Feminine Power Presents

Unlock Your

Feminine Power

Discover the Revolutionary Approach That Works for Smart, Conscious, Creative Women to Unlock Their Power & Manifest Their Vision

Claire Zammit Ph.D., is an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact.

2 Minute POLL: In which of these areas are you most wanting to have a breakthrough?

  1. Self-talk, self-esteem, visibility and confidence
  2. Discovering your unique gifts
  3. Attracting/Creating a committed, intimate loving relationship with a partner who is a true equal
  4. Making a prosperous living in a way that’s aligned with your values
  5. Expressing your creativity & manifesting your desires
  6. Connecting to your inner wisdom
  7. Self-care, healthy eating/weight, feeling vital and at home in your body
  8. Having the power to impact and influence others and empower your family members, friends, co-workers, community & more
  9. OTHER … Please share

I’ll share more about these areas during the seminar, but I like to call these the 8 Areas of Feminine Self-Actualization, as these are the areas that you most need to use Feminine Power to manifest and create in!

AND REMEMBER to post your TOP 1-2 questions about unlocking Feminine Power here for me also 🙂

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