The Visionary’s Guide to Empowering Women

The Blueprint for Coaches, Workshop Leaders, Visionaries and Change Makers Who Want to Empower and Serve Women at the Highest Level

By Dr. Claire Zammit

Chapter 5: The Simple But Powerful Shifts That Will Help Your Clients Awaken Their Three Feminine Power Centers

Chapter 5

I’ll be going into much more detail about how to overcome each of these blocks in the Unlock Your Feminine Power Seminar.

However here’s a quick overview of how to get started!

The good news is that once you can support your clients to pinpoint the exact way their power blocks are showing up in the areas they’re creating in, it’s astonishing how quickly they can break free from the grip those blocks have had on them…

…and tap directly into their Feminine Power so they can step forward into the larger life they sense is possible, create more impact, and manifest what they want!

When you’re working at the level of self-actualization, fundamentally, you’re working with the kinds of skills and capabilities that address shifting change into growth and into presence, shifting lack into connection to a higher power, and shifting isolation into creation and collaboration.

The Feminine Power process works to Unlock THREE Power Centers that directly address these Power Blocks of Shame, Lake and Isolation.

Power Center One – The Power to Break Through the Inner Glass Ceiling

Shift From Shame into Presence, Growth and Power
Where there is shame, growth has been completely shut down. When the client unlocks this power center, they open up possibility for presence, growth and power, so they can move into and realize their higher potentials.

The Key to Unlocking Power Center One
Women rarely use the power we have on our own behalf. The way we listen, talk to and relate to ourselves, is rarely at the same level of care, presence, love, and empathy we extend to other people.

One of the key competencies and exercises to unlock the power center is to teach the client to feel the empathy and compassion they would feel for a child or a beloved pet to the parts of the self that have been isolated and stuck in old, shame-based meanings. This process will be addressed more fully in the seminar.

Power Center Two – The Power to Activate Your Feminine Navigation System

Shift From Lack to Receptivity, Co-Creation and Wonder
In the second power center, we support our clients to cultivate a new, dynamic and alive relationship to a higher power. Through a series of exercises, we create a sense that all of life is organizing around our success. Then, using this as our source, we learn to create and manifest with a feminine system of power.

The Key to Unlocking Power Center Two
The key shift that unlocks the power center is supporting clients to move from a place of lack that has them trying to create from the mind, to control, to strategize and figure out, and instead to move into a place of receptivity, curiosity, openness, and wonder. A place from which they can connect easily with their intuition, with a much deeper sense of knowing, and then create in partnership with a higher power.

Once unlocked, your client will feel connected to and in partnership with the deepest dimensions of their knowing. They will now be receptive and open to a life-positive universe, with a sense of trust and faith in the goodness of life. This then gives them the ability to become a powerful creator.

To unlock this power center, you need to support your client to be in a place of receptivity, listening, and curiosity. This doesn’t mean simply surrendering and trusting that the universe will take care of them. It means being responsible for themselves, having shared responsibility with life, showing up 100%, and being receptive to a higher power as an equal partner.

Power Center Three – The Power to Magnetize Support

Shift From Isolation to Connection
The key shift for the third power center relates to how our clients are connecting to others. They can unlock this power center by shifting out of isolation (by being either overly “self” focused or overly “other” focused) into connection, which is an awareness of themselves and others at the same time. Once they have unlocked the power center and begin to see others as an incredible field of resources, they can use this power to magnetize support to create the outcomes they desire at the level of self-actualization.

The Key to Unlocking Power Center Three
Most of us, in different contexts in our lives, are more aware of ourselves or more aware of others. When our clients unlock this power center, they are deeply aware and connected to themselves, as well as being deeply aware of and connected to others. They’re in a growth-oriented, generative relationship to others.

The Feminine Power trainings all involve deep connection with others, both in small intimate groups, medium-sized groups, and the large group of the feminine power community.

They develop an awareness of the field of connection and its potency as a force of support. As part of the Feminine Power trainings, they experience their ability to influence and support others. They can then use this power to manifest and generate the resources and support they need at any given time.

Chapter 5

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