In “A Mind Like Water,” I discuss one of the most liberating practices we can undertake: the practice of allowing our mind to flow freely without giving it any attention.

When we take up a meditation practice, most of us struggle with the seemingly endless stream of thoughts running through our mind.

It can at times feel almost impossible to know how to break free from this thought stream that seems intent on dominating our meditation–and our life.

As a result, we tend to see the mind as a wily and unruly animal that we have to tame.

But there’s a different way to understand our mind and thoughts. One where our endless thought stream no longer captivates and dominates our attention.

As we awaken, we start to realize that thoughts are not reality–they’re just a set of constructs in our mind.

And as thoughts lose their grip on our attention, we learn what it means to let the mind flow like water and let the thought stream do what it does.

Maybe you’ve already tasted what it feels like to have a free, fluid, and flowing mind. In this episode, I’m going to demystify that experience for you and help you cultivate a mind like water as the basis for a completely new—and awakened—relationship to life.

I’ve also included a 12-minute guided meditation to help you experience this for yourself. Make sure to tune in when you can find a quiet space and won’t be interrupted.

You can find this episode wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. (Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, etc.) or on the podcast web page where you’ll also find transcripts for each episode.

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