Discover The 5 Quantum Powers That Will Draw To You The Resources, People And Skills You Need To Live A Remarkable Life And Make A Greater Difference In The World
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Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed because there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you need and want to do?
And is there pressure on you to accomplish even more, in spite of all the limitations on your time, your money, your relationships and your health?
Most importantly, do you sense that those limitations prevent you from being able to succeed at the highest level in your life, and from having the profound impact on others and on the world you believe you could have if you were truly given a chance?
You may have even noticed some of your peers giving up because of those challenges—compromising their dreams and no longer attempting to “play bigger” in their lives.
But none of this has stopped you from trying to live the best life you can.
Maybe you’ve tried to…
- Schedule your days so you can get everything done you need to and still have time to do the the creative things you love
- Get better, more fulfilling jobs, and put some money aside
- Find friends who share your values and goals, and who are mutually supportive and caring
- Focus on taking care of yourself and staying healthy as best you can
- Find new ways to help those you love and others who are in need
And while you may have had some success in all of these areas, I suspect that substantial progress has been slow in coming, and inconsistent, and it may even sometimes feel like you’re not getting any closer to your highest goals.
If any of that resonates with you, I want you to know that it’s not because of anything you’re doing wrong that things aren’t moving forward as fast as you’d like them to…
It’s because there are things you don’t yet fully understand about how the Universe works.
There is actually a way for you to become more powerful, energized and influential—without having to add even more to your to-do list
The reason you’ve felt burdened by the “too muchness” of life is because you’ve inherited a limited, centuries-old operating system that has effectively held you back from reaching your fullest potential… until now.
The story you’ve been told your whole life—and the way you’ve watched that story play out in the lives of those around you—is based on assumptions about how reality unfolds.
Well, I’m here to tell you that those assumptions are simply not true…
There is actually a tremendous supply of power, energy and joy that is readily available to you—you only need to know how to access it.
Over the course of my 53-year career as a human-potential pioneer, I’ve discovered that no matter your income level, age, current life-situation, or your past, you are truly part of a bigger story.
I’ve also discovered that there are 5 Quantum Powers that will allow you to become truly and fully alive, with access to the creative power of the Universe…
And once you’ve unlocked these Quantum Powers within yourself, and learned how to sustain their energy throughout your day, your experience of the world will immediately become profoundly more vivid, exciting and fulfilling in every way.
And from that moment forward, you will…
- Have more clarity about exactly what to do and which direction to go to best achieve your goals
- Be able to accomplish more in less time without experiencing the levels of overwhelm you do now
- Begin to attract the right people and resources to help you make real progress on the projects that mean the most to you
- Be able to tap into deeper sources of energy and experience a profound sense of wellbeing
- No longer feel isolated, and be able to make a greater difference in the lives of those around you and in the world
The reason I want to train you to master your Quantum Powers and integrate them into your life is because I live my own life inside of those powers every day, in full partnership with the energy of the Universe…
And I’ve not only reaped the benefits of that partnership in both my personal and professional life…but when I look at what I’ve been able to accomplish over the past 50 years, it already seems like enough to fill several lifetimes.
And I am far from through!
I will show you how you, too, can live a life
of accomplishment and fulfillment you
never even knew was possible
Over the past ten years, I’ve worked to develop a process for training others to fully master all 5 of these Quantum Powers, and it is finally time to share that process with anyone who is ready to step into the new life those powers will provide.
I’m hoping you’ll decide to be one of the committed and evolved individuals who are truly prepared to download these powers, master them, and carry them forward into the world.
And once you begin to unlock your Quantum Powers, all the limitations you believed you had will, one by one, simply fall away…
You’ll not only be able to accomplish all the things you’ve always wished you could…but countless others you haven’t even dreamed of yet.
This is indeed the “mythic” life that is possible for you at the end of the 7 weeks of this training program.
So if you know you want to live that life, all you need to do is allow me to show you how to unlock your Quantum Powers and truly become the “new human”—not sometime in the distant future, but right here and right now.
If you feel drawn to go through this powerful training with me, I dare you to consider that it is indeed the Universe itself that is knocking on your door, inviting you to step bravely forward into this profound journey of discovery.
Jean Houston
Jean’s Students Share Their Experiences:
“Jean’s Quantum Powers training opened up a whole new realm of potential for me: I finished my novel, got it published, and donated a portion of the proceeds to people who are protecting our environment, all while accessing new levels of healing and new opportunities in my community and online.”
—Diana, British Columbia, Author
“Before taking Jean’s training, I was struggling to find a mutual, loving, and committed relationship. During the training, I met the guy I’d been looking for for many years and have been with him for 6 amazing months now. I also have favorite exercises from the training that I use to bring me peace and guidance. Thank you, Jean! You’ve provided me with amazing tools that will be helpful to me going forward in all areas in my life and that are making all the difference in accomplishing my goals. Now I have the confidence and support I needed!”
—Camilla, København, Denmark, Coach & Team Trainer
“As a result of taking the training, I had the best winter ever in my life, with a tremendous amount of growth and fun, and there have been a lot of synchronicities happening since. I’ve also had chronic pain and fatigue for a long time, and before I started the training, I could barely make it through the day. Using what I learned from Jean, I was able to master 72 Tai Chi movements in only 10 weeks. My teacher was amazed by my progress and the pain almost disappeared! A year before I took the training, I’d started working on a book project, which was extremely difficult for me, for I’ve never had any training in creative writing, so telling the story in my second language—English—made the task even more difficult. Because of what I learned in the training, I quickly improved my English. I even won a speech contest and was invited to join the advanced speech club. I was given a lot of opportunities and support from people I’d never met, and I felt as if there was an unseen force that was guiding me through this exciting journey!”
—Sabrina, Ontario, Canada
“Before the training, I struggled to love, accept and perceive myself as having value and worth. Now I eat the foods that nourish my body, go to places that bring me positive energy, and maintain relationships that bring me love and support. I am now more aware of how I need to spend every precious moment of my life with focus and care. I’m feeling more vibrant and I have energy to do more things than before, and I have even lost some weight.”—Emily, Illinois, Stress Management Coach & Healer
“Since taking the training, I’ve lost 30 pounds without even thinking about it!”
—Sandi, Anza, California, Graphic Artist and Author.
“Before attending the training, I was stuck. The three books I’d written previously had been effortless and then writing suddenly became a struggle, so I stopped writing. One of the practices I learned in the training, Jean calls ‘tan tien.’ It’s a powerful cleansing breath to increase vital energy. It became my everyday practice. Because of this, my recent experience of ‘writer’s block’ is no more. I was stuck in a place of toxic self-doubt, and I’ve now made significant changes to up-grade my state of well-being!”
—Mary Elizabeth, Virginia, Intuitive Counselor
“Thanks to Jean’s Unlock Your Quantum Powers Training, more has opened up for me than I ever anticipated, including an enticing job offer in my field of Children’s Literature that I wasn’t expecting at my advanced age of 70! I’m also much less afraid to ‘be me,’ even if that risks displeasing others. This is a very profound and significant shift for me, because co-dependency and obsessive ‘people-pleasing’ have been two of my weaknesses. I’m eager to see what other adventures await me and feel I have far greater resources to embrace whatever shows up. I feel fully charged and inspired to live my sweet life to the fullest. I may be 70, but I feel like 6, eager for adventure and bursting to share the gifts that have been granted to me!”
—Safiya, California, Children’s Literature Consultant
“I now know more clearly what I want to do and have started doing it. Due to Jean’s teaching of how the Universe works, I see the big picture of my life and I feel more confident and peaceful with what is happening. That alone has given me so much positive energy and I’m truly grateful for it. The training provided everything I need to live a life of greater meaning, love and peace. I’m listening to it again and again!”—Petra, Cologne, Germany, Health coach and editor
Here’s What You’ll Discover In Jean Houston’s
Leading-Edge 7-Week Training Program:
Week 1: How the Universe Really Works
Training Your Attention and Beginning to Unlock Your Quantum Powers
In the first week of the training, you’ll find out how the Universe really “works” in relationship to your life, and you’ll begin to see a very different reality than the one you see now. You’ll discover how to train your attention to see what the Universe is really offering you in every moment that you live.
Your life as it is now is in many ways like walking around in a dark house at night, bumping into furniture and walls and feeling a little tentative and uncertain. But in this session, I’ll show you how to find the master light switch and turn it on, flooding the house with light. Then you’ll begin to see the true reality of what’s there, the pictures, the furniture, the curling spirals in the rug.
Areas of your life that have been a struggle will begin to shift, and old obstacles will no longer be there. You’ll see more clearly the next steps in your life and your career, and you’ll realize whole new levels of possibility. Opportunities for growth and creativity and service and joy will open up all around you, and you’ll know how to best take advantage of them to allow them come to fruition. This first week will firmly establish the foundation for unlocking your Quantum Powers in the weeks ahead.
Week 2: Quantum Power #1
The Power of Your Quantum Self
In the second session you’ll discover how to identify your Quantum Blueprint. This is the higher template of who you are in the fullest expression of yourself, and you’ll realize that you are truly not now nor have you ever been alone. You’ll know that you are living in partnership with the Universe itself—that you are in the Universe and the Universe is in you.
You’ll feel suddenly more at home in your own skin, and areas in your life where you’ve felt stuck—whether it’s trying to start a new business, or focus more time on your art, or find the right partner—will simply begin to open up and flow, because the power of the Cosmos will be generating that new reality with you. And when you walk into a room full of people, they will feel drawn to you, because they’ll feel your positive, creative and constructive energy, and they’ll want to be connected to it.
Once you discover how to become your Quantum Self and partner with the Universe in this session, you’ll have access to that power anytime you need or want it. You’ll be in a perpetual flow state, and it will almost feel like you are a whole new person who is living in a different, better, more exciting and inspiring world.
Week 3: Quantum Power #2
The Power to Orchestrate Time
In the third session of the training, you’ll discover how to live your life no longer bound by the usual limited perceptions of time. You may already know people who have this power—people who seem largely unaffected by time as it unfolds for the rest of us. They never rush through life, and always seem calm, even in the most stressful situations. They have busier lives than most people, but are able to make extraordinary things happen again and again.
It’s all about entering what Jean refers to as “alternative time” where you can take two minutes of clock time and it will be equal to as much as an hour. Suppose you want to practice music, piano, or anything else. You find that in two minutes, it can feel as if you have had a full hour of practice. Whether you want to lose weight, quit a bad habit, be more focused on a project, take better care of yourself and your family… you can quickly and easily accomplish almost anything you want in far less time.
And what if you could actually go back and essentially rewrite experiences in your past that are burdens to you now, or fix mistakes and missteps you’ve made. Imagine the ripple effect it could have on your current life. This might sound impossible, but it isn’t, and Jean will show you how. In this session, you’ll overcome your limited perceptions of time, and that alone can transform your life.
Week 4: Quantum Power #3
The Power of the Quantum Mind
This fourth session will focus on profoundly enhancing your ability to learn and develop new skills. If you ever feel like certain things are difficult to learn, or even that specific skills are beyond you, Jean will show you remarkably effective techniques for gaining skills you need to be able to advance your personal projects and your career, without the need for spending years in schools or formal training programs.
She’ll teach you a technique that will admit you to what she calls the University of Consciousness, allowing you to access the true power of your imagination and become a receptor to new arenas of knowledge and skill, even allowing you to call on imagined masters of the skills you need to learn, and who will teach you all you need to know.
You can call on these experts to help you think outside the box on a work project, become more comfortable speaking in front of large groups, or further develop your art. Students she has taught these techniques to have experienced unprecedented advancements in their abilities and knowledge that they have then carried forward into their lives. And you’ll find out how to access this power, as well, whenever you need it, to absorb all manner of new spiritual, intellectual, artistic and physical skills.
Week 5: Quantum Power #4
The Power to Manifest Whatever You Need
In week five, you will discover how to attract the resources and the people you need to help you succeed at a higher level in your life. We are all connected at the quantum level, all bonded together by the Universe, and in this session you will realize just how not alone you truly are, which is wonderful, because so much of what you’ll want to accomplish requires partnership and teamwork.
Jean will train you in techniques for reaching out through that Universal connection to attract the right people and resources to aid you in any mission you are drawn to undertake. Whether it’s a dream client you’d love to work with… a charity project to help feed underprivileged children … or an inspiring new creative project… you’ll be able to recognize the signs and cues guiding you in the right direction, and suddenly things will synchronistically come together and you will quite simply manifest what you need—and quite often what you didn’t even realize you needed until there it is beside you, ready to be of service.
And once you are truly inside this state of flow, you’ll not only better know exactly what you need in order to accomplish your goals, you’ll know how to ask the Universe for the support you require, and in a way that actually gets results. And you’ll also bring out the best in those around you, inspiring and guiding them to operate at their own higher abilities, so you can together create better lives for yourselves, and a better world for everyone.
Week 6: Quantum Power #5
The Power of Quantum Healing and Endless Energy
In this session, Jean will show you how to develop abilities that will truly energize your body and mind. In our fast-paced modern world, life can sometimes take everything out of you, and you’re left feeling spent with nothing more to give. But it’s possible to tap into a deep reservoir of energy that is provided by the Cosmos that will refresh you, and light you up again, no matter how drained you were before.
This power will also allow you to experience increased bursts of inspiration and creativity so you can accomplish more at optimum energy levels and no longer experience the diminishing returns that happen as your energy lags over time.
During the session, you’ll also develop profound healing and energizing techniques, allowing you to more clearly “feel” into issues that arise in your body and intuitively know how best to approach them. Many of Jean’s students have reported being able to dramatically quicken their healing process by using these techniques. Just imagine what could be possible if you had this power at the ready in your daily life.
Week 7: Your Unique Genius
Integrating Your Quantum Powers into Your Life
This final week of the training is about setting you on a course to fully integrate your newly acquired Quantum Powers into every aspect of your life, allowing them to manifest what Jean calls your own “unique genius.” By the time you reach this session, you will already be operating at a whole new level of power, creativity, attraction and influence, with new possibilities opening up for you at almost every turn.
When you look back at the person you were before you started this journey, you will be so amazed at how held back by limitations you were that you may hardly recognize yourself. You will have the capacity to make a much larger difference in your own life and in the lives of others, and in the world, than you ever thought possible, and your life will truly begin to take on a mythic quality, as your actions will become heroic in ways both subtle and profound.
Jean will send you off into the world as a deeply conscious co-creator with the Universe—a transformed human being infused with your higher potential. On the everyday, practical level, things will flow so much more smoothly in your life. You will know how to expand time, attract the people and resources you need, and you will be able to learn new skills faster, gain more energy, and so much more. This is where you will truly begin to shine and be on your way to becoming a truly magnificent human!
Join Jean Houston for the Most Important
Training Program of Her Career
Here’s What You’ll Receive:
Seven 80-minute Audio Course Sessions
with Jean Houston
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Each week we will explore a new vista of possibility, as Jean supports you in making the next step in the process of your inner transformation. The course starts on Wednesday, February 1st when your transformative learning journey will begin. You will then receive a new course session each week for seven weeks.
Course Sessions are held on Wednesday evenings at 5:00pm Pacific Time and the schedule is as follows:
- February 1st
- February 8th
- February 15th
- February 22nd
- March 1st
- March 8th
- March 15th
As the course unfolds, you will have unlimited access to all of the course sessions including the audios (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player) and the transcripts of each session.
Seven Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions
with Jean Houston
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You’ll have the opportunity to interact with Jean around the questions that you and your fellow students have about the material and teachings covered over the 7-week course. Many people report that these live sessions are one of the best parts of Jean’s courses!
LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with Jean are on Mondays at 5:00pm Pacific Time, with the exception of our first meeting, which will occur on Tuesday, February 7th. Each call is 75 minutes, and the calendar is as follows:
- February 7th
- February 13th
- February 27th
- March 6th
- March 13th
- March 20th
- March 27th
You will also be able to listen to the recordings of these valuable Group Coaching Sessions if you are unable to attend the sessions live. It is a great way to tune into the collective intelligence of the Quantum Powers community.
7 LIVE Interactive Sessions with Your Learning Community
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At the end of each LIVE Group Coaching call with Jean you can join a live 30-minute interactive session where we will break you out into small groups to discuss the course content for that week. You’ll have the opportunity to interact live with other members of your learning community as you dive deeper into the practical step-by-step approach to discovering and living your life’s purpose.
Transcripts of Each Course Session
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Transcripts are a great resource to go back and quickly reference key concepts as you step into living a life of purpose and higher calling. The power of your learning will be integrated even more deeply as you refer back to your sessions in print.
Practice and Reflection Exercises for Each Course Session
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Practice and Reflection exercises are a great way for you to start to embody the lessons of the course in your everyday life. The exercises are designed to help you to learn the powers of association where you collaborate, co-create, and understand your higher purpose in very practical ways. You will be encouraged to think about what you are doing in images as well as words, and to run it through different states of consciousness, drop it into your meditations, work it through your different personae of the self, as well as archetypes and identities.
Access to Our Private Online Community
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You’ll be able to engage live with hundreds of other people who will support you in the transformative process of unlocking your Quantum Powers. As you go through the course you will be able to join with new friends online to share your successes and insights, and watch as they open themselves up to their highest calling alongside you. Through this collective engagement, you will experience the exciting connection that comes through doing deeply transformative work in community.
Access Your Quantum Powers
for a Fraction of the Cost
One of the best parts about this unique program with Jean is that you don’t have to travel!
Think about it… To travel to a live, in-person event with Jean would cost you hundreds (thousands if you’re international). And then you’d have to pay another few hundred for lodging, as well. All this on top of the cost of the program—and to work with Jean privately or in small workshops would cost even more.
So you’re already saving well over a thousand dollars with this special opportunity to work with Jean directly.
In addition to that, if you consider the years of counseling or coaching many people go through to make serious spiritual and psychological progress in their lives, that can cost upwards of several thousand dollars year after year.
But when you register for Jean’s Unlock Your Quantum Powers 7-Week Training, you’ll receive:
- Seven 80-minute Course Sessions
- Seven Live Group Coaching Sessions
- Seven Interactive Sessions with your peers
- Transcripts of each Course Session
- Guided Practice and Reflection Exercises for each Course Session
And thanks to the wonders of online learning, the ability to work with Jean right from the comfort of your own home, for as little as 2 payments of…
And because accessing and sustaining your Quantum Powers is such an important step in your evolution, Jean has also selected a few additional bonuses which will support you in being able to use your Quantum Powers in your everyday life right away…
Exclusive Bonus Guest Faculty Workshops
BONUS #1 – Audio Seminar with Claire Zammit, PhD.c
Unlocking Your Feminine Power:
How to Activate the 3 Power Centers to Release Old Patterns, Connect to Your Intuition & Manifest Your Greatest Vision
(Valued at $197)
While your work with Jean in the course will open up whole new vistas of possibility for your life, if you’re a woman, your experience of this opening will be different from that of a man. Unlike masculine power, which is the power to create things that can be controlled, Feminine Power is the power to manifest that which is beyond our control, including intimacy, relatedness, creative expression, authentic community, and meaningful contribution.In Claire Zammit’s own life and leadership journey, and in her work with over 200,000 women, she’s discovered the keys to unlocking this unique power through activating what she calls the “3 Power Centers.” And in this workshop, she’ll share tools and practices to help you move beyond your past, tap more deeply into your intuitive knowing, and create the kind of supportive partnerships with other women that are critical to be able to grow and develop yourself in the ways that matter most when it comes to living the greatest possibility of your life and co-creating the future of our world.
In this audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- Step into a vision for your life that excites and inspires you
- Break through the inner pattern that stands in the way of you creating a new life
- Quickly connect with your intuition to make important decisions
- Access the #1 key to manifesting something big in your life
- Open up to receive the support from others that you need to make the greatest difference with your gifts
About Claire Zammit
Claire Zammit is the co-creator of the Feminine Power courses for women and co-leads a thriving community of thousands of women throughout the world. She is a highly trained specialist in transformative education and is currently completing her doctorate in the field of Transformative Learning and Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies. She also holds a Masters degree in Social Ecology. Claire is the co-author of the forthcoming book, Feminine Power: Awakening to the Creative Force of Life and co-creator and co-host of the internationally acclaimed Women on the Edge of Evolution teleseries.
BONUS #2 – Audio Seminar with Lynne Twist
Unlocking Your Money Power:
How to Reclaim the Wealth of Your Inner Resources and Move into Sufficiency and Freedom (Valued at $197)
In the course, you’ll be discovering how to change your beliefs and mindset in regard to your life and what is real and possible for you, and some of the biggest psychological blocks you have can be in regard to money.This is why Jean is partnering with one of her close friends and colleagues, bestselling author Lynne Twist for this special workshop to more deeply address this particular challenge and remove the one thing standing between you and financial sufficiency.
In this special LIVE audio workshop, you’ll discover how to . . .
- Let go of your money baggage—the hurt, fear and doubt—so you can create new money patterns in your life
- Shift your scarcity mindset
- Experience a state of “enoughness” that will help you more deeply appreciate what you have and open up to creating true prosperity
- Wake yourself from the trance that sends you on wild goose chases trying to “get rich quick” and separating you from your deepest values
- Experience the true wealth that is achieved not just by financial independence but by a deeper connection to the “soul of money” itself
About Lynne Twist
For more than 40 years, Lynne Twist has been a recognized global visionary committed to alleviating poverty and hunger and supporting social justice and environmental sustainability. As a fundraiser and a philanthropist, she has raised hundreds of millions of dollars and worked with some of our global billionaires on their own relationship with money, as well as with Mother Teresa and people living in abject poverty. She is the author of the bestselling, award-winning book The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life.
BONUS #3 – Audio Seminar with Jim Kwik
Unlocking Your Super Brain:
How to Boost Your Memory, Remember Names, Read Faster and Accelerate Your Learning ($197 Value)
The process of developing your Quantum Powers involves increasing your mental abilities, and no one has a proven track record of success at teaching people how to do that than memory and learning expert Jim Kwik.If you ever have trouble remembering people’s names… or feel overloaded with the amount of information you need to read on daily basis… or if your list of great books just keeps growing longer because you can never get to them… or if there are new skills you’d like to develop fast to improve your job prospects…
Then Jim will show you exactly how to unlock the power to learn, think, read, and remember things faster than you ever thought possible, because you already have these abilities inside you. In today’s fast paced information age, knowledge is not only power, it’s confidence and profit, and your ability to learn quickly is your ultimate advantage.
In this special audio seminar, you’ll discover how to…
- Remember the names and faces of nearly everyone you meet
- Read faster with greater focus, comprehension and retention, while saving precious hours each week
- Recall and give a speech confidently without relying on notes
- Keep your brain strong and sharp as you age
And so much more!
About Jim Kwik
Jim Kwik is the founder of Kwik Learning and is a world-renowned expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning. For two decades he has served as the mental coach to students and seniors, entrepreneurs and educators, and as an advisor to many of the world’s leading CEOs and celebrities. After a childhood brain injury left him learning challenged, Jim created strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity and purpose. His clients include Virgin, Nike, Zappos, SpaceX, NYU, GE, Fox Studios, Harvard, and Singularity University.
***Brand-New, Never-Before-Offered
Bonus Added***
“Influential & Impactful Change Agent” Masterclass Series: Speaking, Storytelling, Writing & Evolutionary Entrepreneurship
(Valued at $997)
With Dr. Jean Houston & hosted by Claire Zammit
This is an incredibly rare chance to be directly mentored by one of the greatest speakers, storytellers and writers of all time!
For the FIRST TIME EVER, Jean is going to be sharing high-level trainings in specific areas that are absolutely critical for truly successful communication in the modern world.
If you want to make the greatest difference with your gifts in the dynamic and ever-evolving new world we’re a part of, the key skills of speaking, storytelling, writing, and evolutionary entrepreneurship are critical to being able to influence, impact, and serve at the highest level.
In this Masterclass Series, Jean will give you direct access to the the skills she’s spent over 60 years cultivating that you’ll need to better create and present your message, powerfully use the instrument of your voice, quickly and deeply connect with your audience, and create an instant sense of engagement that will lead you to greater success, regardless of your field and focus.
These skills of influence and impact are especially critical if you’re a coach, workshop leader, creative, therapist, speaker, change agent, or have your own business and simply want to increase your skills in communicating with your tribe.
Masterclass #1 with Jean: Public Speaking for Influence & Impact
Speaking to others is not just a natural gift; it is something that must be practiced and cultivated. Whether you’re doing a formal representation for a client or getting up to speak in front of a large group of people, it is important to be able to presence yourself and communicate a message that influences people to move in the direction you want to guide them towards. In this Masterclass, Jean will train you in giving a good talk, one that really turns on the hearts and minds of the audience, including how to prepare it, how to use the most effective speech patterns and cadences, as well as striking the right balance between emotion and information.
Masterclass #2 with Jean: Storytelling for Influence & Impact
If you want to be a change agent of any kind, the art of storytelling is one of the most critical capacities and skills you must develop for all of your communications. You must be able to tell both your own story and the stories of others in a way that draws the listener or reader in and allows them to experience the story internally, so they “feel” it, understand its message, and are moved in the way you want them to be. In this Masterclass, Jean will show you how to use storytelling to cross “the great divide of otherness” by actually incarnating stories as you tell them such that you become the story, and by becoming the story, the story becomes alive in the mind of the listener or reader.
Masterclass #3 with Jean: Writing for Influence & Impact
For those of us who are trying to make a difference in the digital age, writing is a critical skillset. Whether it’s for books, blogs, marketing communications, or simply Facebook comments, your writing must be engaging, really connecting with people, allowing you to build an audience and a tribe around whatever you are offering to the world. In this Masterclass, Jean will show you how to tap into the psychology and the spirit of writing to make it flow more naturally from you. She’ll also help you determine when your best time to write is for the unique flow of your own life, so you can work when you’re at your most creative, as well as how to approach all your writing as if you were writing a love letter intent on creating a rich communion with your reader.
Masterclass #4 with Feminine Power founder & Evolving Wisdom co-founder Claire Zammit: Evolutionary Entrepreneurship
In response to all the requests we’ve received to offer this additional component to our Masterclass Series, Evolving Wisdom and Feminine Power founder Claire Zammit will offer this exclusive additional Masterclass for conscious evolutionary change agents on how to leverage your skill and expertise to create a businesses that can help you to make a thriving living while fulfilling your greatest calling. Whether you’re considering starting your own business, wanting to make the leap to generating a full-time living and leaving your day job, or just want to get to the next level of visibility and impact, Claire will share with you the exact keys you need to be set up for success!
Claire Zammit is the Founder of Feminine Power and the Co-Founder of Evolving Wisdom, recognized as one of the top 100 fastest-growing companies in the United States by Inc. Magazine, and has reached over a million people with her own and Evolving Wisdom’s programs.
Don’t miss your chance to attend these invaluable additional “Influential & Impactful Change Agent” Masterclasses at no additional charge when you join Jean in the Unlock Your Quantum Powers program.
Rising Power: How You (Really) Can Make a Difference in the World
An Exclusive International Workshop with Four of the Most Extraordinary Women on the Planet (Valued at $297)
Featuring Dr. Scilla Elworthy (three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee), Ozioma Egwuonwo (CEO of BurnBright International), Dr. Rama Mani (international peace-building expert), and Jean.

Dr. Scilla Elworthy

Ozioma Egwuonwo

Dr. Rama Mani

Dr. Jean Houston
When you begin to develop your Quantum Powers, you will find yourself with the ability to do far more than ever before and with a far greater impact, allowing you to focus some of your time and energy on doing things to improve the world . . .
In this exclusive, first-of-its-kind bonus workshop, these three extraordinary women will be joining Jean to address one of the questions many people have been asking since they first found out about the Unlock Your Quantum Powers Training:
“Is it really possible for me to make a difference in the world?”
All four of these women, including Jean, are members of the collective Rising Women, Rising World, and each of them has found ways to have a continuously wider and more profound impact as their lives have progressed, but they all started small.
In this remarkable workshop, they will be sharing their stories with you, so you can see, step by step, how they were able to get from where they started to where they are now…
And they will also be giving you actionable ideas for making a bigger contribution, whether in your community, city, state, country, or the world.
During this powerful audio workshop, you will discover. . .
- How to turn your desire to help others into focused and fulfilling action
- How to go about choosing where to try to have a bigger impact
- How to focus your efforts and avoid spreading yourself too thin
- How to find close allies among others who are involved in the same efforts as you
- How to handle setbacks without letting them slow your momentum
- How to know whether your efforts are really making a difference
- And so much more . . .
About your workshop hosts:
Dr. Scilla Elworthy is from Scotland. She is a three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, winner of the Niwano Peace Prize, Founder of the Oxford Research Group and Peace Direct, and Councillor of the World Future Council. She was also an adviser to Desmond Tutu and Sir Richard Branson on the founding of The Elders, and her latest book is Pioneering the Possible: Awakened Leadership for a World that Works, and her TED talk on non-violence has been viewed by over 840,000 people.
Ozioma Egwuonwu is from Nigeria and raised in New York. She is a renowned speaker, writer, teacher and transformational strategist dedicated to helping individuals, businesses and communities reach their full potential. In 2012 she created World Dream Day, a global vehicle for empowering ideas, goals and dreams around the world. She also teaches a Masters course on Developing & Implementing Ideas at Columbia University, has spoken at the United Nations, and is the founder and CEO of BurnBright International.
Dr. Rama Mani is from India. She is a Councilor of the World Future Council, a Senior Research Associate of the University of Oxford’s Centre for International Studies, and a recipient of the 2013 Peter Becker Peace Prize. She was also formerly the Director of the Carnegie Corporation-funded multi-disciplinary research project at CIS: ‘Ending Mass Atrocities: Protect: Southern Cultural Perspectives’, culminating in the book, Responsibility to Protect: Cultural Perspectives from the Global South (Routledge 2011).
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Just to summarize, the total value of all of the elements of the 7-week course and exclusive bonuses is over $8,585:
- The Seven Module Core “Unlock Your Quantum Powers” System with Dr. Jean Houston (Valued at $3,000)
- Seven LIVE Group Coaching & Mentoring Calls with with Dr. Jean Houston and your course community (Valued at $2,000)
- Seven 30-Minute LIVE Small Group Interactive Sessions (Valued at $500)
- PDF Transcripts of training modules (Valued at $500)
- Weekly Practice & Reflection Questions (Valued at $700)
- Access to a private, online global community (priceless!)
- Bonus Guest Faculty #1 “Unlocking Your Feminine Power: How to Activate the 3 Power Centers to Release Old Patterns, Connect to Your Intuition & Manifest Your Greatest Vision” with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c (Valued at $197)
- Bonus Guest Faculty #2 “Unlocking Your Feminine Power: How to Activate the 3 Power Centers to Release Old Patterns, Connect to Your Intuition & Manifest Your Greatest Vision” with Lynne Twist (Valued at $197)
- Bonus Guest Faculty #3 “Unlocking Your Brain Power: How to Boost Your Memory, Remember Names, Read Faster, and Accelerate Your Learning” with Jim Kwik (Valued at $197)
- “Influential & Impactful Change Agent” Masterclass Series: Speaking, Storytelling, Writing & Evolutionary Entrepreneurship (Valued at $997)
- ***New Bonus Added*** “Rising Power: How You (Really) Can Make a Difference in the World” (Valued at $297)
TOTAL Value $8,585.
Regular Price $997.
Today you can Unlock Your Quantum Powers
for just a fraction of the price. Register Now for just:
or 2 payments of $207
With our Satisfaction Guarantee, you can try the course out for 14 days risk-free.
7 Week Course Starts Wednesday, February 1st
Join Our Global Community to Access the Tools, Training & Support You Need to Unlock Your 5 Quantum Powers, Live A Remarkable Life, And Make A Greater Difference In The World
Registration is now closed; however we will continue to accept registrations for a brief time while our team processes all the registrations we’ve received via phone and email in the last few days. Please go ahead and register right away as this page may close at any time.
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Visit our FAQ Page for answers to commonly asked questions.
If you have any additional questions, please email us at and we’ll be glad to assist you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an online course?
An online course delivers curriculum to you on a weekly basis which gives you the control to determine your best time to do the work. Whether your best times are mornings or evenings, you’ll be able to listen to the recorded sessions with Jean Houston at your convenience. The Course Sessions with Jean are recorded in advance, and the Group Coaching sessions will be live, scheduled for every week of the course (with recordings posted afterwards). Between sessions, participants are also invited to post reflections on our special Online Community Group and to interact with other participants.
Do I need any special equipment?
The only equipment you’ll need is a computer with an internet connection and a phone or SKYPE line to participate in the interactive sessions.
What if I miss a Course Session or Live Group Coaching Call?
There will be recorded audios available for you to download from the Online Learning Portal after every session. Many people who take the course are unable to attend all the sessions live, and they report that their experience is just as powerful. You may also post questions in advance for Jean to answer on the Live Group Coaching calls. You’ll feel very much a part of our community and enjoy the camaraderie of sharing the journey with other participants.
About Jean Houston
Dr. Jean Houston is a world-renowned scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities. She is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement.
Jean has worked extensively in 40 cultures and more than a 100 countries, helping global leaders and guiding educational institutions, business organizations, and millions of individual people to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness.
As advisor to United Nations agencies in human and cultural development, she has worked to implement some of their extensive educational and health programs, and since 2003, she has been working with the UN Development Program, training leaders in developing countries throughout the world in the new field of social artistry.
Dr. Houston was also an advisor to President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as helping Hillary write her bestselling book, It Takes A Village.
She is a prolific writer and author of 30 books, including A Passion for the Possible, The Possible Human, A Mythic Life, Jump Time, Manual of the Peacemaker, and The Wizard of Us.
Luminaries Speak About Jean Houston
“With elegant simplicity, Jean Houston shows you how to unleash the genius that lies in the depths of your being.”
—Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Soul of Leadership
“Jean Houston plays midwife to the next phase of our evolutionary journey. We are literally drawn from the smaller, personal self to the larger, universal possibility.”
—Marianne Williamson, author of The Age of Miracles
“I learned so much from her.”
—Former President Bill Clinton
“Jean Houston is a mighty guide at the very frontier of our conscious evolution, awakening the creative potential of us as individuals, as society, and really as pioneers at the very frontier of Life itself.”
—Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution
“Jean Houston’s mind should be declared a National Treasure.”
—Buckminster Fuller, author of Critical Path
“Jean Houston is the great producer of events and new possibilities as she orchestrates the voices of the new consciousness.”
—Margaret Mead, author of Male and Female
“I think that Jean Houston has broken through to a new understanding of the sense and uses of inward-turned contemplation—an understanding that leaves the Freudian schools of technique and theory far behind. The accent is not on the curing of disease but on the enlargement, rather, of our health.”
—Joseph Campbell, author of The Power of Myth
7 Week Course Starts Wednesday, February 1st
Join Our Global Community to Access the Tools, Training & Support You Need to Unlock Your 5 Quantum Powers, Live A Remarkable Life, And Make A Greater Difference In The World
Registration is now closed; however we will continue to accept registrations for a brief time while our team processes all the registrations we’ve received via phone and email in the last few days. Please go ahead and register right away as this page may close at any time.
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Visit our FAQ Page for answers to commonly asked questions.
If you have any additional questions, please email us at and we’ll be glad to assist you.