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CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to REGISTER NOW for the FREE 75 Minute ONLINE SEMINAR that is designed to accompany the Fempower Revolution ebook.

During this session, Dr. Claire Zammit is going to walk you through the process of awakening Feminine Power that she will be sharing about in the ebook, and that is essential to igniting and empowering women.


In this 75-Minute Seminar you will discover:

  • The biggest mistake blocking smart, conscious women from realizing their destiny.
  • How to unlock the revolutionary Feminine Power system and step forward to create the larger life that’s calling you, as well as the women you’re called to serve.
  • Why goal setting and even vision boards don’t work at the level of destiny—and what does.
  • The 8 Key areas of Feminine Self-Actualization and how to identify what is most “in season” for you to manifest (this will be 10 times easier to get results with).
  • How to identify and release the #1 inner barrier preventing your clients and students from manifesting their desires and vision so they can step forward into their greatness.
  • How to help women to activate their “Inner GPS,” so that they can manifest their vision in a field of synchronicity, flow and connection to a higher power.
  • How to support women to break free from feeling isolated and alone, and instead magnetize the support, resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

And remember, the first woman you want to stand to empower and ignite is YOU. You can benefit from making this shift into Feminine Power to unlock your gifts, vision and power to impact and serve as a result of fully participating in this seminar. 🙂

The Feminine Power approach is especially for smart, conscious, gifted women!
Here are some of the remarkable results that women who have Unlocked their Feminine Power are creating:

As a result of Feminine Power, I finished a book, got it published, and started promoting it!”

Patricia, Texas

Feminine Power did for me what a decade of schooling, therapy and personal development could not. My depression is gone!”

Heather, California

I am living from my highest self, with total integrity and honor. I receive daily comments from people who are noticing it.”

Debbra, Australia

I’m now attracting men of good character and I’m being asked out, sometimes multiple times a day.”

Heather, Vancouver

Thanks to Feminine Power, I now have a job in my field that pays me more than I’ve ever earned!”

Annabella, Pennsylvania

I’ve had a powerful shift in my relationship with my husband that turned our marriage around because of Feminine Power.”

Ildiko, Australia

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