The Visionary’s Guide to Empowering Women

The Blueprint for Coaches, Workshop Leaders, Visionaries and Change Makers Who Want to Empower and Serve Women at the Highest Level

By Dr. Claire Zammit

Chapter 2: The Historic SHIFT to Self-Actualization That Changes Everything for Women and Those Serving Them

Chapter 2

There is an historic and unprecedented SHIFT happening for millions of women on the planet that has HUGE and lasting implications for change-makers who want to support women to RISE.

This movement was predicted by the work of Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

His theory explained that once people fulfil their basic physical needs and their need for safety, something shifts.

They begin to place their attention onto meeting their higher needs, initially for love and belonging, and then for self-esteem.

And once those needs are “more or less” satisfied, they move to the next level and begin to feel the urge to fulfill an even higher need.

This may be why so many movie stars, children of billionaires, and people who, from the outside, seem to “have it all,” start feeling depressed. This is the ennui of the lottery winners and of the wealthy retirees who spend their lives going on one vacation after another only to feel even more empty and unsatisfied.

The “something missing” is what Maslow called “self-actualization”, the impulse he defined as “the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.”

This is the stage that so many women in our society now find themselves in.

They struggle with their finances, not because they can’t get a job but because they’re seeking to find a way to make a thriving living under conditions that are aligned with their values.

They are struggling with relationships, not because they can’t find someone to procreate with, but because they are wanting a much greater possibility of intimacy with a true soulmate—someone who can “meet them on all levels.”

They struggle with their health and self-care, paradoxically because they care so much and feel the needs of others, even beyond their own family, that it’s hard to know how to prioritize meeting all the needs they are trying to serve.

They struggle to find their purpose, not because they have nothing to offer, but rather because they have so many gifts and options that they don’t know where or how to start.

These are NEW PROBLEMS pointing to new opportunities for women approaching this new level of self-actualization.

We don’t simply want to succeed the way men have succeeded, nor do we want to go back to traditional female roles of staying home and raising a family.

Even combining these two into some elusive “work-life balance” doesn’t cut it either.

We long to make a bigger contribution, but on our own terms.

For the first time in human history, women en masse have the freedom to connect with their deepest yearnings—for creative fulfillment, for love, for authentic self-confidence, and for making a meaningful impact.

And while of course there’s a long way to go with gender equality, and having access to the same social power (that #metoo and #timesup is beginning to address), there’s something even bigger happening right now for millions of us.

Women are aligning with THE NEW NORTH STAR OF Self-Actualization.

I call this yearning “The impulse to realize your DESTINY.”

It’s the DESTINY of an acorn to become an oak tree.

It’s the DESTINY of a rose seed to become a rose.

It’s the DESTINY of a caterpillar to become a butterfly.

We want to become authentically confident and visible, to create loving, growth-oriented relationships, and discover our purpose.

We want to feel at home, healthy and vital in our bodies, and to create prosperous careers that are truly aligned with our values.

We want to manifest our desires for fun, adventure and play, and to awaken spiritually.

We want to participate in making the world a better place—however large or small our site of inspired action might be.

In short, we want to fully become the women we were born to be!

But the problem is that, at this new level, the masculine system of power no longer works, which is why we feel powerless to create the things we’re now most yearning for.

You see, none of these higher-order things can be created exclusively with a power system that’s based on control, analysis, and logical, linear thinking.

Nor can they be executed with a step-by-step strategic plan, since we have no idea what it is that we are really seeking.

Neither can we use vision boards or many other “manifesting” techniques that are surprisingly rooted in an “outside in” masculine way of creating—which are all forms of CONTROLLING.

And even the more so-called “feminine” approaches that many women who have rejected the masculine power system have tried to embrace as an alternative, such as “surrendering to spirit,” “awaiting guidance,” or believing that “what is meant to be will happen” don’t work either. I call this approach WAITING.

I hate to say it, but expecting the universe to provide can actually be a form of ineffective passivity.

The solution I’ve discovered is a new system that it is essential to unlock to create at this new level of DESTINY.

It’s called FEMININE POWER, and it’s active, intuitive and dynamic, and completely different from each of these other modes—it’s truly about CREATING!

And it’s not just my own research that has revealed this shift to a new power system.

Research is coming out across the board validating that Feminine Power will become the operating system of the 21st Century since, as women rise to power, they quickly move through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and begin to feel the pull of self-actualization.

As women rise, they are also feeling profoundly under-served.

According to Harvard Business Review, these women represent a growth audience that is bigger than China and India combined.

And in spite of their increases in wealth and social position, there are too few companies and organizations that are responding to women’s needs for solutions, for training, for products, or for services that are designed to specifically meet their new challenges and opportunities.

These women are hungry for self-improvement and personal growth find that most traditional life-coaching approaches are goal-oriented and strategic, and don’t work when it comes to this new set of things that women are most wanting to create.

When I discovered this, I made it my mission to develop the most effective, research-based training system to support women to awaken their Feminine Power… with extraordinary results!

I’ve been honored to personally train more women to awaken their Feminine Power than anyone else in the world today (over 20,000 women in my paid programs!)…

This new approach has totally transformed my own life and the lives of so many women. I regularly receive feedback like this from women I’ve worked with who I’ve taught to unlock their Feminine Power:

“Because of Feminine Power, I lost 70 lbs, traveled solo in foreign countries, and celebrated my new body by riding elephants, zip-lining, and hiking to the Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan (12,000+ ft)!”
Carolyn, Washington

“As a result of unlocking my Feminine Power, I have created a business that I love, working with change-makers and leaders around the world to actualize their missions.”
Kim, Texas

“Feminine Power did for me what a decade of schooling, therapy and personal development could not. My depression is gone!”
Heather, California

“As a result of Feminine Power, I finished a book, got it published, and started promoting it!”
Patricia, Texas

“I have been able to buy a beautiful house that I share with my fiancé, who is an amazing man, a true feminist, and supportive of everything I do.”
Rachel, New Zealand

“I went back to the photography career I had always aspired to—and won a huge job that paid $30,000 for a week of shooting!”
Rose, California

“Since unlocking my Feminine Power, I have increased my income by more than 30 percent. I would never have taken the risk to create my new job without the tools and confidence I gained.”
Laura, Colorado

“I hardly recognize my life. I am the healthiest I’ve ever been and feel truly beautiful, inside and out. And to top it all off, I’m engaged to a passionate man who is my true match in every sense!”
Elham, Switzerland

“Thanks the shift I made to creating from my Feminine Power, I have a job in my field that pays me more than I have ever earned!”
Annabella, Pennsylvania

“I used to have some false beliefs: I’m just a nobody. And now, through the work I’ve been able to do, I have created a program that is impacting hundreds of thousands of babies and their families.”
Veronica, Massachusetts

And it’s now my desire to pass the baton on to other change-makers, and give you the tools you’ll need to be at the forefront of this movement empowering self-actualizing women.

There’s a 5-Step Process I’ve developed working with my most advanced students over the last decade that is the most direct pathway to awakening Feminine Power.

I’m going to share this process with you in my FREE upcoming seminar, Unlock Your Feminine Power.

Feminine Power is the power that women (and likely you as well!) need to:

  • Liberate themselves from self-doubt and insecurity, become authentically confident and visible, and be recognized and rewarded for their contributions
  • Overcome any chronic health challenges that may be blocking your destiny, such as depression and anxiety, fatigue, or feeling out of alignment, allowing you to move forward with limitless energy into the work you’re here to do
  • Attract a true equal—or transform your present relationship to become the intimate, loving relationship you yearn for
  • Make the shift from simply surviving to thriving financially
  • Discover your true “genius” so that you can create a business or career that will allow you to share your gifts in your “sweet spot” and fulfill your life’s purpose and calling
  • Be supported, loved and valued by all the people close to you, so you can become the best version of yourself
  • Feel like you are finally LIVING your destiny as the woman you were born to become…
  • And so much more!
Chapter 2

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