Welcome to Feminine Power!

I’m Claire Zammit, Ph.D. the founder of the Feminine Power courses for women! In teaching, coaching and mentoring over a million women I’ve discovered that Feminine Power is the KEY to stepping into the larger life that’s calling you.

I’ve designed this guided Guided Feminine Power Manifesting Meditation audio series to introduce you to Feminine Power and to connect with your potentials in 8 key areas of feminine actualization. By listening you’ll discover how to identify the area in your life that you can get the most traction focusing on to manifest.

How to get the most out of your guided Meditation introduction:

Step 1. DOWNLOAD my Feminine Power Breakthrough Ebook if you’re meeting me for the first time! I would love to introduce myself and share about the power of this approach.

Step 2. If you haven’t already, make sure to sign up for my companion seminar called UNLOCK YOUR FEMININE POWER that’s designed to show you how to take the steps to manifest and create the vision for your life that you will gain from listening to the meditations.

Step 3. Find a quiet place, remove all distractions, and enjoy these FREE guided meditations.

Download Your Guided Manifesting Meditations Now!

To download the audio for later listening or to transfer to your iPod or MP3 player, click the download button.
To listen to the audio on your computer or mobile device, simply click on the play button below.

I encourage you to listen to the opening mediation and then the introduction, which is one of the best short talks I’ve ever given on Manifesting with Feminine Power.

After that you can skip ahead to the area you’re most called to, or listen to all of them in order 🙂 Here’s an overview of all the tracks:

  • 0.00 Opening Meditation: Unleashing the Power of Sisterhood
  • 7.14 Introduction to Manifesting with Feminine Power
  • 34:15 Manifesting Meditation: Authentic Confidence
  • 52.31 Manifesting Meditation: Love & Intimacy
  • 1h.05 Manifesting Meditation: Discover Your Purpose & Calling
  • 1h.19 Manifesting Meditation: Thriving & Prosperous Career
  • 1h.30 Manifesting Meditation: Fun, Creativity & Play
  • 1h.37 Manifesting Meditation: Radiant Health & Vitality
  • 1h.42 Manifesting Meditation: Deepening Spiritual Connection
  • 1h.47 Manifesting Meditation: Evolving the World
  • 1h.54 Bonus#1 Intuition Power Practice
  • 2h.04 Bonus #2 Prosperity Power Practice

When you awaken your Feminine Power you will have access to the power to:

  • Express your authentic presence and be visible, seen and known
  • Create growth-oriented relationships where you are loved unconditionally for who you are and are fiercely supported in who you’re becoming
  • Discover your genius and gifts and contribute these to others in meaningful ways
  • Create a thriving livelihood that’s aligned with your values to live in a field of prosperous flow, having more than enough to take care of yourself and your family as well as be generous and contribute to causes
  • Express your creativity and manifest your desires
  • Radiate health and vitality
  • Deepen your spiritual connection and live in alignment and partnership with a higher power
  • Make the world a better place and empower others into their greatness

Women in my community who have listened these meditations have given me really moving feedback about how much they have been impacted them:

Beautiful Claire, I have heard you say: My very Existence is more than enough to receive, To be Worthy of… This time I felt (as I said it to myself) a very special and exciting AHA!….Wow…. Thank you thank you thank you.

My eyes teared up and I felt a deep connection with the last meditation of a bigger cause and weaving a field of wholeness wherever I go. I felt drawn to work with families in crisis from a feminine power principle perspective. Thank you so much for caring enough to assist women globally with this. Blessings.

I have been living my life from a sense of lack. I have always thought that my love for myself, and for others, was limited. After this event, I realize on a deep feeling level that I am the generator of my love for myself, and this is infinite. The more I give, the more I can generate. This is a profound shift for me. I now feel this shift in my body.

I have just lived through a 2 1/2 years of very aggressive cancer treatments, divorce, a move and not knowing where my compass is. My takeaway is that my excitement flowed in the creativity, fun, play and joy . This is my departure into life itself. Thank you

I’m taking away renewed connection to my feminine power and access to the large, peaceful, loving space of my own wise, mature, loving self. Thank you so much!

How important it is to be aware of my uniqueness and being part of the whole at the same time—to really connect in an even deeper way to the “Bigger” and create my career and relationships from there. Blessings!

My take away is to sense into the field of all of us and the knowing we are all on the way home to our best self. Thank you Claire for these meditations.
—Maya Maria

About Your Instructor

Dr. Claire Zammit, Founder, Feminine Power

There are few women alive today who have done more to empower conscious women to actualize their potential and realize their destiny than Dr. Claire Zammit. In her two decades as a transformational teacher and leader, Claire has shared her life-changing Feminine Power principles and practices with millions of women around the globe.

Her groundbreaking doctoral research on the underlying obstacles blocking intelligent, conscious, women from stepping into their greatness has been praised as a seminal contribution to the advancement of women in this century.

Over 40,000 women from more than 100 countries have graduated from her innovative online Feminine Power Academy, and her Feminine Power Professional Certification Trainings have trained hundreds more to create fulfilling, impactful and successful careers as transformational coaches, facilitators and leaders in their fields. She is fast becoming known as the “mentor of mentors” for gifted, conscious women.

In addition to building the Feminine Power global community, Claire is also a wildly successful conscious entrepreneur. In 2010, she co-founded Evolving Wisdom, LLC which under her leadership rapidly grew to become one of the world’s most successful online transformational learning enterprises. In 2013, Evolving Wisdom was ranked #83 on the Inc. 5000 list of America’s fastest growing private companies and since its inception, it has generated over $50 million in revenue and reached millions of people from more than 180 countries.

A dedicated philanthropist, Claire’s personal contributions and fundraising efforts have been hailed as a major catalyst for the growth of the Girl Power Project which is on track to bring self-esteem and leadership training to over one million low-income girls in Uganda by 2020.

Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its Achievement Award, and is also a participant in Deepak Chopra’s Evolutionary Leaders Forum. She is also the recipient of the Just Like My Child Foundation Women’s Leadership Award.

She holds a Ph.D. in Transformational Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies and lives in Berkeley, California with her husband of eleven years, spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton.

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