True Prosperity: 7 Weeks to Financial Freedom
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Regardless of where you live, how much money you make, or how successful you are, there’s a message you’ve been fed your whole life that is reinforced daily by the media, in television, magazine and internet advertising…
And that message is that you don’t have enough, you are not enough, and there is always something more that you need to get or be in order to be successful, happy, and worthy of respect and love.
And the worst part is that you’ve heard it so many times now, you believe it’s true.
You’ve been striving to achieve financial freedom your whole adult life, but no matter how much money you have at any given time, it probably never feels like enough…
Chances are you even argue with your partner and/or your family about how to spend it, save it, and invest it.
You probably dread having to look at your bank statements, as well as your bills—even if you have no trouble being able to pay them…
And you might even have residual feelings of guilt, shame or fear that stem from traumatic experiences involving money in your past.
All of this is caused by an underlying cultural condition Lynne Twist (bestselling author of The Soul of Money) and acclaimed wealth coach Tammy White call “Scarcity Consciousness.”

Why Haven’t You Been Able To Achieve Financial Freedom?
The root problem is that scarcity consciousness and the unhealthy relationship with money it causes are the biggest obstacles standing in the way of your being able to achieve the levels of wealth and financial security you want to reach.
In your day-to-day life, do you ever…
- Feel like there’s never enough time to do so many of the things you really want to do, like have fun, spend quality time with your family, or sleep?
- Feel like the more money you make, the less free time you actually have?
- Worry about what setback is going to hit you next?
- Get anxious or stressed when you think about managing your money and maintaining or elevating your lifestyle?
- Feel like you might be overspending on things you never really use?
- Feel burdened by debt, in spite of working to pay it down?
- Struggle with trying to effectively budget your time and finances to take more vacations with your family?
- Worry whether you’re saving enough for your children’s education?
These are the kinds of experiences almost everyone has in their relationship with money, from the wealthiest people on earth to those who have little or no financial resources, and they’re all caused by scarcity consciousness…
And while there’s no doubt that having more money can make your standard of living better, until you overcome your own scarcity consciousness, it can sometimes even amplify your problems.
The good news is that by making a few powerful mindset shifts and using some simple financial management tools, you can open the door to the life of prosperity you’ve always sensed was possible.
Imagine how much more you’d be able accomplish in your life if you felt completely relaxed, confident and financially secure.
Just think of the positive impact you could have on yourself, your family and your community if you no longer experienced anxiety and stress around money in your life.
Once you leave scarcity consciousness behind and learn to use the simple financial tools Lynne and Tammy want to share with you, you will…
- Feel unshakable confidence in your capacity to generate the money you need for you and your family to thrive and live an extraordinary and fulfilling life—regardless of the economy
- Know that you’re able to manage unexpected expenses with ease
- Experience the deep nourishment, strength and wellbeing that comes from aligning your spending with your deepest values
- Feel satisfaction in paying your bills every month and being able to easily meet your financial obligations
- Have the time and money to pursue your highest calling
- Amplify your earning power so that you are able to maximize your income
- Save and invest in ways that leave you feeling excited and at peace about the ways you’re creating wealth
- Feel so overflowing with prosperity that you can confidently and generously make a meaningful contribution to the causes you most deeply care about
If you’re ready to step out of the seemingly endless cycle of working, earning, wanting, buying, and trying to manage your money…
Lynne and Tammy are ready to show you how to develop the simple skills, practices and tools of wealth-building, and help you free yourself from the influence of scarcity consciousness, so you can leave those toxic ideas about money behind…
so you can experience True Prosperity.
True Prosperity
7 Weeks to Financial Freedom
with Lynne Twist and Tammy White
We’re excited to be able to give you the opportunity to work with these two brilliant women, bestselling author of The Soul of Money Lynne Twist and wealth coach Tammy White in their comprehensive training program to help you reach True Prosperity.
And now, for the first time ever, this groundbreaking course is available in a digital E-learning format. Each week, you’ll receive online and downloadable access to a complete Course Module containing a Course Session Audio, a LIVE Group Coaching Session, a printable Practice Guide, and Course Session Transcript.
Over 7 consecutive weeks, from the privacy and comfort of your own home, you’ll discover how to shift from scarcity consciousness to prosperity consciousness, and Lynne and Tammy will show you how to use the simple tools that will transform your life into one of security, comfort, and possibility.

A Letter From Lynne Twist
Dear Friend,
For the past 40 years, I’ve been sharing my insights into money and life with others. I’ve helped people in dire poverty, working closely with people like Mother Teresa, as well as with global billionaires and people at every stage in between, all over the world.
Some years ago now, I teamed up with my good friend, wealth coach Tammy White and we set out on a mission to help people like you develop a healthy relationship with money, so you can comfortably do the things that matter most to you, and deeply enjoy the rest of your life.
We’ll show you how to spend your money more consciously, amplify your earning potential, and build the level of wealth you want to reach through smart saving and investing.
It’s as simple as that, and our approach has worked for thousands of people just like you all over the world.
We invite you to join us for our 7-week training program, where we’ll help you discover what it means to finally experience True Prosperity.
Lynne Twist
Here’s what some of those who’ve worked with Lynne and Tammy have said about them:
“The True Prosperity Course was heaven-sent. It came at a time where things were rather bleak for me and money was nowhere to be found. But within 2 weeks of the class, money was flowing in like never before. I started to understand that being/living in fear and scarcity kept money away from me. So I released the fear and scarcity mindset… and it has been a great transformation!”
Adaora, Landover, Maryland
“I call this the $15,000 course! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED it and got a LOT out of it. The day after I signed up I sat down and finally had the courage to face a challenging tax situation I’d been avoiding. I ended up getting a $15,000 tax refund so the savings I had dipped into suddenly reappeared. More miracles followed with new clients appearing for my new career and my old and $3,000 worth of house insulation to be done at no cost to me. By the end of the course I was also I was told by an employer that I was eligible for $15,000 towards my son’s college tuition! I also reignited a long held dream to own an investment property and I’m hopeful that I will now realize my dream of owning a second property.”
Amber, Asheville, South Carolina
“Over $10,000 has flowed in from unexpected sources! I’m investing some of it in starting a business while the rest is going toward paying off a big chunk of debt and creating a cushion for living expenses while I get my business up and running. I’m much clearer on my direction/purpose and am excited about going for it. My confidence and determination are back! My relationship with my husband has improved and there is a sense of relief, trust, and spaciousness around money that I haven’t felt in a very long time.”
Lynne, Lamoine, Maine
“I am less fearful around the topic of money. My husband and I speak honestly and openly about our money situation and I now have control over the spending and saving of our money and this is very empowering. I’ve become more open to different streams of income and am next workshopping to expand my business in unthought of ways. The universe has provided some amazing people to come into my life to help me expand. I would not have had the confidence or been open to this prior to the course. Thank you!”
Barb, Wavell Heights, Australia
“I’ve paid off one of three credit cards, am well into paying off the second, and have a clear plan to pay off the third. Just seeing this on the spreadsheet is such a celebration!”
Laura, Toronto, Canada
“My income has expanded, I’m now able to manage my spending more confidently and in ways that make me feel in control. I’m less fearful about the future. I’m budgeting and it is great. I’m now living a more simplistic life, wasting less and actually feel more fulfilled!”
Melissa, Canberra, Australia
“I just doubled my rate and brought in a new client, and after three years of blogging for an educational site, I have the confidence to take a course that will assist me in putting it into book form. The information, encouragement and tools given during the course has had an impact on my life that continues to expand. The confidence I’ve gained was definitely worth the price of admission to a new world where money and I are partners.”
Ellie, San Francisco, California
Here’s What You’ll Learn
Here’s what you’ll discover in this powerful 7-week program:
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MODULE ONEStep One: Break Free From Your “Scarcity Blocks” To Wealth![]() By the end of Week 1, you will…
Of all the steps on your path to true prosperity, this is the most fundamental. It’s the key to creating a fertile foundation so you can turn endless possibilities into the rich, prosperous life of your dreams. |
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MODULE TWOStep Two: Align With The 3 Natural Laws Of Wealth![]() In Week 2, you will…
As you’ll find out in this week, the 3 Natural Laws will give you a sense of freedom, strength and joy. Making them a part of your very being will help you transcend the cultural consciousness of scarcity and stay on your true path to wealth and prosperity. |
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MODULE THREEStep Three: Create Your Personal Prosperity Map![]() Prosperity awaits you when you create from your own core. And this leads to the focus of Week 3, where you will design your path to Prosperity with intention and focus. In Week 3, you will…
There’s nothing as freeing, exciting and confidence-building as deciding to pursue your own direction. This step is absolutely critical to True Prosperity and will reignite passion and clarity in your life. |
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MODULE FOURStep Four: Make Friends With Your Money By Taking Your Personal Wealth Inventory![]() In Week 4, you will…
This week will shine a light on your unconscious money habits and behaviors, which may be very eye-opening. Prepare for many “aha”s as Tammy and Lynne guide you through this powerful session. |
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MODULE FIVEStep Five: Activate Your Wealth-Building Power Skills Of Planning, Saving & Giving![]() In Week 5, you will…
Many people, especially those who are creative and spiritually-centered, think that focusing on finances seems too technical. But by the end of this week, you’ll feel confident that even if you have difficulty with numbers, or cringe at the idea of using rigid software, you can become a master of your finances. |
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MODULE SIXStep Six: Amplify Your Earning Power & Impact![]() In Week 6, you will…
Tammy and Lynne consider this week the pinnacle of the path to True Prosperity. This is where you’ll be converting your inner wisdom into outer action that can impact your experience in a profoundly powerful way. |
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MODULE SEVENStep Seven: Establish Your Daily Wealth Lifestyle![]() In Week 7, you will…
Once you have examined your toxic beliefs around money and are able to see the scarcity consciousness arise in its many forms, it will never be able to get its grip on you in the same way again. Anytime it starts to, you’ll be able to free yourself from it by committing yourself again and again to the tools and practices Tammy and Lynne will share with you. |
Lynne Twist & Tammy White
Lynne Twist first came to public prominence as the chief fundraiser for The Hunger Project, where she raised over 200 million dollars in the course of her tenure. She also co-founded The Pachamama Alliance, a nonprofit organization on a mission to empower the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture. For more than 40 years now, she has been a recognized global visionary committed to alleviating poverty and hunger and supporting social justice and environmental sustainability. Her bestselling, award-winning book The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life has been translated into eight languages, and she has been featured on NPR, PBS, The Huffington Post, Mehmet Oz Radio, Oprah and Friends Radio, and in The Chicago Tribune and The San Francisco Chronicle.
Tammy White was a leader and business owner in the mortgage industry for over 20 years, building one of the most successful real estate brokerage firms in the San Francisco Bay Area. She currently serves as a strategic advisor to Lynne’s The Soul of Money Institute, and is a board member with The Pachamama Alliance. She is also a facilitator for The Alternatives to Violence Project in the California state prison system.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this powerful 7-week program:
- Why wealth has been an elusive force in your life, and why it’s been such a struggle to ask for the money you deserve, honor the money you do have in your bank account, and keep adding to it, so you can feel secure.
- Why you don’t need to be a math whiz, or love financial speak, in order to become a master of your finances.
- The 7 simple steps you MUST follow to transform your relationship with money, so it becomes an ally and a source of empowerment, rather than a trigger for guilt and confusion.
- Practical exercises to help you dissolve the dark cloud that has been hanging over your head for years around money, so you can enjoy a pure relationship with money that helps you attract it, and grow with it.
- Step-by-step systems and tools that will empower you (and your bank account), so you can begin to build sustainable wealth and feel more confident in your money choices.
- What your unique relationship with money looks like right now, how it’s holding you back, and what specific areas you need to repair in order to build wealth.
- How real people from all economic levels have overcome their core issues with money and now live a wealthy life, both financially and emotionally, where fears around poverty and success, and shame and confusion around money no longer call the shots.
- How to stop living your life on autopilot, ruled by others’ expectations of you, so you can begin to live a life of your own design, where earning money feels natural and connected with your unique individual value.
- How to develop completely new ways of thinking that break down old, unhealthy inner workings, so you can discover a more enlightened way to think about money and your place in the world.
What Luminaries are Saying About Lynne and Tammy
Claire Zammit, Feminine Power Founder
Lisa Nichols, New York Times Bestselling Author and Motivational Speaker
SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy), Bestselling Author & Artist
Mike Robbins, Bestselling Author of Focus on the Good Stuff and Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken
What You’ll Receive

Seven 60-minute Course Sessions with Lynne Twist and Tammy White
In the course sessions with Lynne and Tammy, you’ll learn the principles and practices of releasing your scarcity consciousness, taking control of your financial future, and living a life of True Prosperity.
On-demand Course Sessions will be released on Mondays, starting on May 15th. Course Sessions will become available to you via the Online Learning Portal, where you can listen online or download them to your computer or digital device.
You’ll receive unlimited access to all of the course session audios (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player).

Seven Live Group Mentoring Sessions with Lynne Twist and Tammy White
In these rich sessions, Lynne and Tammy dialogue with people from around the world, answering questions, helping people solve their unique challenges on the Journey to Wealth, and deepening into the course sessions. They also address common questions about the course sessions to further support you in integrating your learning. It’s a great way to tune into the collective intelligence of the True Prosperity community, and many participants report that these Group Mentoring Sessions are an invaluable resource.
Live Group Mentoring will take place on Thursdays at 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm Eastern starting on Thursday, May 18th.
You’ll receive unlimited access to all of the course session audios (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player).

Practices and Reflections for Each Course Session
To guide and support you through these transformative processes, Lynne and Tammy have created weekly practice and reflection assignments that will empower you to experience money in a new way—as a source of authenticity, empowerment, freedom, and joy in your life.
They will allow you to take what you’ve discovered in each session and apply it to the way you look at and live your daily life, in very specific ways, so you can integrate the learning much more quickly.

PDF Transcripts of Each Course Session
PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back and quickly reference key concepts covered in the course sessions. If you prefer to follow along with a written format, you’ll love these downloadable transcripts.

Custom Online Learning Portal
All of your course materials will be easily accessible throughout the course in our custom Online Learning Portal, and available anytime from your computer or mobile device. And these course materials are yours to keep! Just download them at the end of the course and continue to draw upon them for inspiration and reinforcement for your ongoing journey.

Online Community Forum for Discussion and Connection
Engage online with other course participants in this supportive learning community. As you go through the program, you will be able to connect with others online to share your breakthroughs and insights, and support each other in deepening into the principles and teachings. Through this collective engagement, you will experience the power that comes through doing deeply transformative work in community.
When you invest in this program, you’ll get:
- Seven 80-minute Weekly Audio Course Sessions with Melanie
- Seven 80-minute LIVE Q&A Sessions with Melanie
- PDF transcripts of each Course Session
- Guided Practice & Reflection Questions
- Custom online learning portal
- Online community forum for discussion and connection
Register by Midnight Pacific Time Thursday, April 27th, and you’ll also receive…
“Breaking Free From Your Hidden Money Story” with Lynne Twist & Tammy White
LIVE via VIDEO* “Virtual Living Room” Bonus Workshop
Uncover and Heal Your Core Money Wounds & Meet Your True Prosperity Mentors Lynne and Tammy LIVE from Anywhere in the World
Is money a source of shame, guilt, fear or stress for you? If so, there is a story that will show you why.
During this intimate online video gathering, Lynne & Tammy will help you uncover and transform your deepest block to experiencing True Prosperity—your hidden money story.
This unique story you’ve been unconsciously telling yourself throughout your life about what money is and what it means to you is the source of the “core money wounds” that have been shaping your money habits since you were young.
During the workshop, Lynne and Tammy will also guide you through a special exercise they’ve created that will allow you to gain deep insights into your money story, enabling you to more easily free yourself from the hold it has ever you.
Once you’re able to see you own story so clearly, you’ll be able to begin to change your story into one that leads to the level of wealth, security and fulfillment you deserve.
You’ll also be able to interact with Lynne and Tammy during the gathering, and ask questions.
This special LIVE Bonus Workshop is only available to those who register for the training tonight, and it will support you to gain the greatest benefit from all you will be discovering and learning in the training from Lynne and Tammy, setting you up for true and lasting financial freedom.
*NOTE: If you don’t have access to video, audio only access is available.
When you register by Midnight Pacific Time on Friday, March 31st, you’ll also receive our Special EARLY RSVP Bonus Package:
“Jumpstart Your Income and Inspiration”
Generate $1,000 or More in the Next 30 Days & Be Inspired into Possibilities for Your Impact, Income and Influence With Our Inspiring Guest Mentors (a $997 Value)
This special bonus package includes 2 amazing bonuses featuring our 4 Guest Mentors that will set you up for success even before the Lift-Off Business Academy Training Program begins!
BONUS #1: A LIVE Virtual Workshop with SAM BENNETT, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF GET IT DONE, where you’ll discover…
“HOW TO MAKE $1,000 (or more!) IN 30 DAYS OR LESS” (Valued at $497)
One of the best things about being in the Lift-Off program is that Amy is going to give you the BEST resources, along with access to her personal secret weapons. For this special bonus, Amy is giving you access to one of her dearest friends, bestselling author Sam Bennett.
One of the biggest ways heart-centered entrepreneurs get in their own way when it comes to generating more revenue and impact is by getting bogged down in perfectionism and procrastination. And then when you add in the challenge of money, they often become completely blocked.
That’s why Amy invited Sam to do a LIVE virtual workshop and training just for our Lift-Off Academy students who register early. She is one of the best out there when it comes to helping creative entrepreneurs get unstuck and out of their own way so they can generate money…fast.
During this special interactive training call, Sam will guide you through her step-by-step process to help you create and generate a minimum of $1,000 (which more than covers your investment in this very course!) in under 30 days.
Sam will walk you in the side door of your relationship with money, then spin you around three times, access your amazing creative magic, sprinkle some super-practical sales and marketing insights around, and POOF! You’ll leave with a clear plan that’s been created in a whole new way that can lead you to a whole new life.
Those who’ve worked with Sam have had incredible results with the method she’ll be guiding you through in just 90 minutes, including one client who even generated $7,500 in under 2 weeks, and another who made $850 in 24-hours!
What will your success story be?
In this inspiring LIVE webinar, Sam will share with you…
- How you can make $1,000+ any time you want in fun, creative ways that align with your soul
- How to systemize your money flow so that it turns on like a faucet
- 3 powerful questions that will have you making choices from your Center of Power and Your Inner Wisdom
- Sam’s toolshed of 6 fascinating strategies that make the impossible seem very possible
**Sam’s Promise: She will NOT get off the call until every single person feels like they have a personal, workable plan in front of them to make $1,000. No joke.**
About your guest mentor Sam Bennett: Sam is a writer, speaker, actor, teacher and creativity/productivity specialist and author of the bestselling, “Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day” (New World Library) which Seth Godin called, “An instant classic, essential reading for anyone who wants to make a ruckus.” Her latest book is, “Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers and Recovering Perfectionists.”
BONUS #2: “The Secret to Feminine Success” Series (Valued at $497)
In this dynamic and inspiring series hosted by Feminine Power Founder, Claire Zammit, you’ll be inspired by four of the most powerful women entrepreneurs in the transformational industry—Ali Brown (named by Forbes as “a woman to watch”), Sandra Yancey (founder of the acclaimed Ewomen Network), and Zhena Musyka (bestselling author, publisher, and founder of Zhena’s Gypsy Tea).
In this audio seminar series, these brilliant women will share their wisdom, tools and insights into how you can unleash your Feminine Power to create success, influence and impact in ways that are deeply true to your values.
Many people dabble with having their own business and putting themselves and their service out into the world, but unless you get serious about learning how to do it right, it will always be a drain on your energy and will never make a profit. Ali Brown has been there and she knows all the pitfalls to avoid, as well as a few simple shortcuts that will help you make your business the profitable success it can absolutely be. According to Ali, it’s all about deciding how “big” you want to play, and then going all-in to make it happen!
In this powerful audio seminar, Ali will share with you…
- The 3 things you MUST do to create your Entrepreneurial Dream Career
- How the feminine trajectory of success differs then what we’re used to, and how to get comfortable with it until it becomes second-nature
- Why the world won’t change unless women step into their boldness—and how to unleash yours (hint: you don’t need to feel confident to have courage!)
The inspiring story of how Zhena created her Gypsy Tea company and publishing imprint is a truly remarkable one, and there is much to learn from how she approached that process every step of the way. According to Zhena, she owes so much of her success to following her own intuitions (that often flew in the face of logic!) and trusting the synchronicities that arose as she pursued her dream. Her tips for tapping into that same flow in your life and business will be invaluable!
In this inspiring audio seminar, Zhena will share with you…
- How her path and story can help you follow yours to its best outcome, and why being yourself fully is the foundation for any business that will bring happiness to you and the world
- How she raised $8.5 Million in venture capital for her company and how you can model after her to create huge success in your life
- Why women have an advantage as entrepreneurs and how you can begin to have more trust and confidence in your own feminine knowing
One of the biggest missteps you can make in creating your own business is thinking you have to do it all alone and wanting what you create to be something that is “all yours.” because most truly successful entrepreneurs and businesses are the result of some magical teamwork and sharing of resources that made that success possible. Sandra Yancey’s journey to success with her company, Ewomennetwork, is a study in that dynamic, and you’ll benefit deeply from hearing about everything she learned along the way!
In this elevating audio seminar, Sandra will share with you…
- Why you won’t get where you want to go without asking for help—and how receiving it is the greatest gift you can give to someone else
- How being yourself is your best marketing tool and how to trust that someone, somewhere needs exactly what you are offering
- The secret to networking (hint: It’s about helping other people, first)
When you register by Midnight Pacific Time on Friday, March 31st, you’ll receive this Special EARLY RSVP Bonus Package Valued at $997 for NO COST!
PLUS, When You Register by Midnight Pacific Time on Thursday, May 4th, You’ll Also Receive Our Exclusive Early Registration Bonus Gifts Featuring Many Of The World’s Most Loved & Respected Teachers Sharing Their Best Money Mastery Secrets
(Total Value: $1,200)
The “Purpose, Power And Prosperity” Masterclass Series
With Guest Faculty: Deepak Chopra, Ali Brown, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Jean Houston, Neale Donald Walsch, Claire Zammit, Debbie Ford, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood.
This extraordinary Masterclass Series brings together powerful audio seminars from some of the wisest, most brilliant teachers in the world. In each of the 8 seminars, these renowned luminaries will share unique, leading-edge insights and practical approaches to make your life more successful, fulfilling and prosperous.
Never before have we offered this amazing lineup of seminars together, and each of them has been chosen specifically to offer you invaluable additional support in the True Prosperity Training.
Session 1: Audio Seminar With Mind-Body Medicine Pioneer Deepak Chopra
Unlocking Your “SynchroDestiny”: Using Spirit And Science To Awaken Your Potential And Create The Life You’re Meant To Live
There are ways to access your hidden potential, recognize the possibilities that are always unfolding around you, and learn the art of high creativity for your life and your community.
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- Shift your consciousness out of limitation and into the larger experience of harmony and SynchroDestiny.
- Balance yourself by following the four simple, ancient steps to an enlightened life.
- Access the core dynamics at the heart of our cosmos and tune in to the transformational power that pulses throughout the Universe
Deepak Chopra is the bestselling author of over 65 books and hundreds of audio, video, and CD-ROM titles, which have been translated into forty languages and have sold over 40 million copies worldwide.
Session 2: Audio Seminar With Spiritual Teacher Marianne Williamson
The Law Of Divine Compensation: The Feminine Path To Financial Abundance
Once you align your thoughts with the spiritual abundance already within you, material abundance will come naturally.
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- How to become aware of the ways your thoughts attract or deflect opportunities so you can sidestep them and keep them from holding you back.
- Ways to focus your attention on things that help to generate financial abundance every single day.
- How to recover from even the most dire financial situations and mistakes by using a universal GPS that automatically reroutes you toward prosperity.
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and passionate agent of global change. A #1 New York Times bestselling author, her books include Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, and A Return to Love.
Session 3: Audio Seminar With Entrepreneurial Guru Ali Brown
Unlocking Feminine Wealth: How To Make A Living Doing What You Love
Transforming your life’s purpose into a career or a business is an essential step for an awakened woman.
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- A 3-pronged approach to building a fail-proof foundation for your dream (and one that generates a generous flow of income).
- The biggest mistake most women make when starting a purpose-based business that sadly causes them to eventually give up on their dream.
- The secret to tapping into the energy of money so you can attract and keep more wealth in your life.
Ali Brown is the founder and CEO of Ali International LLC, where she has nurtured the success of tens of thousands of women, guiding them as they build businesses and careers that support them financially, spiritually, and intellectually.
Session 4: Audio Seminar With Feminine Power Founder Claire Zammit
Breaking Through Your Hidden Barriers To Wealth: How To Manifest The Resources You Need To Live Your Greatest Vision
To truly live your larger destiny and make your contribution to the future of our world, you will need to nurture and support yourself as you cultivate an authentic “wealth identity” that enables you to create a prosperous thriving life and career.
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- The step-by-step process of transforming your “wealth identity,” enabling you to more easily generate the resources necessary to unlock your greatness.
- How to uncover and release the core hidden beliefs that hold you back from true prosperity, so that you can manifest the money, support, and true wealth you need to live your greatest vision.
- How Claire made specific shifts in herself that led to her income expanding 10-times over and her impact 1000 times over.
Claire Zammit Ph.D.c is an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact. She is the founder of the Feminine Power Global Community, which offers online trainings, advanced courses and coaching certifications that serve hundreds of thousands of women from more than 100 countries across Asia, Europe, South America and the US.
Session 5: Audio Seminar With Spiritual Teacher Dr. Jean Houston
Soul Abundance: Making A Living Doing What You’re Meant To Do
If your job doesn’t make you feel good about what you’re doing, and doesn’t feel like it’s in alignment with your goals and values, then you are probably in the wrong job!
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- How to use your soul to find the kind of career path that will truly be fulfilling for you.
- How to connect your soul’s purpose with an existing career or the means to create one of your own.
- How to be in a place of abundance inside yourself that will draw these new and inspiring career possibilities to you.
Dr. Jean Houston is one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement, and the bestselling author of 27 books. Her powerful online courses Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose and Unlock Your Quantum Powers are life-changing.
Session 6: Audio Seminar With Spiritual Teacher Neale Donald Walsch
Making Life Work In Tough Financial Times: Fully Understanding Abundance, Prosperity And Money
When you’re disconnected from your Divine nature it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the scarcity mindset we all live in.
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- The inner-obstacles that are blocking you from experiencing prosperity.
- How to release those obstacles so you can manifest more money and abundance into your life.
- How to easily connect with your Divine nature whenever you’re feeling financial overwhelm or despair.
Neale Donald Walsch is the author of the bestselling Conversations with God series of books. His online courses, Conversations with God and Living From Your Soul have changed the lives of many thousands of people around the world.
Session 7: Audio Seminar With Bestselling Author Debbie Ford
Igniting Self-Confidence: Discovering The Courage To Live Your Greatest Life
No longer a slave to approval, fear, and other external influences, you can embody your own strength and discover that you have the energy to rewrite your future.
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- Uncover the seven guiding principles of courage, the secrets to becoming your strongest, most confident and loving self.
- Open up to the full breadth of your courage, tapping into the part of yourself that can accomplish anything.
- Discover how to accept and transform your fears, flaws, and weaknesses into powerful assets.
Debbie Ford founded The Ford Institute for Transformational Training, dedicating her life and career to helping people release the emotional baggage that holds them hostage. Her bestselling books include The Dark Side of the Light Chasers and The Shadow Effect.
Session 8: Audio Seminar With Bestselling Authors Janet Bray Attwood And Chris Attwood
The Power Of Passion: How To Connect With Your Soul Through What You Love To Do
It’s possible to find ways to more deeply connect with your soul through doing things you already love to do.
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- Where your present life falls on the “passion” spectrum.
- The top five passions in your life (yes, you have five, and you probably don’t even realize it!).
- How to overcome obstacles that have held you back from living a more passionate life in the past.
Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood are the bestselling authors of The Passion Test.
Just Added!
Exclusive True Prosperity Course Bonuses
Bonus #1:
Tapping Exercises To Release Financial Stress And Overwhelm And Unlock Your Personal Power”
A Powerful Seminar With Nick Ortner
(Valued At $197)
Money fears, insecurities and anxieties are the #1 cause of stress in America and create health challenges and psychological blocks to making big, positive changes in your life.
Stress around money can cripple your best efforts to earn more and get out of debt.
Regardless of the reason behind your own stress as you embark on your journey to lifelong wealth, one technique we’ve found to be incredibly fast and effective in relieving stress is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) also known as “Tapping.”
That’s why we’ve added this special bonus with New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner.
Nick is one of the world’s leading experts on using this technique to relieve financial stress and overwhelm, and has had over 60,000 paying students in his programs over the past few years.
In this session, he’s going to teach you his top techniques that contain the summation of his core teachings.
This bonus seminar will help you…
- Instantly overcome overwhelm about your current financial situation
- Release the “stress response” in your body that’s blocking your authentic success
- Learn power practices for believing in yourself
- Liberate yourself from disempowering beliefs around money and success
Add these exercises to your daily practice and you’ll gain the confidence to ask for what you want, the skill to manage your fear, and the knowledge of how to set your life up for wealth and financial security.
Nick Ortner is CEO of The Tapping Solution, LLC, a company with a mission to bring simple, effective, natural healing into the mainstream through Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or “tapping.” Tapping is a healing modality that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. He is also the author of the New York Times bestseller, The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living.
Bonus #2:
How To Start Your Journey To Wealth From Ground Zero
An Exclusive Seminar With Jack Canfield
(Valued At $197)
This workshop is your chance to be mentored by Jack, and it may be the most valuable addition yet to your True Prosperity experience!
In this exclusive audio workshop, you will discover how to…
- Clarify your vision and goals
- Identify what you can offer to the world (and what the world will pay you handsomely for)
- Manage your fears as you step into wealth
- Confront your unconscious behaviors and old patterns
- Stay focused on what strategies will earn you the most
Jack Canfield is best described as an understanding, compelling, empowering and compassionate coach who has helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve their dreams. He is a skilled trainer in the development of self-esteem and peak performance, personal growth skills, organizational development, management effectiveness, holistic education, counseling skills, and trans-personal psychology. Now with over 70 million copies sold to date, 38 titles in print in the United States and translations in over 32 languages, Chicken Soup for the Soul has made international publishing history. One or more titles in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series have been on the New York Times bestseller list consistently. And at one time or another there have been at least eight Chicken Soup for the Soul titles simultaneously in the top fifty on the USA Today bestselling books list.
Bonus #3:
“Fundraising From The Heart” Bonus Audio Workshop
A Powerful Seminar with Lynne Twist And Sara Vetter
(Valued At $197)
A special Fundraising Bonus session with renowned fundraising expert Lynne Twist and her business partner and Major Gift Officer Sara Vetter.
At some point in our lives we all have the opportunity to ask others for money. How can fundraising be joyful, exciting, compelling and effective?
Learn how you can raise money for the causes, projects, and future you believe in with joy, grace and ease.
All of us believe in and are engaged in activities that make the world a better place. This is often called the non-profit sector. By seeing this as social profit work and yourself as a social profit, you can raise money for the things you believe in with joy, integrity and the power of love.
This one hour exclusive workshop, The Principles of Fundraising From the Heart, will shift the very way you see fundraising from the necessary evil of the charitable sector to the privilege and joy of asking people for money in a way that touches their heart and opens up their life.
In this workshop, you’ll learn:
- How to shift from a mentality of scarcity and non-profit consciousness to generating a social profit and abundance for your cause.
- How to generate the compelling irresistible conversation for your work.
- How to set up and deliver an effective ask
- How to honor, serve and maintain your donor base
- How to be unstoppable.
Lynne Twist and Sara Vetter have raised millions of dollars for the causes they believe in. They have learned effective ways of cultivating, asking and maintaining powerful relationships with people who are committed to a common vision and want to make a difference with their life and their money.
Lynne Twist, in her decades of fundraising, has empowered and lifted the financial resources of hundreds of organizations, impacting some of the most important issues in the world.
Please join Lynne and Sara for an inspiring hour that will also give you important keys to be an ever more effective fundraiser for your work.
Bonus #2:
Exclusive “Unlocking Wealth & Success” Workshop Series
With Bestselling Author Jack Canfield
(Valued At $297)
Session 1: How To Start Your Journey To Wealth From Ground Zero
One of the biggest questions many people have is…
“Can I create wealth and success even if I’m starting with nothing (or even if I’m in debt)?”
This means that many people are very eager to take the journey to wealth, but wonder if it can be done when they have next to nothing to begin with?
In response to this question, we’ve added an exclusive bonus workshop to the program with Lynne’s good friend, legendary Chicken Soup for the Soul co-author and America’s #1 success coach Jack Canfield…
Jack was in that very situation himself, starting with nothing, and has gone on to become one of the most successful authors of all time!
And he’s going to show you how to find the fastest way to get traction to expand your earning power and wealth in ways that are fully aligned with your strengths and skills.
Jack is the perfect person to learn this from, because he took this very same journey himself and figured out the shortest path to success.
He’s helped hundreds of thousands of people develop self-esteem and other personal growth skills, along with giving them the tools to achieve their dreams.
This workshop is your chance to be mentored by Jack, and it may be the most valuable addition yet to your True Prosperity experience!
In this exclusive audio workshop, you will discover how to…
- Clarify your vision and goals
- Identify what you can offer to the world (and what the world will pay you handsomely for)
- Manage your fears as you step into wealth
- Confront your unconscious behaviors and old patterns
- Stay focused on what strategies will earn you the most
Session 2: Unlocking Your Success: How To Integrate Spiritual Principles With Practical Tools That Produce Breakthrough Results In Your Everyday Life
Ground your spiritual principles in practical actions and more fully express who you really are so you can experience faster results and more profound success in the most important areas of your life.
In this special audio seminar, you will discover how to…
- Create a vision for what you want in your life and generate predictable results using a combination of spiritual and success practices.
- Incorporate the success patterns Jack observed when he interviewed over 100 of the most successful people in the world today.
- Use Jack’s powerful time-management practice so you can get more done with less stress.
About Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield is a skilled trainer in the development of self-esteem and peak performance, personal growth skills, organizational development, management effectiveness, holistic education, counseling skills, and trans-personal psychology.
With over 70 million copies sold to date, 38 titles in print in the United States, and translations in over 32 languages, one or more titles in his Chicken Soup for the Soul series have been on the New York Times bestseller list consistently.
Bonus #5:
“Money & The Sexes: How Money Impacts Men & Women Differently”
With Feminine Power Founder Claire Zammit And Bestselling Author Dr. John Gray
(Valued At $297)
Even the most progressive men and women are guided in some way by unique, gender-based ideas of worth, earning power, and potential. In this 2-part audio series, you’ll hear from Claire Zammit, pioneer of the Feminine Power movement, and John Gray, bestselling author of the Mars and Venusbook series, as they offer their unique insights on wealth and the sexes and how we can stop unknowingly sabotaging our incomes and relationships, and attain the level of wealth we’ve always dreamed of.
Session 1: Women, Power, & Money — With Claire Zammit, Ph.D.C
When it comes to opportunities available to women, especially in the Western world, the ground is shifting beneath us, brimming with movement and change. But many modern women still haven’t been able to embrace a new definition of femininity as the old, oppressive narrative that reigned for centuries all over the world still has a strong hold on us, whether we realize it or not. In this riveting audio seminar, Feminine Power pioneer and founder Claire Zammit will illuminate your inner barriers around building wealth by sharing her unique insights, research and experiences helping women across many generations and continents. You’ll discover the keys to owning your earning power, and learn how crucial your feminine is to finding your true path to prosperity.
Session 2: Loving Wealth: Mars & Venus In Play — With Dr. John Gray
When two people come together, each with their own complex ideas around money, it can create a tangled web of fears, frustrations and misunderstandings, making it impossible to walk hand-in-hand on the path to True Prosperity. In this audio seminar, John Gray, bestselling author of the famed Mars and Venus book series will break down the extraordinarily unique nuances between the ways men and women experience financial stress and set financial goals. You’ll discover specific exercises you can try immediately with your partner that will improve your communication and understanding, and open a channel of trust to not only wealth but joy and generosity in your relationship.

Just to summarize, the total value of all of the elements of the True Prosperity Course Plus All the Bonuses is Over $5,200
- The True Prosperity: 7 Weeks to Financial Freedom System with bestselling author of The Soul of Money Lynne Twist & Tammy White (Valued at $2,000)
- 7 Live Group Mentoring Sessions that Answer the FAQs in the Course with Lynne Twist & financial expert Tammy White (Valued at $2,000)
- 7 Downloadable True Prosperity Practice Guides PDFs (Valued at $349)
- PDF Transcripts of all 7 Course Sessions (Valued at $349)
- “Tapping Exercises To Release Financial Stress And Overwhelm And Unlock Your Personal Power” with Nick Ortner (Valued At $197)
- “How To Start Your Journey To Wealth From Ground Zero” with Jack Canfield (Valued At $197)
- “Fundraising From The Heart Bonus Workshop” with Lynne Twist And Sara Vetter (Valued At $197)
TOTAL Value Over $5,200
Regular Price $997
Today you can start your 7-week journey to True Prosperity for just a fraction of the price.
Register Now for just:
$397 or 3 payments of $147
With our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee you can try the course out for 14 days risk free. If you are not satisfied with the program for any reason, we will gladly refund your tuition.
Enroll Now with our Special “Awaken in 2017” Holiday Offer
Until December 28th you can purchase the entire digital audiocourse for 50% off!
Join us for the profound journey of a lifetime to master how to tap into and harness energy to create your best life and step forward into your unique leadership.
The New 7-Week Course Starts Monday, April 3rd
With our Satisfaction Guarantee you can try the course out for 14 days risk free. If you are not satisfied with the program for any reason, we will gladly refund your tuition.
Registration is now closed; however we will continue to accept registrations for a brief time while our team processes all the registrations we’ve received via phone and email in the last few days. Please go ahead and register right away as this page may close at any time.
Register For The Course In One Of These Two Ways:
If you have any questions about this program, please email us at TrueProsperity@EvolvingWisdom.com and we’ll be glad to assist you.