needs this kind of love more than anything else.
And there is nothing that I love more than sharing my wisdom with others who are on the path to discover the way they can create lasting, sustaining, and true soulmate love.
If you decide to join me on this journey, I’d be honored to share my secrets with you and help you experience the relationship transformation you so desire and deserve.
With Love,
Arielle’s Previous Course Participants Share Their Experiences . . .
“Arielle’s wisdom is what I needed 14 years ago when the “magic” had worn off and I was questioning whether I made the right choice in getting married.”
“I have known all along that my husband is my soulmate – I knew it the first time I laid eyes on him. But no one prepares you for the “end of the fairy tale”. We somehow made it through all the rough years (of which there were many), but it would have been so much easier if I had had [her] to guide me from the get-go!”
Penny, Arkansas
“Arielle’s work is absolutely packed with the precise wisdom that I needed to help me and my guy get through some big, make it or break it, relationship blocks.”
“Arielle’s wisdom is great for anyone who wants to sustain a long-term loving relationship, whether you are newly together or have been together for lifetimes.”
Amana, Seattle
“Arielle’s power-packed techniques are so easy to implement yet have a great impact on the connection, love and harmony we can create in all of our relationships.”
“My boyfriend has teased me that he has to keep me a big secret from his friends because if they knew how well I understand the differences between men and women, they would all try to steal me. It is truly amazing and we are so happy together, very peaceful and harmonious.”
Alexandra D., Sacramento
“As my fiance and I embark on this next phase in life together, thanks to Arielle I feel well equipped with tools to navigate this new chapter in our life.”
“In today’s world, so many of us expect a fairytale romance 100% of the time. And when things don’t quite turn out to be all roses and peaches all the time, we don’t know what “went wrong” but this book shows us the beauty of relationships, marriages, and the commitment involved. Some people say relationships are hard work, but Arielle shows us it doesn’t have to be hard. Simple, yet profound shifts in our own ways of thinking and acting can truly transform any relationship if we are willing to give it our best!”
S. P.
“Let’s face it, all relationships have challenges and rough spots.”
“Ms. Ford’s real genius is to show you how all relationship issues are really just one big set of soul lessons cleverly disguised as ‘trouble in heaven.’ Arielle will show you what those lessons are, saving you years and years of searching or frustration!”
Gary S, San Francisco
Here’s What You’ll Learn
The Seven Core Modules of Mate to Soulmate
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WEEK ONEThe Secrets About Men Every Woman Needs to KnowGoing from confusion and conflict to happiness & harmony
You’ll learn…
Dr. John Gray, the #1 bestselling relationship author of all time, is the leading relationship expert in the world and the best-selling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. John’s books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages around the world. His many books, videos and seminars teach men and women how to understand, respect and appreciate their difference in both personal and professional relationships. Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. has been called “The Marriage Whisperer” by Oprah. He and his wife Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D. co-created Imago Relationship Therapy, a ground-breaking therapy for couples now practiced by over 2,200 certified therapists in 30 countries. They have authored 10 books on intimate relationships and parenting, including Making Marriage Simple. |
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WEEK TWOSee Me, Hear Me, Feel Me:The Keys to Effective, Fulfilling, Loving Communication
You’ll learn…
Drs. Katie and Gay Hendricks have been at the forefront of the fields of conscious loving, body intelligence and relationship transformation for 40 years. Katie has an international reputation as a seminar leader, inspiring professionals in the core skills of conscious living and conscious loving. Between them, Gay and Katie have written more than 40 books, including the bestseller Conscious Loving, which is used as a primary text in universities around the world. |
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WEEK THREEEnding the Money War:The Peaceful Co-existence of The Spender and The Saver
You’ll learn…
David Bach has helped millions of people around the world take action to live and finish rich. He is one of the most prolific financial authors of our time, with 11 consecutive national bestsellers, including two consecutive #1 New York Times bestsellers, Start Late, Finish Rich and The Automatic Millionaire. In all, his FinishRich Books have been published in more than 18 languages, with more than 7 million copies in print worldwide. |
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WEEK FOURRe-Ignite Passion and Pleasure:From Ho-Hum to Hotter Than Ever
You’ll learn…
Alison Armstrong, author, educator, and creator of the widely acclaimed “Queen’s Code” workshop series, explores the good reasons behind the behavior of men and women, including fundamental differences in the ways we think, act and communicate. She offers simple, partnership-based solutions to improve our communication and intimacy by honoring ourselves and others. She is renowned for her deep insight, sense of humor and ability to articulate the human experience and predicament of gender. |
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WEEK FIVEParenting at the Leading Edge:How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids (and Keep Your Cool)
You’ll learn…
Jacqueline Green left her corporate job at 30 to have a baby, which quickly devolved into postpartum depression & anxiety. After facing those challenges and deciding to become happy again, she went on to create the Great Parenting Show. Dr. Laura Markham is the author of the bestselling book Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting. Since earning her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, Dr. Laura has worked as a parenting coach with thousands of parents. Dr. Laura serves as an expert for Mothering Magazine, Psychology Today, Natural Parent Magazine and several other websites. Dr. Jenn Berman is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Los Angeles. She is the host and lead therapist on VH1’s Couple’s Therapy where she does intensive therapy with celebrity couples. She has appeared as a psychological expert on hundreds of television shows including The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, The Early Show, and HLN. |
PLUS! If your children are grown up—or you didn’t have any—we have included a bonus seminar for Week 5 to support your growth as spiritual partners.
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WEEK FIVEUnleashing the Power of Spiritual Partnership: Keys to Creating an Inspired, Soulful & Evolutionary UnionWith Feminine Power Leader Claire Zammit and Integral Enlightenment Founder Craig Hamilton
You’ll learn…
Claire Zammit Ph.D.(c) is an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact. Since 2009, Claire’s work with Feminine Power and Evolving Wisdom has reached more than 1 million people. Craig Hamilton is a pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality and a leading voice in the movement for conscious evolution. As the guiding force behind Integral Enlightenment, Craig offers spiritual guidance and teachings to a growing international community spanning 85 countries around the world. His life-changing online courses are designed to support people who are committed to evolving themselves and our culture, yearn to make their greatest contribution, and seek to develop themselves to embrace this calling. |
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WEEK SIXLightening Up Around the Heavy LiftingWinning Strategies for Getting the Housework Done — And the Secrets to What Happy Marriages Need
You’ll learn…
Dr. Terri Orbuch is an author, speaker, therapist, professor at Oakland University, and research professor at University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research. She has published over 50 articles and authored 6 books, including 5 Simple Steps To Take Your Marriage From Good To Great and Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps To a New and Happy Relationship. She is the director of a landmark study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where she has been following the same 373 couples for almost 3 decades. |
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WEEK SEVENLifelong Love:Divorce-Proof Your Relationship
You’ll learn…
Arielle Ford
Arielle Ford has spent the past 30 years becoming a master manifester and living and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is a celebrated love and relationship expert, speaker, and is the co-creator and co-host of Evolving Wisdom’s Art of Love series. She is also a gifted writer, and author of 11 books, including the international bestseller The Soulmate Secret: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction, as well as the award-winning Wabi Sabi Love and the recent Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate. Arielle has been called “The Cupid of Consciousness” and “The Fairy Godmother of Love.”
A long-time “Student of Love,” Arielle regularly presents workshops around the world as well as at personal growth centers such as The Omega Institute, Kripalu, The Chopra Center, Esalen, Alternatives in London, AwesomenessFest, Celebrate Your Life, and many other prestigious venues. She has appeared on many national TV and radio shows including Today Show, CNN, Fox News and more. Arielle lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband and Soulmate, Brian Hilliard, and their feline friends.
Here’s What Some of Today’s Leading Luminaries Have to Say About Arielle

Marianne Williamson
Author of A Return to Love

Gay Hendricks, PhD
Author of Conscious Loving and The Big Leap

Geneen Roth
Author of Women, Food and God and Lost and Found

Gabrielle Bernstein
New York Times best-selling author of Miracles Now

Laura Berman, LCSW, PhD
Love and relationship expert and author of Quantum Love

Christy Whitman
New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All
What You’ll Receive

7 Weekly Course Modules with Arielle and the Leading Love and Relationship Experts in the World
These dynamic teaching sessions are the heart of our course experience. Each week, Arielle will introduce us to another aspect of the path to transforming your relationship, and will do a deep-dive audio interview and learning session with experts who lead the field in these topics. They’ll provide research, practical tools, and practices for you to integrate the learning.

3 LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with Arielle
Arielle will be offering 3 sessions of group coaching, guiding you through questions that emerge where the teaching meets your personal experience. You will have the opportunity to write in questions that come up for you, and Arielle will be answering them LIVE. Many course participants in the past have shared with us that listening to others receive coaching is just as powerful as having their own questions answered, and often reveals questions they didn’t even know they had.

7 Weekly Module Overview Audios with Arielle
In these Module Overview audios, Arielle introduces the core themes of each module and highlights key principles, research findings, and insights for getting the most out of the weekly module.

7 Weekly Written Practice Guides
Each week, you’ll receive a written practice guide reinforcing the core practices and insights from what’s been covered that week. We recommend reading through and completing this short guide each week to help you apply and personalize the material.

Course Session Transcripts
PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back to and quickly reference key concepts and answers to questions as you step fully into the practices and principles of Relationship Mastery. You can print them out and highlight information that was useful to you and come back to it again and again as you learn to master your new relationship skills.

Custom Online Learning Portal
All of your course materials will be easily accessible throughout the course in our custom Online Learning Portal. Access course audios, feelingizations, practice guides and transcripts anytime from your computer or mobile device. And these course materials are yours to keep! Just download them at the end of the course and continue to draw upon them for inspiration and reinforcement for your ongoing relationship journey.

Online Community Forum for Discussion and Connection
Engage online with other course participants in this supportive learning community. As you go through the course, you will be able to connect with others online to share your breakthroughs and insights, and support each other in deepening into the principles and teachings. Through this collective engagement, you will experience the power that comes through doing deeply transformative work in community.
What You Need To Participate: The only equipment you’ll need is a computer, tablet or mobile device with an internet connection. You also have the option to participate in coaching sessions by phone.
Exclusive Bonus Guest Faculty Workshops
Relationship Mastery Bonus #1:
“Should I Stay or Should I Go?”
Valued at $97
Audio seminar with Dr. Randi Gunther, author of Heroic Love
Like many women, you might be in a relationship that’s not fulfilling your desires to be fully met, seen, and known… and yet it’s not all bad! You have a lot in common and even a shared life together….
And many questions might make the decision to stay or leave a tough nut to crack: Does the bad outweigh the good? Are my expectations realistic? Could I create something better? Or is it possible to create a thriving relationship with the partner I’m with—and if so, how?
Dr. Randi Gunther is a highly respected clinical psychologist and marriage counselor practicing in Southern California. In her forty-year career, she has accumulated over 100,000 face-to-face hours with individuals, couples, and families.
Even if you’re not currently in a relationship, her session will be extremely enlightening on your path to love, helping you can gain greater clarity about the qualities of an extraordinary relationship.
Dr. Randi Gunther is a renowned clinical psychologist and marriage counselor. She has inspired thousands of people in her workshops and lectures to go beyond their limitations and create successful relationships. She’s the author of several books including the acclaimed eBook, Heroic Love. Dr. Gunther and her husband met when they were in their teens and have continued their mutual devotion for over sixty years.
Relationship Mastery Bonus #2:
Repairing What’s Broken: A Powerful Process To Help Real-Life Couples Move Past Obstacles And Regain Trust
Valued at $97
Audio Seminar with Dr. John Gray, #1 New York Times best-selling author of the most popular relationship book of all time: “Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus”
Sure, you and your partner might fight about money or sex or household chores. But, what you’re really fighting against is misunderstanding. Listen in as relationship master Dr. John Gray helps two real-life couples move through challenges in a way that creates greater understanding and intimacy between them as opposed to chipping more of it away.
You’ll also learn:
- Powerful university research that shows how men’s and women’s brains are hardwired to be different — particularly in how we react to stress
- The #1 communication tool to help men or women with being heard
- What’s actually at the root of your arguments about finances or what’s happening in the bedroom — or almost anything!
- The 3-step process for handling the stresses of life as an unstoppable team
Relationship Mastery Bonus #3:
Sexual Soulmates: Six essentials to building a solid foundation of erotic love
Valued at $97
e-Book by Susan Bratton
Married a long time? You’ve probably settled into a “comfortable” pattern in which your sexual relationship begins to take a back seat. In marriage, you have to ignite passion. It doesn’t keep burning on a low flame. A couple needs to make their sexual relationship a high priority. But how can you get him to know what to do when he’ll barely ask for directions when driving? Give him the busy husband cheat-sheet and get him to give you exactly what you want in bed.
You’ll discover…
- The most authentic way to train a husband
- How to avoid pointless arguments, a cold bed, and having to work at pleasing each other
- How to create a checklist to your happiness that he can meet.
- And how to go from glorified roommates to sexual soulmates
Register by Midnight Pacific Time on Thursday, March 23rd and you’ll also receive…
Two Brand-New LIVE Masterclasses
with Dr. John Gray & Claire Zammit
Valued at $597

Today, men and women are no longer trapped by rigid societal roles. Now, more than ever, we have the freedom to be our authentic selves.
Women can access their masculine side, and men can embrace their feminine side.
This new freedom is a good thing, but it also brings new challenges.
How do powerful, successful women shine brightly in the world and simultaneously be an empowered feminine presence sustaining an extraordinary loving relationship?
This delicate dance between the “go-go-can-do-it” masculine energy and the “lean back, arms open wide receptive” energy of the feminine requires a deep understanding of the core male/female dynamics and polarity of the energies.
Factor in the rapidly changing role of women over the past 40 years and it’s easy to see just how confusing this issue can be.
Early Registration Bonus MASTERCLASS #1
“From Role-Mate to Soulmate: How Women & Men Can Meet Each Other’s Deepest Needs & Create True and Lasting Intimacy, Passion & Partnership in 21st Century Relationships”
with Dr. John Gray, #1 bestselling relationship author of all time
In this exclusive LIVE masterclass, John will share his love-life changing insights, tools and practices from his brand new book Beyond Mars and Venus: Relationship Skills for Today’s Complex World.
While previous generations sought “role-mate” relationships, based on the more rigid gender roles of the time, today’s couples need a new kind of relationship: a “soul-mate” relationship.
These more emotionally satisfying relationships require a deeper understanding of our partners’ individual needs.
John teaches ways to strengthen the bond and grow in love together, so you and your loved one can meet each other’s needs in the best way possible, bringing you lasting happiness and a fulfilling partnership.
Dr. John Gray is the #1 bestselling relationship author of all time. He is the author of 16 books, including The New York Times #1 Best-Selling Relationship Book of All Time: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
His books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages around the world. He is a leading internationally recognized expert in the fields of communication and relationships. He has revolutionized the way we think about love and partnership and his work has helped millions improve, and even save, their relationships.
And following on from this workshop, you’ll also hear from Feminine Power founder, Claire Zammit!
Early Registration Bonus MASTERCLASS #2
“The 7 Habits of Happy Conscious Women in Love”
with Claire Zammit
Claire will expand on many of the themes that John will be discussing in the first Masterclass, and she’ll be sharing the 7 Feminine Power Love Mastery Practices that you can begin to practice in your relationships right away!
You’ll be guided to:
- Learn to communicate openly, honestly and with vulnerability about your feelings, needs and desires.
- Be considerate about your impact on your partner and the counter-intuitive orientation to love that will ensure you get your needs met.
- Discover specific ways to affirm and appreciate your mate and understand why it is important to do so.
- Navigate conflict and listen to the other’s point of view, using issues as an opportunity to deepen trust and connection.
- Create quality and memorable experiences together.
- Understand why continuing to work on yourself and generating your own happiness is the key to success in love.
Claire Zammit Ph.D.(c), is the founder and creator of the Feminine Power courses for women and an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created and which she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact.
Register by Midnight Pacific Time on Thursday, March 23rd and you’ll also receive…
Two Brand-New LIVE Masterclasses with Dr. John Gray & Claire Zammit.
Valued at $597

Kickstart your journey to renewed intimacy, passion, and partnership with this collection of wisdom from our 7 acclaimed experts. With their guidance you’ll connect to unconditional self-love as the springboard to being loved, you’ll receive the secret and powerful formula for safely clearing blocks to forgiving and trusting your partner, and you’ll deepen in both self-love and forgiveness through learning potent meditations for each!
Seminar #1 Loveability: Must-Have Recipes for Realizing Your Self-Love As a Foundation for Being Loved By Your Partner with Dr. Robert Holden, Christine Arylo, Amy Ahlers, Marci Shimoff
In this special panel seminar, you’ll discover the “big fat lies” you absorbed (probably without even realizing it!) that keep you from experiencing more love, then you’ll learn the inquiry practice that turns up the volume on love, and you’ll discover the way to raise your “set-point” for love so you increase your capacity to receive all the joy and love in the world!
Seminar #2 How to Forgive: Open Up to Intimacy Again: The Fast Track to Greater Love with #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy & Love for No Reason, Marci Shimoff
Explore two of the most important processes for removing blocks and creating openness so that you can experience greater unconditional love and acceptance within your relationship. Learn effective, easy tools and a powerful meditation to help you live with a joyful, open heart.
Seminar #3 Meditations on Self-Love & Forgiveness with Relationship & Mindfulness experts Ed & Deb Shapiro
These two masterful meditations will help you open your heart to experience unconditional love. The Loving Kindness Meditation will awaken true compassion in you, while The Forgiveness Meditation will help you free yourself from continuing to suffer the pain of past hurts.

Just to summarize, the total value of all of the elements of the 7-Week Relationship Mastery Program plus the Bonuses is $5,288
- 7 Weekly Audio Course Sessions with Arielle and Special Guest Faculty (Valued at $2,000)
- 3 Live 60-Minute Group Coaching Sessions with Arielle (Valued at $900)
- 7 Weekly Written Practice Guides (Valued at $600)
- Complete Course Session Transcripts (Valued at $600)
- Custom Online Learning Portal (Valued at $300)
- Online Community Forum for Discussion and Connection (Priceless!)
- PLUS Core Bonus #1: Should I Stay or Should I Leave?” with Dr. Randi Gunther (Valued at $97)
- PLUS Core Bonus #2: “Repairing What’s Broken: A Powerful Process To Help Real-Life Couples Move Past Obstacles And Regain Trust” with Dr. John Gray (Valued at $97)
- PLUS Core Bonus #3: “Sexual Soulmates” eBook with Susan Bratton (Valued at $97)
- PLUS Early Registration Masterclasses: Workshops with Dr. John Gray & Claire Zammit (Valued at $597)
Enroll Now with our Special “Awaken in 2017” Holiday Offer
Until December 28th you can purchase the entire digital audiocourse for 50% off!
Join us!
The Brand-New 7-Week Course Starts Friday, March 31st
With our Satisfaction Guarantee you can try the course out for 14 days risk free. If you are not satisfied with the program for any reason, we will gladly refund your tuition.
If you have any questions about this program, please email us at artoflove@evolvingwisdom.com and we’ll be glad to assist you.