Here’s the Third:

Add The Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose
7-Week Digital Course
To Your Order For 50% Off!
Discover What You Are Truly Meant To Do And Begin To Live That Purpose In Every Moment Of Your Life
I feel such a deep sense of gratitude to you and all the other women gathering together for The Feminine Success Codes, because the world is so desperately in need of our collective strength.
Two of the things I hear most often from awakening women is that they want to better understand their reason for being here, for being alive—and they want to know how they are meant to make a difference in the world.
Because of this, I’m very excited to extend a limited one-time discount offer for you to access the Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose 7-week digital course led by my extraordinary friend and mentor, Dr. Jean Houston.
Jean has been a pioneer in the human potential movement for over 50 years, helping even those who felt they were “lost causes” to find their voice, inner strength, and life’s purpose.
(This offer is not available to the public, and this page is the only time you will see this 50% discount.)
After more than five decades of working closely with world leaders and change-makers, Dr. Jean Houston, a principal founder of the human-potential movement, reveals her uniquely transformative process for finding and living your life’s purpose…
It doesn’t matter if you’re stuck in a rut… if you feel alone in your desire to make a difference… if every force in the Universe seems to be working against you… or if the possibility of truly living a life of meaning and purpose just seems “unrealistic” in this complicated world. Jean’s methods are so effective that they completely change the lives of nearly everyone who applies them.
You long to live a life of purpose. You feel a pull from within—a persistent inner voice that won’t go away.
You yearn for meaningful work, deeper relationships with others, and a chance to share your unique gifts to help make the world a better place.
You also feel an urgency around activating your full potential and living your life’s purpose.
And while you know that the world needs your contribution, the challenge of “changing direction” sometimes feels like it’s just too difficult… like you may never reach your goals.
Perhaps, like so many others, you feel…
- Ready to serve the world with your unique gifts right now, but you just don’t know how to take the next step…
- After having struggled so much to actualize your purpose, that it’s not really possible…
- A longing to discover if you even have a unique purpose in life—or if maybe you’re just not “one of the special people” who already knows what they were born to do…
- Called to begin a new project or career that is deeply fulfilling and would make a difference to others, but you don’t know exactly what it might look like or how to support yourself in the meantime…
- Alone and under-supported to take your life in a new and positive direction, despite having close friends.
Whatever your present situation, you probably know there could be more.
More meaning. More purpose. More passion. More impact.
You know we’re at a major shift—in values, in consciousness, in economics—and you know you want to help make that shift happen while still creating a life of financial independence and prosperity.
You’re Not Alone
Far from it. In fact, millions of people right now are experiencing this same yearning, this same burning desire to awaken to their unique gifts and offer them in service to the world—while living a life of joy and fulfillment.
It’s a surging of the human spirit, a virtual global awakening, on a scale that no one has ever seen before.
Simply put, people are longing to finally feel fully alive.
From doing work that is both meaningful and financially sustainable…
To activating their latent human potentials in order to lead the way into the future and leave a powerful legacy…
To realizing a permanent sense of connectedness with all that is, and living from that place of higher wisdom and true depth…
Yes, our world is ready for a shift. So then why is living a life of meaning and purpose so difficult?
Why So Many Are Stuck
The fact is, we’re in unknown territory. And we don’t yet have the roadmap for the new terrain. Our current social systems have not been set up to prepare us to live a life of purpose.
That’s because today’s culture exists not to nurture our highest aspirations, but to ensure our basic survival.
Our educational system is designed to create good workers who will slot into jobs and careers later in life—not to empower fiery, creative people who are forging the path ahead together.
Our social contracts exist to perpetuate the status quo—not to encourage our highest potentials to blossom.
Is it any wonder why so many people’s best attempts to evolve themselves and our culture fall short of the goal? We simply haven’t been trained in how to bring the possible future into the present.
Fortunately, there are a few very rare individuals who are charting the path for human beings to make this shift—personally and globally.
Indeed, a handful of experts have been decoding the secrets of how to activate our higher human potentials in order to make a very big difference in the world.
Make The Shift With Jean Houston
Perhaps no single person has more experience helping individuals live their unique purpose in life—no matter how “hopeless” they may think their situation is—than Dr. Jean Houston.
For over 50 years, Jean has been working full time to discover the underlying codes of how to live a truly remarkable life.
Through her unique and intuitive 7-part system, she awakens and activates dimensions in people they may not have ever known existed.
Her process is simple, with three main steps:
- Activating our multiple intelligences and unique gifts
- Opening ourselves to our important role in the world
- Aligning our local “self” with our unique destiny code
People who study with Jean and put her process into action have achieved remarkable results. In fact, her 7-part system is designed to give anyone—beginners and experts alike—a step-by-step process that will help you…
- Increase your creativity—both to create more and to create at a higher level…
- Discover deep sources of emotional healing, and even physical healing…
- Access multiple forms of intelligence and knowing, helping you experience life with greater richness and dimensionality…
- Hold a perspective that fills you with empathy, patience, and wisdom, no matter how challenging the situation…
- Tap in to sources of ancient wisdom that help you navigate life today…
- Discover methods to see the sacred in each moment…
- And so much more!
A 7-Week Online Course with Dr. Jean Houston
Working with Jean truly is a unique and valuable opportunity for anyone who wants to live a life of purpose. Indeed, training with her could very well be exactly what so many of us today desperately need in order to be a part of the momentous leap we’ve intuited that our culture needs to make.
This is why we’re thrilled to announce this opportunity for you to take Dr. Jean Houston’s acclaimed 7-week course on how to activate your full potential and live in alignment with your higher calling.
Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose will immerse you in Jean’s work and connect you with thousands of like-minded souls around the globe as Jean guides you through exercises and experiences that will result in the unique achievement of you finally being able to live your life “on purpose.”

Dear Friend,
I’m truly pleased that you’re considering joining me for my Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose 7-Week Online Course.
I’ve been sharing this life-changing program with people from every walk of life all over the world for many years now, and I look forward to helping you follow in their highly successful footsteps in finding your true purpose so you can begin to organize your life around that deeper calling.
Over the past 50 years, I’ve been working full time to discover the underlying codes of how to live a truly remarkable life. I’ve worked with people in over a hundred countries and forty different cultures, helping hundreds of thousands of people profoundly infuse their lives with greater vitality, creativity, and purpose.
I’ve also known and worked with some of the most influential thinkers and doers of our time such as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Buckminster Fuller, Margaret Mead, Joseph Campbell, Eleanor Roosevelt, President Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton.
The time we are living in is a challenging one, and we all have a vital role to play in creating a better world for us all and for the many generations who will follow us.
The fact that so many individuals like you are recognizing that responsibility and possibility and are stepping up to fully discover their role and do their part in this evolutionary process is something that continues to galvanize me on my own mission to do everything I can to help you achieve that goal.
I hope you’ll decide to answer the call you hear inside you and join me on this empowering and inspiring journey as we work together, to co-create the future.
With gratitude,
What some of our 5,000 course graduates are saying…
“I started a new job and began working on a pediatric oncology unit. I have always wanted to do this type of work, but the opportunity had not arose. I opened myself up to my greatest destiny and trusted the Universe would bring me not only one but several incredible choices. This is the one I chose. I feel so blessed being able to spend time with these children as they are some of the most incredible souls I have ever met.”
Laura Z., Asheville, North Carolina
“I’ve lost 20 pounds. I’m lighter, not just physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually—happier, more upbeat and optimistic about my own future and the future of the human race on the planet. I’m also less likely to feel angry or judgmental, more likely to choose loving responses. I more quickly shift to ‘What is the gift for me in this situation?’ I’m also making connections with like-minded people, and for the first time in my life, I’m not trying to ‘make something happen.’ I’ve given up struggle and am loving this peaceful, serene way of being in the world.”
Bonnie H., Edmonton, Canada
“I have experienced significant behavioral changes. They include: losing 15 pounds, exercising regularly, eating healthier foods, the ability to jog some again and even sleeping more restfully. Probably the biggest change I have experienced is an increase in the confidence I have regarding my own abilities—as though I can achieve whatever I set my intention toward.”
John R., Dunedin, Florida
“I found my life in flow and moving in directions I can only describe as serendipitous. For example, I took the plunge, signed up for the course at a very low ebb. Debts and other problems—nothing was working out. Shortly after the course ended, I received a call from the BBC. My son had sent 2 photos of me in response to an open request for a 70-year-old Caribbean woman to play the aged version of a younger character in a very prestigious TV drama. I am 67 and have never acted. I got the part!”
Marina M., East Sussex, United Kingdom
“I started drawing! I have always wanted to learn but in the past would always discount that desire by saying, ‘I can’t draw’ or ‘My drawing is terrible’ or whatever other excuse to not actually just do it. I am now finding myself being a ‘doer’ instead of an excuse-maker. I don’t even think: ‘I wish I could draw that fountain.’ Instead I gather pencils, erasers and paper and go sit in front of the fountain and draw it.”
Karen M., Tucson, Arizona
Here’s What You’ll Learn
Here’s what you’ll discover in this powerful 7-week program:
MODULE ![]() |
MODULE ONESession One: Preparing to Live a Miraculous Life![]() In your first session with Jean, you will discover…
MODULE ![]() |
MODULE TWOSession Two: Activating Your Physical Systems to a New Order of Operation![]() In Session Two you will discover…
MODULE ![]() |
MODULE THREESession Three: Calling Upon Your Limitless Field of Inner Intelligences, Personalities, and Capacities![]() In Session Three you will discover…
MODULE ![]() |
MODULE FOURSession Four: Discovering the Nature of Your Own Mythic Life and Aligning With Your Destiny![]() In Session Four you will discover…
MODULE ![]() |
MODULE FIVESession Five: Revealing the Spiritual Realm and Coming Home to the Infinite Within and Without![]() In Session Five you will discover…
MODULE ![]() |
MODULE SIXSession Six: Gaining the Power of Far Seeing and Deep Seeing![]() In Session Six you will discover…
MODULE ![]() |
MODULE SEVENSession Seven: Aligning Your Local Self in Service of the Higher Limitless Self, and Unlocking Your Higher Destiny![]() In Session Seven you will discover…
Dr. Jean Houston
Dr. Jean Houston, scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. Jean has worked intensively in 40 cultures and 100 countries advising heads of state, leading educational institutions, business organizations, and helping millions of people to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness.
She is a prolific writer and has authored nearly 30 books, including A Passion for the Possible, Search for the Beloved, Life Force, The Possible Human, A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story, Jump Time, Manual of the Peacemaker, and The Wizard of Us.
As advisor to United Nations agencies in human and cultural development, she has worked to implement some of their extensive educational and health programs, and since 2003, she has been working with the UN Development Program, training leaders in developing countries throughout the world in the new field of social artistry. Dr. Houston also served for a year and a half in an advisory capacity to Bill Clinton and to Hillary Clinton, as well as helping Hillary write It Takes A Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us. She has also counseled leaders in similar positions in many countries and cultures.
What Luminaries are Saying About Dr. Jean Houston
Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of You Are The Universe
Marianne Williamson, author of The Age of Miracles
Former President Bill Clinton
Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution
Buckminster Fuller, author of Critical Path
Margaret Mead, author of Male and Female
Joseph Campbell, author of The Power of Myth
What You’ll Receive

Seven 75-Minute Recorded Audio Course Sessions with Jean Houston
These dynamic teaching sessions are the heart of your course experience. Each week you will explore a new vista of possibility, as Jean supports you in making the next step in the process of your inner transformation. These sessions are deeply experiential, so please listen to the audios at a time when you can give your full attention to the material. They will be released weekly via the Online Learning Portal, where you’ll receive unlimited access to listen online or download the mp3 files to your computer or digital device.

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Group Coaching Sessions with Jean
Following each of the 7 Course Sessions, you’ll be able to listen to these downloadable Group Coaching Sessions that were recorded during a semester when the course was offered live. Many participants have shared that these downloadable Coaching Sessions were just as powerful and important as the actual Course Sessions to their experience in the program. The questions Jean answers week to week are the same kinds of questions many students have during the course, and listening to Jean use her special coaching process to work with others will allow you to apply that same process to your own life and gain profound insights into your path. Just as with the Course Sessions, they will be released weekly via the Online Learning Portal, where you’ll receive unlimited access to listen online or download the mp3 files to your computer or digital device.

Practice & Reflection Exercises for Each Session
Practice & Reflection Exercises are a great way for you to start to embody the lessons of the course in your everyday life. The exercises are designed to help you to learn the powers of association where you collaborate, co-create, and understand your higher purpose in very practical ways. You will be encouraged to think about what you are doing in images as well as words, and to run it through different states of consciousness as you move through your daily life.

Seven PDF Transcripts of the Weekly Course Sessions
PDF transcripts are a great resource that will allow you to go back and quickly reference key concepts as you step into living a life of greater purpose and higher calling. The power of your learning will be integrated even more deeply as you refer back to your course sessions in print.
Exclusive Bonus Audio Seminars
Bonus #1
The Women of Power & Purpose Audio Collection
10 of our most popular dialogues from the world’s leading female spiritual luminaries, thinkers, artists and agents of change hosted by Feminine Power Founder Claire Zammit, Ph.D
If you’re a woman, this timely audio collection is a perfect addition to the Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose Course because it gives you access to some of the most brilliant and successful women in the world who will share their stories with you and give you their blueprints for success that you can use in your own life to guide you to fulfilling your own larger destiny. You’ll learn from their missteps and be inspired by their triumphs to more fully embrace your own journey to a balanced life of deeper accomplishment and fulfillment.
Geneen Roth’s pioneering books were among the first to link compulsive eating and perpetual dieting with deeply personal and spiritual issues that go far beyond food, weight and body image. She believes that we eat the way we live, and that our relationship to food, money and love is an exact reflection of our deepest held beliefs about ourselves and the amount of joy, abundance, pain or scarcity we believe we have (or are allowed to have) in our lives.
In this inspiring dialogue, Geneen talks about how instead of being punishing, impatient and harsh with ourselves regarding our decisions and beliefs about food, the way to transform our relationship with food is to be open, curious and kind with ourselves. She’ll also explore the benefits that come from using meditation, inquiry, and a set of seven eating guidelines that are the foundation of natural eating.
Geneen Roth has appeared on many national television shows including: The Oprah Show, 20/20, The NBC Nightly News, The View and Good Morning America. She has also written monthly columns in Good Housekeeping Magazine and Prevention Magazine, and is the author of eight books, including the New York Times bestsellers When Food is Love, Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything, and Lost and Found: Unexpected Revelations About Food and Money.
It is no secret that our species is confronting an unprecedented crisis. The immense challenges facing us in regards to our economy, our environment and our dwindling energy and resources are no longer confined to national borders. Our problems have become global, immediate and inescapable, and they are calling on us for new and innovative solutions.
In this powerful dialogue, evolutionary biologist Elisabet Sahtouris discuss why our current global crisis is actually a cause for celebration rather than despair. She sees the massive breakdowns of our current culture and paradigms of power as the very catalysts necessary to push forth one of the greatest evolutionary transformations in our individual and collective consciousness. She explores how old and familiar ways of thinking and problem-solving only continue to leave us in worse conditions than ever before, making it necessary for us to participate in a complete collective re-visioning and radical reorganization of our entire way of being and living into the creation of cooperative and sustainable communities that can meet the demands of our time and make it possible for all sentient beings to thrive and flourish.
Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris is an internationally acclaimed evolutionary biologist, futurist, author and lecturer. She is a member of the World Wisdom Council and a fellow of the World Business Academy, as well as a co-founder of the Worldwide Indigenous Science Network. She has spoken at the World Parliament of Religions, the World Bank, Boeing, Siemens, Hewlett-Packard, Tokyo Dome Stadium, the Australian National Government, Sao Paulo’s leading business schools, and the State of the World Forums in New York and San Francisco. Her books include EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution, A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us, and Biology Revisioned (with Willis Harman).
Our adolescent humanity is facing its initiation. The challenges of our time are the initiating factors, forcing a maturity of global cooperation like never before. This profound evolutionary shift is occurring in every aspect of our being—both as individuals and as a civilization.
In this enlightening dialogue, Dr. Anodea Judith tells the human story in terms of developmental psychology, mythology, mysticism, and gender politics. She also describes the visionary journey through the dark night to the dawn of our adulthood, and articulates the big picture, complete with what is being asked of us at this time in history.
She further explores evolution as “the gods’ way of making more gods,” and challenges us all to embrace that dynamic in our everyday lives.
Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is the author of the award-winning book Waking the Global Heart, and is the founder of Sacred Centers and a global teacher on the subject of personal and cultural transformation. She is best known for her groundbreaking books on the chakra system, Wheels of Life, Eastern Body Western Mind, and for her award-winning DVD, The Illuminated Chakras.
People everywhere are waking up to a deep desire to unleash their greatest contribution into the world. Many of us are increasingly hearing the call to wholeheartedly participate in the future evolution of culture and society, but often feel less than equipped to know how to actualize the flowering of our highest potentials.
In this inspiring dialogue, Arielle Ford talks about how each of us intuitively feels we have something unique and important to offer—a piece of the puzzle that only we can bring through the manifestation of our deepest gifts—and explores why we often stumble on our own self-doubt, our fear of failure and/or success, and our tendency to get swept away in the inertia of the status quo, and she offers advice for those of us navigating the difficult journey toward manifesting our highest purpose.
Arielle Ford worked in nearly every aspect of public relations and marketing for over twenty-five years before she began writing her own books. Her clients included bestselling authors in the field of self-help, spirituality and personal growth, including Deepak Chopra and Neale Donald Walsch (11 of whom reached #1 on The New York Times bestseller list). Her own books, include the bestselling The Soulmate Secret, and Wabi Sabi Love.
The ecological and the social challenges we face in the world right now can all be seen as a product of the imbalance between the masculine and the feminine energies that are held inside all of us. It’s up to each of us as individuals to try to balance that energy in ourselves and to point out the imbalances we see around us and try to help others see them so they can strive for balance, too.
In this powerful dialogue, Nina Simons discusses her own journey to understanding those challenges and unleashing her capacity and authenticity as a leader and a trainer of others. She talks about the Dalai Lama’s statement that Western women will save the world, and she explores the difficult road we all face in trying to overcome our cultural conditioning and how those difficulties are only compounded for women (especially those of color) who have been undervalued, under-seen and dismissed, and who face a very unlevel playing field and a deeper level of shame and abuse. She also offers guidance for how to help transform the systems that perpetuate that imbalance by speaking out and working to reclaim and revitalize the feminine energy in the world.
Nina Simons is the co-founder of Bioneers, an organization focused on healing our relationships with ourselves, with each other, and with the Earth. Through Bioneers, she offers intensive trainings in a cultivating women’s leadership. She also edited the anthology, Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart, which contains 30 essays by powerful women leaders, and is being used by educators in numerous college and graduate-school programs.
Ancestors, Why It Challenges Us Now, and How to Step Toward a Brighter Future
As we move through our lives, we (and those we love) encounter a host of temptations to stray from the path of healthy habits and behaviors, and it’s not always easy to say “No.” Once you’ve strayed from the path, it can be even more challenging to find your way back, and that process can be fraught with emotional and even physical tolls. The temptations we face in modern times include over-indulgence in food, prescription painkillers, nicotine, alcohol and other drugs, television, internet porn, and gaming—all issues our ancient ancestors never encountered, so these require new skills to overcome them.
In this enlightening dialogue, Connie Barlow shares her story and explores ways we can help ourselves and others to make the journey back to that healthier and more productive path, and more easily stay on it to begin with. She talks about how one of the keys to this lies in avoiding the impulse to focus on blaming, shaming and guilt, and instead focusing on forgiveness, healing and nurturing ourselves and those around us to become the highest version of who we are.
Connie Barlow is the founder of Torreya Guardians and co-facilitator of the Evolutionize Your Life Online Course with her husband and mission partner Michael Dowd. She is also the author of four popular science books (two published by MIT Press), that explore the heart of an evidence-based approach to meaning, inspiration, and right relationship to reality. Those books include The Ghosts of Evolution, and Green Space, Green Time: The Way of Science.
In our concern for what is happening in our world and to our planet, many of us have a deep desire to find our voice and contribute our gifts in the biggest way possible, to really have an impact on changing things for the better. Unfortunately we often find ourselves debilitated by what seems to be almost an epidemic of brutal inner criticism and self-judgment. The question is: How can we break free from the trap of those negative patterns so we can show up every day to live our highest calling?
In this liberating dialogue, Amy Ahlers discuss how she reached her own realizations regarding happiness not being about a better job, or a better car, or a better guy, or losing five pounds, or anything like that. She calls this belief that things outside of us can make us happy “the big fat lie,” and she explores the keys to getting your inner-critic out of your head and taking a completely different approach to life, where you nurture and cultivate a loving relationship with yourself, and then consciously pursue things that add fun, joy and enthusiasm to your day, and this then becomes the foundation for your success.
Amy Ahlers is an International Certified Success Coach and the CEO of Wake-Up Call
Coaching, as well as being the co-creator of Inner-Mean-Girl Reform School. She has been featured on ABC, TLC and FOX, as well as in The Washington Post, The Oakland Tribune, and on many radios stations. She is sought-after as a speaker and an expert coach who has worked with a wide array of clients—from artists to lawyers and CEOs, helping them all to reach greater levels of success.
In spite of the fact that all women share a deep connection to an indestructible source of energy and light, they often feel overwhelmed, exhausted and depleted from the complexities and responsibilities they face as women living in modern times. And while this radiance is always accessible, it’s a constant challenge to stay focused on it because there is so much that needs to be done out there in the world that they lose touch with that connection within themselves.
In this powerful dialogue, Devaa Haley Mitchell talks about the clear shift happening for women right now that is urging them and supporting them to evolve and change how they see themselves and their value within the world culture. She discusses the huge emphasis that has historically been placed on women’s physical beauty being their primary source of value and power, and she explores the new ways that value is being defined with the advent of women being allowed to do things like vote, own property and run successful businesses. She offers tips for how you can tap into that inner-radiance and be more centered in yourself, allowing you to focus less on trying to please others and focus more on trying to change the entire fabric of society, radiating that higher expression of beauty in your life.
Devaa Haley Mitchell is an Interfaith Minister and Life Coach, and is the founder
of Radiant Essence Services. She was the Director of Member Engagement at the
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), and was also an Associate Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group where she offered management advice to Fortune 500 Companies. She has a BA in Anthropology and an MA in International Development from Stanford University, and she received a fellowship from the Fulbright Foundation that she used to conduct research in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest on sustainable economic development for local indigenous groups.
The continuing increase of women in the workforce may be the most important shift now affecting gender relations and the evolution of our culture as a whole. The entrance of women into nearly every area of public life has set new expectations for employers and spouses, while throwing out all the old assumptions about what it means to be a woman. As women learn to juggle the roles of wife, boss, mother and friend, they often put a lot of pressure on themselves to try to have it all as they struggle to integrate the many demands placed on them by modern life.
In this inspiring dialogue, Elizabeth Jarosz discusses the many pressing concerns now facing the new generation of working women, and she shares her experiences of being on the front lines of this emerging inquiry and helping carve out new pathways for women in high-powered business environments. She explores the ways women’s roles and the rules associated with those roles have changed and are constantly being redefined, and she addresses questions like: What does it mean to be a mother now that women are juggling so many other roles in their lives? How should women interact differently with our spouses or those they are dating? She’ll help you look deep inside yourself in order to determine what you really want and what is really going to make you happy and fulfilled and create the balance you need to be successful in every area of your life.
Elizabeth Jarosz is a market research expert who specializes in understanding the human condition, and she is the president of Pulse40, Inc, a pioneering market research company. Many TV sponsors, including Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Visa, and Warner Bros use her for their deepest consumer interviews.
Over the last fifty years, one of the biggest shifts that has happened in the developed world is a radical evolution of the relationship dynamics between men and women. We are no longer coming together just to spawn offspring and maintain comfort and security. A whole new paradigm of partnership and co-creativity is emerging that is both exciting and confusing.
In this powerful dialogue, Kathlyn Hendricks discusses her own journey in relationship and explores the differences between the “Betty Crocker” era she grew up in and the world we live in today, along with the challenges that have arisen during the transition away from the time when women stayed home and men made the money to provide for the family. In that earlier time, women’s creative and transformative impulses were often repressed because marriage was considered the highest aspiration women were supposed to have, and Kathlyn focuses on what women can do now to fully embrace the new frontier of co-creativity that is rising and bring their unique genius into collaboration with others on a larger scale, in spite of the fact that the true value women can bring to the table is still largely invisible and undervalued by the larger culture.
Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D. received her doctorate in transpersonal psychology in 1982 and has been a Board-Certified Dance/Movement Therapist of the American Dance Therapy Association since 1975. She has taught in the graduate programs of the University of Colorado, Union Graduate School, Antioch University and Naropa Institute. Together with her husband, Gay Hendricks, Kathlyn has worked with thousands of individuals and couples in developing their method of body-centered and relationship transformation, and she has authored or co-authored nine books, including: Conscious Loving, At the Speed of Life, The Conscious Heart, Lasting Love, and Spirit-Centered Relationships.
Bonus #2
The Meditation for Evolutionaries Guided Meditation Audio Seminar Collection – Volume One
with Integral Enlightenment founder, Craig Hamilton
If you want to impact, serve, influence, manifest and create at the highest level, then accessing the wellspring of spiritual power available through the practice of meditation is nothing short of essential on the journey to self-actualization and contribution.
The unique guided meditations in this downloadable collection of 10 audio seminars offer accessible support for your spiritual practice.
Whether you have been curious about meditation, are trying to reinvigorate a lapsed practice, or have been meditating for years, you’ll find this collection will serve equally well to start a practice or rekindle and deepen an existing one.
Guided by spiritual teacher and Integral Enlightenment founder Craig Hamilton, each of these 90-minute audio seminars includes…
- A thoughtful meditation teaching
- A distinctive guided practice
- An enriching question-and-answer dialogue
- Discussions that offer insights about meditation, as well as how meditation practice relates to everyday life
Craig Hamilton is the founder of Integral Enlightenment, and for the last twenty years he has been at the leading edge of a profound spiritual inquiry into what many are calling “the new enlightenment.” Through his online Academy for Evolutionaries, he has helped thousands of people in over 50 countries around the world discover the profound life of meaning and purpose that comes from aligning with the “impulse of evolution.”

When you invest in Jean’s Awakening Your Life’s Purpose 7-Week Training Program, you’ll receive…
- Seven Training Session Audios with Jean (Valued at $3,000)
- Seven Downloadable Group Coaching Sessions with Jean (Valued at $2,000)
- PDF Transcripts of Training modules (Valued at $500)
- Weekly Practice & Reflection Questions (Valued at $700)
- The “Purpose Cultivation” Bonus Empowerment Package (Total Value $1,182)
TOTAL Value $7,382
Regular Price: $695
Register Now at 50% Off for just:
***With our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee you can try the course out for 14 days risk-free. If you are not satisfied with the program for any reason, we will gladly refund your tuition.
Live Each Waking Moment Of Your Life With Passion And Purpose.
Combining The Feminine Success Codes with Jean Houston’s Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose course will set you up for incredible success in your life—realizing your highest purpose, having your greatest possible impact on the world and becoming a veritable force of nature!
We want to give you as many transformational tools as possible to help you discover your highest potential in every way, and we think this might well be the perfect course for you to take alongside The Feminine Success Codes.
For a limited time only, we are offering you a 50% discount on Jean’s acclaimed course. Normally, this digital course sells for $695, but today you can add it to your order for only $347!
This 50% discount isn’t available to the public, and this is the only time you will be able to take advantage of it. So, you have a choice to make: you can add Jean’s course to your order at this tremendous savings…
Or you can say NO THANKS and move forward. But you won’t be able to move backwards if you change your mind, so this is your only chance to take advantage of this amazing offer and get the powerful combination of these two incredible and life-changing courses.
Take advantage of this special
offer now by simply clicking the button below.
(This is a one-time offer that will no longer be available when you close this window)
1 Payment of $347
Step into the Training Program that is the Cornerstone of Jean Houstons’s Life’s Work & Gain Access to the Tools & Training You Need to Awaken to Your Life’s Purpose, Have a More Meaningful Life, & Have a More Positive Impact on the World.
If you have any questions about this program, please email us at and we’ll be glad to assist you.