Conversations with God

This Special Limited-Time Offer Ends In
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Have you ever looked back at the path your life has taken and thought to yourself that it was all supposed to have turned out differently?
Is there a part of you that still yearns for love, prosperity, joy and purpose, in spite of all the disappointments, grief, and resentments you’ve experienced?
This is the weary and gravely dispirited place that millions of people find themselves in, and so you are not alone if you feel this way too.
My hope is that today you will find comfort and take heart, because if you are suffering any anger, resentment or disappointment, toward yourself or anyone else, I have a very important message for you:

These Are the Times When All That’s Left is God…
You see, it will often happen more than once in your life, when you feel utterly isolated and alone. No one is hearing you, no one can understand. So you stop trying to explain.
Your suffering and your desires and all that is churning inside you begins to go unsaid until eventually you suffocate on all those unspoken things — those sometimes unspeakable things.
After a while you begin to feel angered or resentful. Or perhaps you find someone to trust and you tell them your secrets… only to have them betray or disappoint you.
I’m not saying that these things happen all the time or that they have to.
But I am saying that they have happened to nearly every person I’ve ever talked to. And each person will lament that at the end of it all… they have nowhere to turn. Even with the world and their friends surrounding them, they feel they have no one.
And so all that is left is God.
Unfortunately, when you feel like this, you can often also feel as though God has abandoned you.
This can be a deep, crushing spiritual pain to experience.
The worst of it is the knowing that you were meant to do more, that there is a greatness inside you that is not being expressed or acknowledged… and that you have settled for a life where the best in you goes unspoken.
And on top of it all, you can’t feel a connection to the Divine Presence you were told would always be there for you.
This is not an easy place to be, but you need to know… it never had to be this way, and it doesn’t have to stay this way a moment longer…
Your Life is Meant to Be Limitless: Full of Joy, Purpose, and Deep Connection
Even as I write this, I can feel the response I would have had if someone had said this to me when I was in that hopeless, hurting place.
Yes, it sounds like good news, but inside we don’t believe it.
And if you don’t believe that your life is meant to be limitless, let me offer you my thoughts on why that may be:
In my experience, we often cannot see Perfection, Divinity, Love or Mercy as possible for us. We cannot give these vital things to ourselves because we know too much about ourselves.
We think ourselves unworthy of these things.
We imagine ourselves to be something other than what we really are. We cannot see the Divinity that Divinity Itself has placed in us. We cannot see the Innocence. We cannot see the Perfection in our imperfection.
Would you agree that you cannot create and experience that which you cannot see as possible?
In this lies the paradox, and the challenge… because here’s the ironic thing: you will never allow yourself to receive from someone else what you do not believe yourself worthy of. And you will never not create or give yourself something you DO feel worthy of.
So therefore no one else can give you what you have not yet given yourself.
If you do not have what you crave in life right now, no one else can give it to you. And if you haven’t been able to give it to yourself, then what?
In my experience, what is needed is a new perspective. We must learn to see ourselves and our life from a different place.
There Comes a Time When You Must Realize That You Are the Only Source There Is
And so it bears repeating: NO one is going to give to you what you have not already given yourself.
So the time is now to give to yourself what you so deeply desire.
And I understand how hard that can be. I myself found it brutally difficult at first. At least until I stepped through The Gateway: that passage that opened to me when I finally surrendered to Divine Guidance.
So, with your permission, I’d like to teach you how to find and pass through that same Gateway — the one I found through my first conversation with God, when I turned to Him with an angry pen and grieving heart… when I poured out all my frustrations and doubts, to then be wondrously filled up with Divine Wisdom and Love.
Enter this Gateway and Step Out of Suffering and into New Possibilities
Through this Gateway, you can awaken to the Truth about who you are, why you are here, what your Purpose is and how to live its greatness into being. You will be able to internalize and apply teachings that can connect you to God directly, so that you can heal any separation you have felt.
If, in the past you have suffered betrayal, broken relationships or a chronic disconnection from those you love or crave to receive love from.. you can wipe the slate clean and step into a life of soulful connection, unconditional love and healthy communication.
If, in the past you have endured struggle, failure and a lack of proper financial means or you’ve spun your wheels on that dream or business that just never took off… you can wipe that slate clean and step into a life of easy prosperity because you act from Purpose, with confidence and a sense of Worth.
If, in the past you have witnessed a world that is cruel, unfair or unsafe for you and others… you can surrender those wounded eyes and receive the Sight of Divinity that will show you the graciousness of others, the unconditional love that pervades and persists, and the greatness in you and others that will rise up to turn this tide.
If, in the past you have been broken… you can now choose to wipe the slate clean, and step forward into a future that is free, limitless, and exactly what you dream it could be.
Because you will discover that YOU are exactly who you dream you could be.
From Being Broken and Homeless After a Series of Crushing Blows… to a Purposeful Life Full of Prosperity, Love and Joy
I did not consider myself to be a special man.
When I reached my crossroads, I had failed as a husband and a father and was no longer living with my family. Shortly thereafter, I was struck in the street by a car and left with a broken neck.
My doctors told me I was lucky to be alive. I wasn’t so sure.
After more than a year of physical rehab, I was unable to find work anywhere. No one else would hire me and soon I couldn’t even maintain my tiny excuse for an apartment. Within months of being released from physical rehab, I was on the streets. Homeless.
I got a good hard and honest look at living life at the bottom. I had to endure the wet and frigid weather of Oregon, living out of a tent and collecting cans in the park and out of trash bins to recycle just for enough coins to buy food.
I felt empty, hopeless, and utterly forsaken.
Eventually I found a few modest jobs and finally got a roof over my head. But nothing could fill the pit in my stomach. Something was stolen from me during those hard years, and I didn’t know how to get it back.
And then, as you probably know, one day I wrote an anguished and furious letter to God. I hadn’t expected an answer, yet somehow a soft and gentle voice responded and that night, I began my conversations with God.
Over the years, those conversations freed me from my own prison. They nourished me and awakened me to a new perspective and approach to life.
Where once life seemed an uphill battle, I now live a life of deep purpose, connection with loved ones, and fulfillment. Every day I’m closer to who I know I could be.
And now, after stepping into a truly wonderful and awe-inspiring life… after 21 years and 30 books… I still don’t consider myself to be special.
I do not share my successes with you to boast or to tell you that this is the type of life you should want or seek. I simply share it with you to show you where I came from, and where I am today, and to say to you…
Enter this Gateway and Step Out of Suffering and into New Possibilities
I wish I could describe to you what that transformation was like: to crave and hurt and hope for so many things that never showed up for me… and then to surrender it all to my higher and truer yearning for God.
When I focused on wanting God, that’s when everything else showed up. Because it’s all connected. And we can spread ourselves so thin across so many areas of life and things that we want, until our effectiveness dwindles to zero. It turned out focusing on so many external things just didn’t work.
So why not go straight to the singular, ultimate and ONLY Source?
When you make that one shift, your world shifts with you.
And I can show you how to make that shift, because I want this same fullness and overflowing for you. Not just in your finances, or just in your relationship or health — I don’t want you thinking small here. I want you overflowing in all dimensions of your life.
I want you to touch the fabric of limitlessness with your own fingertips. I want you to know the kiss of the sun that dawns on your greatness and sets on your contented delight.
I want you giddy, peaceful, and lit up with possibility. Not because you hope for a new life, or even because you believe in its possibility. But because you have stepped into the actual living of your new life.
It won’t look like mine. But it will look precisely like yours!
Are you ready to step into the grandest notion of life that you ever thought possible?
Learn How to Make the One Essential Shift that Will Allow You to Live a Life of Limitless Possibility — in Just 7 Weeks…
During these 7 weeks I will give you tools, exercises and understandings that will help you live your life from the perspective of God. I will hold your hand and walk you through the Gateway, step-by-step, and lead you into limitless possibility, which is your right as a human being.
This course goes beyond the Conversations with God books to streamline and translate their more than 3,000 pages of information into applicable teachings with step-by-step guidance for everyday living.
Let me use an analogy here: cooking is not just about reading the cookbook, it’s about getting in the kitchen and making the meal. Anyone can read a recipe and imagine that delectable feast.
But for those who step into the kitchen, brazenly tackling each step of the recipe even when flour dusts their cheeks and clothes and egg yolk is getting stuck in their hair — these are the people who are rewarded with a meal they can enjoy and share with their loved ones.
For them, taking each step in the recipe will create a revelation for their senses and nourishment for their body. And what makes a meal a revelation isn’t so different from what can make your life a revelation.
So, in the same way, living your Truest Self and grandest life is about more than just reading Conversations with God or learning any system or process…
It’s about following the right process, in the right order, and installing that information into your daily life as lived wisdom and behavior. It’s about following the recipe and making the meal.
Because lasting change and true healing require more than intellectual understanding. You must transform from the inside out, by living what you learn until it becomes wisdom… habit… and Truth.
You must not only consume this information, but apply it, use it, and live it in your everyday life. A single epiphany is a wonderful thing, however you must live that epiphany in your daily action for it to affect your life and create the kind of change you crave.
This is why I decided to distill all the teachings in the Conversations with God series into 7 powerful steps. And why, for each step, I take you deeper into understanding so that it becomes wisdom… it is why I give you tools and exercises you can apply in your daily life so that it becomes behavior and habit…
…and why this course is a one-of-a-kind experience that will help you shift into a higher perspective and vibration, to free yourself forever from the prison of your current woundings and limiting beliefs.
with God
Discover the 7 Steps Out of Suffering &
Into Limitless Love, Prosperity & Joy
The Essential 7-Week Online Course
with Neale Donald Walsch
There Are 7 Steps Through the Gateway to Your Limitless Life…
When you take each of these 7 steps in the order they are taught, you can then rapidly move through the evolution of your own soul and expand your life and sense of bliss to levels you never dreamed existed. In essence, you raise your perspective toward and into the Sight of God.
As we discussed earlier, you can only create and experience what you see as possible and existing. Do you now understand why adopting God’s limitless perspective is the Gateway to what you want?

Dear Friend,
I’m truly grateful and inspired that you’re considering joining me for my Conversations with God Essential 7-Week Online Course.
I’ve been sharing the teachings in this program for many years now, and I know from the letters I’ve received that it has given many thousands of people the deeper connection to God and to themselves that was missing from their lives.
When I first began my own conversations with God and discovered how to listen to God’s responses, I was in a place of deep despair, and those conversations not only saved my life in many ways, they have turned my life into one of great meaning, adventure and joy.
This is the very experience I want for you, and know is possible, regardless of what your experience of your life is now.
One of my greatest joys is helping people like you to learn how to speak with God, and then watching how completely that new relationship transforms their experience of their lives and shifts their energy into a place of greater connection and compassion.
I hope you’ll let me show you how to begin having your own conversations with God.
With gratitude,
What Students are Saying…
“Seeing that I have had my missing key within me all my life, and didn’t know it, was profound.”
“I just loved this course. Seeing that I have had my missing key within me all my life, and didn’t know it, was profound. A huge door has opened up for me also in healing my emotional blocks.”
“The course has helped me to understand how to identify my truth, what is really important for me, and to identify unfinished business and reconciliation, all of which contributes to my personal evolution.”
“I’m very happy and grateful for participating in this course. It has helped me to understand how to identify my truth, what is really important for me, and to identify unfinished business and reconciliation which contributes to my personal evolution. It has helped me to learn how to connect with my soul.”
“…it was such an eye opener and joy to be part of the course. I now tell the truth without feeling guilty.”
“I loved the way you taught. Your presence…you were there with us and it was such an eye opener and joy to be part of that. I now tell the truth without feeling guilty. I no longer feel offended when things are not going the way I would think is the best. It gives me time to grow.”
“I now know I have everything I need and more inside me.”
“I feel like Neale is a new friend. He gave us tools for everyday, drawing us to the ‘who am I’ and ‘soul logic’ process. He taught us that we require no outside source for our guidance and knowledge…we have everything we need and more inside us. All so wonderful.”
“In this course, I actually learned to have my own conversation with God. Now I am journaling daily and I am happy all of the time!”
“For many years now I have been loving the Conversations with God books. In this course, I actually learned to have my own conversation with God. Now I am journaling daily and I am happy all of the time. It has made an incredible difference for me to have access to such profound information and insight in each moment of my day. I highly recommend this course to everyone.”
Here’s What You’ll Learn
Here’s what you’ll discover in this powerful 7-Week Course:
MODULE ONEStep 1 : Recognize What’s Missing in Your LifeSo You Know What Needs to ChangeIn Step 1 you’ll discover…
MODULE TWOStep 2: Explore The Vision For Your Best LifeSo You Manifest What You Really WantIn Step 2 you’ll discover…
MODULE THREEStep 3: Discover The System of The SoulSo You Understand Exactly How To Create The Life You WantIn Step 3 you’ll discover…
MODULE FOURStep 4: Complete With The PastSo You Can Remove Hidden Blocks and Enter A Grander FutureIn Step 4 you’ll discover…
MODULE FIVEStep 5: Finish Unfinished BusinessSo You Stop Self-Sabotage and Release the PastIn Step 5 you’ll discover…
MODULE SIXStep 6: Affirm The Deepest Truths Of Who You AreSo You Access Your New LifeIn Step 6 you’ll discover…
MODULE SEVENStep 7: Re-Unite With The DivineSo You Create Your Reality Anew Each DayIn Step 7 you’ll discover…
Neale Donald Walsch
Neale has written 30 books on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life, including the Conversations with God series. Seven of those books reached the New York Times Bestseller List, and the first book in the series occupied that list for over two-and-a-half years.
His most recent books are God’s Message to the World: You’ve Got Me All Wrong, The Only Thing That Matters, and Conversations with God for Parents: Sharing the Messages with Children. His books have been translated into 34 languages, selling nearly 10 million copies and touching countless people’s lives.
Here’s What Some of Today’s Luminaries are Saying About Neale Donald Walsch

Marianne Williamson
Author of A Return to Love, Everyday Grace and Tears to Triumph

Barbara Marx Hubbard
Foundation for Conscious Evolution

Jean Houston
Author of A Passion for the Possible

Alan Cohen
Author of A Daily Dose of Sanity
What You’ll Receive

Seven 75-Minute Audio Course Sessions Facilitated by Neale Donald Walsch (also available on Video)
In each Course Session, Neale will teach you, step-by-step, the practical tools and techniques you will need to embody the messages of Conversations with God in your daily life. With Neale’s guidance you’ll discover new ways to end emotional turmoil, access your own Divine wisdom, and begin living your life with a deeper connection to God. These sessions will be released weekly via the Online Learning Portal, where you’ll receive unlimited access to listen online or download the mp3 files to your computer or digital device.

Seven Downloadable 90-minute Q&A Sessions With Neale Donald Walsch
Following each of the 7 Course Sessions, you’ll be able to listen to these Group Q&A Sessions that were recorded during a semester when the course was offered live. Many participants have shared that these downloadable Q&A Sessions were just as powerful and important as the actual Course Sessions to their experience in the program. During these sessions, Neale answers the kinds of questions that often arise during the course, and he also works directly with participants, using his unique coaching process to help them address their individual challenges. Just witnessing this coaching will allow you to apply Neale’s process to your own life and more quickly integrate all you’ll be learning in the course. And just as with the Course Sessions, these Q&A Sessions will be released weekly via the Online Learning Portal, where you’ll receive unlimited access to listen online or download the mp3 files to your computer or digital device.

Practices and Reflections for Each Course Module
To guide and support you through the manifestation process, Neale has created weekly practice and reflection assignments that will empower you to create a new relationship with life and God. When you follow these assignments carefully you will begin to feel your spiritual vibration increase and you’ll sense a shift in your ability to create an intimate partnership with your Divine self. These will also be available weekly via the Online Learning Portal.

PDF Transcripts of Each Course Session
PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back and quickly reference key concepts and answers to frequently asked questions as you step fully into the Conversations with God material. These transcripts will also be available weekly via the Online Learning Portal.

Online Learning Portal
All of your course materials will be easily accessible throughout the course in our custom Online Learning Portal. Access course audios, videos, practice guides and transcripts anytime from your computer or mobile device. These course materials are yours to keep forever. Just download them at the end of the course and continue to draw upon them for inspiration and reinforcement during your continuing journey to God and to yourself!
In addition, you’ll be able to interact LIVE with hundreds of other kindred spirits who will support you through any challenges you may face as you engage the Conversations with God process. As you go through the course, you will be able to connect with new friends online to share your successes and insights, and watch as their lives begin to open up and transform right alongside yours.

LIVE Interactive Sessions with Your Learning Community
At the end of each LIVE Group Coaching Session with Neale, you can join a live 30-minute Interactive Session where we will break you out into small groups to discuss the course content for that week. You’ll have the opportunity to interact directly with other members of your learning community as you dive deeper into the Neale’s Conversations with God process.
**Today-Only Bonus**
The “Living A Miraculous Life”
Audio Collection
Discover How to Free Yourself from Suffering so You Can Live in the Moment & Fearlessly Answer the Calling of Your Soul
($985 Value)
To complement your course material we have brought together some of the world’s greatest teachers as guest faculty to further enrich your course experience.
Bonus Audio Seminar #1:
Marianne Williamson
Everyday Miracles: Inviting the Divine into Your Day-to-Day Life
($197 Value)
Have you ever wondered how some people effortlessly receive the miracles they desire… or perhaps how easily you can create a parking spot — but not the love you crave, the career you deserve, or the money you require?
Join Neale and Guest Faculty Marianne Williamson for a special online seminar where she will reveal the missing link that connects us to the miraculous.
During this audio seminar you’ll discover how to. . .
- Release anger and negativity so you can experience miracles every single day.
- Transcend the destructive power of stress and allow the “mind of spirit” to be in charge of your life from now on.
- Truly embrace forgiveness, for others and for yourself, giving you access to sources of unlimited love and compassion.
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Four of these have been #1 New York Times Best Sellers. A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure …” – often misattributed to Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural address – is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers.
Bonus Audio Seminar #2:
Eckhart Tolle
A New Way of Being in the World: How to Transcend Your Thinking Mind and Live in the Moment
($197 Value)
What if you could be more in the moment and less troubled by the little distractions and annoyances in life—more able to focus on the bigger things you sense in your heart that you are meant to do?
An how much better would your life be if you could overcome the fear and doubt that so often color your actions and reactions to the things that happen to you?
In this powerful seminar, Eckhart explores with Neale (and with you) his groundbreaking ideas about reinventing the way you show up in your own life and in the world.
In this powerful seminar, you will discover how to . . .
- Be fully present in every moment, so you can operate at your highest level.
- Quiet the chatter and constant judgement of your mind so you can act from your true self.
- Understand what the Universe wants from you, so you can fulfill your reason for being here.
- Find the balance between your physical self and the Divine part of you that is beyond form so you can experience lasting peace and satisfaction.
- Overcome any addiction you might be suffering from and find a new, more fulfilling way of being.
- Surrender to the incredible power of not knowing and step into the Now so you can access your Divine creativity and let it flow into the world.
- Stop your egoic mind from saying “No” to life so you can experience the power and peace that comes from saying “Yes”!
Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and author who was born in Germany and educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge. At the age of 29, a profound inner transformation radically changed the course of his life. The next few years were devoted to understanding, integrating and deepening that transformation, which marked the beginning of an intense inward journey. Later, he began to work in London with individuals and small groups as a counselor and spiritual teacher. Since 1995 he has lived in Vancouver, Canada. Eckhart Tolle is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Power of Now (translated into 33 languages) and the highly acclaimed follow-up A New Earth, which are widely regarded as two of the most influential spiritual books of our time.
Bonus Audio Seminar #3:
Byron Katie
Living Without Your Story: How to Free Yourself from Suffering by Becoming Who You Really Are
($197 Value)
After a ten-year spiral into depression, rage, and self-loathing, Byron Katie woke up one morning in a state of joy that has never left her. She realized that when she believed her stressful thoughts, she suffered, but when she questioned them, she didn’t.
Through her simple yet powerful process of self-inquiry, called “The Work,” she has shown people around the world how to live in a state of clarity and peace.
When you are cut off from the person you truly are, life reflects that back to you with experiences in your job, your relationships and your health that are often the opposite of what you know you want them to be. And worst of all, sometimes even your successes feel empty.
The reason this happens is because of the stories you tell yourself about the events of your life—stories which are very often not true.
Katie will help you transcend your stories and love what is provided for you in every moment. She will help you be brave enough to find out who are you… without your stories.
In this unique seminar, you will discover how to . . .
- Tell the difference between what actually happens in your life and the stories you make up about it, so you can let the stories go and become your true self.
- Do “The Work,” Byron Katie’s powerful process of self-inquiry, so that you’ll be able to question any stressful thought and remain centered.
- Use a simple and effective process that will return you to yourself when you begin to lose your way in any situation.
- Stay connected to the wisdom of your soul that is so critical to success and happiness in life.
Byron katie is a spiritual teacher whose six books include the bestselling Loving What Is, I Need Your Love – Is That True? and A Thousand Names for Joy.
Bonus Audio Seminar #4:
Panache Desai
Living Fearlessly: The Secret to Finding Joy When Everything Seems to Be Going Wrong in Your Life
($197 Value)
Are you ready to radically shift the way you meet life regardless of the challenges you may be facing? Stop fighting against the raging current of day-to-day circumstances, the ups and downs of financial lack, relationship challenges, health scares, loss and loneliness. Are you ready to experience an energy that knows no judgment… that is never limited by boundaries—that defies logic—that sees no challenges and manifests as magic and miracles?
Vibrational catalyst Panache Desai and Neale explore the secret to Living Fearlessly even in the face of tough times. Through Panache’s insightful and effective vibrational teachings and tools, he empowers you to meet the energy of fear head-on, increase your vibration, and immerse yourself in the frequency of unconditional love and possibility.
During this incredible seminar, you’ll discover . . .
- Powerful insights into why your life appears to be falling apart and what’s waiting for you on the other side.
- The secret to approaching any hardship and how to lovingly expand from fear to love.
- A process for dislodging the energetic blocks that keep you living as a victim.
- An energetic transmission that will support you in moving through challenges with grace and ease.
Panache Desai is a contemporary spiritual teacher and inspirational visionary whose gift of vibrational transformation has drawn thousands of people from around the world to him. Not aligned with any religious or spiritual tradition, he acts as a direct line to divine consciousness, empowering people to free themselves of pain, suffering, sadness, and self-limiting beliefs.
A highly sought-after speaker, Panache recently appeared with Oprah Winfrey on the Emmy® Award-winning series, Super Soul Sunday. He has also been a featured speaker at the OMEGA Institute for Holistic Studies, KRIPALU Center for Yoga and Health, Hay House’s I CAN DO IT!, and in the Huffington Post. His first book, Discovering Your Soul Signature, was released in 2014.
Bonus Audio Seminar #5:
Barbara Marx Hubbard and
Dr. Jean Houston
The Storm Before the Calm: How to Navigate Your Current Life Challenges to Unlock the Potential of Your Soul’s Calling
($197 Value)
Discover how the challenges you face can actually be the key to living your greatest destiny.
In this special seminar, you’ll discover . . .
- The secret to attaining the peace, security, prosperity, happiness and love you crave.
- Perspectives and insights that will allow you to move beyond your current struggle and into a life of greater abundance.
- The key to unlocking the flow of new possibilities into your everyday life.
- How to allow even your negative experiences to teach you something valuable about life, God, and the truly Divine future that awaits you.
Barbara Marx Hubbard is a social innovator, speaker, author, educator and leader in the new worldview of conscious evolution. In 1990 Barbara co-founded the Foundation for Conscious Evolution through which she developed the Gateway to Conscious Evolution, a global educational curriculum enrolling participants in the developmental path toward the next stage of human evolution.
Dr. Jean Houston is a guiding light in the world. One of the principle founders of the Human Potential Movement, she is a tireless teacher, dynamic speaker, author, innovator and is one of the leading visionary women of our time. Jean is the founder and principal teacher of the Mystery School, dedicated to teaching and exploring the many dimensions of human potential. She is the author of 27 books, including Jump Time: Shaping Your Future in a World of Radical Change and The Wizard of Us: Transformational Lessons from Oz.

Just to summarize, the total value of all the elements of the 7-week course and the exclusive bonuses is well over $5,000:
- Seven 75-Minute Audio Course Sessions Facilitated by Neale Donald Walsch (also available on Video) ($2,000 Value)
- Seven Downloadable 60-minute Q&A Sessions With Neale Donald Walsch ($2,000 Value)
- Practices and Reflections for Each Course Module (Priceless!)
- PDF Transcripts of Each Course Session (Priceless!)
- Access to Our Custom-Designed Exclusive Online Learning Portal ($205 Value)
TOTAL Value Over $5,000
Register Now for just:
1 payment of $794
With our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee you can try the course out for 14 days risk free. If you are not satisfied with the program for any reason, we will gladly refund your tuition.
Enroll Now with our Special “Awaken in 2017” Holiday Offer
Until December 28th you can purchase the entire digital audiocourse for 50% off!
Join us for the profound journey of a lifetime to master how to tap into and harness energy to create your best life and step forward into your unique leadership.
The New 7-Week Course Starts Monday, April 3rd
With our Satisfaction Guarantee you can try the course out for 14 days risk free. If you are not satisfied with the program for any reason, we will gladly refund your tuition.

This Special Limited-Time Offer Ends In
- days
- hours
- minutes
- seconds
If you have any questions about this program, please email us at conversationswithgodsupport@evolvingwisdom.com and we’ll be glad to assist you.