The Accelerator
Group Coaching Method™

Create Stunning Client Results & Extraordinary
Income in Your Coaching Business

Unlock Explosive Coaching Business Growth as You Design, Launch and Lead a High-Value Group Coaching Program that Gets Extraordinary Results for Your Clients and Creates Stable, Stress-Free Income for You…

…Even if you don’t have an email list, don’t like marketing or sales, or if you’ve struggled to grow your income as a coach up until now!

Limited Offer

***Streaming BONUS***

Register During this Live Streaming Event to Gain
Access to my Woman-Centered Enrollment Kit:
The 5 Keys to Ignite Women's Courage to Invest in
Themselves and Confidently Say Yes to
What You're Offering

(Value $1,000)

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Registration is now officially closed.

Our team is continuing to process registrations that
have come in via email for the next day or so.

There may be an opportunity to still register for the
training while this page is up.

Speak with a Feminine Power Advisor right away here to
find out more. Our team can also explore opportunities
to join our Woman-Centered Coaching, Facilitation and
Leadership programs.

Schedule An Appointment

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WAIT LIST for future trainings here:

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Calling all coaches and/or healing and helping professionals,
psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, and health practitioners
who currently deliver client services one-on-one…

This is a never-before-offered opportunity to work directly with me and my team to get trained in my acclaimed Accelerator™ Transformational Group Coaching Method and leverage your existing skills to design and launch your own high-value group programs….

You’ll receive all the training and templates you need to go from concept… to ready-to-launch… to OUTSTANDING RESULTS

(even if you’ve struggled up until now to launch your coaching career and/or you don’t have an email list or any prior online marketing or enrollment experience!)

This 3-DAY IMMERSION TRAINING is now taking place
Friday, March 11th – Sunday, March 13th*

Note: Can’t make it this weekend? You don’t need to attend the live immersion to gain the full value of this training.

The extensive training materials and manuals, as well as templates and marketing and enrollment systems you’ll have access to, will provide everything you need to create and launch your high-value group coaching program.

This limited-time VIP invitation to gain access to my proven Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ System, ready to implement in your Coaching Business for a lucrative revenue stream and outstanding client results.

+ I’ll coach you through each step to rapidly create and plan your first group coaching program during our

is taking place Tuesday, August 20th – Thursday, August 22nd

In addition to the LIVE training, you’ll also have access to extensive training materials and manuals, as well as templates and marketing and enrollment systems that will give you everything you need to create and launch your high-ticket, high-value group coaching program!

You’ll receive everything you need to go from concept… to ready-to-launch… to EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS with your own Group Coaching Program!

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ATTENTION: Calling all coaches and practitioners who currently work with clients 1:1

Are you stuck trading hours for dollars?

Do you struggle with underearning, burnout and time scarcity in your practice?

And in spite of all that, do you still sense you’re here to reach more clients and have a bigger impact?

Would you love to be freed from hustling like a college student cramming for finals just to pay your bills, and instead be able to follow your highest calling as a coach?

Here’s a big secret they didn’t teach me in my coaching training:

It’s tremendously challenging to grow a sustainable, stress-free coaching business if you don’t have a high-ticket group offer that delivers extraordinary results for your clients.

The good news is there’s a simple solution:

Offer a High-Value Group Coaching Program

Take The Next Step

Register Now

If you’re reading this page,I know you’re already a talented, caring coach or practitioner who does great work with your clients 1:1.

I know you have so much to offer others, and that your unique presence and genius gifts are needed now more than ever.

I also know that like most coaches, you’re probably struggling to generate a stable, consistent, prosperous income as a coach, and create the deep, life-changing results you know you’re capable of catalyzing…

You want to grow your reach and visibility in the world, and even become known as a go-to-expert in your field.

AND at the same time, chances are you’re feeling frustrated or even demoralized, unable to see a clear path to the stable, sustainable income or other financial resources you’d need to be able to quit your day job and continue to prosper and thrive.

Even if you have a full practice, chances are you’re feeling burnt out delivering sessions 1:1 with no time left over to develop your thought leadership in the world.

Chances are, like most gifted coaches, you’re probably making one or more of these mistakes:

  • Offering one-on-one coaching alone…
  • Charging by the hour, with no commitment…
  • Not charging enough for your services…
  • Not creating a supportive community for your clients, especially women…
  • Scaling to workshops and online courses prematurely…

If that’s you, I truly empathize, because I made all of these same mistakes and almost gave up on my dream of becoming a full-time coach and thought leader for my career!

If you know me at all, you probably already know that everything changed for me in 2005 when I shifted my approach to coaching to become “Woman-Centered.”

But what you might not know is this: I ALSO shifted from exclusively working 1:1 to launching my first Group Coaching Program.

Unlike workshops and online courses that require a lot of content development and complicated marketing funnels — not to mention the need to get a high volume of clients in order to be profitable — group coaching is super simple, lucrative, and easy to launch, even to a small group.

By launching that Group Coaching program, I was able to leverage my existing coaching skills to create a high-value, high-ticket offer that I marketed organically through my network, allowing me to very quickly create a secure, stress-free income in my practice for an entire year.

By creating the right offer for my Group Coaching program, I almost overnight went from barely having the confidence to charge $100 for a client session, to launching my first 50K program, then having my first 150K year, and then 300K the year after that!

Together, these shifts enabled me to rapidly build my skills and my confidence, and to unlock the extraordinary results with women that enabled me to scale my reach and impact to multiple 7 figures in my business.

I also discovered some remarkable things in the process:

The structure of a Group Coaching program enabled my clients to get even bigger results than individual coaching because they had the support of other women who were invested in their success!

And because I didn’t have to worry about how to pay my bills anymore, I could be “all in” with my attention, focused on serving my clients at the deepest level.

A high-ticket group coaching offer also attracts highly invested, motivated, action-taking clients — clients I had no idea were right there in my network just waiting for my offer.

Having this wonderful first group enabled me to road-test my ideas and get the feedback I needed to be able to develop the groundbreaking distinctions for what became my acclaimed Feminine Power teachings that would reach millions of women in the years ahead.

From there, it was a fairly straightforward path to growth and scaling in my practice.

I’ve now gone on to generate close to 100 million dollars in revenue since that breakthrough year…

And this is why I believe that offering a Group Coaching Program is the best, easiest, and fastest way to get breakthrough results for your clients and for you to step into your greatest work and life!

I believe that coaching is the greatest force in the world today for positive change and for the empowerment of women, and group coaching exponentially accelerates results every level — both for your female clients and for your own income.

And there’s one thing I want you to make sure you know:

YOU not only deserve to be well paid while you’re doing your own Great Work, you NEED to be prosperous enough to have the time to truly be “all in” as you develop mastery in your work and become the champion and the role model your clients most need.

That’s why I created my Accelerator™ Group Coaching Method training.

This training isn’t just about concepts or principles; it’s also about the time we’ll spend together where I’ll use my own proven format to coach you to create your own coaching offer, develop the additional skills you need to deliver extraordinary results, and create every step of your marketing, outreach and enrollment plan to fill your program in the next 90 days.

I’m even going to give you all the training manuals, templates and structure that I give to my own in-house coaches who lead my clients in my multi-7-figure Accelerator Group Coaching training programs.

We’re going to build upon and leverage your existing skills and network to elevate both your results for your clients and your income by including Group Coaching Programs in your suite of offerings.

By following these steps and the proven structure I’ve developed, you’ll gain the confidence you’ll need to deliver life-changing results you can charge a premium for — and you’ll see firsthand that it’s not your experience as a coach or your depth of expertise but the magic of the structure and format of group coaching that unlocks all of this!

And you’ll be thrilled by your newfound ability to harness the power and intention of the entire group as you elevate them into the kind of accountability and inspiration that will empower them to show up for and champion each other in addition to your own personal stand for each member.

This will allow you to focus your energy on changing the lives of others, as you get so much of your time back, can create the financial resources you need, and are able to step fully into the “Great Work” you came here to share with the world.

I’m not sure if or when I’ll be offering this training live again in the future, so I hope you’ll decide to join me now in this incredibly rare opportunity to change the game for yourself… and for your clients!

Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
Founder, Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching

You Might Be Wondering…
What is Group Coaching?

Group coaching is an opportunity for highly committed action-taking individuals to join forces with like-minded peers to mutually support each other toward a common goal with the support of their coach.

It builds upon the skills and structure of individual coaching or a healing modality — and with additional training in group coaching skills and group coaching formats, you’ll be able to coach the entire group by having 1:1 coaching conversations with individuals in front of the group.

What are the Benefits of Group Coaching Compared to 1:1 Coaching or Workshops/Online Courses?

  • The group coaching structure enables elevated results, which in turn attracts highly committed action-takers – the 20% of clients who end up creating 80% of the revenue in your business.
  • Average 4-10x increase of your hourly rate!
    Instead of working with just 1 client, you are working with small groups (4-12), or even larger groups (12+) of clients together.
  • Results-oriented and longer term, so you can charge more!
  • In-person or online sessions are structured and follow the same process as individual coaching, with a few adaptations.
  • The kinds of clients who are drawn to these high-value offers are the dream clients you most love working with.
  • The group structure facilitates a much higher level of investment accountability, energy, fun, resource sharing, and inspiration, which leads to clients taking bigger, bolder actions to generate their own results… which means a lot less work, and more ease and joy for you as the coach!
  • Unlike workshops or online courses, you don’t need to invest a lot of time developing content to create massive value in your group coaching program.

How Does it Work? What Kinds of Topics Can I Focus On in a Group Coaching Program?

You’re able to set the focus for the group by choosing a topic you are passionate about becoming an expert in, such as financial freedom, health transformations like self-care or weight loss, attracting love, women’s leadership, or building a six- or seven-figure business, to name just a few.

You then coach members the same way you do individuals, with a few variations.

Each member is able to set their personal intention for the topic, as well as an intention to support the success of the other members.

Why Group Coaching is especially key to getting results for women (70% of the audience)

  • The structure of group coaching calls forth exponential power in your clients.
  • Your clients are invested in the success of other members, and they mirror and amplify each other.
  • Outer barriers for women exist inside of their inner barriers, and they are able to accelerate their own breakthroughs by watching others sharing and being coached.
  • It creates a safe space for them to grow and to risk showing up in new ways.
  • Exclusive: gives clients access to you and a high-level peer group.
  • Small or Scaled: 4-400 people in a program.
  • Simple and stress-free for you as a coach as you build upon existing skills with no need to develop your own original content.

Women especially are greatly expanded by the opportunity to learn from and show up for each other, and to support each other through mirroring, amplification, radial generosity, and resource sharing.

In summary, the reason Group Coaching is the best method for getting deeper, faster results for your clients and growing your coaching income is because it will…

  • Strengthen your clients’ commitment, accountability, and confidence
  • Activate, energize, and expand your clients’ sense of possibility, as well as their sense of success through each others’ sharing
  • Amplifying your value and results in individual sessions and one-on-one environments
  • Creating a stable income in your coaching business
  • Scaling your practice and enabling your business to become entirely self-supporting – while minimizing the work it takes to make that happen
  • And so much more!


How Justine Got Half Her Time Back and Increased Her Income in Her Practice by Offering a Group Coaching Program…

Her first program replaced half of her 1:1 client income in a fraction of the time and opened up her path to recognition and thought leadership as an author.

My client Justine is an energetic healer who used to only work one-on-one until she told me she was so tired and burned out from overworking that she didn’t have any time to get her bigger ideas about healing off the ground.

She asked me how she could grow and scale her reach so she could impact more people, and make more money in less time.

She said she had been seriously considering offering an online course or workshops, and I said, “No! Don’t do that… If you want an offer that can easily 10X your impact and income… get your first Group Coaching program up and running, and it will totally change the game for you.”

I explained how putting 3 months of time and energy into marketing herself and trying to sell a large number of participants into courses or workshops with no prospect of creating any significant income was an erroneous next step.

I explained how much simpler and easier it was to launch a high-ticket group coaching program — and how it could give her 10 times the profit and results in the next 90 days, and she said “YES! Teach me how, Claire!”

So I sat her down and walked her through all the same methods, structures and templates I want to walk you through, and then she created and launched her very first group coaching program that replaced half of her full-time 1:1 income.

She sent one email out to her small list of existing clients, and also invited others from her closest, easiest-to-reach network, and in just ONE week following my training, she confidently launched and led her first group coaching program, enrolling 10 clients at $5,000 each, and it brought in $50,000!

Now she had both the experience as a practitioner and all the tools, templates, methods and manuals I gave her… which is everything any coach/practitioner needs to repeat this success and exponential income over and over… and today she still follows my blueprint to ensure each group coaching program she offers is a huge success.

Her husband almost fell off his chair when she shared the exciting news about how quickly her program filled up – and he couldn’t believe how quickly and easily taking this giant leap got her to where she wanted to go.

And the best part? This training makes learning to be an extraordinary group coach as easy as it gets. It makes your work to offer world-class group coaching programs a literal no-brainer.

Justine simply took all the knowledge and experience she already had, and combined it with the specialty group coaching skills and methods I taught her, to instantly step into a higher-level of coaching where she became a trusted, recognized expert who can guarantee extraordinary results.

The results? More clients wanted to take anything and everything she offered, even though her fees continued to increase because her programs were so needed and so valuable… which is exactly what you’ll learn to create and deliver in this training, too!

Once Justine had more time and money, she was able to cut back to working half of the time.

She now has more energy, as well as the insight to develop her greatest work, with more reach, impact, and income, allowing her to contribute even more to the world.

Out of this group coaching program experience, she’s now writing a book and is scaling even past group coaching to yet another coaching level – holding workshops and retreats.

And all she did was make the choice to work smarter and bigger, not harder and longer.

She has everything she needs to become the world-class coach she always knew she could be… especially since she chose to specialize in women-centered coaching clients, who make up 70% of today’s coaching market.

Are you ready to join Justine and step into your own purposeful, prosperous Great Work?


The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ Training Immersion

Informed by Woman-Centered Coaching principles, this Group Coaching Training was developed over decades in my own research and 7-figure group programs.

You’ll get the proven formula, along with all the templates and tools to design, launch and lead high-value group coaching programs that deliver deeper, faster results for female clients.


  • Creating one program that creates a year’s worth of stable income…
  • Creating the opportunity for clients to invest at the level they need to get life-changing results…
  • Developing your ideas and methods to become a real expert in your field, and then scale into books, online courses, workshops, and more…
  • Stepping into your greatest work…

That’s exactly what you’ll get when you join the Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ Training.

You’ll gain access to all the benefits of Group Coaching to skyrocket your business growth, and in addition, the method you’ll be trained in was designed especially to empower women through the creation of a deeply safe space inside a culture of amplification and championing that rapidly accelerates growth, enabling participants to…

  • Harness the creative and energetic power of the group field to activate energize, and expand possibility
  • Identify hidden power blocks and inner barriers
  • Break through old patterns by practicing new ways of showing up with others
  • Accelerate the cultivation of a growth mindset and the skills of self-leadership
  • Develop new stories of power and possibility
  • Build confidence through holding space for others, mirroring, and feedback

This Training Is For You If…

You are already trained to deliver results one-on one as a coach or healing and helping professional

You want to realize your dream of being a working coach by creating a stable income

You want to scale your reach out of one-on-one work and multiply your hourly income in a leveraged model

You want to develop your thought leadership and have a highly invested group where you can road-test your methodology

You’re excited to create an even deeper level of results using the Accelerator™ Group Coaching Method

You’re willing to step outside your comfort zone, take bold action and do the real work that’s needed to succeed at the highest level

What’s Included in
The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™

There is absolutely nothing I’ve held back!

I’ve created this offer to give you a complete system that you can immediately implement into your coaching or healing business that leverages your existing skills and network to add a lucrative revenue stream.

It is the distillation of my very best work into systems and templates — with exactly what to do and say in each session. You’ll be able to stand on my shoulders and leverage my own very best ideas on group coaching, all of my doctoral research on creating group magic, plus everything I’ve learned from 20,000 hours of experience coaching over 70,000 women, of doing outreach, applications and enrollment, delivery of content, and the $500,000 I personally invested in my own training – all of which was necessary for me to produce guaranteed results.

In fact, it took 12 years alone to develop and perfect this Accelerator Group Coaching Method™

It’s my mission to help you mentor and train world-class coaches who can unleash women’s power and potential – so I want to give ALL of it to you!

Plus, I’m going to guide you every step of the way and give you even more in incredibly valuable bonuses that I’m so excited to include… to make this the most high-value group coaching training opportunity I’ve ever offered, and for a fraction of what it’s worth.

What matters most is that our time and effort as
change-makers changes lives and impacts the world!

You’ll get the EXACT process, templates, outlines, strategies and skills to fast-track you right into your first group coaching program, including…

  • The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ templates, including registration emails, client manual, sample shared commitments, and session outlines for the first, ongoing, and final sessions with your group
  • High-value group program offer-creation templates and examples of topics that especially appeal to women
  • Clarity and confidence about the bold promise of your Group Coaching program
  • Surveys to engage and activate your network
  • Email and application copy
  • Enrollment systems
  • Woman-Centered, Transformational Group Coaching Skills training and manual
  • 90-Day Launch PLAN to Fill Your First (Or Next) Group Coaching Program

PLUS, as a special bonus, you’ll get to be with me LIVE where I’ll coach you through each and every step of this system during a 3-DAY LIVE Virtual Immersion.

Here’s an overview of what we’ll cover each day:

On Day 1: Create HIGH-VALUE Client Results with The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™:

  • Rapid training and demonstrations in the additional Woman-Centered group coaching skills you need to lead successful programs
  • The proprietary templates that provide the frameworks and structure for each session from my own 7-figure group coaching programs, enabling you to deliver incredible, life-changing group programs that exceed expectations
  • How to set up the group at the start so that participants show up and generate their own rapid transformation and success
  • How to navigate conflicts, breakdowns, and challenges with ease
  • How to ensure participants walk away thoroughly fulfilled and excited to recommend your program to others

On Day 2: Create Your High-Value Group Coaching Offer

  • The step-by-step process to create your own high-value group coaching offer that you can charge a premium for (and the 180-degree mindset shift you need to make from hourly client work)
  • How to choose your topic, title and positioning for your program to specifically draw in the exact clients willing to invest in it
  • How to leverage your existing skills and network, as well as other people’s networks to create something that will be easy to launch
  • How your Group Coaching offer fits into Your Coaching Business Growth Plan and Pathway to 6 Figures, Multi-Six, or even Seven Figures
  • Case studies and best-practice examples from some of the most successful group coaching programs so that you can quickly model your own work after proven, effective strategies
  • Fun exercises that will enable you to quickly create your first high-value group offer you can launch right away!

On Day 3: Create Your 90-DAY PLAN to Fill Your First (or Next) Group Coaching Program!

  • How to set your price point to reflect the value your group program will provide
  • How to build an audience and do outreach to build interest and attract clients willing to invest at a high level
  • The application enrollment system and why it’s the most effective way to enroll clients into a group coaching offer
  • Exactly what to say to get a firm commitment from the clients you’re most excited to work with
  • Learn how to screen out the wrong people to maximize your program success
  • What to do after someone enrolls to create engagement even before your program begins so that you can set the stage for rapid, lasting success inside your group

You’ll leave this 3-day immersive training with a comprehensive, personalized plan and all the training and tools you’ll need to launch high-value group coaching programs.


When You Join The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ Training With This Exclusive Offer, You’ll Also Receive:

Bonus #1: LIVE Success Laser Coaching with Me
(Value $7,000)

You’ll get the opportunity to receive LIVE laser coaching and feedback from me directly to fast-track your group coaching success!

I will also be offering group coaching throughout the event on topics such as selecting your group coaching topic, offer title, and the mindset shifts you need to make to gain the confidence to elevate your rates and make a bold promise in your offer.

Bonus #2: The High-Ticket Group Coaching Email & Social Media Marketing Templates
(Value $10,000)

This is especially for you if you don’t like spending time on marketing and don’t know what to say to do outreach to your own network – especially for a premium-priced offer. You’ll get my most effective relationship-based email templates you can copy and paste, as well as a video invitation script to launch your offer in a way that’s service-oriented and that leverages your natural ability to build relationships.

Bonus #3: The Group Coaching Effortless Enrollment System
(Value $10,000)

I’ve also got you covered if you lack confidence or don’t feel comfortable enrolling clients – especially at a premium price.

You’ll get the scripts and templates, along with the steps to create an application process for your group coaching program that flips the switch in enrollment conversations so that your prospective clients will be reaching out to you to convince you why you should accept them into your program! With this enrollment system, you’ll rapidly gain the clarity and confidence you need to make filing your group coaching program easy and joyful.

BONUS #4: The “Winning Course Creation” Bootcamp Recordings
(Value $10,000)

Secrets of a $100 Million Dollar Educational Brand

Learn how to scale to multiple 6 and even 7 figures by creating high-value in-person and online courses, programs, retreats, and more that get life-changing results for your participants and stand out in the marketplace.

Once you have a high-ticket group coaching offer in place, you’re ready to scale by adding additional lower-ticket leveraged programs such as workshops and online courses.

I will guide you through the process of taking your idea and turning it into a winning course using the same method I designed and have used to create 15+ 7-figure programs.

I will guide you from concept ideation to finished product, marketing, and successful launch, and will include principles for gamification, module design, and everything you need to know to deliver a life-changing experience that gets results and exceeds expectations.

With the principles and systems in this training, you can create a limitless number of winning courses for the rest of your career!

BONUS #5: VIP level access to the EMPOWERING WOMEN LIVE! 3-DAY Virtual IMMERSION Experience in December 2024
(Value $1,997)

In just 3 days, I will guide you through the 5-Step Woman-Centered Coaching and Business Growth Models, and share the critical mindset shifts, blueprints and tools I’ve discovered that not only unlock extraordinary results for women but also generate a new level of impact, success, purpose and prosperity in your business that’s even bigger than you’ve imagined!

At Empowering Women LIVE!, I’ll take all the guesswork out of becoming a prosperous, purposeful World-Class Coach by showing you the fastest way to…

  • Build upon getting extraordinary results 1:1 and scale to leveraged models such as group coaching, workshops, and more
  • Become a MAGNETIC presence others are drawn to work with
  • Feel confident making high-value offers and at ease being paid well for your work
  • Leverage your unique gifts, genius, life and professional experience to gain visibility and authority in the marketplace
  • Embrace the mindsets and business models of a prosperous coach
  • Break free from isolation for good – and cultivate a rich network of peers and mentors

At the end of this action-packed LIVE Immersion, you’ll have the roadmap in hand to create a coaching business you love – with more than enough time, and more than enough money to thrive on whatever scale you’re called to serve, all while making the biggest impact with your Great Work.


When you select the Pay-In-Full Registration Option below, you’ll get 1:1 Support to “Map Your Path” to the Next Level of Your Coaching Business with 3 private, one-to-one sessions with an Institute Advisor personally trained by me!
(Value $1,200)

Unsure what is the next right move for your coaching career?

Laying out a crystal clear vision, identifying the barriers standing in your way and creating the growth pathway necessary to reach that vision is the process my research has proven to be the most effective way to create outcomes at a level even greater than what you’re currently able to imagine or realize.

When you pay in full today, we’ll invest in hiring a Guide trained by me to spend 3 private sessions with you to walk you step by step through this process and map your path to finally start LIVING your DREAM of having a prosperous, purposeful coaching business empowering women.

During the sessions, your Guide will support you to…

  • CONNECT to your BIG WHY and your VISION
  • Gain CLARITY about what SUCCESS would look and feel like as you complete this program and gain momentum for achieving your ultimate Vision
  • Map the most direct Growth Pathway for your success, such as the exact steps to build your coaching income enough to give you the confidence to leave your day job
  • Identify the “conditions for success” and support your need to become unstoppable in creating your dream coaching business

***Streaming Weekend Bonus***

The Woman-Centered Enrollment Kit
The 5 Keys to Ignite Women's Courage to Invest in Themselves
and Confidently Say Yes to What You're Offering
With Dr. Claire Zammit

(Value $1,000)

Over 70% of clients in the coaching industry are now women, and conversations with women need to be had in a radically different way to open up possibilities and expand the self-belief women need to make investments in themselves.

In this bonus training, you'll learn the 5 super skills that are the key to getting deeper faster results with women in your enrollment sessions.

The best part is that by incorporating these skills and frameworks, you'll also be set up to get exponential results in your coaching work, which will lead to renewals, referrals, recognition, and more.

In this exclusive bonus, you'll:

  • Turbocharge your outreach and conversions by making a 180-degree shift in the way you talk to the women in your market
  • Understand the 5 mistakes almost everyone makes when inviting women to enroll that slam the door shut on your invitation (and the 5 keys for swinging those doors wide open!)
  • Discover what's missing from your enrollment conversations with women and the simple shifts you can make right now to empower more women to invest in your offer
  • Learn the surprising "YES" you need to inspire your female clients to get to BEFORE they say yes to your offer
  • Find out how you can create a supportive and empowering enrollment experience for women that can exponentially increase your results
  • Discover how you can explode your coaching business growth by tapping into one of the most profitable and growing markets on the planet right now – women

Invest in increasing your earning power, the results
you create, and the joy of changing lives!

This 3-DAY IMMERSION TRAINING is taking place
Tuesday, August 20th – Thursday, August 22nd



The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ Total Value
Total Value: $55,000+
Regular Price: $5,000
Special Offer Price: $1,997

What will you and your coaching business be like 90 days from now?

Imagine where you could be 90 days from now…

You could still be continuing down the pathway you’re currently on… feeling that same frustration of not having the time to be “all in,” and wondering how you can expand your practice beyond one-on-one coaching or if you even have something valuable to offer…

OR you could be confidently launching and leading your first (or next) group coaching program!

Why take the risk of not progressing… when Claire is not only going to remove the risk for you in making this investment in yourself…

She’s also going to be there to hold you accountable to show up, take action, and succeed!

That’s why we’re giving you our 100% results guarantee:

100% Results Guarantee!

Complete all the training assignments within 90 days to show you’ve given it a wholehearted go, and then, if you don’t – at a minimum – make your investment in the program back, we’ll happily give you a full refund.

Select Your INVESTMENT Option Below!



    1 payment of


    12 payments of


    1 payment of


    3 payments of

Take the next step and meet with a Feminine Power
Academy Advisor TODAY to secure your space!

Speak with a Feminine Power Academy Advisor


What is The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™?

The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ is the only research-based, proven method that’s been used extensively to deliver extraordinary results in group coaching programs that are designed especially for women, who make up 70% of clients in for programs.

Dr. Claire Zammit’s proprietary methodology is informed by her woman-centered frameworks and principles; she uses the exact method you’re going to learn to create life-changing breakthroughs for participants in her own 7-figure group coaching programs.

You’ll get trained in group coaching skills that incorporate woman-centered, transformational principles. This method creates a powerful, collaborative environment where participants harness collective intelligence, empathy, and creativity to achieve their goals faster and more effectively. The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ is built on 20+ years of research and real-world application, ensuring its effectiveness and reliability.

There is nowhere else in the world today where you can learn this method! You’ll receive the complete Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ training manuals, templates, and outlines, ready for immediate implementation in your coaching business. This comprehensive resource package allows you to quickly and confidently launch your own high-value group coaching programs.

If you felt called to move forward with Woman-Centered Coaching in our other programs but couldn’t afford the time or tuition investment, this is another fantastic opportunity to deepen your skills with this approach.

And if you’re already trained as a Woman-Centered Coach or Group Facilitator, this method will fit perfectly with the foundation and approach you’ve been learning, enhancing your ability to deliver transformational results.

What will I leave the training with?

By the end of the training, you will have:

  • Designed your own high-value group coaching program tailored to deliver fast, powerful results
  • Been trained in Claire’s Accelerator Method™ and group coaching skills, which are specially designed and structured to deliver deep, transformational change in women
  • Created your winning plan to market, enroll and launch your first group coaching program, leveraging proven strategies and templates!

This immersive experience is designed to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to launch and sustain a successful group coaching program, making a significant impact on your clients’ lives and your business.

Who is this training for? Is this for me if I have never led a group before?

This training is specifically designed for people who are already trained coaches or healing and helping professionals with foundational training in working with clients one-to-one — even if you’ve just completed a certification training.

You don’t need to have worked with groups before. You’ll be trained in the additional Group Coaching skills you need and receive Claire’s Accelerator™ templates to work with your groups.

The training covers everything from setting intentions and creating a supportive group environment to facilitating transformational group sessions. This ensures that even those new to group coaching will feel confident and prepared to lead impactful sessions.

How quickly can I launch my first group coaching program?

The Accelerated Group Coaching Methodology is crafted to guide you through designing, launching, and leading your first program within 90 days. The timeline can vary based on your experience and motivation; some participants have launched their programs within a month, while others take 6-12 months. If you’re committed and motivated, it’s entirely reasonable to expect to be ready to launch within 90 days.

What if I can’t attend some or any of the sessions LIVE because of scheduling conflicts or the time of day for me in my timezone?

This training will be delivered LIVE only there will be no recordings. You will however have access to extensive handouts, manuals and templates to successfully create your group coaching program outline. This flexibility ensures you can still achieve all the training objectives and gain maximum value, regardless of your schedule or time zone.

The training materials are designed to be just as valuable if accessed later, allowing you to integrate the learning at your own pace. This means you won’t miss out on any crucial content, and you’ll still be fully equipped to create and launch your high-value group coaching program.

Will this work for me if I do small group healing and not traditional “coaching”?

Absolutely! If you are already delivering outstanding results for women in private client sessions (as a nutritionist, counselor, alternative healthcare practitioner, etc.), you’ll be STUNNED at what is possible in the group learning container. By following Claire’s process of selecting women via application, the group container can truly be even more transformational than what happens in the one-to-one context alone.

Group coaching amplifies the potential for growth and transformation by creating a space where participants can support each other, share insights, and collaborate on solutions. This method is particularly powerful for small group healing, as it leverages collective energy and empathy to facilitate deep, lasting change.

We highly recommend this 3-day training for anyone delivering results in one-to-one contexts!

Will I get to keep the handouts?

YES! Absolutely. The training is designed to be just as valuable if you go through the materials after the event, and you’ll gain life-time access to the training materials with the systems, handouts, manual and tools to design, launch and lead your high-value group training program.

That said, we know how hard it can be for many to get motivated to take action. This 3-day “get it done” immersive experience is designed specifically to create a rapid growth, deep learning context for you to dive in wholeheartedly, set aside all distractions and focus on creating the group coaching program that could become the financial staple in your entire business! We can’t think of ANY better reason for you to set aside all distractions and give this your complete and whole focused attention.

If for a critical reason you must miss sessions or have to circle back to the content later, then YES, you will have access to these materials, and we strongly encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to participate fully in the immersive experience.

Do I need marketing skills to be successful at this?

If you don’t like marketing, enrollment or the “business stuff,” Group Coaching is hands down the structure that requires the least involvement in those areas. Claire’s proprietary method will give you a clear path to (a) create an offering that high-value, committed participants are drawn to participate in, (b) leverage your network for the easiest pathway to launch your first program, and (c) follow proven enrollment templates, copy, scripts and more that will give you the easiest pathway to success.

The training includes comprehensive marketing and enrollment strategies tailored specifically for group coaching programs. These strategies have been tested and refined to ensure they are effective and easy to implement, even for those with minimal marketing experience.

What if I’m unsure what kind of group to offer?

No problem! You’ll see examples of highly successful group coaching programs from every category, including health, prosperity, leadership, business, relationships, and more, so you can quickly model your own program after proven strategies.

PLUS, you’ll get a special bonus training when you register today that will help you identify the best focus for your group coaching offer leveraging your skills, life experience and genius gifts.

This additional training will guide you through the process of identifying your unique strengths and how they can be applied to create a compelling and impactful group coaching program. You’ll leave with a clear vision and a concrete plan for your group offering.

How is this Training Different from other Institute Certifications as well as the Visionary Women’s Professional Track in the Feminine Power Course?

Our Woman-Centered Coaching training is a comprehensive training in how to get life-changing results for women one-on-one. This is the foundation from which you can scale to group coaching and workshops.

The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ training will give you Claire’s winning Woman-Centered group coaching structure to quickly leverage your skills to offer group programs, along with the specific marketing and enrollment systems that are especially effective for launching group coaching offers. This content is not covered in the individual coaching training. When you add a group coaching offer to the individual coaching structure in your business you can add exponential impact and income in a short period of time.

Our Woman-Centered Group Facilitation training is a comprehensive training focused on achieving life-changing results for women one-on-many in workshops, retreats, online courses, longer trainings, and more. While this training helps you to scale to one-on-many settings, it doesn’t cover group coaching or provide the tools and templates to deliver a high-value group coaching training. Adding The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ is the fastest way to add significant income to your business and leverage all the relationships you build through offering workshops into a higher ticket offer engagement, generating even more impact and income.

Our Visionary Women’s Professional Track, a key piece of our Feminine Power Essential Course, is designed to cover the foundational woman-centered coaching and group facilitation mindset shifts, frameworks and principles that enable you to get life-changing results in your work with women.

This program does not teach specific structures for offering coaching or group coaching, nor does it teach how to design offers or enroll clients. If you loved the Visionary Women’s track, you’ll love The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ as it will enable you to implement many principles from the Visionary Women’s track, as well as give you high-value offer creation formulas and enrollment templates to create fast results. You’ll also receive specific skills training in group coaching that will enable you to build upon your existing skills to create even more impact.

How will The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ help me stand out in a competitive coaching market?

The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ equips you with a unique, research-based approach that leverages the collective intelligence and supportive environment of group coaching to deliver exceptional results. This method, developed by Dr. Claire Zammit, incorporates woman-centered frameworks and transformational principles that have been proven to create deep, lasting change. By implementing this method, you can differentiate yourself as a coach who offers powerful, results-driven group coaching programs specifically designed to meet the needs of women, thereby attracting a committed and high-value client base.

What kind of support will I receive during and after the training?

Throughout the training, you will receive comprehensive support, including access to training manuals, templates, and outlines developed over 20+ years of research and application. You’ll also benefit from live success coaching with Claire, Q&A sessions, and a community of like-minded professionals.

Although you won’t have access to recordings after the training, you will retain all the materials provided during the sessions, allowing you to continue implementing the Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ and achieve sustained success in your coaching practice. The live, immersive experience is designed to ensure you gain maximum value and feel fully equipped to apply what you’ve learned.

How can this method enhance my existing coaching skills?

The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ builds upon your existing coaching skills by integrating advanced group coaching techniques that amplify your ability to facilitate transformational change. You’ll learn how to create a supportive group environment, harness collective intelligence, and guide participants through powerful, shared experiences. This method enhances your coaching repertoire, enabling you to deliver deeper and more impactful results, whether you’re working one-on-one or with groups. The skills you gain will not only improve your effectiveness but also expand your potential for growth and success in your coaching business.

Can this training help me increase my income potential?

Absolutely! The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ provides you with a proven framework to design, launch, and lead high-value group coaching programs. These programs can significantly increase your income potential by allowing you to serve multiple clients simultaneously, reducing your reliance on one-on-one sessions. By offering high-impact group coaching, you can attract more clients, deliver exceptional results, and create a sustainable, scalable business model that boosts your revenue and financial stability.

How does the Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ create a transformative experience for participants?

This method creates a transformative experience by leveraging the power of group dynamics, collective intelligence, and supportive peer interactions. Participants benefit from a shared purpose and intention, which fosters a sense of community and mutual support. The method includes unique techniques such as normalizing experiences, depersonalizing challenges, and creating a safe space for vulnerability and growth. These elements, combined with structured guidance and powerful coaching skills, lead to accelerated personal and professional development, making the experience deeply impactful and life-changing for participants.

What makes the Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ particularly effective for women?

The Accelerator Group Coaching™ Method is uniquely designed to address the specific needs and challenges faced by women. It incorporates woman-centered principles that empower participants to overcome limiting beliefs, step into new stories, and unlock their full potential. By creating a supportive and empathetic environment, the method helps women build confidence, develop new skills, and achieve higher levels of self-actualization. The focus on collective growth and mutual support also resonates strongly with women, enhancing their overall experience and results.

Will this training help me build long-term client relationships?

Yes, the Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ is designed to help you build strong, long-term client relationships by creating a deeply engaging and supportive coaching experience. The group setting fosters a sense of community and connection among participants, which can lead to lasting professional relationships and ongoing client loyalty. Additionally, the method’s emphasis on real, transformative results will enhance your reputation as a coach, making clients more likely to return for future programs and recommend your services to others.

How adaptable is the Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ to different coaching niches?

The Accelerator Group Coaching Method™ is highly adaptable and can be applied to various coaching niches, including health, prosperity, leadership, business, relationships, and more. The method provides a flexible framework that you can customize to suit the specific needs and goals of your target audience. Whether you’re working with corporate clients, entrepreneurs, or individuals seeking personal growth, the principles and techniques of this method can be tailored to create impactful group coaching programs that resonate with your clients and deliver outstanding results.


Dr. Claire Zammit is the Founder of Feminine Power and The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching.

There are few women alive today who have done more to empower conscious women to actualize their potential and realize their destiny than Dr. Claire Zammit. In her two decades as a transformational teacher and leader, Claire has shared her life-changing Feminine Power and Woman-Centered Coaching principles and practices with millions of women around the globe.

Her groundbreaking doctoral research on the underlying obstacles blocking intelligent, conscious, women from stepping into their greatness has been praised as a seminal contribution to the advancement of women in this century.

She is the creator of the Feminine Power programs for women and founder of the Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership. Over 70,000 women from more than 100 countries have graduated from her innovative Feminine Power courses, and her Woman-Centered Professional Certification Programs have trained thousands more to create fulfilling, impactful and successful careers as transformational coaches, trainers, authors, speakers and leaders specializing in women’s empowerment and global change-making. She is fast becoming known as the “mentor of mentors” for purpose-driven, high-potential women.

In addition to building the Feminine Power global community, Claire is also a wildly successful conscious entrepreneur. In 2010, she co-founded Evolving Wisdom, LLC, which under her leadership rapidly grew to become one of the world’s most successful online transformational learning enterprises. In 2013, Evolving Wisdom was ranked #83 on the Inc. 500 list of America’s fastest growing private companies, and since its inception, it has generated close to 100 million in revenue, and reached millions of people from more than 180 countries.

A dedicated philanthropist, Claire’s personal contributions and fundraising efforts have been hailed as a major catalyst for the growth of the Girl Power Project which is on track to bring self-esteem and leadership training to over one million low-income girls globally.

Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s Transformational Leadership Council, and was the recipient of its Achievement Award, and was also a participant in Deepak Chopra’s Evolutionary Leaders Forum. She is also the recipient of the Just Like My Child Foundation Women’s Leadership Award.

She holds a Ph.D. in Transformational Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies and lives in Lake Tahoe, California with her husband, spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton.

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