Chapter 3: Stepping into a Vision for Love

Chapter 3

Now, to begin Step 3, where you’ll be stepping into a vision for love and activating a field of love around you, you’re going to want to start integrating your Power Statements into your life.

You’ll want to begin walking through the world inside this new sense of yourself, noticing all of the new ways you show up.

Notice yourself taking on the energy of an ecstatically married woman. Feel like this happily married woman as you walk down the street, as you order coffee, as you’re out with your friends.

What you’re doing here is stepping into this identity of already being in a partnership, knowing that your beloved already loves and adores you and has been looking for you his or her entire life.

And any time you start to feel shaky and unsure, read your power statements, aloud or to yourself. And then step into, become, and walk through the world in this new sense of who you are.

Doing so is going to activate a field of synchronicity, of magic, of deeper knowing, where you can begin to move into a powerful visioning process.

You may wonder how long it will take for you to feel recalibrated, to actually feel like this new person.

The time varies, of course, but for me, after about three weeks of repeating these power statements every day, of practicing, I began to really feel this new sense of who I was and how I was walking through the world.

And once you’re in this place, which I like to call your Feminine Power Center, where you are connected to your deeper truth and to infinite possibilities, your desire for a partner becomes very magnetic.

And this is where you can really have fun with your visioning practice.

Visioning Practice Exercise

I’d like to share with you the visioning practice I personally used, that brought all of this together—the last key in this process.

To optimize this visioning exercise, find a time where you can put everything else to the side and allow all of your focus and intention to be with this vision.

Once you’re ready…

  • Let your awareness and energy drop way down into your hips, down into your legs, down into your feet, and into the earth.
  • Take a nice deep breath.
  • Breathe into this Power Center, this deeper truth of who you are for your beloved. The deeper truth of who your beloved is for you. The possibility of you having this soul partnership in your life.
  • Connecting with the deepest desires within you—what it is that you most deeply desire to experience with your partner.
  • Now step into this experience right now by imagining that your beloved is standing right in front of you, face to face.
  • Remind yourself that whoever you are for your beloved, your very existence, is enough to be worthy of receiving their love.
  • Remind yourself that whoever your beloved is for you, he or she has been looking for you, waiting for you, dreaming of you, their entire life.
  • Really get excited about the possibility of your partnership, noting what it feels like when you imagine being seen and met emotionally, being met spiritually, being supported in expanding and expressing your creativity and power—whatever that looks like to you.
  • Picture yourself partnered, experiencing being part of a we. Recall the exact feeling of happily returning home after a long trip, feeling safe and perfectly at peace being home, and think about experiencing that feeling with a partner. Know that when you have this foundation, you can actualize the fullness of this possibility in every area of your life.
  • Step into having that right now. Actually close your eyes or take a physical step forward if that helps. Imagine exactly what it feels like, what it sounds like, what it tastes like, to be with your beloved.
  • Feel the touch of your beloved as they are putting their arms around your waist, holding you, honoring you.
  • Create vivid pictures in your mind of you and your beloved together. Visualize how exactly you would love to spend your time together. Are you traveling? Walking hand-in-hand by the ocean? Cooking and eating amazing meals? Picture the two of you laughing together.
  • Be aware of every breath you take, and with each breath out, notice what you need to let go of in order to be fully present for your beloved. With every breath in, tune in to where you need to expand, what you need to embrace, to fully receive the love present here.
  • Come back into the present for a moment, knowing that your beloved is, at this very moment, already connected to you.

Get as creative or specific as you’d like with visioning, because by this point in the process, you are powerfully magnetic, absolutely radiating love to your soulmate, and wherever they are, they are picking up on it.

I’d like to note that it may be tempting to skip right to this step—many of us do! And there’s nothing wrong with daydreaming about the love we want in our lives and generating images of what it would look like…

But the visions you create once you’ve arrived at this step in the process, after you’ve set an intention and replaced your core beliefs, will be much more powerful. They will actually activate love, because you are finally ready for it.

The Importance of Intuition and Receptivity in Manifesting Love

I’d like to revisit my own love story briefly so that I can illustrate for you how exactly this process works in practice—and how to hone your intuition and receptivity for better and quicker results.

I’d also like to reiterate that until I unlocked these keys and followed these steps, I had never believed there was anyone out there for me. But once I had set an intention, replaced my limiting core beliefs with power statements, and stepped into this new way of being, something unexpected happened.

I was in my office one night doing a visioning practice, really creating a picture of my beloved and basking in our love for one another.

It was absolutely amazing. I could feel the energy between us and I could feel where I needed to expand to receive this into my life. Love just felt palpable when I was able to really see my beloved and me together in my mind.

So for about three weeks, I continued to practice just sitting with this image of my beloved and me, letting the power of our love wash over me every single day…

And about three weeks later, randomly, someone sent me an article from Collective Intelligence that related to my Ph.D. research. I was reading the article, and suddenly I began to see and feel the presence of the man I had seen and felt in my visioning exercise!

Honestly, it was kind of wild.

The energy was so big, his presence so tangible, that I looked up and thought, “Who wrote this article?” It was a man named Craig Hamilton, so of course I immediately Googled him!

And the moment I saw his picture, I thought, “This is the man I have been seeing and feeling during the last 3 weeks in my visioning practice.”

His name sounded vaguely familiar, but I certainly didn’t know him and had never met him in person. And then I realized that he was going to be speaking at a conference I was attending the following month in Wurzburg, Germany!

I found that particular detail quite striking, because three months back, when I first heard about the conference, I had this strong intuition that I just had to be there; I didn’t know exactly why.

I also didn’t really have enough time or money to go, but I just knew I had to be at this conference, so I registered anyway.

Intuition plays a powerful role in the process of manifesting love, so you’ll want to pay close attention to those deep knowings you have about things.

Once I was aware he would be at the conference, too, I knew I needed to hold on to that knowing—but not too tightly… or too loosely.

That is the way to hold on to intuition, as a curiosity. Simply as an optimistic “I wonder…”

So instead of being overly attached to a particular outcome, I committed to preparing for the conference by really showing up in my life in ways that were outside of my old, limiting patterns.

From a place of my old core beliefs—including “I am not wanted”—I probably would have tried to overly control the situation instead of just going with the flow.

I would have strategized about how to meet him. I would have gone to his website, read his articles, and showed up “coincidentally” interested in all the same things. I would have molded myself into what I believed he might want, instead of simply being me.

But this time, I knew, deep down, in my intuition, that the goal was not to get him to want me. The goal was to let go of that control, to be myself, to really trust the deeper truth I had come to know…

That my very existence is more than enough. That there is no one I need to be other than who I am to create love.

So the goal was to show up in ways that were consistent with this deeper truth.

I let go. I trusted. But I was also receptive… and this is a very important distinction I want to point out.

When you’re creating with Feminine Power, you are receptive rather than passive.

Passivity is saying, “I am going to tune out and trust that some other force greater than me is going to make it happen.”

Receptivity, on the other hand, is knowing that you are a conscious creator, creating with the energy and intelligence of life.

Receptivity embraces mindsets like:

  • I am open
  • I am listening
  • I am letting go of control and trusting in the process
  • I am tuning in to my inner knowing
  • I am committed to taking INSPIRED ACTION on this knowing

Prior to attending the conference, a friend of mine asked me, “How are you going to make this connection once you’re there? You have the intuition, but how are you going to do it?”

I said, “You know what? I really don’t know. I don’t have a strategy, I don’t have a plan, and I’m totally surrendered.”

That’s what it looked like for me to break from my old pattern and relinquish control. I genuinely trusted in how things would unfold.

Again, I was receptive—which meant not being too controlling or too passive.

And Then The Magic Happened

Lo and behold, once I was in Germany, things unfolded effortlessly, as if by perfect kismet.

And it all started with something that actually happened shortly before I left for the conference. As I was walking down the street one day, who should I run into, but my old friend Reverend Michael Beckwith. He was driving by, honked to say hello, and then pulled over and got out.

He knew I was going to this conference, and as we finished chatting, he turned to me—it was really very magical—and he said, “I have a good friend who is speaking at that conference. His name is Craig Hamilton.”

Then he paused, looked at me, and said, “Claire, it’s very important. You need to go to Craig’s talk, and at the end of his talk, you need to go up to him and put your arms around him and say, ‘This is from Reverend Michael.” And then he winked at me and smiled.

I turned to the friend I was with and said, “Wow, that is way better than anything I could have come up with for making this connection!”

So I went to the conference and I attended Craig’s talk. I sat there in the front row, feeling open and receptive…

And at the end of the talk I went up to him, said hello, put my arms around him, and said, “This is from Reverend Michael.”

Of course it was a perfect way to connect for the first time, and we made plans to meet up and talk more later.

We ended up going on a walk where we felt this amazing, expansive field open up, and a sense of having known each other deeply before, feeling a mutual sense of destiny.

We walked across a beautiful bridge in the sunlight with the autumn leaves dancing around us. There was extraordinary color in the air.

It was one of the most magical moments in both of our lives, and it was incredibly powerful.

Once we were back in the United States, we spent an amazing weekend together in Yosemite, where we had the time and space to connect more deeply.

We both just had a knowing that this was it. We were sitting on these rocks below an exquisite waterfall in Yosemite, and Craig started weeping. I said, “Why are you crying?”

And he said, “Because you exist. I’m so happy. You existing fills me with so much joy, because I have been dreaming about you since I was young and I can’t believe that you actually exist. There is nothing that you need to do other than exist for me to fully love you.”

It was so life-altering for me to hear this, because it completely echoed the deeper truth that I had come to in my Power Statement, and the whole dynamic of our relationship was created around this deeper truth, outside of that old pattern of trying to be someone I wasn’t.

The beautiful relationship we have created together has catalyzed so much profound change in my life that I cannot even begin to imagine what would have happened if I had not broken through those old beliefs, if I had not stepped into a new way of being, a new type of power, if I had not anchored myself in a deeper truth and let my intuition guide me.

My entire destiny, my ability to contribute to the world, and my ability to become the fullest version of myself, have grown exponentially through this relationship.

Chapter 3

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