The Visionary’s Guide to Empowering Women

The Blueprint for Coaches, Workshop Leaders, Visionaries and Change Makers Who Want to Empower and Serve Women at the Highest Level

By Dr. Claire Zammit

Chapter 4: A Deeper Look at the “Hidden Power Blocks” that Hold Women Back

Chapter 4

You might be wondering, why is Feminine Power something that needs to be unlocked?

Isn’t it something that is just inherent to women?

The simple answer is no.

There’s a very specific process that unlocks Feminine Power because women have three very key “power blocks” as a result of the masculine system of power we’ve been steeped in.

The majority of personal-growth work, spiritual practice, and traditional coaching, healing, or facilitation approaches do not identify or address these blocks.

These power blocks are likely preventing your clients and participants (often in very surprising ways) from accessing their Feminine Power and manifesting and creating at the level of self-actualization and destiny.

These invisible barriers are embedded in, and reinforced by, the Masculine Power System that’s operating largely outside our conscious awareness and manifesting in very specific, tangible ways in KEY life areas.

Even the most accomplished and gifted among us are held back by these hidden barriers — these old stories about our lack of value, feelings of being unsupported by a higher power, and the false belief that we need to know all the answers ourselves to be worthy of having a voice and taking up space.

And those of us who might not identify as being accomplished may feel like we’re not enough, or not valuable, as a result of having prioritized caring for our families or our spiritual and personal development over material “success.”

As a coach, healer or helping professional, it is critical that you support your clients to identify and release these blocks.

Otherwise it will be difficult, if not impossible, for your clients to manifest their potential at the level of self-actualization.

They can’t step forward into their higher purpose on top of an old story that they’re not good enough.

They can’t transform their health and become radiant, vital and alive on top of a belief that other people’s needs have a higher priority than their own.

They can’t magnetize the resources they need to unlock their genius and gifts and make a prosperous living on top of a feeling that life doesn’t support them.

And they can’t make the leaps that will have them on course for their destiny and service to the world at the highest level if they believe they need to do it all by themselves.

The First of these Hidden Power Blocks is SHAME, this is now an “inner” glass ceiling holding women back.

This is an underlying belief about WHO they are that limits their power and potential in a given area of their life, e.g. “I’m not good enough, I’m too much, I’m not valuable, I’m not seen, I’m not safe,” etc.

There are 21 of these beliefs that are commonly held by women clients.

The Second of the Power Blocks is Lack, which creates a disconnection to a higher power
This is a feeling of being disconnected from a higher power and the support of a loving universe that’s organizing around their success. This can cause the experience of deep insecurity, fear and scarcity, and a sense of it being too late, or that there’s not enough, or the need to control things to feel safe.

The Third of the Power Blocks is Isolation, which blocks the support women need to access to rise into power.
Even though your clients are caring women who give a lot to others, they likely feel alone when it comes to manifesting the deeper yearnings of their soul and igniting the higher possibilities of the woman they sense in their clearest moments they came here to become.

Chapter 4

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