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Thank you for joining us at Feminine Power LIVE!

Find out more about how to continue the conversation we began at Feminine Power LIVE by joining our Feminine Power Mastery Platinum Destiny Accelerator Program:

Limited-Seats Available

A Life-Changing Opportunity to Work Directly with Me, Our Senior Coaches, and a Committed Group of Power Partners to Realize Your Vision and Catalyze Your Destiny

($50,000 Value)…as our gift to you!

While our doors are closed for our 2021 Mastery Program, please email us today at to find out more information and/or join the waitlist for our 2022 Spring Mastery Destiny Accelerator Program. Be the first to find out when Priority Registration opens.

As a Mastery or Global Leader Graduate, You will Have the Opportunity to Revisit the Core Mastery Program Elements With the New Mastery Group

PLUS Gain Access to these Additional Structures Designed for Even Deeper Growth & Accelerated Results

Here’s Everything You’ll Receive When You Join The Feminine Power Mastery Platinum Destiny Accelerator Program

The Feminine Power Mastery Destiny Process with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.

(Value $5,000)

In the core Training sessions, with Claire as your guide, you’ll master the Destiny Process and cultivate the new skills, tools and capacities that will enable you to create from your Feminine Power for the rest of your life.

LIVE Destiny Coaching with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.

(Value $7,500)

Quarterly LIVE retreats with Claire and your Mastery community via video, where Claire will guide you through her most impactful practices related to the modules you’ll be engaging in the core program.

These LIVE video retreats will be scheduled in order to accommodate schedules in as many time zones around the world as possible!

You’ll also receive access to an extensive video archive of Claire’s previous Destiny Coaching Sessions that you can access on demand to help you integrate the concepts of the training.

Destiny Accelerator Manifesting Pod (Maximum of 8 Participants)

(Value $3,000)
Group Manifesting Mastermind for Amplification, Inspiration, Support and Accountability

Imagine having seven other women fully invested in your success, reflecting to you your brilliance, power and possibilities, as well as extending practical support, thought partnership, encouragement, and resources to partner with you on fulfilling your vision!

This is exactly what it’s like to be in a Destiny Accelerator Pod! This is the most potent, no-fail structure of support you can give yourself to manifest your vision in nine months in Mastery.

You’ll have the opportunity to forge deep bonds with your “Podmates.” Many Destiny Pods from former Mastery trainings have continued to meet weekly for years and have become life-long friends and collaborators.

You’ll also gain the support of a senior certified Feminine Power coach to guide your group’s journey, as well as provide group coaching. Read on below for more details!

Private + Small Group Coaching with a Senior Certified Feminine Power Coach

(Value $6,000)
10 Small Group Coaching Sessions, PLUS 3 One-on-One 50-Minute Private Coaching Sessions

Each Destiny Accelerator Manifesting Pod will be supported by a Senior Certified Feminine Power Coach who will offer group and individual coaching.

You’ll also connect with a Certified Feminine Power Coach who has already navigated this path for three One-on-One 50-minute private coaching sessions throughout your Mastery journey! This is an incredibly rare opportunity to get direct, personal support on your Destiny Intention!

Each of our coaches is a Mastery graduate, and they’ve all gone on to transform the outer structures of their lives to reflect their inner potentials. They’re living examples of what it looks like to embody Feminine Power.

They’ve also spent hundreds of hours coaching and mentoring self-actualizing women like yourself through this process, so they’ll be able to meet you where you are and support your vision for where you are going.

LIVE Power Circles, Conversation Cafes + BONUS COACHING SUPPORT

(Value $6,000)
Meet with our Mastery Coaches three times each month to receive Relationship, Health and Purpose/Career Coaching!

Power Circles are live group coaching and support sessions where you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other women in the Mastery community who are outside your Pod and be coached by other Senior Coaches.

After each Power Circle, you’ll have an opportunity to connect in an intimate conversation with other like-minded women in Mastery. Participants say there’s nowhere else in their lives where they can access this kind of support and sisterhood.

In addition to all of the live opportunities for support through your coaching and power circles, you’ll also have access to an entire archive of Masterclass sessions from our Senior Certified Feminine Power Coaches that are designed to fully support you to integrate the Feminine Power Mastery practices and principles you are discovering in our Training Sessions.

Destiny Code Activation Masterclasses with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.

(Value $4,000)

During this series of eight 90-minute Masterclasses—only available to women in the Mastery training—you’ll gain access to The Feminine Power Destiny Codes & Master Application Keys to realize your potentials in all 8 Areas of Self-Actualization.

Commit to a Self-Paced Destiny Project to Vision, Create & Harvest something BIG in your Life!

Includes 3 Masterclasses with Claire, Project Templates and Manifesting Resource Guide
(Value $3,000)

Amplify your manifesting power tenfold by taking on a Destiny Project! This Masterclass series and handouts gives you the step-by-step blueprint to turn a yearning or vision into a manifest outcome.

Women have used this system to launch businesses, create events, write books or take on a project that has helped them to attract love, transform their health, and more.

PDF Transcripts, Recordings and Practice Guides for every Module Training Session

(Value $500)

You’ll receive Recordings, PDF Transcripts and Practice Guides to help you quickly integrate the material and fast-track your learning. They’re great resources to go back to and quickly reference key concepts and find answers to questions as you step fully into the Feminine Power Mastery teachings and principles!

Destiny Sisterhood

(Value Priceless)

Throughout the 9-months of your training (and beyond!) you’ll engage in a vibrant online community with brilliant, committed, caring women from around the world who have a shared language, context and commitment to greatness.

NEVER-OFFERED-BEFORE BONUS: The “Evolving Wisdom Course Library”

(Value $50,000)

Collection of all of Evolving Wisdom’s courses, including:

  • The Love Codes with Claire Zammit, Ph.D. & Arielle Ford
  • The Influencers Masterclass With Claire Zammit Ph.D. & Jeah Houston, Ph.D.
  • Unlock Your Quantum Powers with Jean Houston, Ph.D.
  • Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, with Jean Houston
  • The Practice of Direct Awakening with Craig Hamilton
  • Integral Enlightenment, with Craig Hamilton
  • True Prosperity with Lynne Twist
  • Art of Love Vault, with Leading Experts on Love and Relationships
  • The Feminine Power Success Codes with Dr. Claire Zammit
  • Lift Off Academy Business Training with Amy Ahlers
  • Streaming access for the duration of your 9 months in the program

$2,000 Tuition Credit

to apply to Coaching, Facilitation and/or Leadership in Fall of 2021, LAST TIME THIS CREDIT WILL BE OFFERED!
(Value $2,000)

If you are interested in joining our Coaching, Facilitation and or Leadership Certification Tracks, you’re in the right place, as Mastery is the foundational Feminine Power Training for all of these pathways!

When you register for Mastery, you will be able to apply a $2000 tuition credit* upgrade to any of our professional trainings and will gain VIP priority status and support in your enrollment process.

*The Tuition credit is valid for our 2021 programs.

Note: There is no refund of your Mastery Tuition when you enroll in Coaching, Facilitation and/or Leadership, as that is the purpose of this tuition credit.

Total Feminine Power Mastery Platinum Destiny Accelerator Program Total Value
Total Value: $37,000
Regular Tuition: $9,997
SPECIAL OFFER Ending July 17th: $5,700

ALL IT TAKES to Claim Your Space in the Feminine Power
Mastery PLATINUM Destiny Accelerator is a
$500 Deposit!

Please note: space in the 2021 Mastery PLATINUM Destiny Accelerator program is limited due to the one-to-one nature of the coaching and small group experience.


    $500 Deposit Today
    + 12 payments of $487

    First Payment automatically billed in 30 days
    (then every 30 days thereafter)


    1 payment of $5,700




We are committed to providing the highest level of satisfaction on all of our programs, products and events. You can find our Terms & Conditions below.

Terms & Conditions

If you have any questions about this program, please email us at and we’ll be glad to assist you.

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