Discover the Super Strategies & Deep Skills That Will Give You the Power to Unlock Your Genius, Ignite Greatness in Others, & Impact the World with Your Gifts

Take your experience of The Feminine Success Codes to the next level with the premier training to become an influential & impactful change agent — at 50% OFF!
The Influencer’s Masterclass
A 9-Week Online Training with Feminine Power & Evolving Wisdom Founder Dr. Claire Zammit and Human-Potential Pioneer Dr. Jean Houston
Congratulations on your decision to register for The Feminine Success Codes! You’re about to receive a level of inspiration and guidance to manifest your destiny like nothing you’ve experienced before.
If you’re like many of the women we meet, once you step into living your Feminine Power every day, you’ll feel called to go even farther and generate unstoppable momentum on your own destiny path…
And if you want to make the greatest difference in the dynamic and ever-evolving new world we’re a part of, you’ll need access to the super strategies & deep skills that will give you the power to unlock your genius, ignite greatness in others, & impact the world with your gifts at the highest level.
We’re excited to share the opportunity to join the latest program from Dr. Claire Zammit and Dr. Jean Houston, The Influencer’s Masterclass, a 9-week, comprehensive, step-by-step program where they’ll teach you the “deep skills” and “super strategies” they’ve discovered give you the power to ignite and inspire others to greatness, and to exponentially amplify your impact.
This premier training is normally only available for $794, but in this one-time-only offer, you have the opportunity to take the digital version of this exclusive training for 50% off—just $397.
(This special offer is only available for those who have registered for The Feminine Success Codes, and it will be the only opportunity you’ll have to get it with this over 50% discount.)
Calling all coaches, healers, workshop facilitators, creatives, change-makers, entrepreneurs, trainers, speakers, teachers, therapists, artists, leaders & visionaries (or if you sense a calling to be one!)
Amplify Your Impact
Gain the power to amplify your impact and become a member of our “Influencer’s Incubator & Network.”
We are living in extraordinary times—and the opportunity to make a difference with your gifts has never been greater. If you’re reading this page, it’s probably because you sense that you have gifts and talents the world needs, and because you want to make the greatest difference you can with your work.
The potential you feel is real—and now you have access to the deep training that is essential to bring forth your highest destiny contribution.
Most change-makers feel a deep sense of calling and know they have something valuable to offer, and yet at the same time you might find yourself experiencing a lot of confusion and frustration because you’re not yet making the impact that reflects your full potential.
Most change-makers feel a deep sense of calling and know they have something valuable to offer, and yet at the same time you might find yourself experiencing a lot of confusion and frustration because you’re not yet making the impact that reflects your full potential.
You may even sense that your inner capacities are not where they need to be to be able to take advantage of the opportunities our time in history offers—capacities that would allow you to create things of higher value, reach more people, and generate even more prosperity through your work to bring about the wellbeing and success that will enable you to serve at the highest level…
And you’re not sure how to get there from where you are now.
With over 80 combined years of work, research and practice, two remarkable women leaders—Dr. Jean Houston, co-founder of the human potential movement and author of more than 30 books, and her close friend and colleague, Feminine Power and Evolving Wisdom founder Dr. Claire Zammit, who is one of the most successful transformational teachers and entrepreneurs around—are joining forces to share the specific set of super strategies and deep skills they’ve discovered are the “difference makers” when it comes to making your highest contribution.
You may have taken other workshops and programs where you’ve learned all the nuts and bolts—the how-to’s and formulas for success—and maybe they’ve even helped you get a little closer to attaining the level of mastery you want to reach in your work.
And while these kinds of trainings are important, without activating the deeper creative level at which Claire and Jean work, you may never fully realize your evolutionary capacities and reach your full potential.
Jean and Claire have mastered these deep skills and strategies and have impacted and reached millions of people worldwide as a result. Now they want to pass these techniques on to you, too, so that you can access the deep creative power to move, ignite and inspire others to greatness!
This program is especially for you if you are a coach, healer, workshop facilitator, creative, change-maker, entrepreneur, trainer, speaker, teacher, therapist, artist, leader, visionary, or if you sense a calling to be any of these!
It’s for you if you know you have a calling and know that you have something valuable to offer.
And it’s absolutely critical for you if you’ve also been experiencing a lot of frustration that your inner powers and capacities are not rising to meet the challenges and opportunities that await you.
In The Influencer’s Masterclass Training, you’ll discover the power to…
- Tap into a limitless source of “deep creativity” and generate winning ideas and content that resonates with your audience and clients
- Exponentially leverage your own unique “genius” so that your contributions are recognized, received and valued by others
- Start or expand a business that is aligned with your leadership destiny—and that you can succeed at without becoming a business expert
- Craft highly engaging talks, videos, presentations and writing sourced from your unique voice and message
- Create winning offers & programs that others are excited to invest their time and money to participate in
- Authentically enroll others into your vision and programs with ease and flow
- Facilitate and unleash a field of “group magic” between members of your tribe so they bond deeply and commit to moving forward with the vision you’re leading them towards.
The Influencer’s Masterclass
A 9-Week Online Training with Human-Potential Pioneer Dr. Jean Houston and Feminine Power & Evolving Wisdom Founder Dr. Claire Zammit
We’re excited to announce that Dr. Jean Houston and Dr. Claire Zammit are joining forces and will be offering a comprehensive step-by-step program to teach you the “deep skills” and “super strategies” they’ve discovered give you the power to ignite and inspire others to greatness, and to exponentially amplify your impact.
Over 9 consecutive weeks, from the privacy and comfort of your own home, you’ll learn the skills and strategies Claire and Jean have used to impact and transform the lives of millions of people around the globe.
Participants Share Their Experiences
“I finished my novel, got it published, and donated a portion of the proceeds…”
“Jean’s opened up a whole new realm of potential for me: I finished my novel, got it published, and donated a portion of the proceeds to people who are protecting our environment, all while accessing new levels of healing and new opportunities in my community and online.”
Diana, British Columbia
“Within the first few weeks of the training, I’d made $15,000 from new clients…”
“Within the first few weeks of the training, I’d made $15,000 from new clients for my travel business and had hundreds of new people sign up for my mailing list. As the course progressed, I was able to clarify my vision, creating several new income streams I would never have imagined possible.Through simple lessons and profound insight, Jean and Claire taught us the secrets to the success of the soul. I am now deeply satisfied with my work and wake up every morning knowing I am truly on my path … on the edge of my seat, excited to see where the journey will take me.”
Allysha, Ashland, Oregon
“Claire can transmit her insights to thousands of women worldwide, giving us a vision of a new and conscious evolutionary role.”
“I have deeply appreciated the breadth and depth of Claire’s course. I welcome the call to women everywhere to awaken to a new evolutionary role at this crucial time of choice. My deep gratitude to Claire for having developed her own being and her teaching skills to the point where she can transmit her insights to thousands of women worldwide, giving us a vision of a new and conscious evolutionary role.”
Anne, United Kingdom
“My reach has increased exponentially. There seems no end to how far it can go.”
“The Influencer’s Masterclass helped to ignite and activate a deep inner knowing and sense of purpose and provided very specific tools and techniques for bringing forward new ways of being in the world. I was able to interview and learn from over fifty different women concerning their deepest desires around transformative change and impact. My reach has increased exponentially. There seems no end to how far it can go.”
Shauna, Moraga, California
“I now understand my zone of genius and what I am here to contribute…”
“Before The Influencer’s Masterclass I didn’t have enough clarity of what my purpose was and how to start a business. After the training, I now have a clearer understanding of my zone of genius and what I am here to contribute. I have expanded my income from my online shop!”
Nicole, Rockland, California
“I am now able to communicate more constructively and to generate success in every area of my life.”
“I know now how to source the truth from my power centers and be well supported. In this course I enjoyed being on this ‘cushion of care’ that Claire and her amazing team provided for us…everything was easy to put into practice and easy to access.”
Julia, Konstanz, Germany
“My new boss at Microsoft offered to let me start looking into options of how my whole team and company could get more involved.”
“I used to think I needed to work in the nonprofit world to make a difference. But I found that I can contribute on a daily basis with everyone I meet, and it doesn’t matter where I am working. By being myself and speaking up for the things I love and believe in, my new boss at Microsoft offered to let me start looking into options of how my whole team and company could get more involved. I live life with a sense of purpose now, being myself and inspiring others to do the same.”
Claudia, Mexico City, Mexico
“I’ve become an entrepreneur—a businesswoman.”
“I took the risk to jump into a bigger world and started my own company, and I’m building a transformational learning center. Now I understand that expression “beyond my wildest dreams,” because 7 years ago I couldn’t imagine the woman I am today!”
Carolina, Bogota, Colombia
“My Facebook family has grown from 100 to over 3000! I now know I am following the path I was meant to be on, and my work is my life purpose.”
Rae, Chester, United Kingdom
“In the 10 months since taking The Influencer’s Masterclass, I have attracted the most money in my life—ever. My income has increased by 75%.”
Manon, Victoriaville, Canada
“Because of The Influencer’s Masterclass, my email list increased dramatically, and I’m serving more women than ever before.”
Maggie, Colorado
“Since taking The Influencer’s Masterclass I had the best year ever in terms of my income and was able to buy my own retreat place! I’m now attracting my right tribe and I have more of a real connection online with people.”
Louise, Vaud, Switzerland
Here’s The Training Overview
The 8 Core Trainings in The Influencer’s Masterclass + 2-Hour Kickoff Activation Session
Module One: 2-Hour Kickoff Activation Session
Sourcing Deep Creativity
with Dr. Jean Houston & Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
During this 2-Hour Kickoff Session, you’ll come together with Jean, Claire, and a global tribe of other “Influencers” where you’ll be guided through the process of sourcing “Deep Creativity.” The practices you’ll discover will be the foundational practices we’ll be anchoring into at the start of each training session during our 9 weeks together.
Deep Creativity is the kind of creativity that births world-changing ideas, programs, films, businesses, products, seminars, and other work that has a tremendous impact and resonates deeply with others, uplifting them and igniting their greatness.
It is sourced from a place that is beyond the mind and beyond the personal self—sourced from the “entelechy” of that which is emerging through you.
We will explore a realm that previously was only accessible to the shaman, the alchemist, mystic and the priestess, where you’ll discover how to unlock your soul gifts by sourcing from the place inside you where you know exactly what you need to do to fulfill your destiny contribution for this lifetime.
A critical aspect of Deep Creativity is that part of it comes to us through our relationships with others, so to help facilitate this within the training, we will also be activating the “Influencer’s Incubator & Network,” a powerful online field of connection and support that will help us amplify one another’s creative power over the full 9 weeks of the training. It will be a supportive space where we can all get feedback on our work, share resources and connections, and be partners in brainstorming and co-creation.
This first 2-Hour Kickoff Activation Session is where we’ll create a powerful connection between us all that will only deepen as we move into the Masterclass sessions and the Video Implementation & Inspired Action “HOT SEAT” Coaching & Mastermind Workshops.
Module Two: Masterclass
The Art of Influential Leadership
with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
You’ll discover how to…
- Identify your “Zone of Greatness” and focus on what you can become among the best at in your field so you can shine your brightest.
- Attract the audience that will most value and want to invest in what you have to offer.
- Embrace 1-2 of the 5 key leadership roles that best fits your life vision and gifts so that you can fast-track your success.
Even though you may feel a great potential for the contribution you’re here to make, you probably get overwhelmed at times by the number of things you feel called or inspired to do. And as a result, you probably end up spreading yourself too thin and feel ineffective, in spite of your good intentions.
The art of influential, evolutionary leadership has to do with understanding where you’re uniquely positioned to contribute so that your voice can be heard and your gifts valued and received. When you lead and serve from this place, it’s like sailing with the wind at your back, but in this world of increasing complexity, it’s hard to find by simply following your passions.
Claire wants to share with you the super-skills that will enable you to make the greatest impact with the least amount of energy in the shortest amount of time. She also wants to show you how to effectively be a world leader where playing big has nothing to do with your reach—where it’s all about the bigness of your context, even if you only directly impact a small number of people in a big way.
Module Three: Masterclass
The Art of Creating or Expanding a Successful Business as a Vehicle for Your Genius
with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
In this Masterclass, Claire will give you the power to…SUCCEED in your business (even if you’re not sure where or how to get started or get to the next level).
You’ll discover how to…
- Leverage your skills and expertise to start or grow the right business.
- Make a thriving living and fulfill your deepest calling.
- Map your 2019 pathway to making a quantum leap in exponential expansion by focusing on either increasing cash flow, your reach, or the mastery of your service delivery.
If you don’t already own or co-own a business of some kind, then you’ve probably at least thought about the idea on more than one occasion. Having your own business, whether as a full-time or part-time means of generating income, can (and should) be deeply fulfilling, too.
But creating and growing a business that can be a vehicle for you to self-actualize and share your gifts in the world isn’t a simple undertaking. As an open-hearted change agent, you may even have unconscious resistance to fully embracing business as your path to greater exposure and impact that you need to overcome.
Whether you’re considering starting your own business, want to make the leap to generating a full-time living so you can quit your day job, or simply want to get to the next level of visibility and impact, you’ll receive the keys that will lead you to success, along with other super strategies Claire used herself to accomplish all she has with her own business.
Module Four: Masterclass
The Art of Impactful Storytelling
with Dr. Jean Houston
In this Masterclass, Jean will give you the power to…CONNECT and build deep and lasting rapport with your audience.
You’ll discover how to…
- Speak in a way that engages people’s emotions
- Build the deepest level of rapport that you can with your audience
- Fully embody the stories you tell, so the reader is drawn in and can fully experience the story as you tell it
Your past isn’t just a collection of memories. It’s a trunk full of powerful stories that can help you to more quickly and easily connect with others, more clearly communicate your message, and be better able to entertain and move those around you everywhere you go and in everything you do.
But to do that effectively, you must be able to tell both your own stories and the stories of others in a way that draws the listener or reader in and allows them to experience the story internally, so they “feel” it, understand its meaning, and are moved in the way you want them to be.
If you want to have a greater impact on the lives of others, the art of storytelling is one of the most critical capacities you can develop to captivate, educate, inspire, and improve all of your communications.
Module Five: Masterclass
The Art of Magnetic Writing
with Dr. Jean Houston
In this Masterclass, Jean will give you the power to…MOVE others through the written word (whether you’re a “non-writer” or you have a huge project to write like a book or dissertation!)
You’ll discover how to…
- Use writing to immediately connect with your reader and allow them to see the value in what you have to share
- Give your writing more ease and flow, and allow you to get more writing done in less time
- Use words in such a way that they jump off the page and pull the reader in
You’ve probably read the lists of do’s and don’ts about writing online copy—what buzz-words to include and what to avoid, how to structure an argument to be persuasive, how long your sentences should be, etc. But none of that is the secret sauce that makes writing truly grab your attention and hold you in its grip.
If you’re trying to make a difference in the digital age, good writing is a critical skill set.
Whether you’re sharing your own stories in a book or a blog, crafting marketing copy for an online business, or simply posting on social media, you need to be able to put words together in ways that make them jump off the page. Your writing must be engaging so it can deeply connect with people, allowing you to build an audience and a tribe around whatever you are offering to the world.
Jean wants to show you how to do all of that by tapping into the psychology and the spirit of writing to make it flow more naturally from you. She’ll teach you how to connect more deeply with the reader by writing from the shared source of your own wisdom and aliveness, and she’ll also help you determine when your best time to write is for the unique flow of your own energy, so you can choose what to work on when you’re in that highly creative zone.
Module Six: Masterclass
The Art of Influential Speaking
with Dr. Jean Houston
In this Masterclass, Jean will give you the power to…IGNITE power and possibility, and motivate your audience into action (even if you identify as an introvert or are nervous about speaking in front of people!)
You’ll discover how to…
- Use unique speech patterns and cadences to more deeply connect with your audience
- Instantly access your inner “word pool,” so when you open your mouth the right words come out every time
- Keep listeners on the edge of their seats
You’ve probably seen or even taken one of the trainings out there on how to become a better public speaker, or read an article about how to create a winning talk. Or maybe you’ve seen the list of the 6 things to include in a great speech. But the little-known secret is that the talks that really capture people’s attention and reach deeply into their hearts are rarely talks where the speaker is following a formula.
So the question is: What is the magic some speakers seem to have that makes us pay attention before they’ve even said a word and keeps us hanging on their every word?
Speaking to others is not just a natural gift; it is something that must be practiced and cultivated.
And whether you’re holding an online seminar, doing an interview or a TED talk, trying to inspire a work team, or just communicating with your customers, colleagues or employees, the art of speaking is an essential skill.
Jean wants to guide you through the process of preparing your talk, in every way and show you how to use the most effective speech patterns and cadences, as well as how to strike the right balance between emotion and information.
Module Seven: Masterclass
The Art of Enrollment & Creating Winning Offers
with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
In this Masterclass, Claire will give you the power to…INSPIRE OTHERS TO INVEST in working with you (even if you hate “selling” or marketing).
You’ll discover how to…
- Develop programs that deeply meet the needs of your audience
- Quickly and clearly speak about the value of your offer
- Engage your audience and customers in a way that inspires their interest and participation, and that makes the value visible to those whom it’s especially designed to help
In many ways, the success of your business rests on two elements: creating a winning offer and generating enrollment. Without a winning offer, you won’t be able to enroll anyone, and without enrollment you won’t be able to stay in business. And there is truly an art to approaching both elements that is well beyond the tactical formulas taught in business trainings.
While there are many trainings that teach enrollment, product creation, and marketing formulas, few of those programs are led by someone who has had the kind of success and impact that Claire Zammit, Ph.D. has with her company Evolving Wisdom, which has served hundreds of thousands of participants in its paid programs and impacted the lives of millions of people.
Over the past decade, Claire has creatively directed or overseen the creation of more than 10 seven-figure brands in the “soft niches” of personal growth (vs. business trainings) and she’s living proof that these are two of the most essential skills influencers must master!
For the first time, Claire wants to share what she never has before, revealing the in-depth process she used to create the programs and brands that have generated more than 50 million dollars in revenue.
Module Eight: Masterclass
The Art of Power Networking & Tribe Building
with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
In this Masterclass, Claire will give you the power to…AMPLIFY your message by creating a tribe that embraces and aligns with the vision you’re creating.
You’ll discover how to…
- Know who to reach out to, who to align yourself with, and who to avoid
- Organically develop the magic and synergy that will lead those you partner with to be eager to work with you and to reciprocate for anything you do for them
- Use community-building skills to create a truly engaged and ignited community
There’s no way to overstate the power of networking and tribe-building in the model for success in businesses of almost any kind. Creating deep and synergistic connections between people is essential to being an effective influencer and developing an environment where people can thrive under your direction and encouragement.
Having a vibrant tribe with robust networking opportunities provides your “tribe members” with new avenues for growth and expansion, and it deepens the level of engagement that is possible around your service, offer or product. These elements often require very little “work” once they are up and running, and can just keep growing exponentially on their own momentum, paying off in dividends that are both concrete (revenue) and abstract (morale and good will).
Developing these skills can make the difference in whether you continue to play small and just “get by” or become a true co-creator with your tribe and partners and are able to have a more profound impact in all you are trying to accomplish.
Claire is ready to share with you the deep relationship-building skills that enabled her to create a platform that has reached over 500 million people through her partner network, along with the deep transformational learning-community-building skills that she’s cultivated in two decades spent creating in-person and online programs for hundreds of thousands of participants.
Module Nine: Masterclass
The Art of Manifestation & Quantum Impact
with Dr. Jean Houston
In this Masterclass, Jean will give you the power to…STEP FORWARD into your greatness in 2019 and beyond by integrating your discoveries in the training and applying them to a specific goal, project and intention.
You’ll discover how to…
- Manifest the resources you need to achieve your business goals
- Maximize and optimize your impact on the world and the people around you
- Build skills more rapidly that will take you and your business to the next level every time you use them
Whether you are engaged in speaking or writing practices, or building your business through networking with others and creating trainings for the public, there are ways of accessing higher-level “quantum” abilities that can enhance your work and lead to greater success and impact.
These powers include the abilities to get more done in less time and tap into deeper sources of energy, reducing the sense of overwhelm you may often experience in your life now. They also include the abilities to quickly develop new skills and attract the right people and resources to help you make real progress on the projects that mean the most to you.
Jean has spent many years researching and experimenting with these abilities, and has trained many of her students in her profound approach to activating these dormant “quantum powers” that can allow you to become a vehicle for the higher desire of the universe itself, so you can live a more remarkable life and make a greater difference in the world.
Dr. Jean Houston + Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
Dr. Jean Houston, scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. Jean has worked intensively in 40 cultures and 100 countries, advising heads of state, leading educational institutions and business organizations, and helping millions of people to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness and power.
She is a prolific writer and has authored nearly 30 books, including A Passion for the Possible, Search for the Beloved, Life Force, The Possible Human, A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story, Jump Time, Manual of the Peacemaker, and The Wizard of Us.
As advisor to United Nations agencies in human and cultural development, she has worked to implement some of their extensive educational and health programs, and since 2003, she has been working with the UN Development Program, training leaders in developing countries throughout the world in the new field of social artistry. Dr. Houston also served for a year and a half in an advisory capacity to Bill Clinton and to Hillary Clinton, as well as helping Hillary write It Takes A Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us.
There are few women alive today who have done more to empower conscious women to actualize their potential and realize their destiny than Dr. Claire Zammit. In her two decades as a transformational teacher and leader, Claire has shared her life-changing Feminine Power principles and practices with millions of women around the globe.
Her groundbreaking doctoral research on the underlying obstacles blocking intelligent, conscious, women from stepping into their greatness has been praised as a seminal contribution to the advancement of women in this century.
Over 40,000 women from more than 100 countries have graduated from her innovative online Feminine Power Academy, and her Feminine Power Professional Certification Trainings have trained hundreds more to create fulfilling, impactful and successful careers as transformational coaches, facilitators and leaders in their fields. She is fast becoming known as the “mentor of mentors” for gifted, conscious women.
In addition to building the Feminine Power global community, Claire is also a wildly successful conscious entrepreneur. In 2010, she co-founded Evolving Wisdom, LLC which under her leadership rapidly grew to become one of the world’s most successful online transformational learning enterprises. In 2013, Evolving Wisdom was ranked #83 on the Inc. 5000 list of America’s fastest growing private companies and since its inception, it has generated over $50 million in revenue and reached millions of people from more than 180 countries.
A dedicated philanthropist, Claire’s personal contributions and fundraising efforts have been hailed as a major catalyst for the growth of the Girl Power Project which is on track to bring self-esteem and leadership training to over one million low-income girls in Uganda by 2020.
Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its Achievement Award, and is also a participant in Deepak Chopra’s Evolutionary Leaders Forum. She is also the recipient of the Just Like My Child Foundation Women’s Leadership Award.
She holds a Ph.D. in Transformational Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies and lives in Berkeley, California with her husband of eleven years, spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton.
Here’s What Some of Today’s Leading Luminaries Have to Say About Jean & Claire
Deepak Chopra, M. D.
Marianne Williamson
Author of Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, and A Return to Love
Bill Clinton
Former President
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Author of Conscious Evolution and The Hunger of Eve
Joseph Campbell
Author of The Power of Myth
Alanis Morissette
Grammy Award Winning Singer/Songwriter and Record Producer
Margaret Mead
Michael Beckwith
Author of Spiritual Liberation and star of The Secret
Buckminster Fuller
Author of Critical Path
Marci Shimoff
Author of Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
What You’ll Receive in Our 9-Week Training

8 Weekly 60-Minute Pre-Recorded Masterclass Training Sessions with Dr. Jean Houston or Dr. Claire Zammit + A 2-Hour Kick Off “Activation Call”
These dynamic teaching sessions are the heart of our training experience. Each week, Jean and/or Claire will take us into another vein of how to amplify your influence, combining in-depth instruction with practices and explorations. These sessions are deeply experiential, so please listen to the audios at a time when you can give your full attention to the material.
Training Schedule:
First you will receive the 2-Hour Kick off Event.
The 8 Masterclass Sessions will be released each week following for 8 weeks. You’ll receive unlimited access to all of the Masterclass audios (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player).

2 Pre-Recorded VIDEO Implementation & Inspired Action “HOT SEAT” Coaching & Mastermind Workshops with Jean & Claire
As you engage with the training materials, you may find that you have important questions for Jean or Claire about how to most effectively implement the practices and principles toward growing your business or project. Many participants report that listening to these recordings of Jean and Claire coaching others is as powerful as asking their own questions, and reveals questions they didn’t know they had. You will be able to listen to the recordings of these valuable sessions and download the mp3 files to your iPod or audio player.

Weekly Inspired Action & Impact Guides
Each week, you’ll receive a written Inspired Action & Impact Guide reinforcing the core principles and practices we’re learning in that week’s mastermind session. These practice guides will also include Action & Impact practices you can work with as you work on building your vision, project or business, or taking it to the next level.

Masterclass Session Transcripts
Edited PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back to and quickly reference key concepts and answers to questions as you step fully into the applying the skills and strategies you’ll learn in The Influencer’s Masterclass.

Access to The Exclusive Influencer Incubator & Network on Facebook + Custom Online Learning Portal
You’ll engage online with other training participants in this supportive learning community and on our exclusive Facebook Group, both of which we’re designing as a space to network and incubate your project or business. As you go through the training, you will be able to network, gather and connect with others online to share your breakthroughs and insights, and support each other in deepening into the principles and teachings and taking inspired action toward your goals. Through this collective engagement, you will experience the power that comes through doing deeply transformative work in community.
All of your training materials will be easily accessible throughout the training in our custom Online Learning Portal. Access training audios, action guides and transcripts anytime from your computer or mobile device. And these training materials are yours to keep! Just download them at the end of the training and continue to draw upon them for inspiration and reinforcement for your ongoing journey.
** Plus, you’ll also receive this special bonus **
“Amplifying Your Voice by Writing a Book”
with #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Marci Shimoff
(Valued at $97)
“Amplifying Your Voice by Writing a Book” with #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Marci Shimoff
Discover the simple, powerful ways that creative, gifted individuals can contribute their gifts and impact a larger audience
If you’re like most of the participants in The Influencer’s Masterclass, you might be considering writing a book to grow your impact, but aren’t sure how to get started or get to the next level of reach and exposure (or how to navigate the world of publishing)…
Whether you consider yourself a writer or not, a book can amplify your impact exponentially, getting your message out to thousands (or more!) who you likely wouldn’t have otherwise reached.
It also helps to position you as a qualified expert and acts as a “calling card” for speaking & networking opportunities as well as serving as a magnet for new clients.
However, in spite of knowing these benefits and feeling drawn to writing a book, you might also be feeling unclear about the topic you should focus on or you might be experiencing self-doubt or insecurity about the value of your message.
Yet the truth is that you have a unique voice and contribution to make that no one else can!
And there’s no one who’s better at showing you how to get published than #1 New York Times bestselling author Marci Shimoff.
In this exclusive bonus, Marci—who is one of the bestselling transformational authors of all time—is going to take you by the hand and demystify the entire writing process.
She’s going to show you the 3 simple steps to organizing your ideas and teach you the 5 elements your audience will want to see in your book.
She’s also going to demystify the entire process of publishing, from self-publishing to all the different routes and levels of traditional publishing, with a comprehensive overview of the benefits and drawbacks for each of the 4 routes to publication.
In this exclusive bonus session, you’ll discover…
- The BIG Influencer opportunities that open up through publishing a book
- The 4 routes to publishing a book (and the benefits of each)
- The 3 steps of writing
- The 5 elements of a transformational bestseller
- The 5 elements to include in your book that will ensure your audience is energized and engaged by your message
- Easy ways to generate and organize your written material
- How to start your marketing strategy on a parallel track with writing your book
You’ll leave this workshop totally clear about how you can dive into your material and structure it to make a huge impact, as well as how to market it for success.
We’re really excited to be bringing you the best mentor on this topic in the world today to support you to apply all the other deep skills you’ll be discovering in the training to getting your book written and published!
Marci Shimoff is one of the bestselling transformational authors of all time. Her six bestselling titles in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, including Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul, have met with stunning success, selling more than 13 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, and have been on the New York Times bestseller list for a total of 108 weeks. Marci has also authored 2 international bestsellers, Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason.
Plus… 100% of Your Tuition will be applied to the Feminine Power Certified Coaching, Facilitation and Leadership Trainings should you decide to register this year.
Are you already—or are you considering becoming—a coach, trainer, or workshop leader, with a desire to serve women at the highest level?
Most coaches and workshop leaders are dedicated professionals who care deeply about their clients and are committed to doing their best to inspire and create change.
Yet something historic and unprecedented is happening for millions of women that most training has not prepared them to be able to respond to. Change-makers need to understand the unprecedented shift that’s happening that is as revolutionary as the development of the internet and social media.
Women are leading a new stage of evolution on the planet right now. Millions of women have evolved beyond achievement and success being the north star of their lives, to a much higher impulse to self-actualize and participate in social transformation.
The approaches that inform traditional life-coaching, which are very goal-oriented and strategic, don’t work when it comes to this new set of things that women are most wanting to create, such as the impulse to…
- Express their authentic presence and be visible, seen and known
- Attract and create growth-oriented relationships where they are loved unconditionally for who they are and fiercely supported in who they are becoming
- Discover their genius and gifts and contribute these to others in meaningful ways
- Create a thriving livelihood that’s aligned with their values to live in a field of prosperous flow, having more than enough to take care of themselves and their family as well as to be generous and contribute to causes
- Express their creativity and manifest their desires
- Radiate health and vitality
- Deepen their spiritual connection and live in alignment and partnership with a higher power
- Make the world a better place and empower others into their greatness.
In coaching and mentoring women for 20 years, Claire has come to see firsthand that Feminine Power is the key to igniting the power to step into these higher possibilities.
There’s a very particular way of coaching, facilitating and mentoring within a Feminine system of creation that will give women clients access to deep and powerful results if they’re wanting to create and manifest in this arena of self-actualization.
Research coming out across the board has been validating and pointing the way to the fact that femininity will be the operating system of the 21st Century.
This converges with a profound sea-change, at this moment, where women have never had so much potential power for global influence and change.
By becoming a specialist in coaching, facilitating and leading women using the Feminine Power approach, you’ll be able to meet women exactly where they are and provide what’s needed to ignite their potentials and catalyze their greater destiny.
And when you register today for The Influencer’s Masterclass Training, 100% of your tuition can be applied to any of these programs this year!
Just to summarize, the total value of all of the elements of The Influencer’s Masterclass is $7,397:
8 Weekly 60-Minute Masterclass Pre-Recorded Training Sessions with Dr. Jean Houston or Dr. Claire Zammit + A 2-Hour Kickoff “Activation Call” These dynamic teaching sessions are the heart of our training experience. Each week, Jean and/or Claire will take us into another vein of how we can amplify our influence in, combining in-depth instruction with practices and explorations. These sessions are deeply experiential, so please listen to the audios at a time when you can give your full attention to the material. |
Value $5,000 |
2 Downloadable VIDEO Implementation & Inspired Action “HOT SEAT” Coaching & Mastermind Workshops with Jean & Claire As you engage with the training materials, you may find you have important questions for Jean or Claire about how to most effectively implement the practices and principles toward growing your business or project. Many participants report that listening to these recordings of Jean and Claire coach others is as powerful as asking their own questions, and reveals questions they didn’t know they had. |
Value $300 |
Weekly Inspired Action & Impact Guides Each week, you’ll receive a written Inspired Action & Impact Guide reinforcing the core principles and practices we’re learning in that week’s mastermind session. These guides will also include Action & Impact practices you can engage with as you work on building your vision, project or business, or taking it to the next level. |
Value $500 |
Masterclass Session Transcripts Edited PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back to and quickly reference key concepts and answers to questions as you step fully into applying the skills and strategies you’ll learn in The Influencer’s Masterclass. |
Value $500 |
Access to The Exclusive “Influencer’s Incubator & Network” on Facebook You’ll engage online with other participants in this supportive and exclusive Facebook Group that we’re designing as a space to network and incubate your project or business. |
Value $500 |
Custom Online Learning Portal All of your training materials will be easily accessible throughout the training in our custom Online Learning Portal. Access training audios, action guides and transcripts anytime from your computer or mobile device. You can then download them at the end of the training and continue to draw upon them for inspiration and reinforcement for your ongoing journey for years to come. |
Value $500 |
Bonus: “Amplifying Your Voice by Writing a Book” Audio Seminar with #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Marci Shimoff |
Value $97 |
PLUS… 100% of Your Tuition will be applied to the Feminine Power Certified Coaching, Facilitation and Leadership Trainings this year! |
TOTAL Value $7,397
Regular Tuition: $794
Register Today for 50% Off: $397*
*One-time-only price only available for those on the waitlist for The Feminine Power Success Codes
Deepen Your Experience
You already have an amazing and inspiring journey just ahead of you in The Feminine Success Codes.
And if you’re interested in deepening into the skills you’ll need to make the greatest difference possible within your own contribution, we hope you’ll take advantage of this offer and add The Influencer’s Masterclass 9-Week Digital Training to your order for this one-time discount of 50% off the regular price, making it only $397!
Take advantage of this special offer now by simply clicking the button below.
(This is a one-time offer that will no longer be available when you close this window)
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