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Unlock Your Future of Higher Purpose
& World-Changing Impact!


Join Me For Three Immersive Days LIVE To Rapidly Integrate & Expand on Your Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass Experience as You…

Discover How You Can Become a World-Class Coach & Group Leader Who Ignites Greatness in Women and Skyrocket your Confidence, Success, and Impact

(Even if you’re just getting started, or you’ve been working with women for years)

December 6th-8th LIVE Virtual Immersion Experience

As a participant of the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass you get a complimentary ticket to attend EWL (valued at $1,997).

This is an important part of your Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass training and we look forward to seeing you there!

Please use the name and email address you used to register for the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass.

RSVP Here Now to Redeem


Registration is now closed.

Please check back in Fall 2024
for our next event!

As a Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass participant, we know you dream of doing something more… and having a bigger impact with your life.

That’s exactly WHY We’re Including Empowering Women Live in Your Tuition For This Program!

Redeeming Your FREE Ticket Today Means You’re All Set To…

Discover the Game-Changing 5-Step
Woman-Centered Coaching & Business Method that can Skyrocket your Confidence, Impact & Success as a Coach, Leader or Change-maker

(and help you overcome your own blocks and barriers in the process!)

You have a huge and unprecedented opportunity…
Will you step into it?

You CAN become a coach who is known for the depth of her listening, the clarity of her insight, and the life-changing results she creates for those who have the privilege of working with her.

You CAN create a prosperous, purposeful “DREAM Business”, “Dream Career” or “Legacy Project” where you’re serving clients you love and succeeding with things you may have struggled with up until now (like stepping into visibility or market and enrollment).

As a member of the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass,
I ALREADY know you’re someone I want to continue to mentor, develop, and invest in…

And that’s precisely what will happen at EWL LIVE!

We get 3 full days to continue our journey together!

Recap & Deepen The Core Teachings
During our 3 days together, I will also be mentoring you in an immersive training through the 5 step Woman-Centered Coaching for your own breakthroughs in your confidence, purpose or visibility.

This will build on and deepen your training from the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass and also provide a powerful recap of core concepts from that training.

We find that Empowering Women LIVE! provides the perfect place for you to INTEGRATE what you’ve learned and make powerful connections as you see the Woman-Centered Coaching Methodology come to light.

— a methodology that is going to give you the power to create exceptional, deep, rapid, and lasting results for your female clients.

My proven, research-based method has been gleaned from 20+ years of experience getting extraordinary results in my work with over 60,000 paying clients, many of whom are women working at the highest levels of personal and professional achievement. These include:

  • New York Times best-selling authors
  • NASA space engineers
  • Supreme Court justices
  • Thought leaders on stadium-sized stages
  • Grammy award-winning artists
  • Renowned Ph.D.s, M.D.s, Tech Giants, Attorneys, & Professionals
  • Plus a diverse network of women in 169 countries

As a new, seasoned, or aspiring coach, you will find this knowledge critical to your success. It will ensure that you have what you need to truly serve your clients.



What you’ll discover by learning my transformational and woman-centered approach also forms the basis of becoming a world-class course-creator, workshop leader, author, speaker, manager, organizational leader, entrepreneur, healing and helping professional, and/or change-maker.

And the best part is that I’m going to teach you by guiding you firsthand through my processes and sharing with you the tools and technologies that activate, ignite and transform women!

Chances are you’ve been held back from rising into your own power by the same things that are blocking the women who need your help. And sadly, the majority of coaching and personal-growth approaches do not identify or address what’s happening for women today, or teach the tools and skills they need to be truly empowered…

And it’s time for this to change!

We’re going to share a deep, rich time together, where I’ll demonstrate all the ideas I’m sharing with you now, and then unpack the method behind the magic you’ll be witnessing LIVE with me and a global community of brilliant women!

Discover Opportunities for Your Next Step “On Our Campus”

As a Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass participant, you’re a valued member of our Institute For Woman-Centered Coaching, Training and Leadership.

During these 3 days with me and our global community of brilliant, caring women, you will gain a deeper insight into what other opportunities are available to support you to create the next steps as you take your newfound Woman-Centered Coaching learnings out into the world and grow your dream business, career or legacy project.

There’s nothing like this event anywhere in the world today, and there’s nowhere else you can learn this method.

When you commit fully to this accelerated training and set aside the time to give it your complete focus and attention… in just THREE LIFE-CHANGING DAYS, you’ll gain the knowledge and expertise I’ve developed over two decades, having put in tens of thousands of hours and millions of dollars of investment.

I believe in the value of your gifts and I’m standing with you to step forward and become the woman the world needs you to be!

Standing with you,

Claire Zammit, Ph.D.

Founder, Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching & Feminine Power

P.S. This event is especially designed for women who want to serve other women, and I’ll be speaking about how to do this in a way that is directly addressing women’s experience with coaches, practitioners and therapists. That being said, all genders are welcome! We are filled with gratitude to have you with us in the great work of igniting the rise of women in our time!

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Yes! Count me in.

Redeem Your Free Ticket Today


  • You’re exploring the possibility of becoming a coach
  • You’re already a coach or have trained as a coach
  • You’re a professional, such as an attorney, business leader, manager, consultant, marketer, or sales consultant
  • You’re a psychotherapist, psychologist, MD, ND, healer, or healing and helping professional
  • You’re a workshop leader, author, course-creator, speaker, or any kind of change-maker
  • You’re an entrepreneur, organization leader, manager or work with teams
  • You want to learn the skills and frameworks to skyrocket your own confidence, visibility, success and power to make a difference!
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Earlier this year, hundreds of women from our community gathered for our first life-changing Feminine Power LIVE! 3-day personal transformation immersion event. The impact is still rippling throughout our community, and we’ve decided to take this immersion experience to the next level.

WATCH as Claire shares the vision for Empowering Women Live, and participants from Feminine Power Live share about their potent experiences of three days LIVE with our community

Yes, I need this!

Get Your Ticket

You’re already a brilliant, gifted, caring woman, AND NOW it’s TIME to become EXTRAORDINARY, visible, seen, and known as having said “YES” to playing your biggest game.

Becoming a World-Class Transformational Coach Specializing in Women’s Empowerment is Especially for you if…

You’re a seeker on a path of growth and see and sense a greater possibility for yourself, others, and our world.

You’ve had a lifetime of gathering unique and rich experiences, and cultivating varied professional skills.

You want to self-actualize and become all you can be in your relationships, prosperity, higher purpose, health, and spiritual practice.

You don’t fit in with the crowd, have always felt you have deeper insight than those around you, and would love to meet other women like yourself.

You’re on fire to make a difference with your gifts and are excited by the prospect of having a huge impact.

You’re willing to step outside your comfort zone and do the real work you need to do to succeed at the highest level.


Become a Coach Who Ignites
Greatness in WOMEN!

Let Me Help You Fast-track Your Journey to a Thriving Woman-Centered Practice by a Decade or More in Just 3 Days

Now that you’ve begun to experience what’s possible in getting extraordinary results one-to-one with clients, we’ll shortcut a decade of wrong turns, expensive marketing mistakes, and wheel-spinning by laying out the proven, step-by-step process for building your prosperous, purposeful business empowering women that will be the vehicle for your “Great Work” – informed by the blueprints and decades of development inside my $100-million business.

At Empowering Women LIVE!, we’re going to take all the guesswork out of becoming a prosperous, purposeful World-Class Coach by showing you the fastest way to…

  • Build upon getting Extraordinary results 1:1 and scale to leveraged models such as group coaching, workshops, and more.
  • Become a MAGNETIC presence others are drawn to work with
  • Feel confident making high-value offers and at ease being paid well for your work
  • Leverage your unique gifts, genius, life and professional experience to gain visibility and authority in the marketplace
  • Embrace the mindsets and business models of a prosperous coach
  • Break free from isolation for good – and cultivate a rich network of peers and mentors

At the end of this action-packed LIVE Immersion, you’ll have the roadmap in hand to create the coaching business you love – with more than enough time, and more than enough money to thrive on whatever scale you’re called to serve, while making the biggest impact with your Great Work.


Show up and participate fully at Empowering Women LIVE! and you’ll gain more than a year’s worth of growth, professional development, and forward momentum in your business and career!

10 AM Pacific – 6 PM Pacific
Friday, December 3rd – Sunday, December 5th, 2021

TOPICS we’ll explore:

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum

With Your GIFT VIP TICKET, You’ll Receive FULL access to the Entire Program

PLUS, As our VIP GUEST You’ll Gain Access to our Visionary Women’s Circle!

With a VIP Ticket You’ll Gain Exclusive Access to the following Intimate Gatherings with Claire:

    • Visionary Women’s Activation – Tuesday, November 30th at 5:30pm PT
    • Visionary Women’s Coaching & Mentoring – VIP Breakfast Saturday 9am to 10am PT
    • Visionary Women’s Q&A – VIP Breakfast Sunday 9am to 10am PT
        Are you a coach, workshop leader, therapist, entrepreneur, manager, change-maker, leader, author, speaker, or just someone who wants to lift others up?

Register at the VIP level and you’ll be mentored in additional exclusive and intimate sessions alongside the women currently enrolled in the Feminine Power Coaching/Facilitation & Leadership Certification programs, where Claire will be engaging in leading-edge conversations about visibility, self-care, confidence, courage, and the critical personal growth that will expand your leadership power and presence in the world.

In addition to the personal breakthroughs you’ll experience in the main program, these sessions will support you to become a living, breathing magnetic role model of Feminine Power who can lift others up.

If you want to use your voice and gifts to change the world for the better, you belong with us in this VIP Visionary Women’s Circle!

What Women Say About the Power of the
Woman-Centered Coaching Method

“BEFORE my Woman-Centered Coaching training, I already had a number of coach certifications under my belt. These teachings became THE FRAMEWORK around which all of my other certifications/trainings were organized. It’s that comprehensive, integrative and powerful.


“This work is so life-changing and profound! I’m so glad I found you, Claire – you’ve made such a huge impact on me and who I came here to be!”


“Today I put the stake in the ground. Today I commit to myself. Today I commit to my vision. Today I say YES, YES, YES…”


“I had many coaching certifications and decades of experience facilitating and coaching. Claire’s work and frameworks are holistic and connect the dots from what is missing from other trainings.”


“I am a well-trained NYC psychologist and I have to say that Claire gave me such succinct tools and such comprehensive training that blew my mind. I have seen my clients grow inside of this model and experience magic in their lives. It is that powerful!!”


“I couldn’t have created the success of my site of action without this training!”


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There’s nothing like a breakthrough immersion experience!
This virtual event is designed to be experienced live, where the field of possibility, power and ignition is unparalleled.

First up, we’re going to activate an accelerated “Growth Container” where you’ll join forces with 1000+ extraordinary women from all over the world who will come together for this event.

Then, together, we’ll create a Woman-Centered Learning culture which creates the optimal learning environment for you to develop your confidence, build your skillset, and create your vision for success.

You’ll discover foundational power practices that empower women, along with the skills of collaborative learning, generative feedback, amplification, and listening for greatness – which will serve to empower your relationships, both with the women at the event, and in your life at large.

On Day 1: Become a Confident, Magnetic “World-Class Coach”
You’ve developed skills for creating extraordinary results in the Masterclass, but there is nothing like experiencing the entire process LIVE for yourself… in a growth container with thousands of gifted, caring coaches on a mission, gathered from around the world.

To help you stop playing small and being the ‘best kept secret’ in your field, we’ll go deep into the hidden barriers that have been holding you back from stepping into your largest life and disrupt them for good.

No longer will you be stuck on a path where you’ll never be seen, and you’ll finally be brave enough to take the bold leap you’ve been aching to make in your professional life.

I’m going give you everything I’ve got… the distillation of my decades of research and 20,000 hours of coaching, and you’ll experience LASER CLARITY about your own barriers — and know how to grow into the confident, courageous coach you came to the world to be!

This is what it will take for you to become an inspirational presence your clients are drawn to work with… and you’ll leave with the unshakeable confidence to step forward so you can be visible and seen…

It will change the game for your coaching as you witness, are witnessed, and participate in the energetic field.

You can’t find this depth of Woman-Centered transformation and empowerment anywhere else.

THIS is irreversible change!

On Day 2: Unleash Your “GREAT WORK”

I’m going to show you how to step into your “GREAT WORK” by unlocking your genius gifts and drawing from your own life and professional experience to create a prosperous Woman-Centered Coaching Business, Career or Project.

I’ll show you how to put together your custom suite of Woman-Centered Coaching offerings, including how to price and package 1:1 Coaching Packages and other High-Ticket Offers, as well as VIP DAYS, Renewal Coaching Packages, Group Coaching Programs, Workshops, Retreats, Online Courses, and more.

What you learn here will enable you to grow and scale a 6-figure+ business, or add another $20-30k stream of income to your life by doing part-time work you LOVE!

I’ll also guide you to make the mindset shifts that will enable you to break through to the next level, and I’ll work with you to create a plan for the year ahead with a clear success path!

Whatever business journey you want to take, the skill-sets you’ll learn on this day can help you get there!

On Day 3: Map Your Path to Visibility, Prosperity & Reach
You can create your DREAM Business, Career, or Legacy – According to Your Rules!

I know you likely didn’t set out to create a coaching practice simply to take advantage of a growing market opportunity – even though there’s never been a better time to start or expand a coaching business.

Yet, even when what is calling you most deeply is the opportunity to serve others… you still need to have a prosperous business where you can thrive and be in the center of your “Great Work.”

I’ll show you exactly what it takes to structure and package the right offerings at the perfect moment to enroll right-fit, high-paying clients!

And the best part is that I’ll show you how to do all of this without “push” energy, so what was once your greatest source of confusion and misalignment will become the most easeful, systematic part of your business

With this proven pathway to generate consistent, right-fit clients, I’ll show you how to stand in the center of your unique “medicine” and become visible – confident on a stage of any size – where you’ll be magnetic to the clients you are here to serve.

When you connect my proven, high-converting offer systems, and my effortless, woman-centered marketing and enrollment strategies with your gifts, your life experience, and your talents, you’ll be unstoppable on your path to a thriving, purposeful, prosperous career empowering women.

PLUS, Through all 3 days of the event, you’ll unlock the 8 Transformational Coaching Superpowers

The cultivation of this set of Superpowers, along with the Woman-Centered Coaching Model, is what will set you apart and propel you to become regarded as a World-Class Coach who is known for the depth of your listening, the clarity of your insight, and the life-changing results you create for those privileged enough to work with you.

You’ll discover the Superpowers of…

  • Presence–The power to ignite potentials and the space for transformation.
  • Radical Empathy–The power to create trust, intimacy and influence.
  • Listening for Greatness–The power to call forth your client’s/participant’s/audience’s most powerful self.
  • Witnessing/mirroring/naming–The power to create awareness and the experience of being visible, seen and known.
  • Sponsorship–The master key for empowering women — the power to open up a vision of possibility that’s a match for your client’s/participant’s/audience’s potential.
  • Utilization–The power to embrace conflict, breakdowns and unexpected events as catalysts for growth.
  • Transpersonal Knowing–The power to invoke the sacred and deepen intuition, creativity, trust, faith and courage.
  • Holding Paradox–The power to embrace complexity and ambiguity in new ways.

“Just ONE of these superpowers – listening for greatness – was the difference between me struggling to motivate my team, to leading the women I work with to unleash their power and generate the most successful year we’ve ever had!


We’ll end our 3 days together celebrating the new possibilities, clarity, power, and unstoppability you’ve unleashed, and join forces together to ignite nothing less than the rise of women in our time!

PLUS, Through all 3 days of the event, you’ll unlock the 8 Transformational Coaching Superpowers

The cultivation of this set of Superpowers, along with the Woman-Centered Coaching Model, is what will set you apart and propel you to become regarded as a World-Class Coach who is known for the depth of your listening, the clarity of your insight, and the life-changing results you create for those privileged enough to work with you.

You’ll discover the Superpowers of…

  • Presence–The power to ignite potentials and the space for transformation.
  • Radical Empathy–The power to create trust, intimacy and influence.
  • Listening for Greatness–The power to call forth your client’s/participant’s/audience’s most powerful self.
  • Witnessing/mirroring/naming–The power to create awareness and the experience of being visible, seen and known.
  • Sponsorship–The master key for empowering women — the power to open up a vision of possibility that’s a match for your client’s/participant’s/audience’s potential.
  • Utilization–The power to embrace conflict, breakdowns and unexpected events as catalysts for growth.
  • Transpersonal Knowing–The power to invoke the sacred and deepen intuition, creativity, trust, faith and courage.
  • Holding Paradox–The power to embrace complexity and ambiguity in new ways.

“Just ONE of these superpowers – listening for greatness – was the difference between me struggling to motivate my team, to leading the women I work with to unleash their power and generate the most successful year we’ve ever had!


We’ll end our 3 days together celebrating the new possibilities, clarity, power, and unstoppability you’ve unleashed, and join forces together to ignite nothing less than the rise of women in our time!

PLUS: You’ll also receive these exclusive BONUSES!

The Woman-Centered Coaching Transformation MATRIX of 21 Patterns
(Value $997)

Imagine if you had a BLUEPRINT of the top 21 patterns that enables you to get rapid results by helping your clients identify and break free from limiting patterns almost instantly?

The Woman-Centered Coaching Transformation Matrix is the ultimate map for coaches to help women to break free from the old stories that limit their power and success. You’ll be able to identify the client’s core pattern, articulate a breakthrough story, and support your client to grow their missing skills and capacities to create concrete outcomes that will amaze both them and you!

RAPID RESULTS BLUEPRINTS in KEY AREAS of Wealth, Confidence, Visibility, Relationships, Prosperity, Health, Leadership & More
(Value $997)

You’ll learn the key to charging what you’re truly worth!

Coaches who have CLARITY around exactly how to deliver life-changing results attract the highest caliber clients and have the CONFIDENCE to charge a premium for their services…

So I’m going to download 25 years of experience so that you can fast-track your path to becoming a master coach for women.

You’ll receive my “BLUEPRINTS” for getting stunning, concrete, tangible results for women in key life areas, such as:

  • Increased earning power
  • Confidence breakthroughs
  • Stepping into visibility
  • Attracting or creating love
  • Health and wellbeing breakthroughs
  • Leadership and impact
  • And more!

No Clients? No Problem! The Fastest Path to Your First (or Next) 10 Ideal Clients
(Value $997)

There’s nothing more frustrating than lacking clarity about how to get clients. In this bonus you’ll get done-for-you client outreach templates for emails, social posts or networking that enable you to know the exact steps, along with the exact language and content you need to connect with your ideal clients, presence the value of the opportunity of working with you, and invite them into a conversation!

Get The “Elevate Your Rates” Automatic Offer-Creation System
(Value $997)

Now you have prospective clients! To create a prosperous and purposeful business empowering women, you need higher-priced offerings that will attract high-caliber, action-taking clients who are ready to partner with you to create extraordinary results. With this guide, you’ll discover the counter-intuitive method that will enable you to easily double or triple your rates on your existing programs (or create new ones) with integrity, simply by elevating the value you provide.

My Most Effective Enrollment Script to INVITE WOMEN to INVEST IN WORKING WITH YOU With Ease, Power and Authenticity
(Value $297)

Now that you have a high-ticket offer, it’s time to learn how to invite your prospective clients to work with you! I’m going to give you my most effective, simple, powerful enrollment script that will enable you to have relaxed, focused, effective, high-integrity enrollment conversations. You’ll receive the exact questions to ask that enable clients to make their own discoveries about their visions, challenges, and needs in ways that allow the value of working with you to become visible, visceral and clear — so much so that those for whom it’s a fit will enthusiastically move forward with ease!

The Million Dollar Creativity FORMULA: How to Come Up With Winning Ideas for Anything (Valued at $297)
with Dr. Claire Zammit

Gleaned from Claire’s depth experience creating 15+ multi-million-dollar online education brands, you’ll discover the “codes” that enable you to create things of immense value and impact—from coaching programs, product projects, and book concepts on a professional level, to experiences with loved ones that are priceless and will last a lifetime.

These underlying principles of “value creation” enable you to finally charge what you’re worth and leverage your unique gifts and genius to meaningfully impact others, which is what will also enable you to feel wildly self-expressed and fulfilled in your life!

Women Share What’s Possible
with Woman-Centered Coaching:

Callie Elwaynes

As a result of what I learned, I was able to leave my CEO position and launch a thriving coaching practice of my own!

“You’re not going to find (this approach) at your business school. You’re not going to find it in any traditional coaching practices. This work, the guidance and support are unprecedented.”

Rosemarie Ballmer

I’ve finally reached my financial goal, and I’m earning 3 times the amount I was before.

“My coaching is on a different level now. My clients are getting much better results than they ever did before. I’m very close to being fully booked! I’ve never been happier in my life!”

Sara Robledo – Workshop Leader & Artist

A couple of weeks ago I taught my first live workshop since the pandemic… and it was completely sold out!

“I feel like I’m actually creating a body of work that incorporates all the things I’ve spent so many years learning. I have this CONFIDENCE that what I’m offering can make a difference. Not to mention the extraordinary changes in my own health, I’ve become more trustworthy as a health teacher because I’m embodying what I’m teaching. I’m just enjoying my life much more.

Jojo Bailey

I learned everything I needed to know to successfully build my coaching business. I’m headed towards a 6-figure business!

“When I experienced the Feminine Power approach first-hand in the 7 week course it was life-changing for me personally. I knew I wanted to teach and empower women.

Through Women-Centered Coaching, I found my purpose as a transformation coach!”

Adria Kitchens

I raised 2 million dollars for my non-profit clients, and started my OWN movement centered on social justice with 7,000 people around the world!

“The Woman-Centered Coaching skills I learned had a direct impact on the non-profit I co-lead with several behavioral health organizations.

I was able to support them from generating about $10,000 and take them to over $2 million in just two years!

I also found my life’s work and I have started a movement at the intersection of the arts and social justice with over 7,000 participants from 9 countries.”

Julia Dederer

I’m at the PRIME of my life and career at age 73!

“Through my pod and support structure, I truly mastered the skills of mirroring, reflecting and amplifying.

I applied them with my existing clients, and their results were exponential.

They were moving their businesses ahead, creating new ones, and my practice continues to thrive and grow.

Moranne Baille “From Zero Savings to Prosperous Coach”

Today, I’m making more money than I could have ever imagined, doing what I love and what energizes me!

“I left my home country of Israel, moved to Australia, and found the courage to leave a 12-year toxic marriage I found Claire’s work. I had no idea what to do next, but I followed my intuition to learn Woman Centered Coaching. Heartbroken and broke, I bet everything I had on this. I can’t believe where I am now!

Kirsteen Williamson Gunn

Even though I was already a working coach, the results have been massive. I’ve tripled my income.

“Before I became a coach, I had been in corporate a long time working with massive teams, running big businesses, doing lots of facilitation and leading within these organizations. But I didn’t really realize that I wasn’t creating effective transformation, you don’t realize that until you understand what’s possible through Woman-Centered Coaching skills.”

Joyce Yaskowich

I went from working with about 9 people, to facilitating groups of 100 to 500!

“I had to really uplevel in my career as a leader in education through the pandemic, during a time of uncertainty and real pressure, I was able to provide teaches with hope, and a sense of possibility. and I couldn’t have done that without Claire’s Methods.”

Moira Healy

I’m launching as a teen anxiety coach! Finally!

“These aren’t just pipe dreams, or ideas in my head now. They’re real… I’m DOING it!”

Women Share What’s Possible
with Woman-Centered Coaching:

Callie E.

Callie was the CEO of a global corporation, and in her own words, she was still playing small:

“I was stepping into a new level of leadership in my life as a corporate CEO, and really stepping into a very complex playing field. As a woman in a powerful position, I needed tools to navigate complexity inside of the boardroom. I found myself dumbing down, playing small, and not speaking my authentic truth.

“Then I started implementing Claire’s practices and I discovered I did have the power to hold the space, and to make a difference. I couldn’t have made it through the deals and negotiations if I didn’t have these tools and practices to make myself visible and stop hiding.”

Rosemarie B.

I’ve finally reached my financial goal, and I’m earning 3 times the amount I was before.

“My coaching is on a different level now. My clients are getting much better results than they ever did before. I’m very close to being fully booked! I’ve never been happier in my life!”

Sara R.

A couple of weeks ago I taught my first live workshop since the pandemic… and it was completely sold out!

“I feel like I’m actually creating a body of work that incorporates all the things I’ve spent so many years learning. I have this CONFIDENCE that what I’m offering can make a difference. Not to mention the extraordinary changes in my own health, I’ve become more trustworthy as a health teacher because I’m embodying what I’m teaching. I’m just enjoying my life much more.”

Jojo B.

Jojo had hit literal rock bottom. She was faced with the decision of choosing to live or choosing to drink.

She not only chose to get sober, she made an investment in herself to become a Woman-Centered Coach and help others who were struggling as she had struggled. She’s now created a six-figure coaching career based on sobriety, is a published author, and the go-to expert in her field.

Adria K.

I raised 2 million dollars for my non-profit clients, and started my OWN movement centered on social justice with 7,000 people around the world!

“The Woman-Centered Coaching skills I learned had a direct impact on the non-profit I co-lead with several behavioral health organizations.

I was able to support them from generating about $10,000 and take them to over $2 million in just two years!

I also found my life’s work and I have started a movement at the intersection of the arts and social justice with over 7,000 participants from 9 countries.”

Julia D.

I’m at the PRIME of my life and career at age 73!

“Through my pod and support structure, I truly mastered the skills of mirroring, reflecting and amplifying.

I applied them with my existing clients, and their results were exponential.

They were moving their businesses ahead, creating new ones, and my practice continues to thrive and grow.”

Moranne B.

Today, I’m making more money than I could have ever imagined, doing what I love and what energizes me!

“I left my home country of Israel, moved to Australia, and found the courage to leave a 12-year toxic marriage I found Claire’s work. I had no idea what to do next, but I followed my intuition to learn Woman Centered Coaching. Heartbroken and broke, I bet everything I had on this. I can’t believe where I am now!”

Kensie G.

Even though I was already a working coach, the results have been massive. I’ve tripled my income.

“Before I became a coach, I had been in the corporate world a long time working with massive teams, running big businesses, doing lots of facilitation and leading within these organizations. But I didn’t really realize that I wasn’t creating effective transformation, you don’t realize that until you understand what’s possible through Woman-Centered Coaching skills.”

Joyce Y.

I went from working with about 9 people, to facilitating groups of 100 to 500!

“I had to really uplevel in my career as a leader in education through the pandemic, during a time of uncertainty and real pressure, and I was able to provide teaches with hope, and a sense of possibility. and I couldn’t have done that without Claire’s Methods.”

Moira H.

I’m launching as a teen anxiety coach! Finally!

“These aren’t just pipe dreams, or ideas in my head now. They’re real… I’m DOING it!”



Your live attendance and full participation are essential to get life-changing results!

This event is unlike anything you’ve participated in before…it’s not a webinar or course…it’s a life-changing immersion!

Dr. Claire Zammit and our team of senior coaches will be ALL IN for the live immersion and guiding you through Claire’s acclaimed 5-Step Woman-Centered Coaching Process. Each session will build upon the next, delivering life-changing breakthrough results that can alter the course of your life.

Plan to be on retreat for 3 full days – turn off the phone, prepare meals for your family in advance, grab a journal and water bottle, and join Claire and your global community to launch into your greatest life!

What Luminaries Are Saying
About Dr. Claire Zammit

Marianne Williamson

Author of Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, and Return to Love

“Claire is a woman whose work I deeply admire and a friend who I myself turn to for wisdom and counsel. I have great trust in her unique process to unlock Feminine Power.”

Alanis Morissette

Grammy Award Winning Singer/Songwriter and Record Producer

“Claire’s message-as-movement, at its core, is one of activation, responsibility, humanity, compassion, service, integrity, nurturance and excitement. She unceasingly holds the vision for women at the highest version of ourselves possible, for this I will be forever inspired by and grateful to her.”

Michael Beckwith

author of Spiritual Liberation and star of The Secret

“What my dear friend Claire skillfully transmits and teaches is what the feminine is, and how every woman can activate its energy within her, thereby releasing her authentic gifts into her own individual life and into our world, and contributing to a cultural shift of literally cosmic proportions.”

Jean Houston

Author of Jump Time and A Passion for The Possible

“Claire’s work empowering women is masterful and her training offers the key at this critical time in human history.”

What Luminaries Are Saying About Dr. Claire Zammit


Presidential Candidate and Author of Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, and Return to Love

Claire is a woman whose work I deeply admire and a friend who I myself turn to for wisdom and counsel.


Bestselling Author and Co-Founder of the Human Potential Movement

Claire’s work empowering women is masterful and her training offers the key at this critical time in human history.


Grammy Award Winning Singer/Songwriter and Record Producer

Claire’s message-as-movement, at its core, is one of activation, responsibility, humanity, compassion, service, integrity, nurturance and excitement. She unceasingly holds the vision for women at the highest version of ourselves possible, for this I will be forever inspired by and grateful to her.


International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, CEO, Consultant, Visionary, Empowerment Specialist, Founder of the Brave Thinking Institute

Claire is someone who I’ve been honored to share stages with, spend time with at retreats and masterminds with, and I’ve even participated as a speaker in several of her summits. I can wholeheartedly say that she’s the best at dissolving the unique, hidden blocks that keep women stuck. If you’re a woman (or work with women in any capacity) I highly encourage you to join Clarie’s Masterclass!


#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out & Founder of Your Year of Miracles

Claire’s inspired vision and leadership is a true blessing to the planet — we recommend this for anyone seeking rapid results with their female clients.


#1 Bestselling Author of Women Rocking Business, and the CEO of Women Rocking Business training company

Nobody has taught me as much about the journey of supporting women, as Claire. She is a leading authority in the world when it comes to creating a true woman-centered model.


Author of Spiritual Liberation and Star of the movie The Secret

What my dear friend Claire skillfully transmits and teaches is what the feminine is, and how every woman can activate its energy within her, thereby releasing her authentic gifts into her own individual life and into our world, and contributing to a cultural shift of literally cosmic proportions.


Founder of Heart Mind Institute and Author of Radical Responsibility

The empowered feminine voice and energy is more necessary than ever at this pivotal and challenging point in our human history. Claire Zammit is a wisdom teacher for these times, who trains and empowers women to self-actualize and realize their full potential.


Industry-Leading Marketer, Author, and Entrepreneur

When I think about women evolving into their own power, I think of my friend Dr. Claire Zammit. If you want to make a greater impact on the women you serve, I highly urge you to look into her proven approach.


#1 Bestselling Author of THE ENERGY CODES: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life

Meet my friend, Dr. Claire Zammit, who has spent over two decades researching the behavior patterns that hold most women back from igniting their fullest potential. Let Claire show you how her proven methods can bring your community and clients lasting change and authentic success.


Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Integral Enlightenment

As Claire’s husband, I’ve had the chance to witness firsthand the profound, life-changing transformations that occur for women who engage the Feminine Power process—and I’ve seen them emerge as powerful leaders, coaches, and agents of change.


Dr. Claire Zammit is the Founder of Feminine Power and The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership.

There are few women alive today who have done more to empower conscious women to actualize their potential and realize their destiny than Dr. Claire Zammit. In her two decades as a transformational teacher and leader, Claire has shared her life-changing Feminine Power and Woman-Centered Coaching principles and practices with millions of women around the globe.

Her groundbreaking doctoral research on the underlying obstacles blocking intelligent, conscious, women from stepping into their greatness has been praised as a seminal contribution to the advancement of women in this century.

She is the creator of the Feminine Power programs for women and founder of the Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership. Over 70,000 women from more than 100 countries have graduated from her innovative Feminine Power courses, and her Woman-Centered Professional Certification Programs have trained thousands more to create fulfilling, impactful and successful careers as transformational coaches, trainers, authors, speakers and leaders specializing in women’s empowerment and global change-making. She is fast becoming known as the “mentor of mentors” for purpose-driven, high-potential women.

In addition to building the Feminine Power global community, Claire is also a wildly successful conscious entrepreneur. In 2010, she co-founded Evolving Wisdom, LLC, which under her leadership rapidly grew to become one of the world’s most successful online transformational learning enterprises. In 2013, Evolving Wisdom was ranked #83 on the Inc. 500 list of America’s fastest growing private companies, and since its inception, it has generated close to 100 million in revenue, and reached millions of people from more than 180 countries.

A dedicated philanthropist, Claire’s personal contributions and fundraising efforts have been hailed as a major catalyst for the growth of the Girl Power Project which is on track to bring self-esteem and leadership training to over one million low-income girls globally.

Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s Transformational Leadership Council, and was the recipient of its Achievement Award, and was also a participant in Deepak Chopra’s Evolutionary Leaders Forum. She is also the recipient of the Just Like My Child Foundation Women’s Leadership Award.

She holds a Ph.D. in Transformational Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies and lives in Lake Tahoe, California with her husband, spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton.

Just to summarize, the total value of all of the elements of Empowering Women LIVE! is $6,282:

What You Will Receive: Empowering Women LIVE VIRTUAL ACCESS
($1,997 Value)
BONUS #1: The Woman-Centered Coaching Transformation MATRIX of 21 Patterns ($997 Value)
BONUS #2: RAPID RESULTS BLUEPRINTS in KEY AREAS of Wealth, Confidence, Visibility Relationships, Prosperity, Health, Leadership & More ($997 Value)
BONUS #3: No Clients? No Problem! The Fastest Path to Your First (or Next) 10 Ideal Clients ($997 Value)
BONUS #4: Get The “Elevate Your Rates” Automatic Offer-Creation System ($997 Value)
BONUS #5: My Most Effective Enrollment Script to INVITE WOMEN to INVEST IN WORKING WITH YOU With Ease, Power and Authenticity ($297 Value)
Total Value: $6,282
Empowering Women LIVE!
Total Value: $1,500
2022 Regular Admission Pricing: $247
Limited-Time Only: $97


Action Needed!

Seating is extremely limited! RVSP to SECURE YOUR SEAT TODAY.

Please use the name and email address you used to register for the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass.

RSVP Here Now to Redeem


Still Have Questions? Please see answers to our Frequently Asked Questions below.

What do I receive access to with my ticket to “Empowering Women LIVE!”?

You’ll have VIP access to the complete, 3-Day LIVE Virtual Immersion, where Claire will train you in the critical mindset shifts to make and give you the blueprints and tools she developed over 25 years of coaching that unlock extraordinary results for women and generate next-level impact, success, purpose and prosperity.

On Day 1, Claire is going to share the Woman-Centered Coaching practices and frameworks and she’ll guide you through breakthrough processes, along with live coaching demonstrations and training to support your integration and help you gain the confidence to get extraordinary results in your work with the Woman-Centered approach. What you’ll learn on Day 1 works like a magic wand to liberate you from your own blocks AND to help you guide clients toward possibilities that amaze, excite and delight you both.

On Day 2, Claire will give you the blueprints to create a purposeful, prosperous woman-centered business, including how to create and market offers that appeal to women, and how to navigate and fast-track your way through each of the 3 phases of the Woman-Centered Business growth path. You’ll discover how to structure offers that will serve your clients while enabling you to live your dream of changing lives full-time.

On Day 3, Claire will show you how to create your own personal GROWTH MAP so you’re clear about how to move forward, can become unstoppable, and achieve a decade or more of career and business growth in a single year. If you’ve felt like you’ve fallen behind on your journey, get ready to make a huge leap forward to creating the impact, income, recognition and success that reflects what you’re capable of, and more!

What is the schedule?

Thursday, December 5th from 2pm – 4pm Pacific Time

Friday, December 6th from 8am – 5pm Pacific Time
Saturday, December 7th from 8am – 6pm Pacific Time
Sunday, December 8th from 8am – 3pm Pacific Time

I have a conflict during part of the training. How can I catch up on what I miss?

Since each day (and every session) builds directly on the previous ones, we highly recommend that you clear your calendar for the entire 3-day training. While recordings will become available at a later date to purchase for the purposes of reviewing the content, there is no substitute for coming to the live event.

To fully absorb the training you need to be there live so you can immerse yourself in the field being co-created by Claire, the senior coaches, and the hundreds of other attendees, and YOU. Being in this container of support and fully participating is what enables you to make inner shifts at the deepest level in yourself and in your business or career.

If you absolutely need to miss one or two sessions, we strongly encourage you to show up and be “all in” for the other live sessions, and to take advantage of the opportunity to purchase and review the recordings.

We are committed to providing the highest level of satisfaction on all of our programs, products and events. You can find our Terms & Conditions below.

Terms & Conditions

If you have any questions about this program, please email us at support@womancenteredcoaching.com and we’ll be glad to assist you.


  • "I won a huge photography job that paid $30,000 for a week!"

    I went back to the career that I had always wanted: photography. My work is better than ever and I am getting calls from national clients. Last year I won a huge job that paid $30,000 for a week of shooting!

    Rose, San Francisco, California
  • "I lost 185 pounds and have kept it off for more than a year now!"

    When people ask me, 'How do you get up at 5am to go to the gym?' I tell them, 'Well, if you had a loved one who needed to get up at 5am because their life depended on it, would you do it?' Feminine Power showed me how to care for myself in the same way I care for others.

    Angela, New York, New York
  • "I have created a business that I love..."

    Since participating in Feminine Power, I have created a business that I love, working with change-makers and leaders around the world to actualize their missions.

    Kim, Austin, Texas
  • "I have had a powerful shift in my relationship with my husband..."

    I have had a powerful shift in my relationship with my husband that turned our marriage around. We now have an intimate friendship and romantic partnership because of Feminine Power.

    Ildiko, Hill Top, NSW Australia
  • "I finally found my career purpose"

    I'm transitioning my career from sales to writing, and I acquired my dream home in the mountains as a retreat to write from! I finally found my career purpose and identified the perfect place to live that supports, inspires and ignites my soul.

    Kathy, Gauteng, South Africa
  • "It has been an immense joy to connect with women from all over the world..."

    It has been an immense joy to connect with women from all over the world giving and receiving support in realizing our dreams. I feel an added strength and a desire to work with patterns that are not self-serving. And, the course is so affordable!

    LK, Los Angeles, California
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