The Awakened Life
A Journey Into the Heart of Meditation
with Craig Hamilton
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Graduate Gathering with Craig
Next Steps and Opportunities for Further Study and Practice
A Preview of Upcoming Programs
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In this session, Craig provided an overview of two upcoming programs he’ll be offering this year:
Opening to the Infinite
A year-long program he’ll be co-teaching with Jeff Carreira starting in June which will dive deeper into the practices you’ve been learning in The Practice of Direct Awakening.
To learn more about the Opening to the Infinite 12-Month Course with Craig Hamilton and Jeff Carreira, visit the online course brochure here.
Integral Enlightenment
Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life
A 9-week course focused on living the principles and practices of “evolutionary spirituality” in every moment of your life. As a graduate of The Practice of Direct Awakening, we’re offering you a $150 tuition discount on this course. Just use the coupon code Evolve150 when you register on our course information page here.
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Unleashing the Power of Meditation – The Keys to Living an Awakened Life
Replay is Available Now!
To listen to the audio on your computer or mobile device, simply click on the play button below.
To download the audio, click on the download button below.
*Registration Closes on Thursday, December 6th at Midnight Pacific Time!
The Awakened Life
A Journey Into the Heart of Meditation

The Awakened Life was conceived as a simple and accessible structure to support you in activating, deepening and sustaining spiritually awakened consciousness.
The Awakened Life will provide you with:
- Regular infusions of potent spiritual guidance to activate the miracle of awakened consciousness within you.
- A coherent, structured program of both self-directed and guided meditation practices to help you deepen and stabilize your awakening.
- Frequent opportunities for meditation coaching to help you maximize the time spent in practice and ensure that your meditation is effective.
- An ongoing support structure to help you express and live your awakening in every moment of your life.
- A vibrant community of practice to enliven and support your awakening.
Through frequent opportunities for live virtual engagement with spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton and a structured practice program within a dedicated community of support, each month you’ll penetrate deeper into the mystery of awakening and strengthen your ability to sustain your awakening throughout the ups and downs of daily life.
*Registration Closes on Thursday, December 6th at Midnight Pacific Time!
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- Please be sure your Internet connection is strong and reliable.
- An occasional short pause in the webcast audio is normal. If you experience a long pause, refresh this window.
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It is normal for webcasts to pause from time to time. If a pause lasts more than a few seconds, you may wish to ‘refresh’ your browser window.
Have a Question for Craig?
Submit Your Question for the next
Meditation Coaching Session Here
Tips to improve online listening:
- Please be sure that you’re not running other programs or websites simultaneously.
- Please be sure your Internet connection is strong and reliable.
Reminder! Recordings of all previous events are posted for download on our Online Learning Portal.
To help you get the most out of your course experience, Craig has prepared this special session to welcome you to the course and help you get oriented to the different elements of the program.
He’ll also be exploring the best way to approach your participation and the specific things that he has found make the biggest difference in maximizing the opportunity that this course represents.
- Please be sure that you’re not running other programs or websites simultaneously while listening.
- Please be sure your Internet connection is strong and reliable.
- An occasional short pause in the webcast audio is normal. If you experience a long pause, refresh this window.
If you have any questions or need assistance with accessing this audio,
please reach out to our Support Team at:
Learn more and register for the Integral Enlightenment 9-week course here. Be sure to enter your Graduate Coupon Code: ALUM100 at checkout to receive $100 off the course tuition.